Yea, I was thinking that 5 is all ready probably getting close to the max you want to write detailed stuff for.

Yeah, I think we should probably Max out at 5 5YM, maybe one or two over. But not by much.

Or maybe we pick 5 5YM ships/crews that @OneirosTheWriter focuses on and the rest are straight numbers unless something really neat happens?
[X][BUILD] Plan Twin Excelsiors

Burning yourself out writing all this shiny goodness is something we'd be sad about, because all this writing is very shiny and good.
Fair warning, though, there might be a limit to the number of FYMs I'm willing to write for. As FYMs and Sectors build up, I might start doing the logs for just the interesting ones from each turn, and other ships just get their result posted.
No issues with that at all. You are already doing it that way with the random missions the Constellations are getting, aren't you? Write what you feel like writing.
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Fair warning, though, there might be a limit to the number of FYMs I'm willing to write for. As FYMs and Sectors build up, I might start doing the logs for just the interesting ones from each turn, and other ships just get their result posted.

I think that may be for the best. Pretty sure the mixed logs would also become incomprehensible if you get too many ships mixed around.
People apparently like to write omake anyway, maybe they'll feel inspired to pick up any perceived slack in Captain's Logs. Might actually be a strategically better choice for Oneiros to avoid writing about the Enterprise and just post the rolls and a few keywords.
[X]Create a new addition for the Panel of Captains
Nice! <.<; >.>; Considering that I've been pacing myself and writing all kinds of Het. This one's going to be super gay. And If I could get away with a Romulan I'd do it too. > : 3

Well, if you want Romulan, and may be willing to relax on the super gay, some of the novels have Saavik, from Star Trek II fame, to be a half Vulcan/Half Romulan, and it may be about time for her to hit captain...
End of Year Report Card - 2305

Starting Resources
64.5 Political Will

Spent During the Year
66 Political Will

USS Enterprise

USS Courageous

USS Sarek


Other Ships
USS Kearsage - +10pp, +25 Relations with Caldonians

Final Stockpile with Annual Income
18 + 32 = 50 Political Will
No idea where that 18 comes from. I think it should be

48.5 + 32 = 80.5 Political Will

(so 90.5 on the front page)
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Omake - Excelsior Future - OmegaS
Here's something I wrote about the Excelsior's future refit, likely around 2310. I've always hated that stupid lip and tail, being an absurdly obvious structural weakness and a complete waist of mass and volume. Even with SIF tech, you don't want to put stress on the hull if you don't have too, and that thing HAS to be a perpetual headache for the engineering department.

Starfleet SDB Internal Memorandum
Subject: Regarding the future of the Excelsior class
Stardate: 21582.3
Author: Rear Admiral Sanik

The Excelsior project, despite the failure of the Transwarp drive, has proven to result in a very successful Explorer. While not specifically designed for such, it has exceedingly good warp characteristics when equipped with a conventional drive. While can be partially due to the residual hull features from the Transwarp project, much of it comes from previously undiscovered effects of such a large hull mass. Recent developmental work by Yoyodyne have improved our understanding of these effects, opening the possibility of deviating from the current precise hull form without compromising its performance. And such an alteration has proven to be required.

The recent Biophage Crisis has shown that the Excelsior class is in need of a second major engineering refit. Analysis of the hull and system damage suffered by the USS Kumari and the USS Sarek at the Battle of Kadesh has revealed what many of us has suspected for the last half a decade, the heightened vulnerability of the aft protrusion of the engineering hull. While our SIF generators are then best in known space, not even they can fully compensate for a fundamentally weak structural element. When put under extended stress, such as protracted fleet combat, the cumulative strain built up by repeated high speed maneuvering will eventually surpass the SIF's ability to compensate. The "lip" of the engineering hull dramatically exacerbates this process, resulting in rapidly increasing frame stress, resulting in one of two situations. The first is the disabling of the ship as the Warp Nacelles slowly bending out of position, causing unpredictable feedback to the Warp Core, eventually resulting in the loss of main power. The second is a dramatic cascade failure of the SIF network, with that well known nightmare scenario needing no further description.

