Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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[X] Claim the Title of Heir: [Cost: ???] Gain title: Heir of Thungni, ??? You claim a position that has remained in doubt since Durin died. By Thungni's word, the hammer you would now wield confirms that you are His Heir. Elevating your authority to that of the Ancestor's eldest children, living or dead. You would not, could not be a tyrant of course, but still.
We missed the first murder death kill tournament as the 7 heirs to be summon their heroic champions to fight for the prize! :V
What, you mean we don't get to meet Actual Satan!? Damn it all.

[X] Claim the Title of Heir: [Cost: ???] Gain title: Heir of Thungni, ??? You claim a position that has remained in doubt since Durin died. By Thungni's word, the hammer you would now wield confirms that you are His Heir. Elevating your authority to that of the Ancestor's eldest children, living or dead. You would not, could not be a tyrant of course, but still.
Vote's done, Refuse won.
First thing we should do with the Hammer is make a place to store the Hammer to keep others from stealing it, and I don't think defense in depth is gonna cut it anymore.
Khazagar has suitable defences:
- [ ] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in vote, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. Insane? Maybe to some. Secure? Beyond question. Almost enough to make you think more can't be done, almost. As before, but even Grander. Great Artillery pieces capable of shooting wyverns from the sky, of launching boulders that can paste entire bands of enemy warriors. Runic defenses second only to the Karak itself. You'll create something so impressive that by virtue of its strength Gloin will most likely make it the lynchpin of the Karak's outer defenses. If staffing the lesser option was difficult this would be near impossible with just your Hearth Guard, you will most certainly need extra bodies to man this structure to full readiness, around say a middling-sized Clan's worth of warriors. Then to top it all off, you plan to create a defensive work so mighty, so grand, that only a southern hold could hope to match it! You would not beggar yourself, but you would feel the cost of such an undertaking.
Oh wow that's a lot of votes, still happy to see refusing title won.

Mostly cause I feel Snorri should forge his own path and in character reason of not tearing the runesmith guild apart any more then we've already have done.
What other quest are you referring to?
Thirteen Tolls

It uses old lore, extremely old lore to explore the birth of the Horned Rat. One such "birth" was the Dwarf known as Skavor, who was cast out from his fellow ancestors for having no aptitude for "shaping metal" and so learned how to shape flesh instead.

I know that a dwarf can fuck up, I know that he can fuck up so badly he has to become a slayer, but this is the only dwarf I can think of who fucked up so badly that he was willfully forgotten.

Of course all this is only a niggling in the brain and probably wholly unconnected to this quest in any capacity, but the neurons connected and it felt to horrifyingly fitting to simply ignore out of hand.
Unfortunate, but expected result after that last threadmark turned the tides last minute for a surprise upset. Congratulations to the victors and, to my comrades, we fought well, but alas fate was not on our side.

Now, to make up for this, we should go on a Gronti-making binge with that hammer. You can never go wrong with one, but we unfortunately do not make them much.
I belive that before we go Gronti making, which would be awesome but I believe we need to finish something...we quite possibly make two things with the amount of AP that we have.
Now, to make up for this, we should go on a Gronti-making binge with that hammer. You can never go wrong with one, but we unfortunately do not make them much.
We should make a really big and scary Gronti. Super murderkilly of course. Make it all muscled up, with spikes and serrated edges and giant swords. Give it some dog and bull characteristics for more flavour. Cover it in the blood of our enemies to make it more vicious, ooo and we can let it rest on a throne of skulls and melted equipment from the things it has killed, when it's not out fighting.

But to balance out such an edgy Gronti, we should give it a silly name, like Corn. :D

We need an amulet with our new rune combo as well, to make us almost unkillable
It would also be a very appropriate first creation to make with Thungni's hammer.
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We should make Khazagar branch offices in every major and minor hold and have the hammer in each location for a day and everyone can examine it.

Once every 10 years for an entire year, this will be the Hammer Festival, and it will further prove we have nothing to do with Thungni.
IDK if I'm gonna give you more granularity for some things or not.

I don't think clarifying what a choice does in the future is needed, but I did feel like the vote options were heavily skewed in favour of Claim before the various posts that clarified or tried to remind people what Snorri actually believes being an Heir means.

Basically due to the nature of quests I personally feel like that if you do another Big Event vote, it's probably a good idea to add the relevant information we already know, but many will have forgotten since it has been a long time since it appeared in the story, and most importantly putting it in the vote area itself rather than later in the thread so they won't be missed as easily.

For this particular vote that would have been what Snorri belives it means to be an Heir, that we can influence this a bit in the future, and most importantly that this was Snorri's interpretation of what the riddle mean rather than a definitive truth. The parts explaining what us chosing to try and step up into Thungni's shoes would actually mean in broad terms was probably a bit overkill in my opinion, we could already figure that out. Most of the early arguments I saw was instead all about how we had literally gotten a duty handed to us by an Ancestor and really should not refuse, or people being very divisive about what it means to be an heir, with some people being vary from remembering the bit when we accepted Karstah , and with others seeing it as merely a symbolic title with no real impact beyond the political.