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I'm wishing we could somehow borrow the tongs for the creation of the dragon. But the only thing that might make Vrangi willing to do that is if we let him borrow the hammer, and he'd want us to part with it first. For like, at least twice as long as we'd be borrowing the tongs.

If we could arrange it before making the dragon, I could see people willing to go for it, despite it meaning 2 turns without KKR, because maximising the dragon.

I'd be willing to ask.

Was thinking of lending out the hammer as a reward for the first century Anniversary contest at KKR anyways.

He probably needs it for his knock-off inferior copy stuff though so I'm not hopeful.
So Thungni gave Vragni a different riddle to the location of one of his artifacts which he hid behind another set of trials. Honestly makes sense now that I think about it. Now all I can think is Alric is sitting on the fact that Clan Thungisson was left with none of the Ancestor's artifacts and he was probably told not to taddle.

- [Burudin] Next Conclave will be a right pain in my dongliz.

Man, they have no idea.

First conclave with the Ancestors gone. Also after a bunch of Runelords started copying Snorri in making their own insitutions. Also after Snorri and Vragni found a piece of Thungi's artifacts. But most importantly, with Snorri once again kicking the hornet's nest with him revealing he cracked Durin's Consternation.
I am more picturing crotchety old ancestors possessing weapons and armor to lend their experience to those youth.

.... Though I hesitate to unleash that onto the dwarves of the world. Imagine if you had an ancestor CONSTANTLY watching over your shoulders, grumbling at every action you do, and occasionally just grabbing a limb or shoving you because "they can't just watch a beardling get themselves killed because they couldn't follow basic instruction".

It is like having a judgemental live in mother in law but worse!

I would say it would be interesting to see Snorri Shade haunting his own armor and still working "Because there is too much work to be done for me to bother with being wholly dead." And "If he left it to the beardlings they'd muck it up" and constantly grumbling about how "He can't leave the living be for their own sake, why I'd he wasn't there to ensure they knew how woefully they are falling short they'd never know what to strive for these days"
Counter argument, Dwarves do that to themselves irregardless of the presence of their ancestors. IIRC it's why they're so slow to adapt to things OTL until they are forced to. So having actual Dwarven ancestor ghosts/spirits would hardly make things worse, since it would basically just be giving form to their own self-deprecating thoughts.

Overall, it would better in mind because unlike the idealised version of the Ancestors the younger generation might have, the actual ghosts/spirits can tell if their strategy and mindset are fit for the current era without getting as much pushback from traditionalists.
I expect nothing less from Vrangni, sheer spite just to match us

Alas for him there really isn't a second Durin's Consternation for him to solve. Still good to see him trying, the dwarfs could do with more radicalism and he is very, very radical.

I wonder what he thinks of elves though? Assuming he has nothing much to say about them if and when the War of the Beard happens he might win by default just because we are associated with all that and our achievements are built on cooperation with the elves
[ ] [Anniversary:] Now I'm not discounting the work of Morgrim's folk, but I can't share a toast with whatever that new gadget is. [Progress development of Far Northern Dawi preferring allies over tech.]

I think this would be a fascinating direction to take the quest, it makes sense between the Griffons, the elves and the Dragons that the people of the Far North would be the most welcoming to new allies and at the same time the extreme propensity for runes would logically make them less engineering inclined.

At the same time we the players know that humans are out there in Albion and down in Nehekara for us to talk to and it would be fascinating to make more friends, allies can and will make us stronger than each together could be and not just in the obvious ways, new cultures, new ways of looking at magic, politics and more... hell the reason we solved Durin's consternation was collaboration first with Brana and then with Elves.
[ ] [Anniversary:] Now I'm not discounting the work of Morgrim's folk, but I can't share a toast with whatever that new gadget is. [Progress development of Far Northern Dawi preferring allies over tech.]

I think this would be a fascinating direction to take the quest, it makes sense between the Griffons, the elves and the Dragons that the people of the Far North would be the most welcoming to new allies and at the same time the extreme propensity for runes would logically make them less engineering inclined.

