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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Tbh, I feel like we should have Karstah take the three Thungni-related siblings, since it just seems too ridiculously suspicious, and would be a massive waste not to get them all. Plus, as others mentioned, it might help with our rune research, seeing their unique situation.
See you would normally understand being dismissed by something as naturally arrogant as a dragon, even if doing so is a foolish decision, but not only has Izgrom been learning at dwarfen feet for over a century, this is now the third youngster who hasn't stumbled at the sound of your elderly disapproval! This simply cannot do! You haven't lost your touch!
sorry snorri, youve been grandpazoned. You would think in a polity as grandpa-pilled as the karaz ankor this would be a good thing, but no
[ ] [Anniversary:] Zhufbar seeks to harness torrents of a different sort. Harness the sky, gas that lifts and madness of youth. [Experiments with lighter than air ships start earlier.]

[ ] [Anniversary:] The Gates below open at His order. By Rune be called, by Rune be strengthened. Spectres, Spirits, Ancestors. [The Mouth of the Underearth is just a bit more literal.]

I'm good with either of these two, though I suspect the the latter will prove more popular as people will seek out the Ancestors themselves. After all, the one surefire way for the Karaz Ankor to know if the Ancestors approve of what they're doing is to just ask them directly.
Unfortunately, Durin was wearing those the day he vanished
Then for love of the Ancestors, please tell me he left his Ancestral Sandals behind!
Snorri knows what it's like to face fellow Dawi but Rorek went through far worse in that regards.
It's Thorgard he's referring to in this situation, not Rorek.
And 2) Can anyone explain to me how the fuck Hashut ever managed to get a piece of the pie that is Dawikind when the big fucking 4 could not?
I think it's because they didn't know who Hashut was, whereas they all already knew and hated the four.
[Early 495] Thungni's Tongs have been found, buried beneath a Volcano in the Northern World's Edge, and now held by Vragni Silverbrand of Kraka Ornsmotek. Though not as revered or famed as Karaz-Kazak-Rhun, they are still the work of Wondermaking Thungni. While Karaz-Kazak-Rhun gave Him the means to shape the immaterial and material to His desire, it was with the Tongs and Gormwand that Thungni could drag the material and immaterial to his forge with such ease.
I knew my GOAT would never fail.
That's my suggestion though? Or are you saying hammer for tongs (as in, rather than borrow the tongs and lend hammer later or vice versa, we just switch who has the hammer and tongs for a bit) which defeats the original point of the idea to be able to have the hammer and tongs whilst making the dragon?
There's no chance Vragni will lend us the Tongs before we work on the dragon. He'd want to have the hammer first.
[ ] [Anniversary:] Now I'm not discounting the work of Morgrim's folk, but I can't share a toast with whatever that new gadget is. [Progress development of Far Northern Dawi preferring allies over tech.]

[ ] [Anniversary:] The Gates below open at His order. By Rune be called, by Rune be strengthened. Spectres, Spirits, Ancestors. [The Mouth of the Underearth is just a bit more literal.]

Both of these sound cool.
There's no chance Vragni will lend us the Tongs before we work on the dragon. He'd want to have the hammer first.
Yeah, and that's what I was kinda lamenting in my first post.

I'm wishing we could somehow borrow the tongs for the creation of the dragon. But the only thing that might make Vrangi willing to do that is if we let him borrow the hammer, and he'd want us to part with it first. For like, at least twice as long as we'd be borrowing the tongs.

If we could arrange it before making the dragon, I could see people willing to go for it, despite it meaning 2 turns without KKR, because maximising the dragon.
Said there that he'd want us to part with the hammer first. And that kills the dream dead. But people were still interested in the general idea of somehow borrowing the tongs.
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The triplets get you a bulk discount technically.

523 or thereabouts unless something wacky happens.

Conclave IS an optional event tho, just to be clear.
Oh. Wow. That's right around the end of turn 61/start of turn 62.

We'd be able to squeeze out Windsight if we can get drip from somewhere like the Kraken Autopsy. Examining KKR this turn may also work if we're blessed with luck. If we got 3 drip into ESP, then we'd be able to do 3 ap into Windsight, 1 war, 1 Conclave and wrap the whole thing up with a neat little bow.

