On Thread Etiquette:
I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.
Master Rune of Ruby: A relation to the Master Rune of Diamond, it also hardens armor, if not so much, and too gives it a red sheen. Its effect, however, is somewhat more niche in that rather than offering excellent protection against all manner of foes by making the wearer harder to hit, it offers a field of mystic energy that flares to life when struck by fiery attacks.
Master Rune of Sapphire: A relation to both the Master Runes of Diamond and Ruby, which also hardens the armor as might be expected, and gives it a blue gleam that shines well in the torchlight. The Rune provides a strong magical defense against all attacks based around electricity, a glimmering blue field flaring to life and protecting the wearer against everything from a small jolt to a thunderbolt, if not always fully successfully.
Master Rune of Emerald: A relation to the Master Runes of Diamond, Ruby, and Sapphire, it too hardens the armor that bears it, though the least of the four, though the difference is, effectively, minute enough to not matter, as well as giving the armor a green gleam. A field of mystic energy flares to life, offering protection against all "toxic" attacks, poison, acid, that sort of thing.
Master Rune of Gold: A structural Rune. As the epitome of metals, beautiful, malleable and easily smelted with a melting point much below iron and slightly below copper, it endows all metals that pass through any structure bearing this Rune with these same properties as they are worked, making them easier to forge and lowering their melting point as well as enhancing their natural luster to new heights. I do mean any metal, including vaunted Gromril, unlike the lesser Runes of Tin and Copper.
Master Rune of Obsidian: A derivative of the Master Rune of Shardthrower. However, where that Rune's broken ammunition will end up flying outward and killing other members of the unit, this will more properly break within the enemy itself, trapping the hard bits of the bolt within the foe, causing them to do even more damage, and damage over time. Unlike Shardthrower, though, this Rune has to be inscribed on a Bolt Thrower for proper function.
Rune of Pearl: A bright and shining luster falls upon the weapons born by those that march under this banner. This luster and glow makes it hard for the enemy to follow the Dwarf's attacks, making the fight much the easier; for if you can see the enemy, but the enemy cannot see you, what hope have they for victory?
Rune of Amber: Those marching under the banner bearing this Rune become like the inclusions trapped in amber, unmoving from the formations in which they marched until, and unless, something takes the (painful) effort to remove them, flowing as one body together as the Ancestors set it out, by Grungni!
(A bonus to Move, in tabletop terms)
These, along with the Master Rune of Diamond, are the work of Alviss the Bright, a Runelord of Zhufbar.
There are many insults for youth within Khazalid. This is not particularly shocking, to those with a mind to consider linguistics and culture together, with the merit (rightly placed) on age, on endurance, on that which lasts in defiance of a world that hates the Dawi who speak it so skillfully. Beardling has connotations all its own, of course. Garazi, uttered by a deeply annoyed elder in just the right tone, can be. Brynhazkal, "Shiny fiery youth" for when they are feeling generous towards the particularly ambitious, and particularly unsubtle, young, the sort who make it clear that they desire, one day, to surpass their masters. Hazkalit, "impetuous brat," when they are not feeling quite so much. It is an insulting word, one she has heard tossed around about herself and, more annoyingly, her former apprentices, one too many times.
There are considerably fewer insults for the aged in Khazalid, for a number of very good reasons, and some that are more banal.
But there is one, Undalaki. "Elder that is not." The sort of person who grows old, but never up. Who rather than gaining wisdom as they grow older and elder becomes only just more annoyingly set in the foolish ways of youth. Who disparages without offering guidance, who is cruel, possibly even abusive in truth, rather than merely grumbling, towards the young. It is a strong insult anywhere, particularly when said from the younger to the older, a good way at best to start a bar fight, at worst to go to sleep and never wake up at all because the person so insulted breaks into your house and takes your head with an ax. Shockingly, Zorn sits, very firmly, at that end of the spectrum: she had never heard the word spoken aloud before she came to Kraka Drakk, since the notion of insulting an elder was so very, very wrong, so alien, so unknown.
The stone holding the gold turns bright white and distracts Brynna Kargasdottir from her rumination, and the less pleasant portion of memories. The gold, then, is ready, and so is she. She could cast it, she wouldn't hold it against a craftsman for doing so, it would work well enough, but she desires more than well enough. For this is no mere piece for herself, but a treasure fit for an Ancestor is her goal. In her workshop well crafted tables of Wutroth stained the darkest of hues, with the various chisels and hammers cloves and most importantly the jewels she needs placed within easy reach of the anvil itself, and the stool on which she sits and pounds the soft gold into shape. There is also a small pile of kegs filled with ale from Zorn and a few dozen baskets of stonebread, for when she finishes her work: without apprentices around, she knows she will otherwise forget and annoy herself and so she has placed them here, now, before it can be an issue.
She looks at the bust of Thungni, nods once to her Ancestor, and looks upon the Zornish gold.
She takes up the hammer, and begins striking the soft metal.
Ha. She puts down the calipers and looks at the cooling, but not cold yet, disk of gold. Precisely seven centimeters thick, and pure as as Ynglissons' own brew too. Taking up a chisel, she sets to work precisely, delicately, carving the first thin lip, the one at the very edge of the piece, as patiently and precisely as she can. Until it is absolutely straight and sheer, like the edge of a cliff, and just as stark and white, too. When that is done she plants her chisel in the center and then with a blow delicate and precise, she begins to carve it out, as perfectly as she can, working the still hot metal. Finally she has a lip, and a small hole that does not go all the way through, carved out by hand, over many days.
She takes the diamond, a bright and shiny thing from Karaz A Karak, places it delicately within the lip, and then with a few love taps of her hammer, ensures it is set, tight, against the lip. No force short of the Ancestors themselves could draw it out and, some part of her whispers, would they want to?
That done, she takes a smaller chisel up again, and once again, sets to work against the soft golden metal, with little, delicate, but strong, blows against it.
It is done. Around the center lip she has carved four segments, that surround the bright stone of Smednir, four boxes wrapped around the diamond. Each, after thousands upon thousands of blows, contains a portion, a small but distinct part of the story of Smednir. The first box, underneath the diamond, shows His mythological First Craft, when under the gaze of His master and father, Grungni, He crafted His first treasure, a small ring that He gifted to His mother, Valaya. The next box, flowing right, shows Smednir instructing Thungni in the arts of Craftsmanship and the proper way to make good, long lasting work, before the Ancestor had gained the Runes from the Glittering Realm and gifted them to His Kinsfolk. The third His courting of His wife, the creation of her armor and her weapons. Finally the last contained the forging of Azulokrid, before the Runes, before Thungni and his work, and its might, and its puissance.
Each is so detailed that someone could feel as though they had lived those moments. The hot, sharp sent of molten Gromril seemed to flow through the air though she burned no such thing. It was as though someone could reach in and grab Azulokrid, the mighty hammer, the Worker of Metal, and feel the wutroth handle. Could count each hair in Grungni's long and flowing beard, carved as it was in the metal. Could feel the heat rolling out of the hot furnace as it smelted the starmetal, purer and purer, a purity beyond purity. Could hear the thunder on the mountain top that was Thungni's voice, even younger.
But it was not done. She was not done. So again she set the clove on the gold and set to work.
Seven children of Smednir and seven panels were cloven into the gold, what was lost in the fractions gained in echoing the number of the Ancestors.