Clearly, a proper solution is needed. Fortunately, the hull alternations needed are substantially less time consuming than would normally be the case. The flimsy nature of the protrusion is the direct result of it's low mass to area ratio, along with the relatively small size of the corresponding structural members, what are normally the most difficult factors to work around. By removing the hull sections aft of the nacelle connection 'bulb' and redistributing the mass to directly forward of the shuttle-bay, the integrity issue is almost completely resolved. While it would be necessary to redistribute the displaced systems, their previous positions were never fully satisfactory to begin with.

Unfortunately, the development process for this major alteration will take a substantial amount of time, likely in the vicinity of 2 or so years. This pushes it well outside of the construction schedule of the two hulls currently in the works, but can possibly be completed in time for the next construction block. As an additional benefit, the reconstruction will simultaneously enable a more conventional refit of the ship's other systems. Despite the relative scale of the alterations, the process should prove to be slightly less complicated (a bit more expensive) than that of the Constitution's 2270 refit. As a rough time table, I expect to see a fleet wide refit program implemented by 2310.
[X][BUILD] Plan Twin Excelsiors

Okay! Thanks!

Oh, yeah, and should I wait for an updated options list? Or just pick now as is?

ALSO: I swear to god u guise. If I don't pick this and she winds up somewhere else I am smashing a train into the thread (Warning: This is not a real threat)
I think this is where I admit that I want to put Captain Rosalee McAdams in charge of the Enterprise and Captain Nash ka'Sharren in charge of the Courageous, mostly for the culture shock.


(This is probably a bad plan that I won't actually vote for, but it would be fun to read about.)
[X][BUILD] Plan Twin Excelsiors

I think this is where I admit that I want to put Captain Rosalee McAdams in charge of the Enterprise and Captain Nash ka'Sharren in charge of the Courageous, mostly for the culture shock.


(This is probably a bad plan that I won't actually vote for, but it would be fun to read about.)

I have a hard time believing that Nash even knows what tea /is/

I mean she probably knows. But we can't be certain.
Explorers panel has been updated. I definitely want Michel Thuir, of the humans Ajam and Mbeki have awesome stats, and McAdams actually gets something useful now. The Vulcans all have something decent.
Looking at the captains.

Captain Langa Mbeki
Human Male,
Current Assignment: USS Challorn, First Officer
A talented communicator and scientist, gain +1 Presence, re-roll non-First Contact Diplomacy.

Captain Maryam Ajam
Human Female,
Current Assignment: USS Enterprise, First Officer
An intensely inquisitive and adventurous officer, Ajam intends to ignore any attempt to keep her off away teams. Gain +1 Science, +1 Presence.

Captain Revak
Vulcan Male, 55
Current Assignment: USS Cheron, Constitution-class, Vulcan Sector
A competent if unspectacular Vulcan with ambitions and strong patrons, gain +5 Political Will per year.
NB: Toured Neutral Zone in 2302.Q1, after which his ship was sabotaged and suffered considerable damage.

These three are definitely worth considering.
Omake - Master of Faces - Katsuragi
A woman looked into a mirror, studying her face and committing it to memory. Every line, every pore, the curve of the lips, and the tilt of the nose.

Would this be the last time she wore this particular face?

Olivia had lived an exciting 40 some years. She'd grown up an orphan on a mining world of no consequence and was the sole survivor of a clash with the Klingons in her youth. This unfortunately left her without ties or even documents of her existence. She'd lived for awhile as a transient between various worlds as she got her feet back under her and eventually joined Star Fleet to take the fight back to the Klingons.

She'd had a long career since then. Average in skills, the occasional underpar or overpar performance. A solid worker, but not someone that was worth promoting particularly far. She'd had friends and connections, the occasional date and romance, but as was often the case memories tended to lapse somewhat as people drifted apart. Others got promoted, differences in transfers, it was just the natural way of a long career in the fleet.

Ultimately, Olivia's long and average career ended in a clash with the biophage.

Yes, she decided. Olivia was dead. It was a shame that it was a face that she had to discard. It was the first one that she'd worn for more than a few years at a time and she'd grown somewhat attached to it... and yet soon Olivia would be regulated to the selves that only existed in history and her mind, joining the dozens of others.

She shook her head slightly in amusement, and entirely human gesture. She'd been working on another face, another self, for the past few years. Just the occasional appearance here or there, slipping information around both new and from years and years ago as it became relevant. Degrees of separation insured that there would be no patterns to tie the new and the dead together.

