It actually occurs to me that the Orion Union has been operating with a high level of protectionist economic policy.

I expect that Rigellian companies will be free to compete in the Union for the first time since the end of the Old Empire

...I actually wonder if there are companies in both Rigel and the Union that are divergent branches of the same company from before the end of the Empire that didn't even know until now. There are probably spots opening up for all sorts of Historians and Archaeologists to uncover the ownership rights for a lot of the older companies.
Probably the more important thing from our perspective is that we had an entire quarter with 0 Cost. It's been a long, long time since we've seen that. If the Syndicate ability to act has been pared back enough, we can live with three or four more years of mopping up. It's having Starfleet's entire political will income drained by the Orion campaign that has been so painful.

It is a good sign. That said, I think that it is more likely that it's the sheer shock of us winning on Celos, destroying so many assets, and shutting down Cardassian support that has earned us a breather. We got some cheap Impact from snapping up all their exposed assets while they spent their actions scrambling to find a hole and pull it in after themselves. I expect the large infusions of Impact to dry up as the Syndicate goes to ground once more and for cost to mount as they can spare some time and resources on the attack instead of frantic defense. There will likely be points, like liberating Alukk, that will likely be very painful in terms of Cost. Still, I think it likely that we will see an uptick in Impact and a decrease in Cost starting this year. I just don't think that we're anywhere near winning just yet.

If we assume that the Syndicate started with 20 Resilience (and that it wasn't higher before we learned of this number in the last intel report), and including this year's reduced Syndicate Resilience of 10, then we've accrued:

2309: 9+18-20 = 7
2310: 20+18-20 = 18
2311: 82+28-20 = 90
2312: 142+28-20 = 150
2313: 56+28-10 = 74 (so far and including next quarter's legislation plan annual assuming no changes)
Total: 339 impact that's stuck

Note that the Syndicate did have higher Resilience before we cut this deal with the Pacifists. Probably 5-10 more, so our total would be down to 322-329 or so.

[Federation gains +10 Resilience - ignore the first 10 points of Cost per year]
[Syndicate Resilience reduced]

That said, I didn't know that the anti-slavery act wasn't included in the EOY totals. That's great news. I'm much more confident that we will hit 400/800 this year.
It actually occurs to me that the Orion Union has been operating with a high level of protectionist economic policy.

I expect that Rigellian companies will be free to compete in the Union for the first time since the end of the Old Empire

...I actually wonder if there are companies in both Rigel and the Union that are divergent branches of the same company from before the end of the Empire that didn't even know until now. There are probably spots opening up for all sorts of Historians and Archaeologists to uncover the ownership rights for a lot of the older companies.

Is there a Rigellian Ernst Bolfeld out there stroking a turtle shell watching the fall of the Orion protectionism?
Is there a Rigellian Ernst Bolfeld out there stroking a turtle shell watching the fall of the Orion protectionism?

There are so many Rigellian lobbyists hanging around the Union Legislature handing our free t-shirts saying "Federation Free Trade Zone" on them it's now become a popular Orion meme. > : V
So long as Rand's insistence on the importance of critical thinking isn't purged, we should be good.

their system was an embarrassing mess that left them stuck a stagnant infighting filled blight on the sector for generations. If critical thinking hadn't already been ruthless stomped down by greed and selfish ambition we would not have had to fight this civil war. They may have been preaching rand, but they were about as faithful to that philosophy as the crusaders were to Christianity.
A trade zone that is free of the Federation, or a Federation-sponsored zone for free trade?

Federation Wide free trade.

The Federation probably has no controls on trade aside from health and safety issues. On the other hand the fact that the Federation (Earth at the very least) is post scarcity for consumer goods and media just limits exactly what sort of trading is viable.
On the other hand the fact that the Federation (Earth at the very least) is post scarcity for consumer goods and media just limits exactly what sort of trading is viable.
Hadn't it been decided (much) earlier in this thread, that the UFP was more accurately post-poverty, rather than post-scarcity? I vaguely recall the gm's post regarding elections for the Federation Council touching on how United Earth's economy functions.
Given that there's a bunch of legal and political upheaval happening anyways, I think the upcoming crisis would be a fine time to call in a favour from the Mercantile faction. A crisis like this will drive the markets down, of course... but as any investor knows, low prices mean it's time to buy. The Rigellians are relatively new to the Federation, but looking to the long term, the Orions are likely to be their closest allies on the council for a long time. Rigellian investment could go a long ways towards propping up the more tractable corporations, easing the transition into the Federation's economic structure and alleviating tensions caused by political change.
Hadn't it been decided (much) earlier in this thread, that the UFP was more accurately post-poverty, rather than post-scarcity? I vaguely recall the gm's post regarding elections for the Federation Council touching on how United Earth's economy functions.


