we are literally using a warrior races love of battle and glory to lure in and crush large amounts of their fleet.

[x][AMARKIA] Yellow Light (Only allowed if integrated directly into RAdm Ainsworth's fleet)

sure the amarkia are less idiotic, but glory hungry knights are easy to lure into traps.
Citizens! Thread Dwellers!

We have finally hit the Beginning of the End I think!
End of the beginning, I say. The entire first phase of the campaign was one long slog of crazy blowing up on high-corruption planets and too few assets concentrating on too many worlds, with the Union government forces in over their heads and struggling with assorted troubles. That was the beginning; it is now over.

Who, me?

we avoided that catastrophe because of celos
I would... not prefer to assume that yet.

So who does lead the Orion Syndicates? Like the #1 leader is??
There is no one person who runs the whole Syndicate. It's like asking who leads the Mafia. There are multiple families, whose power relationships to one another are unclear, and if one leader is toppled there's nearly always someone else who can replace them.

Remember how many times the US has killed "Al Qaeda's #2 leader?" It's like that.

Why? Sure TF2 is well suited to hunting down enemy ships but I'm quite sure it can be deployed to clear out corruption on Orion worlds just like TF1 has been doing. Odds are once we've confirmed there are no more ships to hunt we'll deploy TF2 to start clearing worlds like TF1, doubling the speed at which we mop up the Syndicate.
Task Force 2 doesn't have attached intelligence or ground troop assets like Task Force 1. Its personnel are almost all Amarki naval crews that even Commodore Nash thinks need to be reined in to avoid doing something bonkers. If they did add any ground troops they'd be the same Amarki gendarmes who are already part of the Aeroknights.

They are not nearly as well-balanced a fighting force as Task Force 1, for purposes of defeating the Syndicate on the ground. Making them into such a force would require adding a bunch of assets to them in the upcoming legislation, which is probably an option- but it would almost certainly make more sense to simply scale back the task force and/or send a significant fraction of it to the Gabriel Expanse, which is where all those ships would be anyway if it hadn't been for the Lironh bombing.

If Ainsworth's planned offensive against the Sydraxians is successful, having those Amarki ships to lock the sector down against Cardassian attempts to reinforce would be very useful. If it fails, we'll desperately need the Amarki ships just to stabilize the situation.
[X][AMARKIA] Green Light

[X][STAFF] Keep Staff
[X][INDOR] USS Sarek
[X][APIATA] USS Enterprise

That's 36 extra pp coming in from assigning those two ships. I'm salivating at the thought.
[x][AMARKIA] Yellow Light (Only allowed if integrated directly into RAdm Ainsworth's fleet)

[X][STAFF] Keep Staff
[X][INDOR] USS Sarek
[X][APIATA] USS Enterprise
...So, how long before someone seriously suggests abolishing private property rights?
Dude, the starting point is point was full cyberpunk. Megacorps had actual war fleets. A massive shift towards state control and regulation of the economy wouldn't get even close to that.
As they say, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
And historically, that hand has been wearing the cuff of an Orion business suit, and I rather doubt that this led to "dirtbait" getting access to educational opportunities.

I wouldn't be surprised if sheer raging income stratification was a big part of why the Orions plateaued in their post-imperial state. The controlling interests of the hypercorps became a de facto hereditary aristocracy that couldn't really mobilize the talents of the bulk of its own population, because it was too busy keeping that same population in a state of (legal or de facto) slavery.

I mean really, they had eight hundred years to rebuild, and as far as we can tell they still had warp drives and so on when the smoke cleared from the H'urq rampaging around the quadrant. The Klingons started out in a state of medieval primitivism before being abruptly catapulted into space; what's the Orions' excuse? Something was holding them back, and the massive reeking pile of garbage that was the dominant Orion power structure of the era probably had a lot to do with that.

Hadn't it been decided (much) earlier in this thread, that the UFP was more accurately post-poverty, rather than post-scarcity? I vaguely recall the gm's post regarding elections for the Federation Council touching on how United Earth's economy functions.
It's somewhere in between. There are probably physical limits on how much of what you can have, but that doesn't necessarily translate into limits the average citizen would notice or care about on anything but the most expensive and elaborate products (e.g. spaceships).
Something I'd like to point out. If you look at the GBZ status post:

Apiata Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
Amarki Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Yellow Light
All Member World - Fleet Unit GBZ Access - Red Light
All Member World - Auxiliary GBZ Access - Red Light

If the Apiata have a Green Light, it seems only fair to give it to the Amarkians specifically. Remember the original Council negotiation was that they would go in on the GBZ together. The Amarkians were part of the selling of the deal. I think they are owed a free hand.

