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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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ALrighty then! Do have a pertinent question for Soul tho.

@soulcake based on what Snorri saw during turn 43 and 44, does he think a Storm is going to arrive turn 60?
Yeah, we probably should...

We should also March IIRC Snorri Whitebeard and Malekith asked us to fight against the Fimir this turn to use our busted anti army capabilities to distract the Fimir...
THey did not ask us to fight this turn - they will ask us in a future.

Soooo is there going to be an option to tell the Burudin that Snorri solved Durins consternation or is it just going to be revealed next time he meets one of them in person?
Turn 61 is when I plan to do it.

Like to be very clear to everybody, we don't need to march yet. The request to march hasn't landed from Whitebeard yet.

ALso Menlinwen won't leave until turn 65. Which is perfect, we're not time crunched for that at all tbh.
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I notice there's no action to handle the overcrowding of Khazagar - @soulcake is it just not possible for us to resolve this issue with our own efforts at the moment?
What went wrong, and more importantly why?

The most obvious answer is that it has something to do with you, or more accurately your Stilling Field. You already knew from previous observations that the stronger of two or more overlapping Fields would take precedence in the area that they interacted in. The thought that your Stilling Field bungling up Karstah's made sense, save for one key fact.

You've stood closer to her than that when you taught her, and she's never gone through something like what just happened. Those symptoms, the shakes and exhaustion, were what you'd expect to see from an unprepared apprentice trying to forge a Rune; someone unconditioned to withstand the physical toil of Runecraft, not a Master Runesmith eight years shy of her fourth century.

What else is different?

Your new eye.

But you could craft a Rune perfectly fine, multiple even, with it in your socket. But what else could it be? It's clear something is missing, or more likely that there's a connection you simply aren't making.

There is time, rushing ahead like a beardling after he's made his first Rune will do you no favours and was liable to get someone hurt.
It's a path that will hopeful result in insights.

Karstah's shuddering breaths, the shaking of her muscles, and the tightness around her eyes—

A different memory, an earlier time, replaces it.

—Her hand falls limp.


No, you'll take your time here. There is time to do this right, to do this safely. And if there isn't—

Your eyes unconsciously drift to an icon of Valaya, one of several that Karstah had peppered across her room alongside images of Thungni.

—then you'd happily lose the chance of understanding Runecraft rather than your heir, your child.
Man knows his priorities. Also it's great he's able to acknowledge her as his child.

She doesn't have to be a genius to know he's concerned. Her gaze meets the pale blue of his natural eye and the glowing, silvery steel of Gromril and Runecraft.

I have Windsight now he had said, casually announcing he'd solved Durin's Consternation as if he was talking about making a fresh batch of Troll Jerky.

Her fingers twitch as the embarrassing memory resurfaces, how Master Snorri's eyes had widened in alarm at how quickly and easily she had decided to remove her own eye.
Her reaction to all that was great.

"What's the brew look like with your new eye?" she asks, unable to deny her curiosity.

Master Snorri grunts in amusement.

"Color's a little clearer, but it's not a big enough difference from the old one. About as magical as the wood in this room. Does strange things to the soul though…" he trails off, squinting as he looks at her strangely.

"Like what?" she asks.

Master Snorri doesn't say anything, but then he huffs casually, "If it'll keep you from leaving that bed, very well"

As he gets into the details, Karstah listens.
Curiosity is key to Runesmiths.

That the Gift somehow involved a Runesmith's soul was something most of the Guild long believed, and once you confirm it whenever you reveal the Rune of Windsight, it's a fact almost all would accept.

The how and mechanics, however, remained a mystery.

But as Karstah recovered, a hint, a glimmer of the answer to that greater mystery was revealed to you, though not in a way you appreciate.

A Runesmiths soul, as your eye perceives them at least, is inundated with geometrically inclined veins of rich, glittering gold. In your haste to see to Karstah's health you didn't even notice it until she had that Valayan ale. Then, over the days she spent in recovery it became clear to you as you continued to catch glimpses of your heir's spirit.

The veins in Karstah's soul were…duller. Muted. Pale silverish gold, a light Bryn, rather than full, rich and glittering gold, Ril.
Well that's interesting.

