Forcing a child to work for free is child slavery. A child volunteering to work for free is not child slavery, even if working for pay would be illegal.
Yup. Interesting legal trivia as an aside, there are still old exemptions in child labor laws for family farms and family businesses. (In the U.S., anyway.) If you've ever seen a really young kid working in a restaurant, that's how. I would guess that the theory is that parents won't work the kids to death or anything so they don't need the same protection in that situation, but it probably also had a lot to do with the number of families that relied on children to help out back in the day, especially on farms.
I know people are speculating about Dragon!Amy, but I'm actually hoping for a different approach...specifically Cleric!Amy, Paladin!Amy or (depending on the DM's author's prerogative) Warlock!Amy.
i, and im sure hundreds of millions of other people got jobs under the age of 18/20 (whatever the age of majority is in that country) and still got paid for it. i was a bit of a slacker and waited until i was 15 for my first one. i wasnt working for the family business, but for a large supermarket chain.

as for volunteering, i would be surprised if there wasnt a maximum number of hours a child could put in.
i, and im sure hundreds of millions of other people got jobs under the age of 18/20 (whatever the age of majority is in that country) and still got paid for it. i was a bit of a slacker and waited until i was 15 for my first one. i wasnt working for the family business, but for a large supermarket chain.

as for volunteering, i would be surprised if there wasnt a maximum number of hours a child could put in.
I had a job at 16.

There's absolutely nothing keeping teenagers (and somewhat younger children) from having jobs. They are, however, very much limited in how many hours they can put in and for how dangerous such jobs can be.

Honestly, I'm surprised she's allowed to help around the hospital, paid or otherwise. A lot of those people are dangerous criminals (many put there by capes), and having them around her puts her at major risk. She shouldn't have been within a half-mile of Lung, as an example. That idea should've been utterly squashed by Piggot. The fact that Lung would've died an agonizing death as a result would've been a happy coincidence.
I feel that, as a lawyer, Carol should really understand that the "my house, I can search your rooms whenever" bullshit doesnt fly. Denial of right to privacy is a very common abuse, typically justified in exactly those words.
It was a response to the author's statement in this post saying that Dinah is so innocent that she couldn't be turned to evil.
No one is so innocent that they can't be tempted to do evil. I just said that it's a tall order. 2) has nothing but time to work at it, and Dinah ALREADY KNOWS she'll be serving a monster in the future. Given that she can reasonably expect to live a very long time, its not something she's particularly looking forward to. At the moment, Dinah hasn't had her world wrecked by Coil, Skitter, and various others, so she is very much an innocent, inasmuch as any preteen can be called such.

And please, remember that I've pretty much tossed canon out from the start of the story. About the only things that remains canonical is everything up until Amy triggers, and various major events afterwards, like Ziz hitting Canberra.
So if the ring can only be worn by a dragon, and Amy is wearing it, I will assume there is a newly transmigrated dragon with an instinctively learned and free to perform/maintain human shapeshift remarkably similar to her old human form.

Also, said gifting dragon was a Goddess who recognized Amy had been serving dutifully under her portfolio and bade her to continue. She was gifted, but not to the 'over the top' (my interpretation of what she meant) degree that Bahamut and Tiamat had with Taylor.

So we have a new, potentially low or mid-level, Dragon Cleric/Priestess of said Dragon-Goddess learning the ropes in Brockton Bay?

Also, was her Dragon-form artificially aged to her human equivalent, or is she gonna be the cutest little whelp of a healer Earth-Bet has ever seen? ;)

Enjoyed the chapter, and always cheer any fanfic where Amy stands up for herself and Carol gets shut-down.

So we have Taylor as a Tank, DPS (magic and physical) and off-healer for the party and local law enforcement, Amy as healer, potential second main tank and potential diplomat (either as Pancea or as the cutest little dragon whelp you ever did see[please, please make it so]) and Vicky as off-tank and primary DPS/Berserker (all melee, all the time) with closer ties than Amy to the local civilian militia.
No one is so innocent that they can't be tempted to do evil. I just said that it's a tall order. 2) has nothing but time to work at it, and Dinah ALREADY KNOWS she'll be serving a monster in the future. Given that she can reasonably expect to live a very long time, its not something she's particularly looking forward to. At the moment, Dinah hasn't had her world wrecked by Coil, Skitter, and various others, so she is very much an innocent, inasmuch as any preteen can be called such.