First and oldest among was Althaca Disdottir, forging for the first time without her father's presence. Her hammer pounded, and sparks flew from it. A hauberk it was made, a hauberk it was forged. One of such surpassing skill that elders wept to know a youth might make it. Kladuzkula, Bone Armor, to be sent to the children of Thungni for Runes of power, beyond comprehension, beyond understanding, beyond all matter of puissance and power. Made of the starmetal, no lance should pierce, no ax should bite it, no club should break it, for so well and strong it was made before the touch of the Runelords. Bright onyx from Karaz Azul, a gift from Zargrim, is placed in the center, a symbol of the Hold where her Clan now makes its living forging marvels.
Duraka Burrdrik is next. Mighty Kazakklinka, the War Chisel, already forged as she marches onward with kinsman to Karak Eight Peaks. The symbols of mundane runes are delicately carved into it, so well that one can read the the poem forged on its side. An eerie aura seemed to emanate even from the mere carving in gold, never mind the true thing itself, etched with Runes from Thungni's own get, the power of the Master Rune of Conduction, the Rune of the Ram, the Rune of Fury; and who even knows what reagents went into its construction? Duraka, perhaps, but she has told none. A bright and shining sapphire from Karak Eight Peaks shines with an inner blue flame, where her Clan now plies its wears to those who seek them.
Gottri Sharptongue, once called the least, with the mighty shield Tukkarak, "Two Mountains", for that was his answer when asked what might break it by an astonished crowd, even before the Master Rune of Gromril, the Rune of Stone and the Rune of iron were added. Now they speak his name with praise in far Karaz A Karak but he does not hear it for his contempt for those people is beyond legend. Instead his hammer pounds its anvil within Karak Kadrin, where men know honesty and integrity under the gaze of his Great Uncle. And so a bright burnished Topaz from its mines, a gift from Thingrom put to good use, catches the light of Rune and torch alike, and the burn of the furnace too.
Logazor Bleakiron, with a handful of bolts in one hand and his ax in the other. He who fills the quivers, he has made many, beautiful arrows and tipped them with iron and gromril sharp, and quick and true they fly; and yet he is morose, for the Runelords will not work on such transient weapons. In mighty Karak Varn he plies his trade, arming the best among the Quarellers. Pearl from the Black Water, one large and lustrous as the sun itself, shines in the center.
Tekton Starchisel, one of the finest jewelers and goldsmiths yet among the Karaz Ankor, holding his chisel. Each diamond he carves and sets among golden bands seems to twinkle with the captured light of the stars overhead; and the gold itself is pure as his grandmother's heart. Galazklinka, the finely Runed tool of his trade, is a testament to that. It burns with Runes Brynna does not know, and would like another, oh, fifty years or so before she tries to copy them. In Karak Zorn he does ply his trade, providing the finest of jewels to that ancient Hold and offering guardianship to those who do not fit in. Finest black obsidian from nearby mines, appropriately shining with asterism, has been carved and fit into the gold.
Thyk Bluesteel. He lacks some of his father's penchant for artistry, and has admitted as much; but in turn, when it comes to making the metal strong, there is no equal to him among his siblings, not even the eldest, for Giant's club and Mammoth's tusk and Daemon's ax have failed against the raw metal, never mind after it is Runed. His calling card, unsurprisingly, is to leave the steel and metals he works with a blue hue bright and vivid, as rich as the night sky in the world above. The defenses of Karaz Bryn now bear his mark, and he works there in that place, and so bright Bryn Duraz is the gate made from.
She paused and looked at the last figure. Zamnil Ambereyes, a wandering smith, and perhaps the one least like his father, Smednir. Bellicose and martial as his father has never been, for all He can be a warrior when called, the only thing he enjoys more than making such work is to put it to use himself, in the field. Where he goes he leaves behind the gifts of the most immaculately forged of weapons, waiting and thirsty for the Runes. Often he is called Hazkalit by the other members of the Blacksmiths Guild for they claim he seeks to surpass his father and for all Smednir glares with the rage only a father can, it has proven a weight between them.
A piece of amber, carved into an octagon, presses flush into its hole. With that the physical form of the jewel is complete; now, she needs only to offer it the might of the Runes, and the strength of magic.
Her smallest chisel and clove glide through the diamond as carefully as possible, so as not to disturb its splendor. The physical form of the Rune of Tirelessness, slightly gleaming in the light of Runes above and below and around, waits for its reagent. The blood of a Slaaneshi Beast fills it slowly; the creature did not seem to stop moving, jittering, shaking and dodging until she had planted her boot on its head to keep it still and then taken her own hammer to it a few dozen times, and even then it jittered all the while. Perfect.
The Rune of the Furnace is next. Striking it is quick and easy, as much as anything involving the proper creation of Runes can be called anyway, and she places it on the onyx. More difficult and yet somehow not less tedious is accurately managing to apply the blood of a Salamander into each and every crevice of the symbol of the hottest fires made manifest, hotter than hot. But in turn she will be able of working even as the smelter roars and the fire blasts and the heat becomes great enough to soften metal, though there will no doubt be limits.
Finally, on the amber she carves the Rune of Smednir itself, as carefully and as skillfully as she has ever carved anything, to link together father and son. She pours in the molten Gromril, as pure as the driven snow, and hears the hum as Smednir pleased by the dedication to His craft. It will make each blow more precise, more skillful, as she forges the works of art of that shall hold the apogee of her craft: the Runes.
There is no bang, no great burst of light. It is simply that one moment it twinkles with the magic of Runes, and then the next it is done. She lets herself relax as the power fades, feeling hunger and thirst and exhaustion strike at her as the work of years and the heat of the forge settle on her. How fortunate, then, that she has her escape already, and runs a string of silk through the thing's top before tying it around her neck. The effect is instantaneous, as new energy fills her limbs and the heat of the forge is forced away and the twinge from moving the hammer so much is banished, and she knows now she shall make wonders.
But first, for all she no longer needs to eat and drink and sleep for the moment, she would still like to. So she grabs the basket of stonebread, the keg of her finest brew (when did she get that out) and prepares to take a nap.
It is Galgromar A Hazkalit, the Golden Defiance of a Brat. And it is a wonder. Though I question her capacity to acquire several of the Reagents rumors claim were fed into the necklace during construction, and whether a Dwarf from Karak Zorn could conceive of a defiant youth as a good thing, Brynna at least was a real person, if one whose legend has grown to contain myths that are not. It is not, however, impossible that one of her apprentices made the thing even as she covered for him, Myrmidia knows they would go on to cause all manner of trouble themselves.
-Leandre Agua
Master Rune of August Duty: A very, very, strange Master Rune, to be inscribed on banners. The actual effect, that is to say what it does, remains the same no matter what: The forces of Chaos, whether mortal or daemonic, are smote, and their magic is broken even as those who fight against them are made stronger, their weapons sharp and keen under the gaze of divine kingship, and in that sense it fully follows the Rules of Runecraft. Where it gets strange is in the influence of reagents, since they change the elements, of a sort, that appear: namely, which king is channeled and therefore the element brought against them is changed by the reagent. That is to say, feed it Oathgold and it will be blasts of Grungni's lightning that flows out to smite the enemy, give it Phoenix Feathers and it will be Asuryan's fire, feed it Wyrren Duraz and it will be Ulric's blizzard. The potency and the effects themselves, however, remain the same.
Rune of Confrontation: Those that march under the banner with this Rune become blessed in the battle against Chaos, their weapons strong and keen and made ready to hack through the flesh of the servants of the Enemy, both daemonic and mortal alike.
