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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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well now i feel abit bad to dump that list on him without those.
Its okay, just go back to that list you made and edit in tags.

I've decided to post something I've been working on for a while, which is my current model for Gronti and the Waking rune.

The important observation is that there is a force or 'Whole' that Fragments can be cleaved from by the Runes, based on the last scene of the dragon Trial construct.

Anyway, this Whole either is the Deep Magic or is closely related to it. I observed that the Fragments are associated with stone and rock, possibly due to wherever the Whole naturally comes to rest and congregate. I also observed that the Fragments are associated with life, or at least with purposeful motion. Motion with Intent. We also know that the reason Troll Hearts are used as the reagent of Waking is associations with 'something moving that should not be'.

Mhorni is a gronti like thing, and I think related to the Fragments as a similar kind of being. Mhorni uses Barak Azamar as a Anchor. The Rune of Waking Elements is also derived from the Master Rune of Waking. Given these similarities, I would make a bit of speculation that the Master Rune of Waking makes the body of a Gronti into an Anchor for the Fragment and may also shape the Fragment in some way once the cleaving from the Whole is done.

So the main hypothesis of the model is that the process of inscribing the Master Rune of Waking reaches into the Whole, cleaves off a Fragment, and draws that Fragment up into a Body-Anchor. The Fragment is able to act as the guiding intelligence. The Fragment might also provide the Rune energy in some manner, no way to test that right now or dig deeper into it except via The Soul project.

And thus the reason Waking works better with a more life-like body is that the Rune has to spend less of its energies on "filling in the gaps" between what the Whole most resonates with and a simple inanimate mass. Its a matter of the quality of the Anchor.

So, runes which might help the Master Rune draw up a larger Fragment (Siphoning?), runes that are associated with stone and rock (Stone), runes which provide more connection to the Deep Magic (Siphoning and related), enhance the precision and quality of the Anchor and its attachment to the Fragment (Thungni and related), and which make it more life like (Empowerment), could thus Combo with Awakening or Empowered Waking.

Something I want to try once we get Empowered Waking compressed, is Master Rune of Empowered Waking + Dawi + Stone. Depends a bit on what Empowered Waking's exact effects are as a Master Rune, and what simple Dawi does. Empowered Waking may still be able to benefit from Siphoning, but that again depends on precisely what the Master Rune does.
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Feasibility of Adamant gronti with spite and stone runes carrying a banner of taunting? Have it just wander around to passively kill of chaff before they can join a army like smaller tribes of beastmen
Spite doesn't work unless you take a wound so it wouldn't actually do anything on an adamant gronti for almost every enemy. I think there is a rune on the list that is an upgraded spite that does damage based on hits taken but we don't have it.
Spite doesn't work unless you take a wound so it wouldn't actually do anything on an adamant gronti for almost every enemy. I think there is a rune on the list that is an upgraded spite that does damage based on hits taken but we don't have it.
Rune of flame then? Super heat the adamant gronti so contact enough to burn everything to ashes? Or the MRetribution yeah
kinda wondering if building the Dragon Gronti is going to somehow piggyback off of the ritual already enacted upon Khazagar. I mean, a Dragon made out of precious, hoarded material, guarding over a mountaintop cache of great knowledge and treasures, presumably built within or near the place it's guarding and thus benefitting from the powers it grants right off the bat.
kinda wondering if building the Dragon Gronti is going to somehow piggyback off of the ritual already enacted upon Khazagar. I mean, a Dragon made out of precious, hoarded material, guarding over a mountaintop cache of great knowledge and treasures, presumably built within or near the place it's guarding and thus benefitting from the powers it grants right off the bat.
I do have intent to build a tool to help Snorri survive forging in a Storm of Magic on the Anvil, and after that the thought is to build the Dragon's body on the Anvil, during a Storm of Magic. I think because the Dragon is the Capstone and thus linked into Khazagar's initial plans, plus how its going to share a lot of traits Khazagar has, it will link up with the ritual effects.