And please, remember that I've pretty much tossed canon out from the start of the story. About the only things that remains canonical is everything up until Amy triggers, and various major events afterwards, like Ziz hitting Canberra.
Dinah was rather forcibly claimed by Lilith, and would want to find a way out of serving her if she demands evil things. I wonder, could Dinah seek the protection and patronage of another god?
This isn't meant to be rude, but I always get a bad taste in my mouth and have a knee-jerk reaction to this statement whenever I see it... especially when it concerns relationships.
The Reaction is Thus:
"If you want canon, read the source material. This is fanfiction, and things such as that are at the whims of the author."​
I cannot tell you how much that phrase annoys me. By reading fanfiction, it's a given that things will be different.

Can't remember where I read it, buuut...

I reject your canon with my cannon!
Ao, chief overdeity and overall COMPLETE ASSHOLE
... fuck. What a Supreme Jackhole.

And only one letter away from Aho!
BOOM! Headshot!

Because it's headcannon.

Where are those sold, because where have they been al my life!
Hmmmmmm. Yes, even if no other god would intercede, the Dark Dancer surely would.
Ellistraee is the sworn protector of all who dare to escape Lolth's clutches, the one who accepts all and forgives all without calling for old tools to be laid down and asks little of even her clergy. Make no mistake, if she had a real church I'd be praying there.
Ellistraee is the sworn protector of all who dare to escape Lolth's clutches, the one who accepts all and forgives all without calling for old tools to be laid down and asks little of even her clergy. Make no mistake, if she had a real church I'd be praying there.
She is definitely one of the most noble of all the gods. Where the Seldarine have essentially written off the Drow, she's spent ages fighting alone to save them against greater powers and long odds, and she refuses to ever give up on them. She even welcomes all races, something very unusual for the Elven pantheon.
So we have Taylor as a Tank, DPS (magic and physical) and off-healer for the party and local law enforcement, Amy as healer, potential second main tank and potential diplomat (either as Pancea or as the cutest little dragon whelp you ever did see[please, please make it so]) and Vicky as off-tank and primary DPS/Berserker (all melee, all the time) with closer ties than Amy to the local civilian militia.

You need a rogue and a mage. Imp and Regent will apply, if they get cool Dragon bodies.

Hmmmmmm. Yes, even if no other god would intercede, the Dark Dancer surely would.
Considering that the Faerun gods are a bunch of one upmanship playing, arguing children that had to be told they couldn't come down and play with mortals anymore... any of them opposed to Lloth would love to steal her toys.
Considering that the Faerun gods are a bunch of one upmanship playing, arguing children that had to be told they couldn't come down and play with mortals anymore... any of them opposed to Lloth would love to steal her toys.
Some might sniff and consider Dinah damaged goods, unfortunately. But the wiser ones would, or those who see the potential for Dinah's power.
Ellistraee is the sworn protector of all who dare to escape Lolth's clutches, the one who accepts all and forgives all without calling for old tools to be laid down and asks little of even her clergy. Make no mistake, if she had a real church I'd be praying there.
So when are we going on that Hunt?

Funny part of being a worshipper of Ellistraee is the fact that the Clerics have to organize hunting parties where the Clerics have to be naked (jewelry is allowed though) at least once a year during a full moon. They are allowed to retry as often as they want so long as it is before the next full moon.
So when are we going on that Hunt?

Funny part of being a worshipper of Ellistraee is the fact that the Clerics have to organize hunting parties where the Clerics have to be naked (jewelry is allowed though) at least once a year during a full moon. They are allowed to retry as often as they want so long as it is before the next full moon.
I did not know that...

Fortunately I understand that such a compassionate and pragmatic goddess would be flexible about her followers' comfort?
Of course the other caveat is that said Hunt also takes place at night. But the Clerics are allowed to cast spells for protection as well as the jewelry is almost guaranteed to be magical and protective in nature.

Edit: forgot to mention the hour of naked dancing outdoors every midnight of a full moon ... But with her titles that is a given.
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You need a rogue and a mage. Imp and Regent will apply, if they get cool Dragon bodies.
Aisha as a dragon... would also need to be a whelp! A Dragon of the rogue class with her Canon parahuman power... ridiculous, even before crossing out Hide in Shadows and gluing letter-by-letter from different print media FS/N Presence Concealment: EX and Memory Manipulation A++(passive) like some kind of kidnapper/serial killer on her character sheet.

And Regent, no... just no.

Besides, Vicki isn't a dragon... even if her spirit animal is a toss up between one or the Kool-Aide Man.

In Draconic terms, Taylor would fill the role of a Caster-class trying to dual spec into a Fighter-type, though in human and even most parahuman terms she's already there. Wonder if she should just go Bard and be done with it. 😁
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Sorry. I spent a good while researching her years ago and still remember the dogma and practices. And have a tendency towards tmi.