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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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The important thing is that blood worked. It was a hassle; but the extraction of essence being this slow is also an advantage, as it means you don's have a big piece of it torn out all at once.

The reason for the poor overall result is probably just the poor roll. If we'd picked anything else valid it would also probably have ended explosively.

What we may want to look at for Runemetal is using Akazit to process the blood to concentrate and stabilise the essence.

We should also look at other forms of magic that heal, and more than just heal the body, but restore energy to an exhausted soul. Hysh rather than Ghyran based healing. Merlinwen is probably a good place to start. She should have seen what Snorri did to his soul before, so asking about spiritual healing would make sense.

I expect that what was required is what the Nehekharans called Sekhem and later wizards and theologians of the Old World called Soulfire, the energy that contact with the Aethyr replenishes in the soul that animates it, that vampires feed on.

What would we do with the resulting Glimril barrels?

Use them instead of the adamant barrels the next time.
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Yeah, blood seems relatively weak a connection. A piece of runecraft would likely be better. A rune specifically tailored for it is likely how Thungi did it, though I have no clue how to even begin to approach that idea.
My suspicion is that this is where Akazit will come into play, with a completed Rune of Calcination able to turn the blood into pure concentrated Runesmith Essence. And regardless, the fact that it did work is a major step forward, since it confirms Runesmith Essence exists. From there, it's simply a matter of properly identifying, extracting, and then figuring out how to infuse it.

The reason for the poor overall result is almost certainly just the poor roll. If we'd picked anything else valid it would also probably have ended explosively.
The rolls are not directly linked to the trial results unless specified.
The rolls don't matter for the trials because at least once it was done after the trial was already over because soul forgot, and he is unlikely to forget something key to actually completing the trial.

Not to mention we've been rolling even at autocomplete challenges, so it's unlikely to be something to do with the challenge itself.

Also we got a look at what the high roll seems to have done this update - something was coming towards the hearthwardens that were heading out. Probably dwarves.

I imagine we're not exactly following the proper protocol the hold has for taking these trials; and they are probably only going to be so willing to care that we were basically told to take them by Thungi himself.
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The rolls don't matter for the trials because at least once it was done after the trial was already over because soul forgot, and he is unlikely to forget something key to actually completing the trial.

Not to mention we've been rolling even at autocomplete challenges, so it's unlikely to be something to do with the challenge itself.

Also we got a look at what the high roll seems to have done this update - something was coming towards the hearthwardens that were heading out. Probably dwarves.

I imagine we're not exactly following the proper protocol the hold has for taking these trials; and they are probably only going to be so willing to care that we were basically told to take them by Thungi himself.


You know the discussion on What If Our Rival Gets There First?

I wonder if that's him coming, and the rolls involve how much distance he made during the last trial.
There is a rhythmic pounding, barely louder than the background noise of their camp, in the distance.

Ylva wastes no time and looks to her sister in arms.

"Move the wounded closer to the cavern entrance and form up a defensive perimeter." she orders calmly, hand moving to rest on top of the axe dangling from her belt.

"Aye Fire Keeper," Sigrun nods briskly before marching off.

Ylva does not pay her fellow Hearthwarden any further mind, her attention now split between the increasingly loud thumping heading towards them and planning out their response to whatever the source of it could be.
My bet is that this is Vragni and his entourage approaching in his attempt to get the hammer, and he's going to be pissed when he discovers that Snorri is already here.

With the benefit of hindsight, you can grudgingly admit that using your blood probably wasn't the best decision you made.
I think this is the GM politely telling us that we were dumbasses for selecting blood as a fuel source, lol.
I wonder if the rolls are actually our scores or something, and the total will be what is judged to see if we are worthy of the jackpot prize. If that is correct, we'd likely be failing because we got lower than average rolls iirc.
I wonder if the rolls are actually our scores or something, and the total will be what is judged to see if we are worthy of the jackpot prize. If that is correct, we'd likely be failing because we got lower than average rolls iirc.
Soul has explicitly stated lower is better for us on those rolls, so that isn't it.

I suspect they are "recognition/reaction" rolls. We can be fairly certain we got noticed when we first entered the hold, from there it was only a matter of time before the runesmith clans found out, and from there only a matter of time until one that actually realized what we were up to found out and decided to show us what-for, for daring to go without even gaining (their) permission.

Of course our permissions outrank them, but that's likely to still have them grumbling.

If they aren't taking the trial but just here to yell at us they may be able to bypass the actual trials, just as when the hearthwardens started to leave they found a tunnel that had not been there before.
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Soul has explicitly stated lower is better for us on those rolls, so that isn't it.