Whatever that link will do, we dunno.
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I do have intent to build a tool to help Snorri survive forging in a Storm of Magic on the Anvil, and after that the thought is to build the Dragon's body on the Anvil, during a Storm of Magic. I think because the Dragon is the Capstone and thus linked into Khazagar's initial plans, plus how its going to share a lot of traits Khazagar has, it will link up with the ritual effects.

Whatever that link will do, we dunno.
Watch it link the runes up to Khaz somehow so MDeepgate's effect gets spread across the entirety of Khaz.
[Semi Canon] Other Elves Come To Wage War, x2 +15 to a Roll
Other Elves Come To Wage War
Barra elbows Skarri. Only after he puts the box of supplies down as gingerly and delicately as a box of brews from Valaya's own students deserves does he whip around to glare at the Ranger, pretty clearly more than annoyed. "What the hell was that for?"

"Elves approaching, thought you might want to see." Ah yes. The Elgi will be stopping at the Dawi camp to pick up supplies on their way to join Malekith, as well as dropping off some correspondence for the High King to help ensure their forces are working together properly.

"Oh yes, there's nothing I'd like half as much as gawking at people like some kind of drunken Beardling."

"I'd do it if I were you." They both jump as one of the members of the Elgi contingent who's been working directly with the Dawi, Enell Shadowbane, seems to appear from nowhere. "They shall be a sight to behold, do not doubt that."

"...Elgi, if you spook me like that again, I will throttle you."

"What's it you say to that poor apprentice of yours, Runesmith? Eyes and ears open always, and if you don't, that's on you?'"

"...Five minutes, one day Elgi that's all I'll need, just five minutes."
Malekith has called, and so they have answered.

Houses of three Kingdoms of Ulthuan, here to purge the Fimir, here to take vengeance for the lives snuffed out, here for the sake of the righteous, here for the sake of the world they love, here for they have been summoned by the Son of the Defender. Though not the equal of gathering the might of the entire Kingdom proper, even just one of these houses could burn a city to the ground given sufficient cause.

And the Elgi have been given sufficient cause, indeed.

The Cothiquans first, and obviously so. Steed-mounted, glimmering and shining they appear, Kazhunki of some caliber. Shiny maille harnesses the shade of the bright blue sea, layered with scales and plates of brightest green, but for their helms, silver as ever but the shade of sea mists in the morning rather than the usual mirror-polished steel. Appreciably heavy armor, even by their standards, and so by elven standard they may as well be riding citadels. Intricately chiseled into each link of each set of chain, prayers to their Ancestor Mathlann. On each and every scale, some old sigil filigreed in brightest gold, catching the sun's rays and throwing them about. The bottom row of both chain and scale alternate between precious cerulean-lacquered gold and hard ithilmar, all of it enchanted to the point that nothing short of Runes could begin to cut into it. Their tabbards and cloaks dark blues framing sea horses ending in the bodies of beasts of the deep, bright swords, and stormy seas. Where it is all metal such imagery is instead filigreed onto hardened plackards and breastplates.

And none shines more than their Prince, Avarion Seashimmer. He smiles as he sees both Elgi and Dawi alike, waving to the both, bright and cheery and without reservation, his panoply bright and shining in the sun.

And what a panoply it is! At base a layer of hard scales of Ithilmar, worked to his body until form fitting and beaten and polished until they resemble the scales of a Merwyrm, shimmering in the sun with a twinkling cerulean hue, the better to meld into the seas he loves. His plackard is a bright thing made of brightly glimmering Ithilmar shaped to resemble a sea-shell, precious stones pulled from the sea encrusting it, casting lights all around the place, and a broader band of metal to reinforce it alternating between sea green and ocean blue. His tall, conical helmet shines in the sun, studded with precious, sea-foam sapphires set in gold around the rim. His breastplate proper, that same bright cerulean as his scales, is filigreed with silver wire depicting Mathlann's fury during the Great Incursion, drowning entire armies of daemons and dueling the Sea-Beasts to ensure The Defender could save the world. Where most are shaped like an eagle's, the feathers that decorate his pauldron are instead shaped like an albatross', and two-toned at that between a particularly pristine white and a singularly dark black, studded with blackest beryl. His lance's counterweight is shaped like a merwyrm, while the piercing end is layered in exhortations to their Ancestor. His sword in his belt is perhaps the most restrained thing, and even it is left that bright cerulean and its pommel is a precious sapphire.