Rune of Obligation: The hatred between Dwarf and Chaos is long and brutal and bloody, with thousands dead at each other's hands; and the Dwarfs do not forget, and nor do they forget the duty that places upon their shoulders. They never will, and they never shall. This Rune harnesses and channels that power to strike at the foe, striking the servants both mortal and daemonic of the enemy smiting them with puissance.
Rune of Royal Contempt: Greatly does Grungni mistrust all magic. His truest loathing, however, is reserved for the Lore of Chaos, insofar as one can call what their slaves do truly Lore and not simply making things worse by instinct. To that end this Rune channels that loathing, castrating the magic of the Bray Shamans and the Daemons and the Mearghs and Ancestors alone only know what else will rise following their bellowed orders, and feeding it to the Runes to make them stronger.
These are all the work of Mordim the Curious, who has deeply studied the theology of the Dwarfs (of course), but also the Brana and of the Elves out of merest curiosity and to inspire his runework and sees commonality in the stories of Asuryan, Grungni and the King of the Skies. He has kept a very tight leash on the dissemination of these Runes, for fear of what might happen from their misuse. He has also placed a firm "no" on the notion of using any reagents acquired from Chaotic beasts to try and fuel August Duty, for what seems like obvious reasons.
It is not often that Vragni Silverbrand, Runelord of Kraka Ornsmotek, travels anywhere without at least a solid handful of his apprentices with him. One cannot, after all, teach without the presence of the student in question at least some of the time, and with how many apprentices he teaches that means there will be a few who require his direct presence for their next lesson, as well as making sure their bumbling remains "amusingly amateurish" rather than "actively dangerous to themselves and others." But as he travels through the cold night on the peninsula it is, perhaps, only fitting that he was accompanied by only one apprentice, Kazador of Clan Steelforge.
It was, after all, his brother they were making the tomb for. Gradnar had died in the battle against the Firmir in the cursed swamp, saving a band of Longbeards who should have known better; worse, he had been puppeted by the vile magic of the Hopeless after death. A very small mercy in a world that hated the Dawi so much, at the least Kazador had not had to strike down the body that was his brother in life; but it was still a cursed thing even just to see it done.
The boy's parents have commissioned him, to Rune the mound that shall be their son's resting place from now until the end of the Ankor, and he shall not fail them. The basic structure of the mound, at least, had been already carved out, a great mound of earth seven meters high and seventy meters in radius, a floor of pressed stone and roof of much the same connected by thin pillars, with a simple entrance and iron gate too, two simple blocks of stone standing as markers outside the doors. This was the work of the clan, the work of the mother, a great mason in her own right, for even a young Runesmith Clan is a wealthy clan indeed by so very many measures. Aside, however, from the basic structure, it shall be his duty to make the place fit for a warrior who gives his life for clan and kin.
Some may call it too much for such a youth.
He would like very much to meet "some" with an ax in hand.
The first work the two of them need to do is prepare the entrance. While the apprentice set to work carving and then painting the stone entrance that will hold his brother, Vragni set to work on the twin pillars that will act as markers for the location so that the living may pay their respects. The chisel in his hands moves methodically, carefully, but quickly too for it is work he can do, has done before, and will do again, as depressing as that might be to consider. The two of them spent days doing nothing but painting and sculpting and carving, brush and chisel flowing over the hard stone, master and apprentice attempting to make as right as can be that which has been made so very, very wrong, only occasionally stopping to drink some ale and eat some stonebread and rest. Vragni did not need it, if he'd desired it he could push through the long nights and hot days to be done...but then, he is not alone.
And then after weeks of such work, precise and long and difficult, it was done. They, were done.
To the right was Valaya, clad in her armor, Kradskonti held in twin hands before Her, Her face a visage stern and questioning. "Have you nothing better to do than interrupt the rest of the dead," it seemed to ask, "or worse are you a foemen here to dishonor them? For know that you shall die if so." To the left, Grimnir in His armor, helmet taken off, who seems if anything proud and wroth in equal proportion: "here lies a valiant soul. Threaten him and fear my fury." His three axes were crossed in front of Him. The entrance's frame, meanwhile, has been carved into the story of Gradnar's life, short though it may have been, and then painted vividly, brightly, the foes he fought and the battles he endured as a young warrior.
With that done they finally entered the chamber, and saw it much as described. It was a simple tomb, with alcoves lining the walls to hold the trophies and treasures he has earned lining the circular room. Up above cool gray stone, down below dark stone. Three stone pillars rose up like tree trunks, connecting the two, ensuring the mound shall not fall in upon itself and crush the whole thing. And at the center the sarcophagus that shall hold the body properly, made of stone so pure and white that even with only the little light of torches that the two make use of it shines bright as the moon above.
They need say nothing, master and apprentice, now. Without words Kazador marched for the sarcophagus that was to hold his brother's remains from now until the End of Times, making ready to make art out of tragedy, and perhaps there is nothing else for craftsman and artists to do than that when faced with such loss. For his part Vragni grabbed his chisel and his clove and his will and marched to the rightmost pillar and with a single blow, began that portion of the work. His chisel and clove echoed through the room, even as, at the same time, his apprentice worked to ensure the sarcophagus was a fit bed.
It took Vragni three weeks, even as his apprentice continued to work. Grungni, too kin of all the Runesmith Clans, stood once the work was done, imposing in his brilliant armor, maille as beautiful and as well made as any could ask. In His right hand he grasped Drongrundum, that crackled with the thunder of the sky that emulated the High King's furious bellows. In the left a pick, symbol of the simple miner He was as much as any warrior, a reminder that they must be more than killers, even these. His visage was regal and imposing, made in emulation of any Elder who hears that one has dare struck a young kinsmen of his clan, a reminder to all that the Dwarfs will pay back every wrong done to them by this world one day, to put the wrong right after all.
Next there is Thungni. Though Gradnar did not have the Gift, yet still he was born of a Runesmith clan; and so of Thungni did he descend. Hammer and chisel flowing like the wind, he carved and he carved with all the skill age could grant. Four weeks he took this time, as a fay inspiration took hold of him in that moment. Thungni seemed alive when Vragni was done, each and every follicle of his beard seemingly etched for eternity into the stone, His plate armor held to Him like a second skin. He held Karaz-Kazak-rhun in his right hand, power flowing around it like a fire flowed around a torch. In His left, a runestaff. Kazador continued to paint.
Finally, there was the visage of Gazul. This took Vragni five weeks, for he stopped, for a time, to ensure that his apprentice was alright, in his own way. That done and squared away however, his chisel did not stop, and when he was done there stood Gazul carved into the stone, magnificent the Ancestor. Stoic He stood, His armor of metal black as coal, His cloak flowing. Zharrvengryn was clutched in both hands before him, and rested on the floor, straight as a pillar before him, fire wreathed about it as burned to protect the dead from those who would dare to threaten their rest in the Underearth.
His apprentice had finally finished, too. That which he had painted of his brother was not how he had died, but how he had lived. His beard black as the night and much too short for one about to enter their eternal rest. A short, well-made cloak, which reached his knees, of a vivid red. The placid lakes that were his eyes, and the mirthful tilt of his smile. His ax, aye, but to judge by the leather boots he wore in that art more in that moment meant for the cutting of lumber than the splitting of skulls. Tunic of night blue and trousers of gold spun into thread, bright and shiny. The sun shone behind him, bright and beautiful like a great topaz set in a field of lapis lazuli. They said nothing to each other, for when that was done Kazador began to mark the Runes upon the sarcophagus, to protect the body.
