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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I just realized we could technically pay the triplets for their blood. Not that we need any, since they're not exactly Elder Wyrms, but Karstah will functionally never run out of Dragon Blood so long as the triplets are willing.
Huh.... Wonder what exactly the tongs can draw since the description is 'drag the material and immaterial to his forge with such ease.' Deep Magic perhaps? Wonder how the synergy between the tongs and KKR would've been.
It's probably the source of that Orange Glow to the Citadels Runes tbh

Which both makes sense and also is gonna give Vragni a fairly hilarious suspicion of what's coming next
See you would normally understand being dismissed by something as naturally arrogant as a dragon, even if doing so is a foolish decision, but not only has Izgrom been learning at dwarfen feet for over a century, this is now the third youngster who hasn't stumbled at the sound of your elderly disapproval! This simply cannot do! You haven't lost your touch!

I am currently waiting for a Brana and Elgi youth (below 100 y/o) to come along and exhibit the same disrespect.

Snorri: The cheek on these younglings today! BAH!
She's entirely unintentional, and that's what makes it both hilarious to observe and so dangerous to get caught in.

She learnt it from you Snorri.

- [Late 495] Strange things come from the Citadel of Creation. Through some mysterious working, Lord Vragni Silverbrand has done something to his creation akin to Lord Klausson's Khazagar. Now every item of Runecraft that henceforth created on the Citadel's grounds now permanently glows with brilliant orange light.

- [Early 495] Thungni's Tongs have been found, buried beneath a Volcano in the Northern World's Edge, and now held by Vragni Silverbrand of Kraka Ornsmotek. Though not as revered or famed as Karaz-Kazak-Rhun, they are still the work of Wondermaking Thungni. While Karaz-Kazak-Rhun gave Him the means to shape the immaterial and material to His desire, it was with the Tongs and Gormwand that Thungni could drag the material and immaterial to his forge with such ease.

Bah, using Thungni's Tongs as a crutch to crudly copy Snorri's work.

Show some originality and create something on your own without relying on your ancestors handouts. Shameful showing there.
[ ] [Anniversary:] Zhufbar seeks to harness torrents of a different sort. Harness the sky, gas that lifts and madness of youth. [Experiments with lighter than air ships start earlier.]

[ ] [Anniversary:] The Gates below open at His order. By Rune be called, by Rune be strengthened. Spectres, Spirits, Ancestors. [The Mouth of the Underearth is just a bit more literal.]
If I were to choose, the former thanks to our affinity with the Brana as well as giving us another means of travel as the underway has proven to be compromiseable. While not infallible either, having more options are good.

The latter on the other hand, not exactly sure what it entails, but I feel has to most long-term benefits purely for dwarves.
The Gazul one implies that we can call Ancestors back to the world through some rune, and then strengthen them. Maybe we try and stick an ancestors soul in some sort of Gronti like a dreadnought from 40k?
I am more picturing crotchety old ancestors possessing weapons and armor to lend their experience to those youth.

.... Though I hesitate to unleash that onto the dwarves of the world. Imagine if you had an ancestor CONSTANTLY watching over your shoulders, grumbling at every action you do, and occasionally just grabbing a limb or shoving you because "they can't just watch a beardling get themselves killed because they couldn't follow basic instruction".

It is like having a judgemental live in mother in law but worse!

I would say it would be interesting to see Snorri Shade haunting his own armor and still working "Because there is too much work to be done for me to bother with being wholly dead." And "If he left it to the beardlings they'd muck it up" and constantly grumbling about how "He can't leave the living be for their own sake, why I'd he wasn't there to ensure they knew how woefully they are falling short they'd never know what to strive for these days"
5 YEARS OF WRITING RHUNRIKKI. WAOW. First thing, reflecting on everything. The biggest this I come away with after I look back is that I should have done a lot more prep for bookkeeping! And math. More math. (so many system changes.) Weird that the Rune List ISN' T among the first few posts but the mechanics page I haven't updated in months is. Does anyone even read it? Beh. Hindsight I suppose.