It is all layered in magic, they can smell it. Something to face evil, to ensure the good, to battle the unrighteous and protect the innocent. Magic of the honorable, magic of a knight, magic of a warrior.

If such a thing is to be believed, anyway.

Scuttlebutt from the elves themselves says this is the relative youth's first command, apparently that being considered a virtue in this affair (less pride making it easier for him to obey Malekith where otherwise he might be inclined to argue). Honorable and righteous and utterly without treachery in the matter, having made a name for himself as a soldier hunting down the mightiest of Daemons that still linger in the world after the Catastrophe, dueling Beastmen, facing down abominations layered atop abominations in the name of his Princess, Banariel, and returning the trophies to her.

It certainly makes he and his band a contrast to the next figure.

The Dwarfs would almost be offended by the looks they receive, if the Cothiquans and Naggarythians and, well, every other kind of elf wasn't receiving the same snooty, self-righteous look of superiority from the wazzock and his band of fellow wazzocks.

An unwelcome difference from most of the Chracians they know.

They wear skins tossed over their shoulder and worked into cloaks, not unusual, his forces, but where it's usually the hide of one of the White Lions it varies considerably more for this band, everything from the White Lions, yes, but also Troll Hide left uncomfortably Troll Hide looking, Jabbersclythe Scale, Chimera Skin and a dozen other things only the elves themselves could name. Their shields are tall, towering things, each with an image of some beast they've killed, and their armor looks fine but there is little if any artistry in it, more effort dedicated to ensuring its protective than anything else, simple chain and plate and scale giving what a dwarf would consider adequate protection, more than enough when combined with their shields and the enchantments layered on those. Perhaps the biggest decoration is on their shields, a spear and a stylized representation of a unique beast they've killed. They carry heavy, gleaming axes on their belt but their main weapons are long, sharp, deadly spears spears designed to punch through scale or fur or armor or deliver a good, strong hewing motion if need be.

Their Commander, Prince Allanial of House Woodborn, is more decorated if not, perhaps, the more tasteful. A belt alternating between elgi-writing and varying precious gems, layered on the hide of a troll, simmers with an unwholesome light, the White Lion hide he wears a thick thing layered with writing describing his many, many victories, painted on it and stretching all the way back to the Great Incursion. His ithilmar has been blackened, the better to prevent rust he claims, trimmed and filigreed in white gold to resemble the forests of his home on Ulthuan. Metal claws have been worked onto the gauntlets so that he always has some weapon to hand, and amber decorates a number of the joints.

The ax he carries draws plenty of attention itself. It seems to devour the light, to claim it, to hold it and hoard it like some yellowbeard sitting on a vast pile of gold and threatening any who should so much as see a piece of it. The haft says two-handed, though the way these Chracians are built maybe if he really needed to he could manage it for a single blow, but the head is smaller, more precise than the kind of thing a Longbeard desiring it would carry about, the better to concentrate force behind each blow in return for less weight for the force, engraved with gold to break the dark gray of the metal, depicting shimmering, scinttilating writing which the other Elgi also watching look at with some confusion and apprehension, concern even. Precious jewels, red-rubies, encrust a band of silver that traces the grip, itself made of softened Troll Hide, breaking up the monotony of the black wood.