I suspect they are "recognition/reaction" rolls. We can be fairly certain we got noticed when we first entered the hold, from there it was only a matter of time before the runesmith clans found out, and from there only a matter of time until one that actually realized what we were up to found out and decided to show us what-for, for daring to go without even gaining permission.
I think the idea its others progress roll to be the best one, sounds like someone is following.
Well if its a competition for the Hammer unless they have a way to no diff 3 trials we should still have advantage to getting the hammer first. Even if the Fire trial seems to have taken a lot of time.
I think the idea its others progress roll to be the best one, sounds like someone is following.

Or, possibly we're rolling for how long a trial takes us, where at certain thresholds of total elapsed time things happen.

Thungi must be baffled why ANYONE would use blood.
Upon realizing it was Snorri Klausson, he probably laughed and went to bother Valaya for a pint.

If Thungni is actively watching he has quite possible been watching Snorri's Azakit research, so would likely know exactly why Snorri did it and why he had good reason to believe it would work.
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Well, today I learnt my invisitext highlighting had switched off, there wasn't any in previous updates I've missed?
"Sacrifice." the Dragon announces with the voice of your Ancestor, "So the path is chosen."
I guess that does confirm there were multiple valid answers we could have given.
A growing roar that begins quietly, but rapidly grows until a thousand voices chanting in unison can be heard all around you.
"Hey you, you're finally awake."
sifting through them with his free hand


Zharrok pulls the piece out of the forge with his claws, places it on the anvil, and begins hammering once more.

But how does that work exactly?
-Noodle in S shape with relatively smol arms going to work?
-Noodle lifting a hand prosthetic with magic and going to work?
-Noodle has magic arms and going to work?

Eh that's what this method took, there could be other methods. The essence that does the work seems to be more metaphysical.

Beard has a bigger metaphysical weight than blood for dawi that's for sure.

Eh that's what this method took, there could be other methods. The essence that does the work seems to be more metaphysical.

We can ask fellow dawi for their beard/plait hair after they've groomed it for a comparative study

Also it looks like our retainers that retreated ran into something coming this way. Something that seems like it has drums, or otherwise makes a loud thumping?

It's Vrangni, guided by his tingling Snorri senses.
Then, without a hint of warning or fanfare, Mhorni holds the shard above your still splayed out hand and hammers it through the stoney flesh of your hand, causing a spurt of blood to erupt from the wound.
Severe arterial injury detected. Writs ong through set demand interference.
Ignoring Karstah's noise of confusion you lift your hand and aim it at the ingot in the forge, showering it in an arterial spray of molten blood and causing your heir to shout in alarm.
Anomalous ability detected. Deliberating.
Even as your literal lifeblood gushes out of you, your eyes never leave the ingot. You vainly attempt to see with your Windsight Eye, but nothing of note can be made out as the molten blood lands and sizzles away into nothingness.
Contender Regeneration: exceed expected parameters.
The ingot displays no new colours, an utterly blank core surrounded by a cloud of Aqshy and Chamon not unlike what you get when looking at Adamant, but you have a more than sneaking suspicion that it wasn't for the same reasons.
Deliberation complete. Intervention: Not required.
"Sacrifice." the Dragon announces with the voice of your Ancestor, "So the path is chosen."

You grunt out in surprise when the Gronti reaches out with a clawed talon and holds your arm steady with a gentleness that definitely belies the monstrous strength you imagine it possesses.
Inefficiency within acceptable bounds. Response retrieved: Fut.
"Commit. Until it is done." it demands, head turning to look at the ingot, utterly ignoring you.
Progress range: 2.2 - 3%
"Get comfortable lass," you say, turning your head to see a thoroughly distressed Karstah, "It seems we'll be here a while."
Taking an axe to the BB code so people can see the invisitext. This went through because we had regeneration, otherwise it would have interfered. Also we tripped parameters, "Writs", 1 through 6, and we got Response #4. And right before the song hit it just said it was 99 and change percent done.

Thungi made logic paths.
Rhun zhufen.
Duruk angrungnaz
Skaud afhunken
Ghal angrungnaz
Skaurit en skaud a Grungni
Bingrungnaz Utkhazi
Zagaz un Gnolkronar
Makazi Okrul
Rune flowing-now: Power Flows
Stone-concept future-making: building the future? the working of stone
??? your burdens (cant figure the root word here)
skull future-making: the working of the mind?
??? amd ?? of The Miner (same root as line 3)
Treasure of eternity
In the hall of the miners in the digging of our halls
??? And old-recording: (probably) Legend And Myth
Tool-conceptual Master Craftsmen: "The Work Of The Smith"

wait this is just a translaton of the normal poem isnt it
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