Anyhoo, onto more fun stuff!

I'm so incredibly thankful and happy people enjoyed the quest for so long that a few of you guys have been here for literal years by this point. To commemorate the occasion, I'm doing something similar to DD. Little vote on one change you want to see. They're all at least partially positive ones, speeding stuff along or making chances more certain, but whether they become something more or worse is up to the whims of fate. It won't be the cause of it or anything, some of this was already rolling away in the background, but ya know. :^)
Congrats on the 5th Year of Rhunrikki. Thank you so much for making it such a wonderful quest.

Quite the fine crop of youths these past few years.

Sadly now was not the time for you to take on another student, hypocritical as it may feel after what you told Karstah but a month prior about the future never being less busy. But it was true! Work, the sort you cannot ignore or expose a 30 year old to, looms on your horizon.

Alongside the threat of death.

You aren't planning to die, in fact you've done quite a bit to ensure the opposite in fact, but the possibility had to be taken into account. You were prodding and poking forces that even a Runelord needed to be wary around, let alone some fresh-faced youth with color still in their hair.

So not this time.
I like the reasoning for not taking students, he's messing with stuff kids shouldn't be exposed to.

Save one.

The name burns your eyes, and your moustache twitches in time with your eyebrow. Bah! Petty? Nai! You're an old bugger and complaining was your right!

All warranted criticism of her cheek and disrespectful behaviour aside, you can admit that Svina was a decent choice. Not only was she blessed by the Gift rather strongly for her age—not that Karstah knows that, so you simply write it down on the margins they actually got along. In fact she seemed like the one person Dolgi's granddaughter didn't intentionally annoy, or at least as frequently. Perhaps something to do with the hammers Karstah wielded, and let Svina look at from time to time (under supervision of course.)

The least egregious one is a lad named Yorri Oldorsson. Yorri's a common enough name aye, but he was a strangely quiet young man who preferred to silently observe those around him, spoke rarely and always obliquely, and—if only to drive the pick home deeper—had a habit of wandering off to find strange things when he had free time. If you dug deeper perhaps he'd even have a hankering for Troll Jerky as well! You thought Joll was your teacher come again but this?

Well actually that alone wouldn't make you double back and wonder if either the Ancestors (hopefully) or some blue bastard (NOT hopefully) was playing silly buggers with you, but in conjunction with the next three?

Your sniffer's twitching fiercely is all you'll say.

Honestly, what are the odds? You're tempting fate here, but not even Dolgi—
Yorri 2.0.

This Vanya of Clan Winterhearth would, through apparent chance, end up meeting a lad named Thungni Stromnisson.

Thungni Stromnisson would marry Vanya, and choose to leave his clan for yours.

He and Vanya would then have three sons, triplets.

And to top it off; In a fit of hubris, hope or simple innocent humour, this Thungni and Vanya named their children Durin, Ranulf and Alric. Naming the eldest and youngest triplet Durin and Alric respectively needed no explanation, but the middle child was named after Ranulf Thugnisson, the master of the first Runesmith born to Clan Winterhearth. Whatever the reason for it, it seems the Ancestors answered such auspicious names by ensuring all three sons had the Gift. When Karstah had idly admitted to considering teaching all three at once you almost spat out your drink. Multiple apprentices, as should be painfully obvious, was not what a Master's first experience teaching should be. The only reason you didn't strongly dissuade her from the idea is the fact that Karstah has already spent over a century raising three dysfunctional Drakk triplets. And as you continued reading, apparently this set of triplets were especially in sync with each of their siblings. You could honestly seem them shaping up to a dynamic similar to Ravnsvake's sibling Runelords.
Respect the naming choices.

Let that girl mess about with my hammers will you? Bah!

The Shardwyrm preens, a low clicking sound emanating from his throat in amusement while lowering the rock down and closer to your face.


Behold, a

And sure enough, there within the center of a slab a surprisingly well formed Lodestone has been snugly stuck into a roughly hewn divot in the rock.
You nod, giving the rock a mock sniff.