Vragni, meanwhile, took up his hammer and set to work preparing the rest of them, one of them more the difficult than the rest.
Valiant was mighty Gazul who guards the way
The first was the Master Rune of Charring. His blows were mighty in the doing, each cracking and turning away the dust, the stone left behind. When that is done he split the top of the keg of Magma Dragon's blood that bubbled with its fury. His nose wrinkled but still he managed to turn it to the emblem of might, the emblem of power, the emblem of the mightiest blazes. None shall violate the sanctity of the dead here, nor now. Ever shall the leader of Clan Steelforge be well able to ensure the safety of this lad's slumber in the Underearth, with a fire as bright and as strong as the very fury of dragons at their command.
Who journeyed into bleak darkness, and returned with the Runes of His kin
Appropriately, it was the Rune of Gazul that he marked next. The strange Rune glowed with a purple light as he chanted but before he could tap it one last time he took from his pack a small bundle of Qalqadri feathers, gained from the Archmage with Kraka Ravnsvake, and ground them and sprinkled them into the mark. A strange creature the Elgi described as living far, far to the south, they were born of light and purity and so they ensure protection for the dead if so used upon the tomb, protection from the treacheries of Nurgle. The purple light gained a taint of a soft white light too, one like a soft downy blanket: at least, for those intended to be there.
Burn now the Runes with Him
Finally the Rune of Vigilant Stone, etched with the hammer and chisel into the living rock. It was with a certain amount of spite that he took the paste of the eye of a Meargh, to let the Rune "see" the magic, and coated a brush with it, and began thoroughly applying it to each and every crook and cranny and crevice of the mark, in even coats that nevertheless disappeared when he was done and the Rune drank up the power within like he might drink from a keg.
And burn now our tools too.
The work was done. Together the Runes would ensure that any intruder not intended to enter the Tomb would be found, no matter how strong the magic that protected them, for Gazul's eye was keener than any mere sorcerer's tricks. At that discovery, His fire would pour forth and smite them with all the fury of the protector of the Underearth, turning them to ash and dust and soot as they were tossed into the furnace with much wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Further, any attempt to raise the dead would see the vile creature that dared attempt it scorched to dust and ash themselves.
Vragni turned and saw his apprentice, curled up and asleep in front of the sarcophagus, Runes of preservation and rest and protection carved into the stone's border, as well made as any Master he saw before and a fine enough proof he was ready for the Journey. Must have passed out after the doing. He sniffed, took off his cloak and draped it over the boy's form lest he should catch his death of chill in the stone, then sat down himself and waited, eating stonebread and drinking ale. I do not often feel sorry for the Beastmen, but when I saw what happened to those that grew too close to this tomb...well. Vragni Silverbrand is one of the Golden Age's more believable figures, though I will maintain that he lived at least fifty years longer than the usual chronology provides to produce the number of apprentices ascribed to him. This is because even Thorek Ironbrow, the Runelord of our age most similar to him, could not tolerate nor share his wisdom with so many Beardlings at the same time as is implicitly the case if we accept it.
-Leandre Agua
1) I like Vragni.
2) I kinda want to do more commissions now, give more things to others to help them in their struggles. Because Vragni going all out for this was touching.
[X] Plan Buy Everything, +1Standing w Prospecting and Earths Burden
-[X] Buy: 68Pts, -3 Hesitance
--[X] Master Rune of Dragonbreath [Armour] (Bearer can breathe fires hot enough to deform steel), Cost: 4 points
--[X] Master Rune of Wyrmbreath [Armour] (Bearer can breathe a gout of flame that can be as strong as a Star Dragon's Breath attack, strength inversely related to its duration), Cost: 8 points, -1 Hesitance (Requires Dragonbreath)
--[X] Master Rune of Zon-Dum [Armour] (Lonely Rune, Bearer can unleash a beam of concentrated heat through a crystal embedded in the armour that can cut through and melt pure Gromril), Cost: 16 points, -1 Hesitance (Requires Wyrmbreath)
--[X] Master Rune of Galkarin [Armour] (Armour creates a floating golden barrier whose shape and position the user can manipulate with their mind in a two meter radius around them), Cost: 4 points
--[X] Master Rune of Set-Galgrindal [Armour] (Armour generates seven layered golden shield that absorbs damage, layers regenerate, lowest return faster than highest layers), Cost: 12 points, -1 Hesitance (Requires Galkarin)
--[X] Rune of Prospecting [Talismanic] (wearer made vaguely aware of any nearby ore veins), Cost: 2 points
--[X] Rune of the Guard Tower [Structure] (vision and vocal volume of those in the room are increased. More copies improve the effect), Cost: 2 points
--[X] Rune of Gildercoat [Armour] (Armour creates a coating of ablative golden scales that are destroyed to prevent damage, multiple copies increase the number and speed of scale generation), Cost: 2 points
--[X] Master Rune of the Eagle-eyed [Engineering] (Grants war machines massively improved accuracy, crews have improved vision), Cost: 4 points
--[X] Master Rune of Stabilization [Talismanic] (Greatly increases user's magic resistance and weaken spells cast nearby), Cost: 4 points
--[X] Rune of Adaptive Armour [Armour] (armour becomes more resistant to specific weapon, only one weapon at a time, magic bypasses mostly), Cost: 2 points
--[X] Rune of Spellturning [Armour] (Wearer more immune to magic and has chance of reflecting spells back to caster. More copies improves odds of reflect proccing), Cost: 2 points
--[X] Rune of Earth's Burden [Talismanic] (wearer has increased strength as long as their feet are on the ground), Cost: 2 points
--[X] +1 Standing: 8pts
-[X]Sell: 69Pts, +5 Hesitance
--[X] Master Rune of Waking, Improved All-body type Variant [Engineering], Worth: 5 points
--[X] Master Rune of Waking [Weapon], Worth: 4 points
--[X] Master Rune of Waking [Armour], Worth: 4 points
--[X] Master Rune of Waking, Improved Variant [Talismanic], Worth: 5 points
--[X] Master Rune of Grungni [Talismanic] Worth: 4 points
--[X] Master Rune of Valaya [Armour], Worth: 5 points
--[X] Master Rune of Currents [Weapon], Worth: 4 points
--[X] Rune of Ineptitude [Banner], Worth: 2 points
--[X] Rune of Speech [Talismanic], Worth: 2 points
--[X] Rune of Brotherhood, Improved variant [Talismanic], Worth: 3 points
--[X] Rune of Transcription [Talismanic], Worth: 2 points
--[X] Master Rune of Unyielding [Armour], Worth: 8 points, +1 Hesitance
--[X] Combo, Mountainsouled, Worth: 8 points, +2 Hesitance (Requires Unyielding)
--[X] Master Rune of Amplification/Snerra Magnasdottir [Talismanic], Worth: 6 points, +1 Hesitance
--[X] 7Pts Runemetal +1 Hesitance
You never knew Brynna had something like that tucked away in the corner of her mind.