Hmm. Might have to skip that one and reveal Windsight independent of the Conclave.
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I think it's because they didn't know who Hashut was, whereas they all already knew and hated the four.

Did they somehow not realize that there're other gods/"gods"/supernatural beings around beyond just the 4?

I mean, if I knew there were some major supernatural/godly beings out there, I wouldn't assume there are only a few to worry about, personally.
[X] [Anniversary:] Tor Vernath's dockyards welcome visitors from across the mountains and sea. Champion, Brother, Cursed, Morelion. [Morelion and co. visits Tor Vernath on behalf of his sister the Everqueen]

[X] [Anniversary:] Zhufbar seeks to harness torrents of a different sort. Harness the sky, gas that lifts and madness of youth. [Experiments with lighter than air ships start earlier.]

[X] [Anniversary:] The Gates below open at His order. By Rune be called, by Rune be strengthened. Spectres, Spirits, Ancestors. [The Mouth of the Underearth is just a bit more literal.]

These three are the coolest to me.

[X] [Number:] 1
[X] [Apprentice:] Svina Brunasdottir of Clan Bolgisson
born c. 482 A.P. Training will begin turn 62

Churlish and foolish. Ruby Red hair and golden eyed. Dolgi's Granddaughter, a troublesome precocious young lass with dreams of becoming a Skyrider and schemes to annoy you. She has turned your heir against you.
Not even twenty and she already has a Gift just slightly stronger than Dolgi's was at 30.
- Grunclesbane: A foolish child who does not know how to leave her elders be. Bah! Will occasionally gain trait experience from you.

To be honest, none of the other apprentices interest me as much as Svina and I'd like to focus our character interactions on her, Karstah and Snorri. By picking Svina alone I figure we get more fun pranks out of it and can focus on evolving the character work already established with her.

I'm very curious to see where her hammer interest goes and how much she interacts with Nain and Gottri Hammerspite, and Svina is extremely compatible with Karstah in personality. Her hair is also Red like Karstah's was, funny little detail I just recalled.

There is an element of preserving Karstah's heir AP, but tbh its a small concern.

Also Svina wants to be a Skyrider. And that is Sick as hell, and I want to focus on that too.

Finally I want to leave Alma for Snerra, if that girl can get back from wherever she is fast enough. The triplets are a bit of humorous auspiciousness, but that's not enough. And Yorri 2 is Yorri 2 - let Joll or Yorri take him.

E: Early by like 40 seconds lol.
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[X] [Anniversary:] Tor Vernath's dockyards welcome visitors from across the mountains and sea. Champion, Brother, Cursed, Morelion. [Morelion and co. visits Tor Vernath on behalf of his sister the Everqueen]

Elf (Complimentary)

[X] [Number:] 3
[X] [Apprentice:] Durin Thungnisson of Clan Winterhearth
[X] [Apprentice:] Ranulf Thungnisson of Clan Winterhearth
[X] [Apprentice:] Alric Thungnisson of Clan Winterhearth

I am not immune to nostalgia.
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[X] [Anniversary:] Tor Vernath's dockyards welcome visitors from across the mountains and sea. Champion, Brother, Cursed, Morelion. [Morelion and co. visits Tor Vernath on behalf of his sister the Everqueen]

Elf (Complimentary)

[X] [Apprentice:] Durin Thungnisson of Clan Winterhearth
[X] [Apprentice:] Ranulf Thungnisson of Clan Winterhearth
[X] [Apprentice:] Alric Thungnisson of Clan Winterhearth

I am not immune to nostalgia.
You have to specify number Voik.
[X] [Anniversary:] Zhufbar seeks to harness torrents of a different sort. Harness the sky, gas that lifts and madness of youth. [Experiments with lighter than air ships start earlier.]

[X] [Number:] 2
[X] [Apprentice:] Svina Brunasdottir of Clan Bolgisson
[X] [Apprentice:] Alma Almasdottir of Clan Winterhearth