Allanial is an ass, but he is an ass that has been fighting since Aenarion first cast himself into the fire and became Phoenix King and so he is very good at it. His reason for coming, according to himself at least, is perhaps the nearest thing to a redeeming quality they've heard about him: "I served the father you fool, and so I shall come to the aid of the son." But he is petty, vain, arrogant, and power-hungry, constantly pushing for Chrace both to be granted special priviledge as a part of Ulthuan most under threat from invasion and as the ones who did much of the fighting during the Catastrophe (Aside, he grudgingly acknowledges, from Nagarythe itself). Other than blighting the people around him he has been hunting, though where the boy looks for evil and threats Allanial instead seeks trophies, many pelts and horns and other bits sent to the Priests of Vaul to make treasures.

In comparison, the Nagarythian that follows third, surrounded by his kinsmen, is considerably more tolerable. He may not be looking at them at all unlike Avarion, but at least he also isn't glaring like he just smelled something dead either. Rather than looking at the crowd his eyes are firmly fixed on whereabouts, as far as they can tell, the Fimir cities are located, looking rather the same as an old prospector might when his least-favorite nephew enters the mines, not unusual for the Elgi mages when they see just about anything involving the lizards.

What's more unusual is the also thoughtful look he gets on his face when he sees them, as though considering something.

His retinue are lightly armored, all told, white Ithilmar maille shirts loosely covered under black and red tabbards, bracers of bronzed metal studded with beryls, and open faced helms. Black capes flutter around them, and strung over their shoulder are intricately made bows while leaf-shaped swords are thrust into scabbards hanging from their belts. The most common decoration are symbols of their Ancestor Hoeth the Trickster, who has given them the cunning to face the Daemon and the Beast alike, who outwits and outsmarts his opponents, the gods of Chaos. Perhaps one in every twenty or so instead wear mages' robes, well-made sea-silk things that wrap around their bodies, all dyed varying shades of black and gray.

In comparison, the Mage, Zephil of the House Brightwalker, is very different. One of those who wandered the Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan in the name of Hoeth, and so earned the title of Loremaster, he wears thick and heavy armor over his upper body while a layer of scale protects his bottom, all of it dark black filigreed with white gold in arcane symbols that, against all reason, seem to endow even the Dawi with some level of comfort. Alternating layers of the scales around the bottome of his body are plated in a different precious metal, from silver to bronze to brass and like as not any other he could mention. His helm is a tall crested thing shaped with eagle's wings and studded in the center of his forehead with a massive, burning pearl. His cape is intricately inlaid with glimmering golden thread in eight briilliant symbols, Runes of Magic (not, of course, Thungnirhun, for there would be words if it were so) that describe the sorceries he unleashes.

His towering blade honors his Ancestor. The blade is worked of silvery captured moonlight, simple in geometry but burning with brightest power, glimmering jewels worked at the bottom that seem to shine with an inner light and a great power indeed. The hilt, made of gold, ends in the image of a hand holding a moon made of glimmering silver. The upper guard instead ends in the visage of an angry steed carved from a ruby.

Here to fight the Fimir at the command of Malekith, aye...and to steal what lore he can from them.

There are words for what the Dawi think of that, but they aren't fit for the ears of beardlings like the lot of you.

Such thoughts are interrupted by the beating of wings and the breaking of air as the world seems to shake.

And they see him.

A Caledorian, mounted atop a dragon (and oh, don't some of them clench their axes at that, particularly the Runesmiths and the Runelords?) approaching.

His armor is simple, red scale and golden plate, if layered with magic. His cloth flutters in the breeze, and even from this far away his sword burns with bright power, fire and might, as does his lance. His young dragon is the color of a bright bonfire, a juvenile Sun Dragon away from his home in the mountains, gone abroad with his friend.

Gone journeying with his friend.

Exiled with his friend.

Valanis Firespitter is of no house, bears little honor, and holds only one hope: Wanil.




Exiled from his lands in Caledor, for a reason shared too easily by his political opponents: he was possessed by a Daemon, and for all he managed to fight it off, that it ever happened in the first place is a shame of greatest magnitude. Mercy, and mercy alone, has kept him alive.

Mercy, and his ability. For he is a mighty warrior indeed.