The immediate standout was the Master Rune ofZon-dum, a creation of her teacher's teacher, who was fascinated with the power of the Sun on a level harkening back to the oldest parts of Zorn. The fact that the resulting beam was supposedly capable of melting Pure Gromril was something that surprised you having only known a vanishingly small number of Runes capable of such a feat. You think you have a better measure of her after the agreements you had to take to even be considered learning it too. The fact that it was even shown to you was a surprise, but the well warranted barriers and signs of commitment she stipulated made you well aware she wasn't being frivolous with who she gave knowledge of this sort of power to. Heck, even if you were friends for centuries you'd still think it prudent for her to do what she's done.
Knowledge of Weapons of Terrible Power aside, there were a few other Runes that interested you, not only for their effects, but also their historical value.
Angkra Twenty-loops is, bar her Father, widely recognized by many as the greatest Runelords alive in the field of defensive Runes. A direct descendant of Thungni, a member of the Burudin, a grandmother of dozens, her life is marked by a meteoric rise from a young age and sterling reputation for quality. The inspiration of young plaitlings and grown Runesmiths alike, the only Dwarf you can think of with a history of natural aptitude comparable to what was available on Angkra is a short list, one that includes your niece, Durin the Lost and a few other legends both living and dead. That Brynna was willing to reveal she knew a few of Angkra's personal creations and was willing to trade them was also an incredible opportunity, and like a sensible Dwarf you lept at the chance. While you can't say for certain without a proper look see and examination for the Rune of Gildercoat, it's easy enough to at least tell the path of improvement that Angkra likely took developing the Master Rune of Galkarin into what would become the Master Rune of Set-Galgrindal. A rare and unique chance to get a glimpse of the inner workings and priorities of such a savant mind are to be savoured.
The rest of the Runes are of course, always welcome, but its not their fault they were outshined by a Rune named after the destructive power of the Sun and the work of a Burudin member, someone you were now affiliated with.
…by all that's good you haven't really digested that knowledge as well as you thought.
Still, Brynna leaves your negotiations satisfied with the Runes and knowledge you gave her in return. It didn't take a clever Dwarf to realize that you gave a few key pieces of what allowed you to make Barak Azamar after all. Similarly you're giving your niece a gift. She gave you permission to share the knowledge of course, but still, there's the principle of the thing.
The process of forming a New Clan is tried and true, and yet the history of it is fraught with quirks and stories of great joy and sorrow in equal measure.
The majority of new Clans are formed as a natural consequence of simple demographic growth as individuals or families break off and create their own branch somewhere new. Sometimes retaining the old name with a geographic denominator, other times creating a new name wholesale, and both examples are extant not only within the history, but the living memory of your own Clan. Clan Winterhearth of Kraka Drakk is a nominal branch of the original Clan housed in Winterhearth Hold, while your older brother had, like Jorri, enough progeny that when he decided to strike it out on his own to a new Hold an entire Clan of a few dozen Dawi has formed in the subsequent centuries as a simple consequence of marriages and births.
There is however, a third method, not often done but was as legally sound as any if with a bit of spotty history. As one well knew, a sound and traditional method for Dawi of differing temperaments and aptitudes from their kin to find appropriate work and knowledge was through legal adoption into a new Clan. Normally this was done with Clans of the same Hold or of close blood relation either by being historically related or more recently through marriage. Such is the way of life and normally the system functions as intended. Of course the old adage of rules existing because someone wanted another person to stop doing something holds true here.
The story goes that in ages past a foolish and pitiable Dwarf, an exile to be precise, thought himself cleverer than the Ancestors and his peers.
You see, he reckoned that if he could gather enough likeminded Clanless or exiled Dawi, they could legally adopt each other until such a time that they technically became a new Clan. The ruse held for many years, and the practice spread to many other bands of exiles until it is said that this original "Clan" was discovered by the Ancestors. Such was the novelty, the sheer disrespect, these Dawi had committed to the concept of Clanhood that Valaya, Grungni, Gazul and Grimnir sequestered themselves to their own private council for seven days and seven nights, with the perpetrators held still out of fear for what their fate was to be.
Then at last the Ancestors returned, and spoke thus:
"By Law, you have held faith. For the adoption of new kin is tried and true, and the terms of your original exiles upheld," spoke Grungni, his gaze unflinching.
"By Oath, you have kept yours. For you treat each other as blood, and your bonds strong as any," growled Grimnir, beard twitching.
"By Tradition, you have committed no treason. Your elders are respected, your youth are taught, and you practice the workings We laid down," uttered Gazul, solemn and still.
"But by Spirit, you have erred," said Valaya, her frown mighty and displeasure plain.
The assembled Dawi quailed and begged for the lives of their fellows, but were silenced by the combined voices of the Ancestors.
"Thus We decree the following," they said as one voice, the roar of rock and stone, of crashing steel and unbreakable will made manifest.
"To the original participants, to those who followed your examples, and the children born since, for your difference and adherence we grant mercy. Your kinship, your Clans, shall be seen as true and accepted by those who follow our path. Henceforth, however, any who wish to do as you must have such acts acclaimed and affirmed by a personage of our blood. Such that the honourable intent and integrity of your acts be assured to all whom you would interact with."
Then, as one, they turned their gazes to the originator of the deed, who by now was Ancient and wizened.
"To you, the perpetrator and creator of this practice, the mercy we showed your kin, none can be granted to thee.
"The Spirit of Kinship, the bonds of blood, family, and Clan demand a final sacrifice.
"An Ancestor,
"One by bond of blood, oath or kinship, their descendants shall venerate.
"Your punishment shall be thus, to have your deeds weighed, and your place at Gazul's table reckoned."
The perpetrator and all who were present knew what then must be done, and thus he walked before Gazul and met his end. With him died his crimes, and from his life the future of his Clan secured forevermore.
The name of the Clan is never revealed, and though there has, in your opinion, been a great deal of mythologizing and exaggeration the core of the tale remains true, and more importantly the tradition it lays down.
The third way a new Clan is formed is through an extrapolation of the tradition of adoption. Clanless and/or exiled Dawi, history-less and ostracized, come together under one Elder and become his kin by adoption and the process recognized by a recognized King or Lord of preferably high standing. Recognized, though not celebrated, as forming new roots and beginnings, seen as comparable to a fresh Clan with their reputation, not completely but mostly, clean.
And in this case, this was what had happened only two days after the celebratory return of the Throng. With the highest ranking members of the Hold there as witness, alongside several Brana, the heir of the King of the Skies included, King Gloin rewarded Brokk not only for his long and proud service to the Hold since its birth, but also for the recent successes managed during the Fimir War, by publicly recognizing the legal adoptions of all the Hold's Rangers under Brokk and the newly formed Clan Farwalker.
You have to give it to the canny old Ranger, he's gone above and beyond not only for himself, but for Kraka Drakk's Rangers too. A whole hell of a lot of work too, having to negotiate with the Clans of those Rangers who were merely odd and not Clanless, finding a place to build their Clan Hall. Nevermind the contracts and negotiations that will now need to be made after the fact. Brokk and his subordinates will have a great deal of work to do after the fact.
More personally, it means a few of your retainers finally have, or now belong to a new Clan of their own and that calls for a bit of celebration you reckon.
Not everyday something like this happens after all, so yet another chance to break out the Troll Brew!
━<><><>< 385 A.P. ><><><>━
The new year is rung in with the sound of drinking and sighs of relief after a terrible scare when Ar-uzkul comes the night before Hekesdrazh. Never, ever, a good sign, but to everyone's surprise and suspicion, both nights passed with relatively little incident beyond the expected. Sadly for you there is little chance to rejoice the coming of the new year and survival of such terrible occurrence alongside your heir and retainers because an elven Mage fervently requests a moment of your time. Which, going by the state of duress and ruffled dress she's displaying, probably required your attention.
