Winning Vote:
[X] Plan: I Want What I Want
-[X] Odd Places 3/10: [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. 1 Action
-[X] Teach your apprentice. [Cost: 1 Action] Locked in for 0 turns. Apprentices can now be released into the world
--[X] Release them: [Cost: 1 apprentice action permanently] Gain 1 Action
-[X] [Simple] Apprentice work: [Cost: variable apprentice actions.] Roll for usefulness. 1 Roll per apprentice action. 1 Apprentice action.
-[X] [Simple] Torques A Plenty: [Cost: (3-1) =2 Actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Actions
-[X] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Due in 4 Turns. If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Format for multi-item requests at the bottom of the update. 1 Action
--[X] Theme: The King's Cloak: "A relentless, unstoppable and valiant King." Make the cloak using Dragonhide.
--[X] Theme: The Heir's Cloak: "A redoubtable, vital and skilled Heir." Make the cloak using Dragonhide.
--[X] Theme: The Bride's Amulet: "Protect the daughter against all ills." Make the amulet using Pure Gromril, Silver Wutroth and Hearthstones.
-[X]Tier 3 Dragonhide
--[X] Kingly Authority: Expedite
-[X]Tier 2 Obsidian
--[X] Kingly Authority: Order
Most of your decade is spent working on Brokk's request. Snerra did the legwork of actually gathering the material itself, but now you've got to actually trawl through your mental and physical library to figure out what Runes were used that time Master Yorri spoke to those goats.
It takes you the better part of the year, trawling through journals and recalling memories before you figure out what exactly you need.
An incredibly obscure Rune of Translation that Master Yorri used to speak to goats whose useability was
limited if you had to be honest. The Rune required a sample of the recipient to function, from feathers, fur, blood, hair, hell even spit would do, but the translation was often very literal and Master Yorri found that goats were not exactly the most...enlightened of creatures. And anything smart enough to hold a conversation was usually malicious or wasn't exactly in the mood to talk. A stroke of luck that the Rune actually had a practical application now that your people had found something smart enough to speak with and not actually want them dead at the same time. This was probably also the same Rune he used to haggle with that eagle for its feathers so you knew it would work on things besides a goat, not that you ever saw it being used on anything besides the damn things though.
Well, at least you could use them now!
But first, you needed a few feathers.
A few days later, you stare at the bundle of feathers Brokk has handed you, each labelled with the corresponding measurement from the list you received earlier.
"That quick?" you ask, brow raised.
"Aye," Brokk replies.
You grunt, staring down at a truly titanic feather, mayhaps the size of your arm and the measurement that came with it.
"This is…" you begin.
"Aye, haven't seen the actual donor but Ebonbeak over here is vouching for it," Brokk explains, pointing a finger at the large creature that's taken to following him around whenever he's outside the hold.
You nod, taking Brokk on his word and storing the name he gave the massive griffon behind him in your mind with everything else.
"I'll have your torques ready soon enough Elder," you say.
Brokk only nods.
You send Snerra off to do apprentice work, judging her competent enough to do the same thing Dolgi and Fjolla did all those years ago while you completed your work on the torques. Both to get her out of your beard and to test her a final time before letting her go off as a journeyman. Normally you'd tell an apprentice a good decade before doing so to finish their journeyman's work, but you didn't really have to with your niece. Given that you pretend to not notice how she's slowly been weaving an intricate banner for her Journeyman piece, something that even you must admit, privately, of course, is of acceptable quality.
But that was for another day, and another time, right now you're prepping to start melting down an astounding amount of silver and containers of sapphires into torques meant to fit on the neck of creatures far beyond your size and familiarity. Still, as a Runelord that was no excuse for
shoddy work. It just meant you had to go above and beyond to do things
right. So before you went about melting down ALL of this silver, you were going to do just that.
Which meant fittings.
So it is that you come back to Brokk weeks later, a silver Torque with the Rune of Translation burning brightly on it in hand.
The ranger, having been told of your plans beforehand, simply nods at you while you walk right up the Griffon resting in the snow nearby and extend the torque towards it expectantly.