Two things it seems bring him here, where he shall not receive a warm welcome indeed: The desire to avenge himself upon the Fimir, a great concentration of Daemons and Beasts and worst that needs to be lanced down anyway...and the hope that he might regain his honor in the blood of foemen indeed, that he might return home.

They have all gone by the time he finally lands, save one.

One Dwarf.
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Master Rune of Smednir (Weapon): A bevy of effects: It carries both the heat and strength of the Master Rune of Conduction and the shattering effect of the Master Rune of Breaking. However, when used for metalwork is when it truly shines most of all, for it burns out both unwanted magic and mundane contaminants with each and every blow.

By tradition it is placed on a hammer in emulation of Azulokrid. Whether it has to, has to, or it is merely tradition, is a matter of some debate.

#Metal, #On Attack, #On Hit, #Magic, #Constant, #Offensive, #Utility, #Elemental, #Physical, #Metal

Master Rune of Ungradum Bungrimsson
: The bearer has regeneration that functions identically to a troll's.

Created by the Runesmith Ungradum Bungrimsson of Karak Izril, who was commissioned to create a suit of armor that would "keep its wearer alive through the worst of fighting." So he sought out the hardest thing to kill he could find, a troll, and then worked to copy it.

#Odd, #Solo, #Physical, #Defensive, #Augment, #Constant


I erred on the side of caution.
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Have we come up with a Dawi version of cú chulainn rune spell to force a duel to the death where none can interfere?

You know so the next time we fight that one eyed bitch she can't run away.
We are going to need to build a separate Gronti just to transport the Dragon's giant unfinished body from the workshop to the Anvil :V
Lol. Fortunately no, because a better way to get the Gromril for the Gronti to the smelter and Anvil is using small groups of the Hearthguard to transport it from Kraka Drakk to the Anvil in small loads over the prior decade (turn 59). That way no one is quite sure where all the Gromril is going.
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[Semi Canon] The Other Runelords Contribute - Dwalin, +15 to a Roll
The Other Runelords Contribute - Dwalin

By rights, Dwalin Thunderlung should be busy. Brynkhaz a Langskaudi alone, while far from Khazagar or any of the (inferior) competitors the other holds are patronizing, is not exactly a small project. Add to that his children, and by rights the Runelord should be holed up in his home trying to see the work done, making sure it is worthy to have his name on it.


"What ho young Otrek!"

Instead he's being clapped on the back by a loud, jovial figure whose arms have been shaped by hard crafting and the weight of hammers.

Suffice to say, he puts his back into not wheezing or coughing until, finally, blessedly, it stops, if only so Dwalin can gesture at one of his apprentices. The plaitling opens a chest half-as-tall as she is, and with greatest care pulls the glimmering, gleaming metal from the chest and hands it over to Dwalin. He hoists it, revealing first the poll: a thing of Dronwut stained a shimmering turquoise, luminous and gleaming with a charged air. Aldrhun epitheths of Valaya, Grungni and Grimnir are laid into the wood with silver wire polished and shining, as pristine as the wholesome and bright moon. Dronril and hearthstones are shaped to resemble the mundane heraldry, such that it is, of the Ancestors, encrusted on the poll. A grip of Ancient Troll is demarcated by those same jewels.

Up top, three statues made of gold beaten and polished and sandblasted until they shine like the brightest sun. At the center, Valaya in Her armor, grasping Kradskonti, looking somewhere between enraged and full of murderous intent. To Her left, clad in Gromril lacquered to look like His adamant armor, Grimnir holding Onkegruni; to Her right, clad in His harness, garbed for battle's intent and wielding Drongrundum, Grungni. The Brother Kings both look, if he didn't know better, as though they feel some slight pity for whoever has enraged Their shared wife, and the three are, of course, as detailed as possible.

Very good work.

"And that's hardly the end, princeling."

And then the banners unfurl. All three follow a winding path, down and down the thin strips of Ancient Troll Hide, the Holds perhaps most connected to each.

