*pokes fingers together*
Instead... We could solve our personnel problems? Decisively? Which... would give us the resources to really push at the GBZ.
[X][FACTION] Approach the Developers: discuss a major expansion of Starfleet Academy across one or more non-Sol worlds. Use excess pp to push for a maximum effect via offering to push starbases / infrastructure / etcetera in exchange for extra support from the Developers.
[X] Request Mining Colony at Castor IV-2, 8pp, 20 (30) sr/yr, 4 turns
[X] Request Mining Colony at Kappa Tau, 8pp, 15 (20) br/yr, 4 turns
[X] Request Mining Colony at Ulen Gao VII, 8pp, 20 (25) br/yr, 4 turns
[X] Request Mining Colony at Peco Sigma, 8pp, 10 (20) sr/year, 4 turns
[X] Request Academy Development, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
[X] Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Rear Admiral position to a Vice Admiral position. Pick one: 30pp for Personnel.
[X] Request new Shipyard at Betazed, 18pp (8 turns, 2 1mt Berths)
[X] Request new Starbase I [Betazed], Request new Starbase I [CBZ] (15 + 15 pp)
[X] Request Cruiser berth at Utopia Planitia, 11pp (6 turns, gain new 2m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp Ittick-Ka
---- 176 pp, possibly higher costs depending on what happens?