that's literally exactly what i said. i just didnt expand on the fact that that one thing could be Doctrine for example because its kinda obvious what with it being listed on the research teams' sheets
A clarification, not a disagreement.

The point was that you can choose different things within their specialization for those teams to do, so you do have a choice of what to research without being inefficient.
The number before the name is the number of options you can pick!

5 x @AKuz
* Lock Nash ka'Sharren back on the Enterprise for next FYM
* Pick the next assignments for the Enterprise Senior Crew (get to see full org chart)
* Free Diplomacy Roll with Amarkia
* Create a new addition for the Panel of Captains
* Naming rights for the next Excelsior
* +0.2 Explorer Corps enlisted as more crazy Andorians sign on
* +3 Exp for Kuznetsova's Research Team

2 x @anon_user
* Design Cardassia's Escorts
* Design Indoria's ships
* LCdr Usha will run Utopia Planitia Design Group in six years
* Naming rights for the under-construction Constellation

2 x @Briefvoice
* 1 free Diplomacy Roll with Betazed
* +0.2 Explorer Corps Techs as more Vulcans sign on
* Gain a political project to conduct a Constitution redesign to lower crew requirements
* +3 Exp for Utopia Planitia Design Group

1 x @phoenix89
No choices!
* USS T'Mir gains +10% Evasion in combat/hull re-roll out of combat

1 x @sebsmith
No choices!
* USS Yukikaze gains +1 Crew Rating

1 x @Tasoli
* 1 Guaranteed Event in the Neutral Zone next Captain's Log
* +1 progress to Romulan Analysis Techs

1 x @Yeangst
* Reduce Political Will cost for all new Cruiser designs by 5pp
* +3 Exp for Utopia Planitia Design Group
Actually I come for the updates, planning and discussion, I don't even read all of the omake. I don't mind them being there, but they aren't an important part of the experience for me. I do consider it a good thing that there are so many different ways one can enjoy this quest, though. And fortunately Oneiros posts often enough that the omake don't drown out the updates (yet. Don't take this as a challenge).

That's great! I appreciate you doing that. As I have said many times before, I generally just trust your judgement and nod and smile while you push numbers around.
@OneirosTheWriter , minor question, but why does the Nebula only have S4? It IS most of a Galaxy after all. All of the sensors and science bays were already in the saucer to begin with. If anything, it should be around S8.
Nah. 0 for everything but defense.

You forget: Whereas I am a secret Internet Romulan, @anon_user is a secret Internet Cardassian. So. > : V

Should I wait for you to revamp my options?

We are going to put her back there anyway so it actually seems a bit of a waste?

Hmmm... I kinda had that on a lock, but if we would be putting her back on Enterprise.... @OneirosTheWriter , we're getting full controll over her placement again right?
Okay! Thanks!

Oh, yeah, and should I wait for an updated options list? Or just pick now as is?

ALSO: I swear to god u guise. If I don't pick this and she winds up somewhere else I am smashing a train into the thread (Warning: This is not a real threat)

Just pick now as is - I'll pick your second one and the one from cast2007 later. I'm tapped out for creativity atm :V