Otrek looks at the center first. The moon, made of thread snow white and glimmering silver as misty seas, the symbol of Karak Eight Peaks woven into it. The history of the Hold, unfurling as Valaya developed it, guided it, battled for it, the honors in war, the honors in bloodshed, She had earned in those many, many centuries. At perhaps the halfway point, there is a transition, like a miner plumbing the depths, of Valaya instead founding Karaz-A-Karak, the efforts to claim the site, to find the goods, to battle the evils lurking in that place. It ends with Valaya standing triumphant over the broken body of Kugath Plaguefather, Kradskonti ripping many wounds into the Cursed Murderer, wounds that have kept him far, far away. The hide is trimmed in that same silver thread, and lined with Aldruhns with Her many, many titles.

Enough that only the Daemons of Nurgle of Cold-Heart have dared show their face there for some time, at least in any real number. A Master Rune he can't name burns on Valaya's crown, even as Karaz-A-Karak's heraldry is worked at the very bottom.

Grungni's is similar, the mark of Karak Varn, whose Clans are so proud of their descent from Him, establishing the forges, the love of craftsmanship, the high standards that still show to this day, plunging into the mines, plunging into the darkness. The darkness fades eventually though, until the white becomes the foundation of Karak Ungor, slaying the Beastlord Kahrnazh in a battle that had shaken the mountains themselves, His thunder and lightning tearing mighty gouges in the earth itself even as the abomination had called on his gods to curse the Karak forevermore, a shoddy effort indeed. Another Rune, bright and teal light coming from it. The hide is trimmed with golden thread, sapphire affixed to it bearing His many titles.

Last, but not least, Grimnir. Instructing His descendant, reinforcing a Clan Hall, letting it grow, expand, spread like a tired old miner at the end of the day, until what had merely been a glorified fortress became a Hold, a proper Realm worthy of a King: Karag Agilwutraz. Winding there, marching there, until it transforms to the road to Karak Kadrin. Battles, honors, glories to hold Peak Pass, to mark defiance against those who would dare bring evils unto the lands of Grimnir, all of it ending not in His Doom, His Sacrifice, His End, but in His Battle with Vekhan, Lightning-Crowned, favored servant of Khorne of the Roaring Thunder.

Slain, broken so utterly he fled to the west.

A Rune burns at His feet, of course.

Seeing his confusion, Dwalin points at the Master Rune burning on Valaya's banner. "The Master Rune of Brutality. It's not a favorite, but there is something to be said for function and I wouldn't have learned it if I never thought there was a time to deal the kind of death it demands." Then he points at the banner of Grungni. "The Rune of Battle. Discipline, skill, consideration, all of these and more to ensure that in the battle-fervor, the blood-song of Brutality we do not lose sight of the goal of battle and of victory." Finally he points at Grimnir's, and the bright and shining Rune therein. "The Rune of the Fierce. Yet more ability, yet more skill. Lord Klausson has taken the offensive, and Lady Brynna's works offer protection. Therefore, to the king I offer this for his commission: A banner to make the warriors carrying melee victorious, so that if engaged by that which can survive the storm and strike past the wards they nevertheless end up broken, slain, ruined." He smiles, grimly proud. "I dare say it shall be excellent work indeed, this, the Durak Dreka. What say you, young Otrek?"

"I say," he says as he examines the banners yet the more, "That I shall ask the King to provide an extra treasure to you, oh Runelord: My weight in gold and jewels for you, who serves my family so, lest that we should be shamed."
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Darkwood's Backburner Workshop
Possible Rune Combo: [Gildercoat], [Impact], [Skimming Stone]
[Gildercoat] Function: Generate metal in small quantities.
[Impact] Function: Maintain and increase momentum
[Skimming Stone] Function: Object bounces along the ground like a skipping stone on water.
Hopeful Result: Generates brief platforms of golden metal under the user's feet, and bounce off of them in a running stride, letting the user run on air for short? distances.

Issue with build: [Skimming Stone] is not yet learned, and an Armor Variant will have to be developed once it is.