Now when the other Member Worlds come calling, it can be a different story. They weren't in on the original deal; maybe they have to live with a Yellow Light or a Red Light, especially given how much longer their supply chains are.
Oh, hey, a vote! Hm...

We've kept the Amarki on a leash in Orion space. A tight leash. Despite numerous wrongs against the Amarki, stretching back for a long time. We had good reasons for that, and I supported that course of action (still do). But the least we can do is give them some freedom of action in the Gabriel Expanse.

Let's not treat them like attack dogs that have to be chained up; they deserve better than that.

[X][AMARKIA] Green Light (Independent Fleets Allowed in)
[X][STAFF] Keep Staff
[X][INDOR] USS Sarek
[X][APIATA] USS Enterprise

#2's are easy to replace actually as long as the #1 is kinda like the Lynch pin? Kinda how like Bin Laden's Group is now basically over as the it splintered and re-branded themselves.

Mafia Families: All ways a Don. Each Don of the 5 Families was the leader of one Family with the big 5 having the proxy support of smaller Mafia Families/Gangs. I think Mafias are a better representation of the O. Syndicate if the Big Dons (what was their name again?) were basically the coalition leaders of the larger apparatus of the Syndicate.
Sorry, I like my Traffic Light System and aim to stick to it :(
Ah. Okay then.

Green light is good. but can we attach some RoE to fleets operating in the area?

@OneirosTheWriter How much control will Ainsworth have with Green light? Will she be able to set ROEs? Also, I'm guessing that some Amarki ships will join the GBZ Escort force and maybe the Auxiliary force.

[X][AMARKIA] Green Light

[X][STAFF] Keep Staff
[X][INDOR] USS Sarek
[X][APIATA] USS Enterprise

*sees fivesix votes in a row with a break between Amarkia and Staff tasks, and missing the description parenthetical*

Well, release the Amarki.
[X][AMARKIA] Green Light

[X][STAFF] Keep Staff
[X][INDOR] USS Sarek
[X][APIATA] USS Enterprise
Green light is good. but can we attach some RoE to fleets operating in the area?

Check out the Current Sector Policy settings from the status post. I believe these are more or less what we would be looking for from Rules of Engagement.

Current Sector Policy Settings
Green Light = Fully Allowed, Red Light = Fully Denied, Yellow Light = Proceed on Own Recognizance


Apiata Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
Amarki Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Yellow Light
All Member World - Fleet Unit GBZ Access - Red Light
All Member World - Auxiliary GBZ Access - Red Light

Expansion - Green Light
Infrastructure Building - Yellow Light
Mining Colony Building - Yellow Light
Civilian Colony Building - Red Light

Assault on Entry Worlds - Yellow Light
Assault on Link to Entry Worlds - Red Light
Attack Opposing Auxiliary Shipping - Yellow Light

Attack Cardassian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Sydraxian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Dylaarian Claims - Red Light

Pursuit into Cardassian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Dylaarian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Sydraxite Space - Red Light

I expect that we will get an opportunity to weigh in on these in future GBZ votes, but right now the play base hasn't had an opportunity to see them play out and has not information to overrule Ainsworth.
[X][AMARKIA] Green Light (Independent Fleets Allowed in)
[X][STAFF] Keep Staff
[X][INDOR] USS Sarek
[X][APIATA] USS Enterprise
#2's are easy to replace actually as long as the #1 is kinda like the Lynch pin? Kinda how like Bin Laden's Group is now basically over as the it splintered and re-branded themselves.

Mafia Families: All ways a Don. Each Don of the 5 Families was the leader of one Family with the big 5 having the proxy support of smaller Mafia Families/Gangs. I think Mafias are a better representation of the O. Syndicate if the Big Dons (what was their name again?) were basically the coalition leaders of the larger apparatus of the Syndicate.

Eh. You lose #2s and it does hurt. The guy who replaces them is a little less good. Bits and pieces of the organizational knowledge get lost due to a lack of transition. Granted it's an incremental difference but so is losing #1s and if you lose enough #2s you eventually reach a point where you've run out of varsity players and having a centralized organization is turning out to be silly.

Which is one of our goals with the Syndicate.
Going to leave this here before I turn in for the night:
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 1238 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.6


[15][AMARKIA] Green Light
[2][AMARKIA] Yellow Light (Only allowed if integrated directly into RAdm Ainsworth's fleet)


[16][APIATA] USS Enterprise


[16][INDOR] USS Sarek


[16][STAFF] Keep Staff

Total No. of Voters: 17
[X][AMARKIA] Green Light (Independent Fleets Allowed in)

[X][STAFF] Keep Staff

[X][INDOR] USS Sarek

[X][APIATA] USS Enterprise