In my opinion, it'd be a massive payoff to consider pushing mines and shipyards along with our diplo whenever we can.
We already do that. Right now, the main limiting factor on how many
military ships we build is finding crew for them all. Our ability to construct
civilian ships has been expanding so rapidly it's hard to even describe in an intellectually honest way, because that ability level was "zero" back in 2310-11, because civilian ship numbers weren't really being tracked by the game engine back before that time era.
We need more ships, civilian and Starfleet alike. I'm 90% sure that whenever we aren't able to use a berth, we can either keep it as a repair berth... or we can possibly even allocate it for civvie shipping.
I'm not sure anyone here has ever believed otherwise... were you worried about people thinking that if we weren't constructing a ship in a berth, that the berth would somehow be destroyed or taken away from us?
It'd be nice if there was a PP option for encouraging and funding civilian shipbuilding. More freighters and the like are never a bad thing to have.
About the only form of civilian shipbuilding we can influence is the member worlds' construction. We DO have an option to push them to build more transports- that's the sort of thing you can do with the MWCO. The problem is that transports in member world hands only become available for us if we take the unpopular step of conscripting them.
I think you're making a lot of assumptions, and ultimately I don't want to build our ships in response to how we think someone else is building their ships. We should build the ships we want to build. I'd rather have a fast, flexible fleet that has only 2/3 the C+H+L sum.
Thaaaat is, um... I'm trying to be polite here.
That is very much at odds with the kind of logic people normally use to design their navies.
From the way you're talking, it sounds as though you are proposing to deliberately ignore questions like "how does this fleet composition stack up against our most probable opponents' ability to fight and threaten us?" And yet in real life that is
exactly the benchmark people use to decide how many fighting ships they need, and of what classes.
Biggest problem with that is Chen. We need to be taking while the opportunity of her bonus while we can, and that means doing 'twin builds' so that we can build Excelsior-As in three years. Your dropping one Excelsior-A means the remaining one takes four years to build instead of three.
Honestly it's difficult for us to make full use of Chen's bonus in building
Excelsiors because we have only two shipyards in the whole Federation that can build two of the things at once in parallel. Which means we are either
forced to commission them in extremely expensive pairs, in inefficient singletons, or not at all. And the decision keeps recurring every one to two years.
Hm... let's see. We have the following berths opening up:
-San Francisco A in 2315Q2 (completing
Kumari repairs)
-Vulcan B in 2315Q1 (completing an explorer)
-Vulcan A in 2315Q3 (completing
Courageous refit)
-Vulcan 1 and 2 in 2315Q3 (two
Miranda refits)
-Andor A in 2315Q1 (completing an explorer)
-Andor 1 in 2315Q2 (completing the Last ConnieBee)
-Utopia Planitia A and C in 2315Q2 (completing two explorers)
So in effect, what it comes down to is that we have four
Excelsiors finishing construction within about a six-month period around the start of 2315. We can either 'double down' by continuing to build
Excelsiors at this rate and having
four more explorers come out of those berths 3-4 years from now, or we can shift our production emphasis a bit. I'm wondering if there's a way to shuffle things around profitably, given that we ARE crew-limited and DO urgently need to make sure we don't get badly outbuilt by the Cardassian navy.