Yeah thats... yeah. I still sometimes get TBG mixed up in my head with TNG where you just need a replicator for most things.
2313.Q1 - GBZ Requests
From: Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth, Sector Commander, Gabriel BZ
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Commander, Starfleet; Vice Admiral Heidi Eriksson, Director, Starfleet Operations Command; Vice Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse, Chief of Staff;
Subject: Gabriel Border Zone

A bit slow and steady to start operations, but we are on the far frontier. I should inform you that my intention is to sail in harm's way, and bring the Sydraxian fleet in this sector to battle.

The Amarkians are rolling back their fleet involvement in Orion Union space, and we would like to see them enter the fray of the Gabriel Border Zone. It will take them some time to regroup after their rampage through the Syndicate (and didn't I enjoy reading those reports), but some of their auxiliaries can be catered for under Commodore Revak's force, especially as his reinforcements arrive.

Amarkian Fleet Access to GBZ
[ ][AMARKIA] Green Light (Independent Fleets Allowed in)
[ ][AMARKIA] Yellow Light (Only allowed if integrated directly into RAdm Ainsworth's fleet)
[ ][AMARKIA] Red Light

[QM Note: No pp costs are attached to this one due to position and circumstances. Be aware the the difference between Green/Yellow is largely a matter of quantity. Member worlds will be less likely to provide major contributions if they cannot provide a commander for them and act independently]

Despite the lucrative prospects of the GBZ, most other member worlds are currently holding back, either waiting to see if the riches really are here, or else waiting for the combat situation to become clearer, or the Orion Union situation to calm down. But I am sure that they will eventually start to look to sign on. Of course, the further from the GBZ they are, the more unrest it will cause in the more nearby members to see other factions swooping in to claim colonies near them.

[ ][STAFF] Keep Staff
[ ][STAFF] Change Staff


Starfleet Personnel Command - Disciplinary Notices

Board of Inquiry into the Disablement of the USS Salnas
A Board of Inquiry has been formed to examine the role played by ship's master, Captain T'Leea, Chief Engineer Commander Jonas Hopper, and their senior officers, into the incident of Stardate 25056.9. This has been expedited under Justice Captain Harlon Caster. If the Board of Inquiry finds that negligence is a factor, it is likely that those involved will be indicted to stand trial by full Courts Martial.


In the upcoming quarter, ratification events will occur for the Unified Hives of Apinae, and the Indorian Congress. These will require Starfleet Representation to ceremonially escort the newly presented Councillors to Sol III and the Federation Capital of Paris.

Please assign lead ships to the Ratifications (NB: These ships will be unavailable for other actions in Q2, and must be Excelsiors - Explorer Corps ships are recommended. The ship assigned will provide x2 it's Presence value in PP)

[ ][INDOR] Ship to Assign to Indorian Ratification

[ ][APIATA] Ship to Assign to Apiata Ratification
Last edited:
[ ][STAFF] Keep Staff
[ ][STAFF] Change Staff

What staff is this referring to, exactly? Ainsworth's staff, that we voted on just recently?
[X][AMARKIA] Green Light (Independent Fleets Allowed in)

Really, this is a choice between yellow and green light. I'm going to go green; I think the Amarki will send more ships the more independence they have.

[X][STAFF] Keep Staff

We just voted for them. I see no reason to change until we see how they do.

[X][INDOR] USS Sarek

[X][APIATA] USS Enterprise

I see a greater possibility of trouble at the Apiata ratification, so I want our best ship on it. As for the Sarek, Straak is likely to be a good match for the Indorians.
Would it be possible to have an Amarki option between full independence and integration?

[X][AMARKIA] Green Light

[X][STAFF] Keep Staff
[X][INDOR] USS Sarek
[X][APIATA] USS Enterprise
^ What Briefvoice said.
[X][AMARKIA] Green Light (Independent Fleets Allowed in)

[X][STAFF] Keep Staff

[X][INDOR] USS Sarek

[X][APIATA] USS Enterprise
[X][AMARKIA] Green Light

[X][STAFF] Keep Staff
[X][INDOR] USS Sarek
[X][APIATA] USS Enterprise
Can we add like a Centaur escort or something onto our Excelsiors? Just for safety?