At the same time we the players know that humans are out there in Albion and down in Nehekara for us to talk to and it would be fascinating to make more friends, allies can and will make us stronger than each together could be and not just in the obvious ways, new cultures, new ways of looking at magic, politics and more... hell the reason we solved Durin's consternation was collaboration first with Brana and then with Elves.
Is it that fascinating though? Quests often go hard on alliances and friendship.

Personally I'm more interested in either Morelion or the Underneath. The latter for obvious reasons. Morelion because one of his daughters would go on to found Laurelorn, and the idea of one of his other children potentially falling in love with the north and going Snow Elf tickles my fancy.
[ ] [Anniversary:] The Gates below open at His order. By Rune be called, by Rune be strengthened. Spectres, Spirits, Ancestors. [The Mouth of the Underearth is just a bit more literal.]

Hey Thungni
Get back here
You promised judgement on our runiversity
[ ] [Anniversary:] The Gates below open at His order. By Rune be called, by Rune be strengthened. Spectres, Spirits, Ancestors. [The Mouth of the Underearth is just a bit more literal.]

Dwarf Necromancy is a cool concept when done right, and I trust Soulcake to figure it out.
Hell yeah Vragni! Nice.

*Nod of approval*

Mildly curious what the runes on those are - I have a sus its mainly about the Material and Gormwand is the Immaterial (since Gormwand makes Him look like a wizard).

Honestly, I might full dive ESP with 4 ap on turn 61 if we got a Conclave that turn - I hope not tho, that's a headache. Here's hoping that Kraken Autopsy gives a little progress to ESP because of that Kraken Eye.

[ ] [Number:] One
[ ] [Apprentice:] Svina Brunasdottir of Clan Bolgisson
born c. 482 A.P. Training will begin turn 62

Churlish and foolish. Ruby Red hair and golden eyed. Dolgi's Granddaughter, a troublesome precocious young lass with dreams of becoming a Skyrider and schemes to annoy you. She has turned your heir against you.
Not even twenty and she already has a Gift just slightly stronger than Dolgi's was at 30.
- Grunclesbane: A foolish child who does not know how to leave her elders be. Bah! Will occasionally gain trait experience from you.

Gotta take her, out of all of them she's the one I like the most. The other five just don't interest me like she does. I really want to see her and Karstah prank Snorri.

[ ] [Anniversary:] Zhufbar seeks to harness torrents of a different sort. Harness the sky, gas that lifts and madness of youth. [Experiments with lighter than air ships start earlier.]

[ ] [Anniversary:] The Gates below open at His order. By Rune be called, by Rune be strengthened. Spectres, Spirits, Ancestors. [The Mouth of the Underearth is just a bit more literal.]

I like these two, but I don't mind any of them. Might vote for the Morelion one.
Bunch of people talking about renting Vrangi's tongs, while here I am thinking about them doing a jolly collab project in the far future.
That just makes me think of doing the colab at Vrangi's home. Vrangi expecting Snorri to put his nose where it doesn't belong, so he is watching him as a hawk. Then at night he finds Snorri missing. He spends the rest of night thinking of what terrible things Snorri may be doing, maybe an artefact of the ancestors was hidden in his Kraka! Come daylight Snorri is back, and all the children of the hold have a new toy... Including Vrangi's grandson, who was in the most protected part of the his house. Time to improve defences!
I'm actually tempted to take the three siblings, if only because there are vanishingly few runesmiths who would contemplate taking three apprentices at the same time.
And we might get a unique data point to see if their three stilling fields interact.
The day either happens, is the day the Apocalypse starts.
Vrangi dislikes Snorri's everything too much to ever willingly collab on a project unless it's literally the end of the world, and even then, he'll complain about it.
There's a reason I thought the only thing that might make him willing to lend us the tongs is to lend him the hammer first. For longer than we'd borrow the tongs.