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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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...damn. There's an Odd Student. Can we let Yorri nab another one?

The triplets are interesting but Svina will likely be picked. I'm guessing AP hoarders will only pick one apprentice thus Just Svina.

Not... Sure in the anniversary vote. Will think more on it.
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Huh.... Wonder what exactly the tongs can draw since the description is 'drag the material and immaterial to his forge with such ease.' Deep Magic perhaps? Wonder how the synergy between the tongs and KKR would've been.
I would hazard the ability to draw magic from the winds themselves, forgoing the need for reagents.
Broken AF.

Snorri better throw Vragni an WindEye.
Wouldn't want that wazzok to stone himself not seeing what he's doing.
...damn. There's an Odd Student. Can we let Yorri nab another one?

The triplets are interesting but Svina will likely be picked. I'm guessing AP hoarders will only pick one apprentice thus Just Svina.

Not... Sure lm anniversary vote. Will think more on it.
Yorri training Yorri 2.0!
Thungni still has Gormwand and a tablet with some of his first runes and some lore unaccounted for. Everyone been assuming he left them with his clan but with two of his artifacts found people are going to be looking for them.

Prompted in part from questions in Discord, I can reveal a few things regarding a few Ancestral artefacts in more detail. The list is obviously not exhaustive, but I figure these are the ones that you guys care about/or Snorri won't need a dedicated interlude to figure out where they are.

AncestorArtefactDescriptionCurrent/Presumed/Last Known Location
GrungniThe Throne of PowerHis most favoured and greatest creationSeat of the High King
DrongrundumThe Thunder Hammer of Grungni, the weapon He wields in His martial aspect.Likely in Snorri Whitebeard's keeping.
BlidazdurakazThe Lightning Pick-axe is the tool He wields in His miner's aspect, "Could let him hollow out a mountain and pull up the whole bounty of the stone beneath Him"Held by the Miners Guild of Everpeak
Bryn-hunkiHis ever-burning miner's helm, "So bright that it illuminates the void and grants those who listen properly the knowledge of the Earth"Held by the Miners Guild of Everpeak
ValayaKradskontiHer Rune Axe, wielded in Her martial aspectHeld by the Cult of Valaya, within the Temple in Everpeak
GrimnirAz-DreugidumHis first axeCarried by the Ancestor as He marched north to His Doom
FoefellerHis second axeHeld by the HIgh King
Third AxeHis third axe, a wickedly sharp double bladed Great-axe (see Turn 14)The vaults of Karaz-a-Karak.
Armour,Adamant armour (see Turn 14)The vaults of Karaz-a-Karak
GazulZharrvengrynHis Runic GreatswordPresumed to be either held by Gazul still, or with the Cult of Gazul in the East
BrazierA Runic Brazier that Gazul carried when He discovered the Ancestor Runes of His siblingsMissing
SmednirAzulokridHis Rune Hammer, used to create the greatest items of the Karaz AnkorMissing, the ringing of the hammer was heard from behind Smednir's workshop doors long after His last recorded appearance, before it eventually fell silent.
Ghal MarazTHE Warhammer FantasyThe vaults of Karaz-a-Karak
Metallurgy CypherA Gromril cube that holds a series of Gromril scrolls that hold Smednir's greatest and most significant (written) smelting formulae. Including the first recipe for smelting GromrilHeld by the Metalsmiths Guild in Karak Azul
ThungniKaraz-Kazak-RhunHis principal WeaponPresumed to be in the hands of Clan Thungnisson, actually lost. Discovered and now Held by Snorri Klausson
GormwandHis Runestaff, "could make the unknowing believe Thungni was Himself a wizard"Presumed to be in the hands of Clan Thungnisson. In doubt.
Runic tongsHis tongs, in conjunction with His hammer, were used to create all of His greatest workPresumed to be in the hands of Clan Thungnisson. In doubt.
Runic tabletA stone tablet that bears some of the first Runes ever inscribed by Thungni alongside other esoteric (non-Rune) lore.Presumed to be in the hands of Clan Thungnisson. In doubt.
MorgrimDrengiMechanical Rune-empowered War MachineMissing after the Engineers Guild of Zhufbar found its berth in Mogrim's workshop empty.
Gear of WarA set of Runic tools that allow the user to machine tools and components with supernatural precision.Held by the Engineers Guild of Zhufbar, loaned out to those deemed a paragon of the Guild
Focal LensesRunic lenses that give unparalleled insight and understanding of natural forces and the resulting personal notes from the Ancestor about using the subtlest secrets of the natural world.Held by the Engineers Guild of Zhufbar, loaned out to those deemed a paragon of the Guild
But seriously, I wonder how Vragni would react to knowing Snorri has the exact same sentiment about one dwarf not being enough to carry the future.