"Eastern half of the Dumaraz eh? Quite the stroll," you hedge, remembering similar stratification along the banks of the Dumaraz.

"Indeed!" Izgrom nods, spines making clicking sounds as they jostle from the rapidity of his movements, "It is no cavern, but I was told there were many interesting rocks!"

You raise a brow.

"And how did you get out?"

"Detour!" he says before his jaw clicks shut.
Look grandpa at this cool stuff we brought from our adventures.

Now these youngsters at least have the goodwill that you would tolerate their foolishness. Thungni-Chosen, as they've begun to be called by others. The last four Runelords elected by Him before His disappearance, each one suspiciously from a corner of the Karaz Ankor. There's a constant low level chatter about them among certain circles, and what Thungni intended when He brought them forward as Runelord candidates. Theories about them being future leaders, stewards and guides for the disparate corners of the Realms.
That actually makes a lot of sense.

Thorgard was, after translating Rorek's interpretation into something accurate and less quippy, a dour but hospitable grump. Oft wishing to be left alone, the times he wasn't holed up in Uzkulak were mostly travelling to the other Eastern Holds, erecting Runic statues, or being seen with Clerics of Gazul. Met a lot of quiet lads, but from how Rorek writes, Thorgard is the sort that's not at all pleasant to deal with. Just like the statues he likes putting up. Lad that speaks and moves with such stillness that you wonder if he's even alive, at least until you say something that makes him twitch.

Memories of Thungni's voice that day echo in your mind.

..he has stared into the abyss and found only resolve…

You can only begin to imagine what horrors he saw, and most likely your mind's creation would pale in comparison.

The siege of Karag Dum was one occasion, and Thorgard had clashed with the Frurndar more than two-hundred times, and likely many more times since becoming a Runelord.

Snorri knows what it's like to face fellow Dawi but Rorek went through far worse in that regards.

For all his social skills the man is clearly stupefied by someone so cheerful and unrepentantly affable as your niece. Understandable really, its really only different from the many other charismatic types that Snerra's befuddled because you get to see the mind of one breaking down on the pages before you. Snerra would sooner knit a sweater for a tree with the yarn Rorek is spinning than purposefully weave this supposed web of debts he believes she's at the center of. As if!

Not the web part, that's entirely true, just the fact that Rorek believes your niece is doing it on purpose.

You wipe a stray tear from your eye. Oh the fool.

She's entirely unintentional, and that's what makes it both hilarious to observe and so dangerous to get caught in.
Snerra is hilarious like that.

Cantankerous bones grasp the treasure, practical, he thinks.

It and its master agree.

The Hammer was lost to Klausson, but this wasn't.

Pomp and showmanship, pheh! Acclaim was like that sugar nonsense his great-great-grandson (ah Grungni bless that boy) had him try; sweet to be sure but melts away quicker than a chastised beardling.

Wonder and Myth, bah! All well and good, but so many would use it to excuse unchecked ego. Wonder was more than some grand display, myth was more than some mighty legend.

Their lives are touched—or besmirched in the case of Klaussonby the influence of those around them and those that came before, and everyone had the obligation to be positive, or at least neutral, influence on those around them. To pay it forward.

It had taken him a lifetime to truly put that lesson to words, into action, but he would be sure to embed it so deeply and widely that it would last through the ages.

He cannot safeguard the future, no one dwarf could.

But his students can, his lessons can, the bonds that tie them together can.

The din of battle outside changes—his kin and his students fighting to buy him time, trusting him—pulls Vragni from his musing.

"A whole lot of nose picking there Svaltisson," he chastises himself. Hmph. Sentimentality, he'd shed a tear of joy after they got out of here.

He will leave this world better than when he entered it.

Vragni Svaltisson walks out of the chamber, prize in hand and vigour in his bones, the Runes on the tongs in his hand glowing.
Moments like this is why I'm reminded of why I respect Vragni, he's trying to leave a legacy and make the world a better place.