You watch as it tilts its head to and fro in confusion, before staring at Brokk then back at you several times. Eventually, Brokk seems fed up with the waiting and grunts at Ebonbeak, jutting his thumb at the torque then miming the motion of putting the thing on. The creature's eyes light up in understanding and it lowers its head just enough to let you put the gear on, eyes watching you and the torque intensely.
It takes a second or two, but the metal slides on well enough, and the Rune pulses with energy.
Ebonbeak stares down at the thing on her neck.
"It is tight," a vaguely feminine voice says, coming from the torque.
"Well it works, now I can actually get the information I need straight from the source. Alright, Ebonbeak, I'll need you to answer a few questions so we can make your final torque, that's only here for fitting purposes and to make communication easier," you say, staring up at the obviously happy Griffon.
"Excellent! Let us begin," the Griffon says.
Well not really.
In reality, the torque said, "The deal is agreed upon, I agree to partake with enthusiasm. Begin negotiations," in Khazalid, but with none of the intonation or minor nuances that make one phrase distinguishable from another.
But frankly, that's better than cawing, and as your elders say, "a nugget of gold beats a cartload of mud."
With a recipient actually capable of conversing with, you manage to create the torques with greater ease. Using Ebonbeak as a sounding board and impromptu test subject, along with a few helpful bestiary guides, you get enough of a grasp of Griffon anatomy to figure out what was most comfortable for them to wear.
The torques themselves are all similar in appearance; made of Silver, studded with a Sapphire that bore the Rune of Translation with a Rune of Preservation and Rune of Warding on either side. Their surfaces are decorated in fine knotwork or engravings depicting scenes of them in battle with trolls.
You manage to do all of Brokk's requested Torques, even the incredibly large one despite the owner never revealing himself to you, with enough time left over to make Ebonbeak a simple set of silver and Gromril armour, with Runes of course, as payment for her contribution.
"This is magnificent Runelord! I shall win great jealousy from the flock and draw the eyes of a Prince with this," the Griffon says.
You aren't sure if Prince is the correct terminology but given the rest of the context, it's the only word that makes sense. It raises several questions, but you just take the compliment. Normally you'd be interested in this sort of information but you have an apprentice to check over!
(Roll, Apprentice: 89 +25[The Shining One] =114)
It's clear Snerra's been productive.
The young woman was apparently commissioned by Clan Bryggeroot, one of the more famous Brewing clans in the hold, to apply Runes to their newest Brewery. A not too difficult task, but one your niece managed to finish well ahead of schedule. With the time she had left, she seemingly decided to create a banner for Clan Bryggeroot as thanks for the opportunity to ply her trade for the first time. The Banner itself is frankly a work of art, detailed and incredibly accurate, as you've been told by the Clan's Elders, depictions of Clan Bryggeroot's proud history drawn from Snerra plying their Longbeards for stories and delving into the public records of Kraka Drakk written in finely decorated gold leaf fill the background. The names of their greatest members and ancestors border the edges, with the Clan's emblem marked in the very center where the Runes of Battle, Guarding and Determination glow brightly.
You've also been told that the Clan's thane has sworn, on behalf of the entire clan, an oath to repay the mighty gift lest they be shamed. Many of the elder Longbeards sniff in approval at the sight of the banner fluttering proudly from the rafters of the Clan home, ready to take it up into battle and have also sworn their own personal oaths to the young dwarf.
The both of you leave the Clan Home to the sound of cheers and hearty farewells, and only when you've both walked far enough away from all the commotion do you pat your niece's head.
"It'll do Snerra," you say gruffly.
"Thank you Master," she replies sincerely.
You grunt back at her, outwardly unaffected but internally hooting in pride at her accomplishment. She'll go far this one, if the world is kind enough to let her live long enough she'll be a Runelord of legend, one spoken of in awe and reverence. Any doubts you may have held about her ability to survive the journeyman's trial are dashed away, Gromril-clad certainty taking its place.
Amid your internal pride, another smaller part of you is glad Jorri isn't here to cause a scene.
You aren't sure you'd be able to stop him.
(Roll, Yorri Places 3: 30 +10[Seclusion] =40)
You stare down at the pages of Yorri's journal, ignoring Snerra as she huffs behind you from the exertion of pulling at the reins of the ornery goats that haul your wagons.
This will be the last time the two of you do this, before you send her off on her trials that is. One last refresher on proper goat coaching wasn't remiss, given the kinds of things she's likely to end up doing and places she'd end up seeing.