Your initial reaction upon realizing that had been muted horror, followed by an absolute avalanche of self loathing that made you stare northward on more than one occasion. The possibility that she'd been permanently injured in a way no healing you knew of could solve was enough to almost break you. But as the days continued to pass you, thankfully, saw those same veins slowly return to their previous lustre, coinciding with the time Karstah felt like she had recovered fully from the ordeal.

The realization just clicks into place then, forming from the nebulous tumult of your mind with surprising ease.

The state of the "veins" present within a Runesmith's soul seem to be a marker of some part of their metaphysical wellbeing.

you think very quietly, even the health of their very soul.
It being a representative of health is a great thing to know.

—to investigate. You left that cave with a few questions, like what exactly was the source for all that Hysh, but ultimately with the answers you sought. For one, the crystal needed the Diamond Wind to grow at all, and that if the cave was anything to go by, then past a certain point of development a positive feedback loop would form; more Hysh made more Gypsum which in turn drew in more Hysh, and so on and so forth.

As you chronicle the information down into a tome bound for the Kron-Thingondrol—damn beardlings are going to submit something soon or Valaya help you—it strikes you like a pickaxe on ore.

The dust, the thematic resonance, the cave wards…


You move.
He's really happy to be making progress with this.

You stare at the bottle.

Obsidian, rendered into a puddle then shaped into form by Zharrgal. Inside of it is a pile of ash that radiates Aqshy.

With your improved eye, you managed to trial and error your way into finding the "right"(?) way to use the Rune of Calcination. By shutting it off at just the right stage, you are left with enough of the main Wind that it will naturally push away any remainder that failed to be burned away, while also ensuring the ash retains enough thematic resonance to "keep" the Winds from floating away too quickly. This, in combination with some very clumsily arrayed Runes of Warding and Force, let you dump both Wind and ash into the bottle you made.

The ash retains only about half of the magic it had before you got it into the bottle, there's still the issue of the ash as a byproduct, you can't produce the storage medium at scale…and you aren't yet sure how to get to Runesmith Essence from something that only seems to spit out the 8 Winds, but that doesn't matter.

Because as a proof of concept it has done its job; because It works.

And that means you can improve it.

You already know essence can be made thanks to your Smelters, you know you can burn away the Winds of Magic from a substance with the Rune of Calcination, you know that magic can be moved and stored like a fluid. Its crude, and doubtlessly full of errors from both ignorance and misunderstandings, but the barebones of a system of getting Runesmith essence is there in your mind.

The task now is just fitting the pieces together.
He's breaking new ground with this which is really impressive.

Coming off the high of your unintentional progress of Akazit, you are struck in the face by a cackling Fate.

Now mind you, those cackles were in the form of a Royal Runebearer's boots thumping against the stones of Khazagar, but they were cackles.

You had intended to write to the High King and inform him of your insights about Malekith.

But in a strange turn of…fortune? You no longer have to worry about how or if you should meet the High King in person to relay what you know.
Huh that's convenient.

It has been some six decades since Snorri Whitebeard visited Khazagar in any official capacity, but for reasons beyond your knowing though certainly timed in your favour, he sends a runner ahead to inform you of his arrival come the turning of the century, seven years from now.

Officially he is coming to observe and see, with his own eyes, the state of Khazagar in the decades since its official opening. Something that, while you would normally say is a bit early given it will only have been seventy years when he will arrive, you concede that it's a wise move in the wake of Ornsmoteks, and now Izril and Brynduraz's responses to your creation.

Rather like looking to the source of why the beardlings are bickering.

Makes sense he needs to know what's going to happen with this.

- [Late 492] Izril crows in triumph. For their Brilliant Hall is three fourths done, and now a great trophy shall be at its center. Found in the rubble of Thungni's Trial, a site now cordoned off and held sacrosanct on order of the Hold's King, at the urging of the Runesmiths no doubt, a relic was recovered. The fragments of a stone plinth, its Runes unpowered, but unmistakable in their construction. Though it confirms the veracity of Klausson's tale, much to Izril's ire, it consequently verifies its own authenticity. It is not the complete thing, and even now the Runesmith Clans meticulously comb through the rubble for the missing pieces, but even so it is a link, a piece of Thungni's work. And, in a hilarious twist, slowly becoming the Brilliant Hall's own motto.