"The eggs," Menlinwen tells you, sitting down across from you and pulling her cup of strange drink, tea you think, closer to her, "They will not hatch. At least, not without direct intervention."
"Noted," you reply, with a raised brow.
While you hadn't kept them secret from her, even had plans to poke her more directly brewing in the back of your mind, you didn't expect the Elven wizard to be proactive about the whole thing given her packed schedule. Then again you are aware that the eggs of Draks were of particular significance to the Elves given their long standing alliance with the creatures. So while you did notice her spending a lot of time around the eggs, and with a bit of haggling managed a few payment concessions out of it to boot, you thought it more cultural curiosity over a supposed "debased cousin," than anything significant. But clearly you are wrong, and she is shaken fiercely by what she's discovered.
"They are not true dragons, not as Ulthuan knows them, but they are kindred and even if they were not their fate should be abhorrent to any and all right thinking creatures. Something, a spell of such foulness and horror that I fear even the thought of it, was done to the original clutch of which only those three survived. Their potential, their growth, all that they would be was arrested, twisted and perverted to be subservient to the whims of the Meargh, the sorceress you killed. The ritual I used to discern their fate, however, told me more. They were to be weapons, tunneling claws and snapping jaws that ate through the rock and stone beneath mountains of steel and flesh, terrors in the deeps which they claimed dominion an- and forgive me, it was a particularly harrowing experience."
Your disbelief is replaced by dreadful, awful, interest.
"Yes, yes! The ritual that arrested their growth was for a purpose, a dreadful and terrible purpose. It is not uncommon for Dragons beyond Ulthuan to be affected by the presence and exposure of the Winds, their eggs doubly so, and yet for these three this propensity was taken to the extremest of extremes. They require magic to survive, they require magic to grow, and if one is so inclined, they can be altered utterly by that same magic. The wretch who did this, in simplest terms she-she was planning to flood them with a perverse mix of Dhar and Ghur in the form of a spell, one that would turn them into weapons to be used against your people under her command. I-I know not if others were made, but these three were incomplete. They are at a precipice, and can likely be sustained by the magic of your armour for some time, but their existence in this state is not meant to be permanent. I-I do not know the consequences of finding the magic to hatch them, or if it's even a smart decision. Beyond a certain point, several decades hence is my best estimate, they will never hatch and are usable only as reagents," she finishes, voice cracking with genuine sorrow.
"Do you need a moment?" you ask.
"My sincerest apologies, I will endeavour to act with more comportment from this point on, I only have a little left to say anyway. Lord Klausson, they are not Dragons, not as Ulthuan knows them, but whatever fate you decide know that they will-would-could have been powerful. Either as the things they were meant to be, or from the potency of what they represent even now. I counsel wisdom and truest caution, and forgive my impudence, but as a daughter of Ulthuan I must urge that if nothing else, that they be used with a degree of respect. And that is all I will say on the matter, if I may?"
You nod, letting Menlinwen go in a flutter of robes, listening to the pitter patter of her feet, something you rarely heard before now, until they disappear from your range. While your body is motionless, your mind is not. When Menlinwen spoke of the eggs your mind immediately went to the Anvil and the reservoir of power contained within before your rational mind smacked you in the head over even entertaining the idea. Then, without your consent, the idea of tapping into the Stones also rises unbidden. If anything that was worse. You at least vaguely knew the type of energy radiating from the Anvil, Ancestors knew what sort of power would be released from some random Stone you discover. And even if Barak Azamar did anything to it like the one where you fought that Keeper of Secrets, well there was simply the fact that you did not know how, nor did you think you had the time to learn before the eggs became non viable.
That makes you pause.
Why were you even considering it? Hatching them that is.
Your Hold is named after it, and long have the beasts been the bane of your people. A mighty foe, a rival for the treasures of the earth, a thief who took and though it pains you to admit, a few idiotically greedy examples of your own kind did regularly hunt down the beasts for the treasures in their lairs, and the high price their bodies sold for. But the Brana were once just Griffons in your mind once. Hell, Snerra apparently made a limb for a mammoth decades back, a fact you tuck neatly away under her being Snerra and a Runelord chosen by Thungni to even begin accepting.
But the Drak?
Who are you to decide?
You blame Ar-Uzkul for being stuck in this conundrum. Not even the decency to mess with your life when the moons were actually in the damn sky, the wazzoks.
Then aroll of paper falls down onto your desk from somewhere.
Seeing Master Yorri's seal, you open it and read the single line written on a piece of parchment that was unnecessarily large for the task, even if Master Yorri, like a child, wrote out the line in big bold letters to compensate.
(Roll, Does Yorri stay?: 53 +25[Amusement + ???] =78, DC 85)
Errands to run, will be back. You still owe me those lessons!
━<><><>< Grumblings and Goings ><><><>━
- War is ever upon us it seems! Whitebeard, Prince of Princes and the finest heir any could hope to have, continues his great struggle in the west as countless Dawi work to see the Underway continued down the Black Mountains. The depradations and probing incursions of the Daemonic armies and their Gori servants grows with each year from the lowlands even as the Black Mountains are cleared. Soon, say the Longbeards, the pot will boil over proper and the Holds of Zhufbar, Varn, Kadrin and the many other minor settlements in the west shall find themselves assailed. Well, let them come and let them die! For the Son of Grungni stands with his kin, and the Throng of Karaz a Karak, the seat of the Ancestors, shall lend their arms to the fight!
- Speaking of the Ancestors, preposterous and ill founded talk of their relative absence continues. Bah! Why Valaya was last spotted, supposedly, naught but decades ago by several Dwarfs of strong repute! Most likely They are merely busy beardling, and we'd best not give them cause to put such works on hold over something so minor as Beastmen and Daemons. This is nothing compared to the Incursion after all, what shame we would bring to ask for their aid compared to those dark times hmmm? Only a few generations and we've gotten so soft it seems!
- In news less grim and idiotic, there are a great many talks, largely instigated by Snorri Whitebeard once again, about an expansion of the Underway. As any Dwarf knows the great Highway dug beneath the earth is the vital artery that began as a means to connect the Holds and bypass the treacherous mountain passes of the World's Edge. The main path, carved by Grungni's command and with His aid ages ago, stretches from Ancient Zorn to Ungor connecting to each of the Major Holds along the way, but many other numerous connections have been made in the years during and after this was done. Traditionally, connecting to the Underway was seen as a mark of prestige, and one of the signs that a Hold that truly worthy of the name. Yet! In recent centuries two particular events stand out to anyone with working eyes, the connection of the Far North, that strangest of places, and the western settlements beyond Zhufbar and Varn and across the Blackfire. Both events that did not follow traditional method expected; with one Hold or voice spearheading a unified effort to join the wider network. Their recency has coloured these talks, for many young settlements, normally incapable of undertaking such an endeavour on their own, have begun pooling their resources and talent to manage it together. The Elders scoff and grumble, as if their right and expectation, yet many wonder if this is to be the way things are done moving forward, or at the very least an acceptable one. Snorri Whitebeard, for His part, has remained silent when asked for his opinion despite starting the conversation with many a King and Lord. What goes on in that Princeliest of Prince's mind one can only wonder.