Around the two of you, scenes of volcanic activity are evident. Veins of volcanic rock evident in the exposed strata, signs of an ancient volcano and the crust of old lava flows dot the surrounding area.
Day 240, year 28 of Journey,
My exploration has taken me to a great black plain, the sight of some ancient volcanic activity given the surroundings.
What has caught my eye however was that cutting off the northwestern section of this land was a fast running river, wherein I caught sight of something odd indeed.
Floating stones.
Now, any self-respecting dwarf is well aware, the properties of Pumice very neatly explain the cause of such an odd phenomenon, but the sight itself is still worth recording. I have managed to examine several of the stones that have built up on the river's bank and have confirmed that they are indeed pumice, but the odd part was the means in which the Pumice seemingly found its way there.
I followed the river upstream, wherein I caught sight of what I reckon to be a large formation of the material, by means I am not yet sure of, the pumice is broken loose from the main body where it falls into the water below, creating rafts of the rock that flow down river. While I am not as well versed in geology as a miner, it's clear that as the Pumice is deposited along the riverbank, the build-up eventually causes the river to shift and undulate like some odd snake.
Fascinating, especially considering how neatly the Pumice is piled up, perfect for removal I am frank. Alas, I am not in a position to exploit it, but perhaps in the future when I am a Master I shall?
Damn, I was a wordy one back then, course I started running out of paper and had to be a bit pickier about what I wrote down as the years went by. Anywho, I've marked the sight of the main deposit, the river's probably gone who knows where given how long it's been but just find the Pumice piles and you'll be fine.
- Yorri.
You personally aren't too sure about what to make of this less odd Yorri his journal is showing, but that's something to be saved for later.
Squinting, your eyes examine the horizon for signs of those Pumice piles Yorri's notes spoke of. Idly noting the darkening cloud cover made looking for the cream white stone your master wrote about easier to spot.
A pile of the stuff that, from your location, was about as high as you were but far wider.
"Come along now Snerra! Daylight's burning!" you call behind you.
"Yes master!" she yells back.
You barely hear her, having jogged your way over to get a better look from atop a small rise in the landscape. From your position, you finally catch sight of what Master Yorri was talking about in his journal.
The river is wide and fast, snaking its way across the land, but what draws your eyes is that mass of creamy white dots that flow down it like little rafts. So numerous that parts of the water are obscured in their totality by a layer of the stuff. Occasionally the little specks smack against the riverbank, beaching themselves with more of its kind, slowly building great banks of Pumice as the river cuts through the land.
The two of you spend the next two weeks cataloguing the location for the surveyors and land claim offices. The formation is rather large, very large actually, and Pumice has a bevy of uses to dwarfs. A bit shoddy as a stone in your opinion, not as bad as limestone but stone has no business having that many holes in it! Still, it has its uses; polishes, medicine and beauty products though you've only really used it for the former two.
You cannot help but feel, in a small part of yourself, a bit disappointed by the decided mundanity of it.
Not every shaft was a rich one you supposed.
When you return home you send Snerra off to the workshop to bring out her Journeyman piece, much to her surprise you might add, while you go to the land claims office where you go about the business of going through the proper work to gain ownership of the Pumice deposit.
You stand before your niece, eyes squinted as she offers up her journeyman's piece for your perusal.
If the banner she made for Clan Bryggeroot was a work of art, this was damn near close to a Masterpiece for a dwarf her age, hell maybe even for dwarfs half again older. The emblem on Clan Winterhearth, a stylized fireplace with the first rune of your Clan's name depicted as a poker and hammer bearing Thungni's Rune overtop, stands out against the pale teal of the fabric she's embroidered it on. Beneath it, the Runes of Sanctuary, Fortitude and Fire are stacked on top of each other, evoking the image of a pillar. Written around the Rune array and Clan emblem are not just the histories of the Clan and its most famous members as you expected, but also an account of your own life and achievements. From your earliest deeds, your lineage from Thungni and even your extended family. All of it, etched with the finest gold she's managed to find and written so crisply that you're sure it would last ages.
At your raised brow she gulps and simply says,
"I put down what I thought was inspiring Master."
You grunt, bidding her to put down the banner.
