I consider the crewing situation more serious and applicable to the upcoming Cardassian conflicts. We need every possible edge to out-compete them industrially.
If Seruk wasn't retiring I might agree with you, but we're already getting a Personnel Office Rear Admiral bonus.
Stepping back from mere bonuses, I consider Personnel to be something of a lesser position and would rather have our future Admirals coming through a Vice Admiralty in Intelligence than I would a Vice Admiralty in the purely administrative function of Personnel. Intelligence Admirals have to be making difficult decisions and term plans that Personnel Admirals simply don't.
See for why I think it's not at all similar to Bajor.
As for probable outcomes, there are many scenarios and I don't assign a greater than 50% probability to any of them.
- The Sydraxians notice we are trying to improve relations and attack immediately, without giving the Gretarians any chance to consider what they want their future status to be. (5%) Preparations wouldn't help.
- The Sydraxians notice right away, but don't respond immediately, giving the Gretarians time to think. (40%)
- The Gretarians decide to keep the status quo (25%)
- The Gretarians tend towards becoming affiliates (15%)
- The Sydraxians don't do anything, the Gretarians are affiliates (8%)
- The Sydraxians try to intervene (7%)
- They subjugate the Gretarians before any treaty is signed (3%)
- The Gretarians manage to sign the affiliation treaty (4%)
- The Sydraxians end up backing down (3%)
- War, with the Sydraxians violating the treaty (1%)
- The Sydraxians don't notice (45%)
- The Gretarians decide to keep the status quo (15%)
- The Gretarians tend towards becoming affiliates (30%)
- The Sydraxians don't do anything, the Gretarians are affiliates (20%)
- The Sydraxians try to intervene (10%)
- They subjugate the Gretarians before any treaty is signed (1%)
- The Gretarians manage to sign the affiliation treaty (9%)
- The Sydraxians end up backing down (7%)
- War, with the Sydraxians violating the treaty (1%)
Factors that were important for making the Cardassians react like they did (and that led me to predict that pushing the Bajorans would end up badly back then):
- Something unexpected (10%)
- Bajor was in a strategically important location, and would have been a good forward base for the Federation to attack Cardassian core territories from. Gretaria is strategically unimportant, if we wanted to attack the Sydraxians we could do so better from Apiata territory.
- Bajor was much closer to Cardassian territory than to Federation territory, making the Cardassians think that they were due having it in their own sphere of influence. Gretatia is actually much closer to Federation territory than Sydraxian territory.
- The Cardassians already had an effectively constant military presence in Bajoran space, the Sydraxians don't seem to have one in Gretarian space.
- The Cardassians were convinced that they were overall on the course to winning the client race with their current strategy, (or at least found it opportune to profess such a conviction), losing Bajor would have been both a loss of face and have raised severe doubts about the prospects of that strategy, so the specter of such a loss would obviously cause some panic. We don't have any reason to believe the Sydraxians see the Gretarians as anything beyond a moderately convenient source of resources, or that losing that would shake any of their convictions.
Nix I do appreciate the more detailed explanation of your thought processes. Suffice it to say, I think you are overestimating the odds of scenarios where Sydraxians don't notice or notice and do nothing. As far as we know, the Gretarians are the only species they have under their thumb in this matter. I'd say they likely pay a great deal of attention to what's up with the Gretarians, simply because they have few distractions and that the loss of the Gretarians is likely to mean a lot to them. Remember the Sydraxians are at 90% economic war footing. They are spending every resource as it comes in, and I'm sure they are paying keen attention to their supply lines, of which the Gretarians are a major part.