- Three cities in a single year! The Lizards feel the bite of our az upon their scaly necks now! In a year the Drangthrong of the Far North has struck the first decisive blow against the swamp dwellers! In the wake of such victory, efforts are being undertaken to secure existing gains as frontier fortresses are improved, eyes put on watch and daring scouting forrays are undertaken deeper into the swampy heartland of our foe! Tales of Dawi Slaves, of foul magics and vile craftsmanship that makes a mockery of the true artform abound. But even as such enraging and woeful tidings spread, yet more stories and sagas are spread far and wide of the valour of the Dawi who triumphed against such odds! None more so than the Runelords who accompanied that mighty host. Stoic Lord Vragni and his many apprentices dueling foul Sorcerer cabals across the length of entire battlelines, of the righteous ruin brought about by the siege engines concocted by the Baragmaker, of the steadfast defiance of Lady Brynna of Zorn whose bulwark broke the tide of innumerable hordes! Yet none can obviously match the great contributions of Lord Klausson and his Ash Storm! Armies broken, cities laid to waste and countless daemons sundered by his hand like stories from the sagas of our Ancestors! None are at all surprised by the progress made when the Gift Giver at last took the field that is for certain. Let the Fimir know our strength, let them know fear and let the payment of the Grudge begin in earnest!
- Elven ships have run afoul with a bout of truly ill luck these past few years. The Sea of Claws, as can be best translated from the Elven name for the waters to our south, lives up to its name as the beasts of the depths seem to boil up in numbers and aggression not seen in decades, perhaps centuries. Few dare brave the waters, and the Elves have sadly had poorer luck than they would like getting through the treacherous waters despite their best attempts. Hopefully this is just a passing trifle and not indicative of something worse.
- Limbs, limbs and yet more limbs! Many know the work of the Gift Giver, and his creation of Rune-powered prosthetic limbs and appendages that returned to many Dawi crippled by circumstance or conflict a significant measure of their original capabilities. In heartening news, Kraka Drakk's local Temple of Valaya is happy to announce that Lord Klausson's output is at last being outdone by the combined efforts of the other Runesmiths who have agreed to similar arrangements as that most storied Runelord. While he had been outdone for years when taking into account the production of the entire region, the fact that Kraka Drakk now possesses enough Runesmiths to collectively match him is a sign of the Rune's growing ubiquity and the Gift Giver's own freakish capacity to create. Spearheading this particular shift are, to no one's surprise, the Runelord's own former apprentices. Karstah Snorrisdottir and Snerra Magnasdottir, his heir and niece together follow in their teacher's footsteps with aplomb it seems, vanguards of a growing number of Runesmiths who have only had Klausson to serve as the ultimate example of the Rank. A dangerous or sensible thing depending on who you ask.
- In similar news, the Cult of Valaya has also announced, to only slightly less fanfare, that it has entered an agreement with the Kings and Lords of the Drangthrong. The mighty holdfasts they erect in persecution of their war against the Fimir shall find use after the foe is defeated and the peninsula is squarely in Dwarf hands. For some of them shall be the seeds of new Holds for any enterprising and daring Clan or Clans who want to strike it out west. The minutiae of the deals is still tightly under wraps and subject to individual agreement, but nothing concrete is to happen until the Fimir are soundly beaten and the lands secured. This announcement was, if nothing else, done now so that the news actually reaches the South in time for them to think on the matter for the appropriate amount of time.
- A New Clan stalks the Dragon Hold! Brokk True-eyes has petitioned King Gloin of Kraka Drakk to recognize the formation of a Clan and in his generosity and magnanimity, such was it granted! Now another Ranger Clan, Clan Farwalker, has been born amidst the snows of the Far North. Momentous and glorious news to be sure. Their newly minted Thane, Brokk True-Eyes, has been reinvigorated by this new purpose, bustling about the Hold with a gaggle of young kinsmen in his wake doing only the Ancestors know what! A fine thing, at the end of the day, for Dwarfs to find kin and like minded folk, even if said kin are Rangers.
- Oaths and promises. Material and expertise is being earmarked at an astonishing level in the Dragon Hold. So much so that, while not impossible, many Dawi find plans needing to be pushed back by months. Who, or more likely, what, is drawing in the attention of so many craftsmen, such vast quantities of metal, stone and wood? The highest likelihood is that it is the Gift Giver, preparing to enter one of his fey moods, others still mention that Clan Ironarm may be preparing something for the battle against the Fimir. But, pardon this one's unintended offence, who else would it be going to besides the Gift Giver? Time will tell, even if it means the Clan or Guild Hall won't get that expansion for another two months and you're still stuck working far too close to that drunkard Gemlin Bitterbeard! BAH! He knows what he did!
━<><><>< Gains/Stuff ><><><>━
- New Runes Unlocked!
-- Master Rune of Dragonbreath, Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Dragon's Gas Sac: The wearer can breathe a gout of flame hot enough to deform steel with enough exposure, that can last as long as their exhale.
-- Master Rune of Wyrmbreath, Necessary Ingredients: [T3] Elder Dragon's Gas Sac: The wearer can breathe a gout of flame whose power can match a Star Dragon for 15 seconds, duration is inversely related to its strength.
-- Master Rune of Zon-Dum, Necessary Ingredients: [T4] Elder [Any] Wyrm's Gas Sac and [T3] Flawless Solar Ruby: [LONELY RUNE] It must be inscribed on a Gemstone set into a piece of armour. After a brief charging period, the gemstone unleashes a beam of extreme heat powerful enough to melt Pure Gromril after a few seconds of exposure. The beam's duration is inversely related to its strength.
-- Master Rune of Galkarin, Necessary Ingredients: [T3] Pure Oathgold: A floating golden pane of energy can be created and manipulated by the user within three meters of their body. The shield can be expanded to double its base size but lose about a third of its strength in exchange, and can be moved independently by hand or with a mental command.
-- Master Rune of Set-Galgrindal, Necessary Ingredients: [T4] Barazgal: A golden shield, seven layers deep, exists around the user, flaring into existence when hit by hostile intent or magic. The strength of the shields are largely the same, but the layers closest to the skin regenerate in seconds, while the ones farthest from the wearer may take several to a dozen minutes.
-- Master Rune of the Eagle-Eyed, Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Griffon's Brain: The war machine's accuracy is improved by a considerable degree, as is, if to a lesser extent, the vision of her crew.
-- Master Rune of Stabilization, Necessary Ingredients: [T2] Obsidian: Wearer's personal magic resistance is greatly improved, and creates a small aura that dampens magic around them as well.
-- Rune of the Guard Tower: Dwarfs in structures bearing this Rune have increased visual range and acuity, as well as louder volume.
-- Rune Prospecting: Gives its bearer a sense for nearby ores within a large area. Doesn't specify what sort of ore; just their presence.
-- Rune of Gildercoat: The armour begins growing golden scales reminiscent of fine scale mail until their armour is completely covered over the course of a few minutes, these scales absorb damage in the place of the armour beneath until they flake off and crumble into dust. Multiple copies improve the rate and speed of scale generation as well as the number of scales the armour can carry.
-- Rune of Adaptive Armour: The Armour becomes more resistant to the strikes of one weapon with every strike. Changing the chosen weapon resets the effect's progress. Can still be noticeably bypassed by magic.
-- Rune of Spellturning: The wearer has improved resistance to magic, and also has the chance of reflecting back spells at enemy casters. Multiple copies improve the odds of the reflection happening.