~-to understand the Stone and those born from it, is to know thus:



Huh good to know they found that.

- [Early 493] Menlinwen Informs you that she will need to leave by 550 A.P. to return to her teacher and prove herself worthy of being deemed an Archmage, and then begin the long process of mastering Qhaysh. Best get to it
Good for her.

- [Burudin] Send a message to my grandfather's ghost and tell him to dance a jig because the world's gone mad. Bothersome nonsense. Four different institutions, Ancestors below the Conclave's of the next few centuries shall devolve into brawls all the faster.

- [Burudin] I'll deliver it to him on your behalf Cronnag, you wretched old goat. My bones grow weary. By decade's end I reckon, expect no more of these faffing letters from me. I'd rather be spoiling my thrice-great-grandchildren than deal with you lot of beardlings stuck in an elder's body.

- [Burudin] Hail the soon to be honoured dead.

- [Burudin] Hail.

- [Burudin] Hail.

- [Burudin] Bah, the walk to that lout's workshop is a beardache and a half. No consideration for the schedules of others, bah! You know how difficult it is to find good ale to share before the end? Damned hard is what it is. Valaya weeps!

- [Burudin] That's why you prepare a few kegs beforehand you spendthrift. Why, I have a barrel of old Oakenbrow's Dragongut, the good stuff from before that WAZZOK, Thalgar Oakenbrow took over the brewery from his father, for such an occasion.

- [Burudin] Aye, Thuringar's got the right of it. Spat in my own mouth just carving that out too, mind you, so know I'm being sincere. I've some fine Yinlinsson stout barrelled on the same day I became a Master in the eyes of Lord Thungni for when my strength begins to falter.

- [Burudin] Trollbrew, brewed -500 -892 A.P. if I'm using this damn calendar the beardlings started using. My first Greater Daemon killed, avenging my brother's Grudge. A good day.

- [Burudin] Gazan Burner '987, for the death of King Tharkaz Barrelbrow of Karak Zorn. Rotten son of an even rottener son of Lout, I hope he's still stuck serving ale to his betters down there. I shall make sure he remains doing so!

- [Burudin] Hazkal from Khazad Kor, twas her favourite, and when the day comes I shall meet her and our children proudly.
And thus another Elder dies.

- Akazit Pt. 2 complete! Akazit Pt. 3 unlocked!
-- The Rune of Calcination cannot necessarily be modulated, but you can pull whatever it is burning away at the right time to be able to actually capture the essence. It needs a borked up array of Warding Runes and a handcrafted bottle of Obsidian, but you can. And that is enough.
-- +2 overflow to Akazit Pt. 3, new totals: [Cost: (5 -2) = 3 actions] Making the process easier, more efficient and reliable is key. After that, you can start worrying about making Runesmith Essence.
-- [Alchemy trait] 0/? > 2/?
Happy to the the progress. Snorri getting an Alchemy trait would be neat.

(*New*)Understand Runecraft: [3/??? actions] +2 automatic progress per turn. Gain general theory and knowledge of the magical mechanics behind Runecraft. Every piece of Runecraft Snorri personally makes will add progress.
This is something you can't just put a block of time to. It is a process, one of constant development and theorizing. Hundreds of Runes, hundreds of observations.
Makes sense it's a whole process.
Well more referring to Skarri carrying on the Dolgi legacy, but also some RER rolls, but that's usual Dice fare TBH.
I notice there's no action to handle the overcrowding of Khazagar - @soulcake is it just not possible for us to resolve this issue with our own efforts at the moment?
Not immediately no. Depending on how the new institutions are received Snorri will think of something. He doesnt know if this is a surge that will abate or a new normal yet. As it is people can still find rooms, even if it isn't within Khazagar itself.
[ ] [Difficult] Understand the Master Rune of Thungni [Engineering]: [Cost: 12 actions]. Snerra gave you an item bearing this Rune. It all that is good this is something you must understand before you die, when not if.
@soulcake I believe Mind for Constucts should still proc here, as it did in the previous listing on Turn 56.
Mind for Constructs [8/15]: Every 2 research actions used for researching Engineering and [Construct] Runes add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Every 3 request or research actions that involve Constructs but not Runes add 2 extra progress. Possesses a deep understanding of Gronti and the mechanics of the Dwarfen form.
[ ] [Difficult] Understand the Master Rune of Thungni [Engineering]: [Cost: 24 actions] Mind for Constructs will proc. Snerra gave you an item bearing this Rune. It all that is good this is something you must understand before you die, when not if.
Hey @soulcake!