Probably get pissed about how we decided to approach dealing with that.
I'm leaning towards:

[ ] [Anniversary:] Now I'm not discounting the work of Morgrim's folk, but I can't share a toast with whatever that new gadget is. [Progress development of Far Northern Dawi preferring allies over tech.]

For the anniversary bonus. Snerra's working on befriending the Mammoths, and the Mammoths already seemingly intervened to help the Dawi in at least one case (that town/settlement that got overrun by Trolls but the bodies of the dead were strangely preserved and laid respectfully at the settlement's center). And I'd really like the North's *thing* to be gathering allies and friends. The Brana, the Mammoths, maybe even Albion if we ever get there.
Welp, guess that explains where the orange runes came from. How the hell did Vragni find those tongs. Soulcake plz, show us the runes on them. Here's hoping Snerra grabs gormwand for the northern sweep.

This crop of apprentices really is wild. Izgrom continues to be best dragon, and damn, I want to know how what happened after that insult from Grimgal. Zharrock is getting fat lolol.

How exactly did we lose 6 greedy hearts in a turn? That's uh, not ideal considering where they're going.

For the anniversary, honestly, I like the Gazul one, and the air ships. The northern allies one is cool, might get us Snow Elves, but is not great for tech advancement.
[X] [Anniversary:] Zhufbar seeks to harness torrents of a different sort. Harness the sky, gas that lifts and madness of youth. [Experiments with lighter than air ships start earlier.]

Been fantasizing about this since we friended the Griffons.

Fleets of armored airships lightened with the Dolgi featherweight rune and guarded by onboard Brana flocks/crew? Yes plz.

[X] [Number:] 1
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[ ] [Number:] 3
[ ] [Apprentice:] Svina Brunasdottir of Clan Bolgisson
born c. 482 A.P. Training will begin turn 62

Churlish and foolish. Ruby Red hair and golden eyed. Dolgi's Granddaughter, a troublesome precocious young lass with dreams of becoming a Skyrider and schemes to annoy you. She has turned your heir against you.
Not even twenty and she already has a Gift just slightly stronger than Dolgi's was at 30.
- Grunclesbane: A foolish child who does not know how to leave her elders be. Bah!Will occasionally gain trait experience from you.

[ ] [Apprentice:] Yorri Oldorsson of Clan Winterhearth
born c. 478 A.P. Training will begin turn 60

Brown of hair and grey of eye. An auspicious name to be given to such a strange lad. Quiet in a way that looks empty headed but is, as you learn, borne from silently observing the world around him.
Stronger than you were at his age.
- Student of the Odd: A curious mind, likely to wander off

[ ] [Apprentice:] Alma Almasdottir of Clan Winterhearth
born c. 471 A.P. Training will begin turn 61

Light Brown hair and bright blue eyes. While her name is a minor crime, and cause for much internal despair, the lass herself is a natural study. Raised on stories of the legendary Gift GIver and the lady Bright Grin that trickled to Winterhearth Hold from Kraka Drakk, she sees you and Snerra as the goal all Runesmiths ought to strive for.
A great talent, roughly between Snerra and Fjolla by your estimate.
- Productive Spirit: Return [1 heir action] after 6 turns.

I would like to pick up these three. We still have 1 Heir action even with them all, and I like the idea of an apprentice who reveres Snorri, one who treats him as her grumpy old Gruncle, and the last one who gives him constant PTSD flashbacks.
[ ] [Anniversary:] Zhufbar seeks to harness torrents of a different sort. Harness the sky, gas that lifts and madness of youth. [Experiments with lighter than air ships start earlier.]

Been fantasizing about this since we friended the Griffons.

Fleets of armored airships lightened with the Dolgi featherweight rune and guarded by onboard Brana flocks/crew? Yes plz.
The dreams of an adamant helicarrier are possible. If we can make a mountain of adamant in the shape of a dragon fly, we can make an actual boat fly as well.