
Is that a motherfucking Dragonriders of Pern reference?

Well...yer a dragon, Amy!

Also, looks like the Merchants are officially done for. Squealer's still got a bad case of dracophobia, and Trainwreck apparently felt letting Skidmark put out his hit on Amy would be in bad taste.

Of course, the Merchants were effectively nobodies. The real power balance is still between the E88 and ABB. (If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me on that.)

Hmm,maybe the Merchants will get out of drug trade and into chopshop? You know...Fast and Furious type work...Squealer makes vehicles, Train Wreck does stuff, and Mush would be alot deadlier if made of scrapyard metal rather than junkyard trash.

I'm actually surprised their isnt a vehicular gang in worm...far as I know atleast.
The ring is something Ravenwood240 pointed me at : 1) Can only be used by a dragon. 2) Gets her full monstrous strength in all forms. (AMY PUNCH!) 3) Draconic Presence in all forms. 4) Extra Damage resistance and spell resistance 5) Regeneration 6) Tamara's has something peculiar to it - Starmantle. Yes, the ring will be handy.

Ok, two things:

1) WOAH. That is some -seriously- powerful shit. Like "Lesser Artifact" level of shit. Panacea is now effectively invulnerable, -and- has a brute rating to go with it. Not to mention minor Shaker (Master) power to go with it, similar to Taylor.

2) WHERE IS THAT FROM?! I tried to google it, but my google-fu is weak. T_T
The ring is something Ravenwood240 pointed me at : 1) Can only be used by a dragon. 2) Gets her full monstrous strength in all forms. (AMY PUNCH!) 3) Draconic Presence in all forms. 4) Extra Damage resistance and spell resistance 5) Regeneration 6) Tamara's has something peculiar to it - Starmantle. Yes, the ring will be handy.
Ah. I was thinking it was this. That's much nicer. Practically an artifact, and epic, or at least borderline.

Seriously, that's good kit. Being immune to nonmagical weapons alone is fantastic, and the regen is even better. The rest is the delicious icing on the even more delicious cake.

Which, for posterity, is definitely NOT a lie.

The platinum peony is just a nice object d'art. The plush toys are something Tiamat thought would be cute.
Then Taylor should enhance the toys as figurines of wondrous power and is the peony basically a sculpture, or could it be used as a brooch or a pin? It could be enhanced as a belt of magnificence +6 when pinned to her clothes, or maybe a hat of disguise if placed behind an ear or maybe if the stem is used to hold her hair in place.
We could probably set up odds between an ungrateful healing subject at the hospital, an unlucky mugger, meddling gods, or the S9, the Teeth, or the Fallen.
How about the unlucky guy who always tries to mug Taylor?

Or maybe even Ziz?
Ok, two things:

1) WOAH. That is some -seriously- powerful shit. Like "Lesser Artifact" level of shit. Panacea is now effectively invulnerable, -and- has a brute rating to go with it. Not to mention minor Shaker (Master) power to go with it, similar to Taylor.

2) WHERE IS THAT FROM?! I tried to google it, but my google-fu is weak. T_T
Yes, it was described as a minor artifact. Ravenwood240 would have to point you at the source material.
Aren't there some rules about Canadian First Nations members having automatic rights to also live in the US?
Yes we do. So long as the Tribal Nation you belong to had part of their traditional territory was in the States. In fact I can go and move into the States today with nary a fuss that can be given. Yes even with the Pandemic going on I can do that.
Aren't there some rules about Canadian First Nations members having automatic rights to also live in the US?
Yes we do. So long as the Tribal Nation you belong to had part of their traditional territory was in the States. In fact I can go and move into the States today with nary a fuss that can be given. Yes even with the Pandemic going on I can do that.
If memory serves it falls under the general Dual Citizenship rules, either way we'd be happy to have you Mal
Tamara gave her a Ring of the Dragons.
Translation ring and power over Dracoliches?
The ring is something Ravenwood240 pointed me at : 1) Can only be used by a dragon. 2) Gets her full monstrous strength in all forms. (AMY PUNCH!) 3) Draconic Presence in all forms. 4) Extra Damage resistance and spell resistance 5) Regeneration 6) Tamara's has something peculiar to it - Starmantle. Yes, the ring will be handy.
I was thinking of the Brass one, I was wrong. This is fantastic for Amy. No More SquishyPan!
Wall of the Faithless
If I remember correctly, Khelemvor had that wall torn down, freeing the prisoners and judging them for their actions, when he inadvertently overthrew Cyric. Hard to argue against the entirety of the Denizens of the Realm of the Dead swearing allegiance to the man.

[...] in Worm canon[...]
This isn't meant to be rude, but I always get a bad taste in my mouth and have a knee-jerk reaction to this statement whenever I see it... especially when it concerns relationships.
The Reaction is Thus:
"If you want canon, read the source material. This is fanfiction, and things such as that are at the whims of the author."​
I cannot tell you how much that phrase annoys me. By reading fanfiction, it's a given that things will be different.
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If I remember correctly, Khelemvor had that wall torn down, freeing the prisoners and judging them for their actions, when he inadvertently overthrew Cyric. Hard to argue against the entirety of the Denizens of the Realm of the Dead swearing allegiance to the man.
He was shortly thereafter forced to reinstate it when Ao, chief overdeity and overall COMPLETE ASSHOLE told him to do it or he'd destroy him and reinstate it anyway.

Hate the WotF so much. Also, the Spellplague. The Forgotten Realms is a serious suckworld.
Wait, Taylor used Raise Dead? Doesn't that spell require a Diamond worth at least 500 GP?
Taylor has the direct favor of at least two gods. Taylor is a Sorceress. Taylor likely has a metamagic feat that lets her forgo material components. And Taylor has at least indirect favor with a Dead Goddess of Healing that favors the one being raised. I'm sure a little thing like a 500gp diamond not being used wasn't going to be much of an issue.

Besides, there's been ample proof that Taylor doesn't need Material Spell Components in the past; after all, Lightning Bolt is one of her favorite attack spells, and she's never needed the cloth and rod to cast that one....
Wait, Taylor used Raise Dead? Doesn't that spell require a Diamond worth at least 500 GP?
Please. no. We just got done with a variation on that discussion. Taylor doesn't need to use gestures or material components, just like any other draconic caster.

... fuck. What a Supreme Jackhole.

After the mess going from 1e to 2e, we just started scavenging things we liked for our own campaign world. Was quite a fun place, until the plot on rails struck, and we told the GM to >bleep!< off...
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Okay, I love the reaction the merchants had. The chapters were full of feels and things progressed... and then the idiots bothered the Snarkpan. You do not put out a hit on one of the biggest names in healing, because almost everyone who has survived an Endbringer fight while she has been active? They owe that girl a solid because she probably saved their lives and careers. And while the dragon gods are now active... yeah, messing with the Healer is NOT a good idea because the reaction from everyone else would likely be the descending hammer of furious gods.

As it is, I'm going to proceed to bust my gut laughing at how Skidmark got his ass slammed down on the altar of 'please don't kill us'.