Just wanted to gently bump this in case it got lost in the chaos.
[] Plan: Knock Knock Monoliths and Learning. (Turn 59)
-[] Snorri & Karstah
--[] [Simple] Build Brynbar pt 2 (2 Karstah) This is for her own use.
--[] Khazagar (2 Karstah) Generates 3 Khazagar actions, any left over remain to be used later.
---[] Change Curriculum: Switch Prosthetics with Dum-Denial. 1 Khaz.
---[] Learning Rune of Spellburning. 2 Khaz + T2 White Lion's Heart.
--[] [Simple] Once more with Smelting #2 (1 Snorri + 3 KKR) Wear BA/Skarren
--[] [Simple] The Brotherhood Calls (1 Snorri + 3 KKR)
--[] [Difficult] Monolith Mastery pt 1 (2 Snorri)
--[] [Difficult] Examine KKR (1 Snorri)
--[] [Difficult] Skaudardrengi pt 2 (1 Snorri + 2 KKR) This does not finish the Dragon. This is prep for turn 60 and is meant to develop the Rune we chose by Going All Out.
-[] Retainers & Orders
--[] Expedition, Grom [1 Retainer + Industry of the North]
--[] Training Regime Pt. 2 [3 Retainer]
--[] Order: T4 Elder Storm Wyrm's Gas Sac
--[] Royal Authority Order: T4 Elder Storm Wyrm Wing Tendons [-15 Far North Favor]
--[] Royal Authority Order: T4 Great Eagle Feather [-15 Karak Ungor Favor]
--[] Royal Authority Order: T4 Elder Storm Wyrm's Heart [-15 Far North Favor]

SO big points of this plan.

1) Karstah does Starlight hammer and Brynbar for herself
2) We change out Prosthetics for Dum-Denial and start learning Spellburning from Lady Skalla
3) Examines the God Hammer finally
4) The Brotherhood Request is done
5 Completes final smelter we need for the Dragon
6) Puts the work in for the upgraded Monumental Gronti Waking rune, prepping for our 6 ap commitment on turn 60 into the Dragon's actual construction
7) Finishes Monolith Mastery pt 1 so we can Waystone better, which is quite relevant for turn 60.
8) Repairs Kraka Grom
9) Orders most of the remaining reagents for the Dragon's equipment

IF people are more interested in starting the Master Rune of Thunderstorms, I'm down to start that and finish it turn 60, instead of Spellburning.
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[X] Plan: Knock Knock Monoliths and Learning. (Turn 59)
-[X] Snorri & Karstah
--[X] [Simple] Build Brynbar pt 2 (2 Karstah) This is for her own use.
--[X] Khazagar (2 Karstah) Generates 3 Khazagar actions, any left over remain to be used later.
---[X] Change Curriculum: Switch Prosthetics with Dum-Denial. 1 Khaz.
---[X] Learning Rune of Spellburning. 2 Khaz + T2 White Lion's Heart.
--[X] [Simple] Once more with Smelting #2 (1 Snorri + 3 KKR) Wear BA/Skarren
--[X] [Simple] The Brotherhood Calls (1 Snorri + 3 KKR)
--[X] [Difficult] Monolith Mastery pt 1 (2 Snorri)
--[X] [Difficult] Examine KKR (1 Snorri)
--[X] [Difficult] Skaudardrengi pt 2 (1 Snorri + 2 KKR) This does not finish the Dragon. This is prep for turn 60 and is meant to develop the Rune we chose by Going All Out.
-[X] Retainers & Orders
--[X] Expedition, Grom [1 Retainer + Industry of the North]
--[X] Training Regime Pt. 2 [3 Retainer]
--[X] Order: T4 Elder Storm Wyrm's Gas Sac
--[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Elder Storm Wyrm Wing Tendons [-15 Far North Favor]
--[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Great Eagle Feather [-15 Karak Ungor Favor]
--[X] Royal Authority Order: T4 Elder Storm Wyrm's Heart [-15 Far North Favor]
Voting hasn't started yet, you should get rid of the Xs.
[--] Write-in: [Less than 100 words, 3 main points about what you focus on when sharing your knowledge about Elven politics with Snorri Whitebeard.]
@soulcake, to what extent will our statement be capable of changing geopolitics? I know you've said that things like the War of the Beard are completely beyond our ability to affect but it really seems like High King Snorri might change the course of history if he learns the right things….
@soulcake, to what extent will our statement be capable of changing geopolitics? I know you've said that things like the War of the Beard are completely beyond our ability to affect but it really seems like High King Snorri might change the course of history if he learns the right things….
You don't know. As I mentioned, Snorri admits that he has no clue how much Whitebeard knows already.
Could you link me to the plans for the equipment for Skaud?
I gotchu fam, as the original designer.