[ ] [Anniversary:] Tor Vernath's dockyards welcome visitors from across the mountains and sea. Champion, Brother, Cursed, Morelion. [Morelion and co. visits Tor Vernath on behalf of his sister the Everqueen]

[ ] [Anniversary:] Zhufbar seeks to harness torrents of a different sort. Harness the sky, gas that lifts and madness of youth. [Experiments with lighter than air ships start earlier.]

[ ] [Anniversary:] The Gates below open at His order. By Rune be called, by Rune be strengthened. Spectres, Spirits, Ancestors. [The Mouth of the Underearth is just a bit more literal.]
These are the things I'm most interested in. But if i had to choose one it would be the last one because GHOSTS.

- [Late 495] Strange things come from the Citadel of Creation. Through some mysterious working, Lord Vragni Silverbrand has done something to his creation akin to Lord Klausson's Khazagar. Now every item of Runecraft that henceforth created on the Citadel's grounds now permanently glows with brilliant orange light.

- [Early 495] Thungni's Tongs have been found, buried beneath a Volcano in the Northern World's Edge, and now held by Vragni Silverbrand of Kraka Ornsmotek. Though not as revered or famed as Karaz-Kazak-Rhun, they are still the work of Wondermaking Thungni. While Karaz-Kazak-Rhun gave Him the means to shape the immaterial and material to His desire, it was with the Tongs and Gormwand that Thungni could drag the material and immaterial to his forge with such ease.
Props to Vragni for getting that, also the immaterial stuff is likely the cause of his Orange Runes.

- [Burudin] Izril shall ban the northerners at this rate. Two radical dafties? Ancestors preserve, if another one like those two gets Gormwand...
Man is never going to live his radical reputation down.

- [Burudin] Tell me Gormwand is in your vaults Alric, tell me truly.

- [Burudin] By all that is good, He would do this wouldn't He? The beardlings are going to be running around like headless pheasants, overturning every rock that's so much as a shade different from its surrounding.

- [Burudin] Clan Thungnisson retains possession of Father's works.

- [Burudin] Clan Thungnisson retains possession of some of the Ancestor's works more like.

- [Burudin] Hammerspite, get looking. Zero for two now!

- [Burudin] Oh he'll regret that.

- [Burudin] Next Conclave will be a right pain in my dongliz.
Looks like people are going on an adventure.

I absolutely love the Burudin chat section.
Zero regrets for joining up.

Huh.... Wonder what exactly the tongs can draw since the description is 'drag the material and immaterial to his forge with such ease.' Deep Magic perhaps? Wonder how the synergy between the tongs and KKR would've been.
That would make a lot of sense.
Grimgal, length: 37.5m by 503 A.P.
-- Her growth is still terrifying to behold. 40 meters is all but a certainty, three decades at current estimates.
-- Working to improve her mastery, war is a means of training, but a show of supremacy.

Another report of her trading barbs. This time I'm told she ended up calling an Elgi Princeling a "Willow-boned Waif" and his Drakk a "sad single-minded existence of a living carriage."

Damn it all I owe Thurgal five Brass now.

- Nogrim
Grimgal you are amazing
[ ] [Anniversary:] The Gates below open at His order. By Rune be called, by Rune be strengthened. Spectres, Spirits, Ancestors. [The Mouth of the Underearth is just a bit more literal.]

Sp, 2 questions. 1) What exactly do the tongs do on their own? Seems like they need another artifact to really help reach full potential. And 2) Can anyone explain to me how the fuck Hashut ever managed to get a piece of the pie that is Dawikind when the big fucking 4 could not?
I'm wishing we could somehow borrow the tongs for the creation of the dragon. But the only thing that might make Vrangi willing to do that is if we let him borrow the hammer, and he'd want us to part with it first. For like, at least twice as long as we'd be borrowing the tongs.

If we could arrange it before making the dragon, I could see people willing to go for it, despite it meaning 2 turns without KKR, because maximising the dragon.