"It seems you've done something almost resembling an adequate Niece. Very well, I accept your journeyman's piece and send you off on the Journeyman's trial. Find glory and inspiration, and dare not return until you have proven yourself before both yourself and your ancestors," you say, reciting the old oaths.
"I Snerra Magnasdottir do so swear, no place will be beyond me, no search left incomplete. I will learn the art of my Ancestors and grow wise in my journey. I shall not return until I have proven my mastery to myself and my Ancestors," she finishes.
You sniff.
"Best get packing then apprentice, and clean this up before you leave tomorrow," you order before turning around and going back to your workshop. There were letters to write, and things to do besides watch over a young journeyman after all.
"Yes Master!" she says behind you.
It is in the final year of the decade, months after Snerra has left, that you and King Stonehammer reach a final agreement. Two cloaks of pure white Dragonhide, the best you could find for King and Prince and an amulet for the Princess to be delivered by the time of the wedding.
The arrays you devised were in your opinion, rather ingenious. The two cloaks are meant to be themed after duality, after fire and ice respectively. Going along with the idea of a meteor falling, Otrek's cloak will create a protective barrier of air and flame around Otrek. One that bursts in an explosion of superheated air on command that will leave his allies untouched and enemies burnt to a crisp, an effect he could extend over his Huskarls albeit weaker than if it was just around himself.
For his son, a cloak made with a similar idea, though instead of fire it would be of frost and biting winds instead of fire. Chilling his enemies and guarding his allies against the most chilling temperatures.
And for his daughter, a simple amulet that you're planning to use a Hearthstone as a centrepiece for. The Runes on it meant to strengthen her for the duties of her future as a queen and gird her against the rigours and stresses such a task will add.
You drink idly from your mug, taking in the sound of the crackling fire in your workshop. You note that everything is quieter now that you're not busy running herd on a bunch of beardlings. A good thing to be sure, but if you strain your ears just so, you swear you can hear the echoes of Dolgi's hammer, Fjolla chisel or even the clink of Snerra's needles.
You think you may be going a bit mad, then again a lot of things seem to be heading that way if you're honest.
The Griffons are now a more common sight in the years since you gave them the ability to communicate, trading kills for things like blankets or trinkets with Merchants. Their shapes are hard to see in the ever-darkening and thundering skies that are more and more common these days.
Your beard twitches fiercely.
- New Rune Combo Unlocked!
Combo, Pyrestrike: [Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Burning, Rune of Impact] [The bearer is engulfed in a bubble of fire and heated air, detonating on command or when hit with sufficient force. The explosion burns and knocks back enemies. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation].
Lo Valiant Grimnir charged, and before the furious heat of his onslaught, nought was left but ash and dead foes.
- New Rune Combo Unlocked!
Combo, Hailmantle: [Rune of Frost, Rune of Parrying, Rune of Sanctuary] [A shield of frost and bitter winds buffets away projectiles and slows down enemies attacking the bearer. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation.]
The North winds blow fast, fierce and relentless, their chilling bite the doom of many.
- New Rune Combo Unlocked!
Combo, Hearthward: [Rune of Valaya, Rune of Warding, Rune of Furnace] [The bearer is more resilient to stress and ills, their vitality strengthened, forever warmed and soothed by the hearth's glow.]
In the darkest and coldest nights, the Runes burn bright and warm, staving off the worst of it.
- +1 Dragonhide Ordered,
[Cost: 3 Turns]
- +1 Obsidian Ordered,
[Cost: 2 Turns]
- A very large Pumice deposit is now one of the pieces of land Snorri owns.
- The Griffons now speak, badly and hard to parse but they speak! The now named Ebonbeak, Brokk's odd Griffon companion, has been given a set of armour she's sure will impress someone she calls the Prince. ??? Research Unlocked
- Snerra Magnasdottir has been released from your services and is off on her Journeyman's trial after completing an Epic Deed.
- +1 Action
AN: Sorry this took so long. Yes, your niece has just indebted an entire clan to herself because she wanted to thank them. Griffon dialogue will be normal, with the acknowledgement that IC it's a fucking mess that Snorri is parsing through for your benefit. Anywho, thanks for waiting, reading and don't forget to C&C if you'd like. :^)