Treasure Hoard of Magic, "Azgul-a-Zhuf", Heart Talisman. 9 Adamant Bars. Master Rune of Thungni's Presence (Adamant + T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart) + Ancestor Thungni (T4 Ancient Greedy Troll's Blood, to use Blood reagents gather and transfer function) + Talismanic Siphoning (T4 Ancient Greedy Troll Heart). The Intent of this item is to make it a power source for the dragon, allowing it to absorb the winds and spells around it to fuel itself. The theme is "The beast greedily consumes the world's magic, pulling the Deep and the Winds into its heart, where all of it is remade into fuel for its runes." (Master Rune of Thungni is an alternative, but we need to study it. Another is Master Rune of Deep Gate + Guzazi Zhuf (Greedy Blood) + Thungni (Greedy Blood))

Certain Cut, "Anhakkit", Left Claw Weapon. 3 Adamant Bars. Currents (T4 Storm Dragon Brain) + Cleaving (T4 Cockatrice's Eye) + Might (T4 Lightning aligned upgrade to Stonehorn Horns). The theme is "An ancient mind made cunning in stormy skies wields monstrous strength in unerring blows of terrifying speed which can pierce even the thickest armor."

Swift Wind, "Alazilfin". Wing Talisman. 3 Adamant Bars. Talismanic Master Rune of Featherweight (T4 Elder Storm Wyrm Wing Tendons) + Speed (T3 Pegasus Heart) + Rune of Breezes (T4 Great Eagle's Feather). Theme: "As masters of the Air, Storm Wyrms soar with it as their servant, using their magic to deny gravity's hold and fly faster than the storm winds."

Thunder of Doom, "Dronadum", Armor (not a set piece). The Breath Weapon. 3 Adamant Bars. The Master Rune of Zon-Dum (T4 Elder Storm Wyrm Gas Sac and T4 Sidereal Sapphire). Lonely Rune, Bearer can unleash an incredible blast of lightning through a crystal embedded in the plate.

Death Thunder, "Uzkuldron," Armor. 3 Bars. Combo, Storm Mantle; Master Rune of Grungni (T4 Barazgal) + Fury (T4 Sky King Feather or T3 Griffon Feather) + Lightning (T4 Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Heart). The theme here is "The armor of the beast shall mantle itself in the Storm, snapping out to destroy any gnats that have the temerity to approach." Alternate, Master Rune of Thunderstorms (Barazgal + Elder Storm Wyrm Blood) + Terror (Elder Shard Wyrm Blood) + Bang (Elder Storm Wyrm Gas Sac)

A Might Sky Blow, "Drengskarraz", Horns Talisman. 3 Adamant Bars. Combo Relentless Pursuit: Master Rune of Wandering (T4 Elder Storm Wyrm Heart) + Rune of Impact (T3 Dragon Ogre Blood) + Rune of Grimnir (T2 Grimnirzan). The theme is "Like a Storm Dragon's stooping dive from on high towards the most vulnerable targets, it lunges for its prey with claws extended and crackling with lightning."

All this is getting made in steps later on - thru turn 61 to 65 prolly.