Goal of result: Place armor with resultant rune on an Azrilwut Goat Gronti (Runes of [Featherweight] and [Speed] may be required for practicality.) The Gronti can now run on the air at hopefully significant speeds. (I shall call him Dasher)

Verdict: Eh, put it on the backburner.
Darkwood's Backburner Workshop
Possible Rune Combo: [Gildercoat], [Impact], [Skimming Stone]
[Gildercoat] Function: Generate metal in small quantities.
[Impact] Function: Maintain and increase momentum
[Skimming Stone] Function: Object bounces along the ground like a skipping stone on water.
Hopeful Result: Generates brief platforms of golden metal under the user's feet, and bounce off of them in a running stride, letting the user run on air for short? distances.

Issue with build: [Skimming Stone] is not yet learned, and an Armor Variant will have to be developed once it is.

Goal of result: Place armor with resultant rune on an Azrilwut Goat Gronti (Runes of [Featherweight] and [Speed] may be required for practicality.) The Gronti can now run on the air at hopefully significant speeds. (I shall call him Dasher)

Verdict: Eh, put it on the backburner.
Gildercoat is usually considered to be part of the MGalakrin family so it would probably be hard light/energy rather than metal, however that isn't a flaw with the design.

My concern would be the effects don't really synergise.
You're adding a new way to use the Gildercoat scales. However that is a matter of the dwarf having the skill to do it, more than that the effects lead themselves to it.
I guess the difference I'd draw is that why would this work better with all three runes on the armour rather than a set of armour with a Gildercoat combo and a talisman with a movement combo?

I think it might also be more likely to lead to a dwarf pinball use rather than a skywalking effect, but thats hard to prove other than just vibes.
Gildercoat is usually considered to be part of the MGalakrin family so it would probably be hard light/energy rather than metal, however that isn't a flaw with the design.

My concern would be the effects don't really synergise.
You're adding a new way to use the Gildercoat scales. However that is a matter of the dwarf having the skill to do it, more than that the effects lead themselves to it.
I guess the difference I'd draw is that why would this work better with all three runes on the armour rather than a set of armour with a Gildercoat combo and a talisman with a movement combo?

I think it might also be more likely to lead to a dwarf pinball use rather than a skywalking effect, but thats hard to prove other than just vibes.
Yeah, it's very pinball. I don't think it'll function if the user isn't maintaining a dead sprint (Gronti don't tire so Dasher could theoretically maintain the required pace indefinitely, so I considered that a non-issue) or running into something. As for putting it on be honest my thought process ended at: "Impact + Skipping Stone = FAST" and Gildercoat just happened to be in the armor category and could potentially make something the user could bounce off of. I'm open to alternatives. (I yearn for the sleigh)
Yeah, it's very pinball. I don't think it'll function if the user isn't maintaining a dead sprint (Gronti don't tire so Dasher could theoretically maintain the required pace indefinitely, so I considered that a non-issue) or running into something. As for putting it on be honest my thought process ended at: "Impact + Skipping Stone = FAST" and Gildercoat just happened to be in the armor category and could potentially make something the user could bounce off of. I'm open to alternatives. (I yearn for the sleigh)
We all want dwarf santa to take off, yearning for the sleigh is the threads default.

Gildercoat is an all rune on the detailed threadmark sheet so we could upgrade Impact to MPassage/MWandering/MTraversal and do all this on the sleigh itself as a Runestaff.

However replacements weren't really the point I was going for. It was why is this one item rather than two?
Something like: Gildercoat + Gildercoat(stacking increases amount and speed of regen)/Speed/Ram(Because that pun will always be funny for me) + MWaking and then a MTraversal + Impact + Skipping Stone sleigh.
I don't think your effect is likely to make its way into a combo because it seems more like a user skill thing rather than a rune effect thing, maybe it would be an automatic thing with a difficult terain rune rather than impact. I don't think this Gronti would combo but I think the sleigh is more likely to.