We should start thinking about what kind of deal we want to go for in the snakepit. I've got a few ideas but nothing that jumps out at me as being great.
- Development - Starbases - GBZ, KBZ, Indoria, Risa, Caledonia and Gaeni all don't have one. Maybe some homeworlds don't need one but we've been building one at every border zone for good reasons. We could try for building a batch of them, building them cheaper or building the GBZ one much faster to secure our claims there. The GBZ one could even be a mixed Development/Expansionist deal.
- Development/Expansionist/Hawks - Some deal for more crew like a bigger/cheaper academy expansion. Maybe a satellite campus setup? Or an academy city like some university towns?
- Expansionist/Mercantile - Increase SR income - Budget increase (like higher taxes), giving Starfleet a few more mining colonies or mining colony locations or increasing mining income for the entire Federation.
- Pacifists - Expanded humanitarian (w/e not finding a better word) aid packages like the Celos relief mission for more impact, trying to up our Resilience to Syndicate cost.
- All factions - Expanded shipyards - another Utopia Planitia type shipyard for mass construction of 1mt or smaller ships - something like 4x1mt done in 4-6 turns.
"We really want to deal with you as Sovereign Equals, but it turns out that you are totally subordinate to Cardassia. This is a very sad development"
@anon_user I would recommend using the RBZ and Kbz Mirandas to free up centaur- or Miranda-As to send to GBZ instead. If that's possible
I'm also a little worried about draining the BZs. If we get the option we should ask member worlds in the area to be vigilant and preauthorize them to move to reinforce the BZ, if they don't have that authority already
>Acts of CouncilMember world fleets can move out of their sectors only by Act of Council
IF the Kindness Through A Dark Lens omake is canon then I think we can afford to largely strip the RBZ for the moment.
This frustrates me. I don't even know if we're allowed to normalize relations with the various Cardassian clients, let alone try to butter them up. And I can only speculate how the Sydraxian Hierarchy will respond to the Cardassians setting foreign policy on their behalf.- The Federation will refrain from diplomacy with Cardassian affiliates [FDS NB: "openly"]
Something is going to have to give, and I suspect that it is likely to be pushback on the Ambassador.
and you can't replace a Centaur with a Miranda. A Centaur has Defense 3 and a Miranda only has Defense 2.
Someone want to run a vote tally? I want to know if Heavy Investment is winning and I can stop agonizing over it, or if my original plan is still winning because of all the people who voted "Briefvoice" and I need to decide if I want to switch.
I'd say hold off on building outposts and starbases in the GBZ because we don't really have any good places to put them. No major colony worlds or mining operations yet. Just plonking a Starbase down on a random world might help with defense requirements, but tactically speaking it isn't very useful. The value of a location is as important as the astrograpic location itself when we build Starbases
That's a point, to be sure.I'd say hold off on building outposts and starbases in the GBZ because we don't really have any good places to put them. No major colony worlds or mining operations yet. Just plonking a Starbase down on a random world might help with defense requirements, but tactically speaking it isn't very useful. The value of a location is as important as the astrograpic location itself when we build Starbases
That's a point, to be sure.
In light of that, and some other thoughts, a better priority list
- Revised Anti-syndicate legislation
- Ambassador
- Really good colonies (RP, high SR, or multi )
- Starbase (If really good colony found)
- Increase influence for anti-syndicate bill (this year only)
- SR Colonies
- Starfleet Academy,
- Outposts
- Starbase, if no site found in two years.
- BR Colonies
I also suspect we're going to be sending most of the explorer corps out that way. Between Stargazer and the EC proper we should locate some right quick.
And starbase spam is going to become a viable option pretty soon. Front Line Industry to Deep Space Construction means that dropping a starbase on each and every valuable colony in a border zone makes perfect sense - cost is lowered and they provide PP.
Forward defense has a tech that appears to mitigate that.Cost rises rapidly for each additional Starbase in the same sector, for precisely those reasons. Starbases aren't supposed to be something we can just spam out ad infinitum. I doubt we'll ever want to go beyond two or three starbases a sector.