The number before the name is the number of options you can pick!
5 x
* Lock Nash ka'Sharren back on the
Enterprise for next FYM
* Pick the next assignments for the
Enterprise Senior Crew (get to see full org chart)
* Free Diplomacy Roll with Amarkia
* Create a new addition for the Panel of Captains
* Naming rights for the next Excelsior
* +0.2 Explorer Corps enlisted as more crazy Andorians sign on
* +3 Exp for Kuznetsova's Research Team
2 x
* Design Cardassia's Escorts
* Design Indoria's ships
* LCdr Usha will run Utopia Planitia Design Group in six years
* Naming rights for the under-construction Constellation
2 x
* 1 free Diplomacy Roll with Betazed
* +0.2 Explorer Corps Techs as more Vulcans sign on
* Gain a political project to conduct a Constitution redesign to lower crew requirements
* +3 Exp for Utopia Planitia Design Group
1 x @phoenix89
No choices!
T'Mir gains +10% Evasion in combat/hull re-roll out of combat
1 x
No choices!
Yukikaze gains +1 Crew Rating
1 x
* 1 Guaranteed Event in the Neutral Zone next Captain's Log
* +1 progress to Romulan Analysis Techs
1 x
* Reduce Political Will cost for all new Cruiser designs by 5pp
* +3 Exp for Utopia Planitia Design Group