For those wondering what San Fran's competitor to the Halley is going to look like, according to previous word of Sale:
Newton-type. Also worth noting is a TOS Comic which features a
USS Nelson from the 2250s with a similar-ish hull configuration, minus the overhead roll-bar between the nacelles.
Obviously, running tech closer to what we've developed rather than nuTrek/Kelvin Timeline designs, but it's at least enough to get an idea of what it might be good at. Which, from my analysis, would likely be that it's almost guaranteed to be faster and more maneuverable at sub-light speeds than the Halley (due to lower mass and a possibly similarly sized impulse engine), and might have a higher cruising velocity due to not hauling a cargo pod and a more favorable nacelle placement for cruise. On the flipside, it can't carry anywhere near as much bulk cargo, and if it's got half the internal volume we'll have after tactical systems are installed I'd be very surprised.
My expectation is that the Newton is likely to be a bit of a do-everything ship - less specialized for engineering, utility, and cargo transportation than the Halley, but reasonably solid as a tactical combatant assuming similar weapons loadouts. Especially as, due to not having to worry about a cargo container being in the way, a four phaser loadout from the Newton can have two phasers covering the forward arc, and then another set covering the dorsal and ventral arcs mounted on the twinned engineering hulls (which also cover the aft arc).