Star Fleet intelligence had signaled that they were interested in her work and wanted to tap her for various HUMINT with the likely hood over overseeing and participating in such efforts in the future if she was as good as she appeared.

She smiled to herself as she applied makeup to her face. She would have to undergo some minor surgery in the future to completely remove her from her old face but people generally didn't understand how far you could go with just dress, body language, makeup, and hair. 95% of the work, to be honest. For her, surgical options were just the mark of a perfectionist.

The end of the 20th century had seen so much death and destruction, but had also sown the seeds for so much birth and the forest of the modern humanity and the Federation had grown from it's ashes. A slight few things had survived directly from that time, some more unnoticeable than others.

She smirked at the mirror, testing it. Was this the face of someone that smirked? She decided that it would be as it had been awhile since she'd played the role of a smirker. Though she'd need to take the edge back a bit. Practice the range between vicious, smug, and good natured. Yes, looked good on her new, indeterminant, 20-30something human face.

After a few minutes of practice she nodded to herself in finality towards the mirror.

Aymi Tejix would be a fun role to play, and the name was an indulgence in vanity she hadn't gotten to utilize in some time. A hub name with many branches rather than a name used directly, and exciting core surrounded by mundinity.

Let the games begin.
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I'm looking at the Explorer board like this:

Tier 1: Maryam Ajam
+1 to TWO separate Abilities (Science and Presence) for no downside (Also muh OC, so Bias A F)

Tier 2: Langa Mbeki
A ship based reroll for a fairly common event, and a +1 bonus. LEGIT

Tier 2.5: Rosalee McAdams
A reroll for a not uncommon thing, BUT has the critical advantage of having been in the Narrative eye and being a familiar face to the quest. Already familiar with Courageous.

Tier 3: T'Rinta
Plus one Bonus to fite is solid

Tier 4: Straak, Michel Thuir, Syzi ch'Zelil
Rerolls for events, solid. Thuir has the Advantage of being Challorn's captain (ie The Most Sensible Man In Starfleet)

Tier Nope: Talan th'Zahliss, Revak
These bonuses are to non ship things. We can get these elsewhere, and captain bonuses are critical to helping a ship to survive and be successful thus bringing more stuff back. We may end up in the hole if we go "Oh +5", then fail an event and not gain +10, or take a negative.

If I could vote with sentiment Vote:
Ajam ==> Miracht (Muh OC, Solid abilities added to a new ship)
Mbeki==>Sarek (Sarek was always intended to be the Diploship)
McAdams==> Courageous (Purely personal, though the Ability is no longer useless)
The main thing to stand out here is: All humans. But we seem to have been moving too far from Humans lately, and most of these choices except possibly Mbeki would be totally uncontroversial. (McAdams is simply moving up a slot. Ajam is Enterprise's former XO so there is no question about ability.)

Without Sentiment:
Ajam==> Courageous (The experienced crew plus her bonuses are solid)
Sarek==> Mbeki (Same reasons as above, the diploship)
Miracht==> T'RInta (Combat bonus would make up for less experienced crew, Vulcan Captain (Young Vulcan too, like, 28 in Vulcan years)
Solid matchups, not super controversial.
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I had to go with the two that matched the stories I wrote. So...
[x] LCdr Usha will run Utopia Planitia Design Group in six years


[x] Design Cardassia's Escorts

o: )
I would value Straak a bit higher than Tier 4. Hostile Surprise Encounters with, for example, jerkass omnipotent beings can seriously screw up a ship.

It may be harsh, but losing an away team isn't likely to be disastrous, so Syzi ch'Zelil seems quite a bit less useful than Straak.

[X][BUILD] Plan Twin Excelsiors
2 x @Briefvoice
* 1 free Diplomacy Roll with Betazed
* +0.2 Explorer Corps Techs as more Vulcans sign on
* Gain a political project to conduct a Constitution redesign to lower crew requirements
* +3 Exp for Utopia Planitia Design Group

Sorry for the delay, I went to sleep right before you posted this. I'll take:
* +0.2 Explorer Corps Techs as more Vulcans sign on
* Gain a political project to conduct a Constitution redesign to lower crew requirements

It might be a long argument to convince anyone to choose the Connie redesign, but the idea that we use Constitutions well into the 24th century highly amuses me.