-- Rune of Earth's Burden: The wearer has increased strength so long as one foot remains firmly planted on the ground.
- Egg info revealed!
-- The Three eggs are the only successful results of a clutch subjected to a magical ritual cast by the Meargh, arresting their development and altering them such that their incubation is dependent on a constant source of magic.
-- Placing the Eggs near Barak Azamar will keep them stable until Turn 55, however far greater amounts of energy are needed for them to actually be viable and develop.
--- The only ready source of power you know of is the Anvil, Ogra will not let you use Krum's Monolith for such an endeavour obviously and you can't tap one yourself yet either, nevermind the consideration that you do so.
--- The Anvil, apparently is, to no one's surprise, special though at least according to Menlinwen's ritual vision.
-- The hatching will be invariably altered by the magic it absorbed and this was only made more extreme by the ritual cast on them.
--- The Meargh hoped to use this property to create an army of tunnelling, Fimir controlled Shardwyrms to use against your people.
-- Otherwise the eggs are [T4] [Ingredients].
--- Their symbolic meaning and the ritual cast on them make them potent symbols of potential, life and energy.
--- Most immediate use would be in the Master Rune of Waking in Snorri's opinion,
- The Fixing of Things complete! The Fixing of Things Pt. 2 Unlocked for Turn 49!
-- Ogra's research is of course entirely building focused, and depends on drawing upon existing material surrounding the structure to fuel its repairs.
--- It's of no use when upgrading the Rune of Repair, but it gives you enough information to realize the Rune of Repair isn't worth upgrading. Whoever created it, Valaya or Thungni, seemed to have made this Rune as a mere proof of concept, a way to introduce someone, like say whoever received the metal basket it was inscribed on, about this path.
-- In other news, some of Ogra's notes can be incorporated into your secondary Gronti project at least.
--- +1 Progress to the Movement of Things 5b, new totals: [Cost: (14 -8) =6 actions]
- The Secrets of Storage complete! The Secrets of Storage Pt. 2 Unlocked for Turn 49!
-- Ogras notes are enlightening. While the direction of her research was aimed towards expanding the internal volume of buildings, some of that knowledge is still applicable to the Rune of Storage.
--- Admittedly they seem to appear to tackle the issue at completely different ends of the spectrum.
--- However, like the Rune of Repair the cost is frankly not worth the effort and points to deliberate action to make it so. An entirely new Rune needs to be designed you reckon. After that, you're certain that you'll reach an impasse of what exactly your focus should be though.
-- +1 Progress to the Secrets of Storage Pt. 2, new totals: [Cost: (14 -1) =13 actions]
- +1 Standing with Brynna, new totals: Standing 2
- +3 Standing with Ogra, new totals: Standing 8
-- Standing Bonus received! Standing 6, Khaz: Chance to proc extra progress when doing Structural or Ancestor Rune research.
-- Standing Bonus received! Standing 8, Khazid: Increased chance to proc extra progress when doing Structural or Ancestor Rune research
- +1 Frost Bird's Feather! New action unlocked!
Waystone Report: End of Turn 47/Start of Turn 48.
-- Waystone Rerolls: 1/2
-- Region Status, East: Unchanged. .5/10 of Stones destroyed, .5/10 damaged, remainder pristine.
-- Region Status, Center: Unchanged. .5/10 of Stones destroyed, 1/10 damaged, remainder pristine.
-- Region Status, West: Under Threat. 2/10 of Stones destroyed, 3/10 of Stones corrupted, 3/10 damaged, remainder pristine
Took the opportunity to do a bit of scouting while we were out there in the west, found more Stones, tallies updated. Not as many were destroyed relative to the rest as we once though. Lizards seem mostly interested in the big ones they build their cities around, but a few sites were found and destroyed. Rudil's plan seems sound enough, we'll try with the Rangers first since they're the most likely to agree.
- Norgrim.
Votes Collated
Choose outside of plan votes:
Another round of correspondence with Myrion.
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Prince Laequalys of House Wilderwood
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Avelorn
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Cothique
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about "current" Cothique Politics
[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about Caledor (*New*)[ ] [Letters:] The Mechanics of Dragon Flight
Choose 2 outside of plan votes.
[ ] [Social:] Bara revealing a new suit of armour to be worn by the champion of a tournament.
[ ] [Social:] Jorri joking about getting a prosthetic spine for his aching back
[ ] [Social:] Dwalin delivering a banner to King Gloin meant for the front.
[ ] [Social:] Dolgi coming to you for advice on his hunt for a specific reagent.
[ ] [Social:] Rudil being pestered about finding a wife by Clansmen.
[ ] [Social:] Nain seeking what defines him.
[ ] [Social:] Brokk coming to see if he can consolidate his existing deals with you into a single one for his new Clan.
You have 5 actions, 3 retainer actions, 1 research action, and 1 heir action General: (*New*)[ ] Egg(s) for your Thoughts [Cost 1 action or heir action and variable number of Anvil Charges] Gain variable number of Viable Shard Wyrm Egg(s).Available until Turn 55. You could hatch them, if you so choose.
- [ ] Write-in: Number of Eggs.
- [ ] Write-in: How many Charges an egg, minimum 1 per egg. 3 Charges will not destroy the egg, if you choose to dump them all into just 1, but you don't know what the result will be.
(*New*)[ ] Kradskonti [Cost: 1 action] Gain a chance to observe Kradskonti. Kradskonti? Kradskonti! When the Valayans informed you of this opportunity, you had to force yourself from jumping out of your chair and rushing south. The first time is free, they say, but subsequent viewings will not be tolerated without a few concessions. The Cult know what they have, and if any Rhunki (IE you) wants to futz about and examine the weapon of their Patron they best be ready to do something in return.
[ ] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results.Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards!
[ ] The Road to Anoqeyån Pt. 2: [Cost: 6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain exceptional- understanding of Anoqeyån. Now that Menlinwen has taught you the very fundamentals of the Elven arcane language, she feels comfortable enough to begin teaching you to the same level she has reached. Going any further beyond this point requires waiting for Menlinwen to become an Archmage or for you to find one yourself.
[ ] Riddle me This: [Cost: 1 action or retainer action] Gain knowledge? Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Thungni left more than a tome of lore, indeed he left a most ominous riddle.
"Wherein I have left, yet I remain. Where I have not rested, yet my mark s'upon the bed. Where I may gaze at the stars but see not the moon. Where there can be light yet ought to be dark. Where the land shines only when I do. There, 'pon that land, lies that which only the worthy may handle."
You've had decades to think about what it may mean when there was time, but you suppose now's as good a time as any to put in a bit more effort into it.
Retainers: Every option taken adds +2 to the Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5) unless otherwise stated.
(*New*)[ ] Training Regime Pt.1: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain "Hearthwarden Ranger" Training Standard and Category, some existing classes will be absorbed into the new category. Rudil's aims are far reaching and especially ambitious. Working with his compatriots to devise a set of universally agreed upon criteria for what it means to be a Hearthwarden Ranger and then make sure everyone he wants to fit that category meets those standards. It won't be everyone, but Rudil made it clear it would be a long labour.
- [ ] Drakk Expertise [Cost: 30 Favour with Kraka Drakk] Hearth Guard will have Search and Rescue (++ if taken with Ravsnvake Expertise), Hearth Guard Rangers can better coordinate with Branakroki. The Brana are an invaluable and powerful ally, Kraka Drakk Rangers have developed a keen insight into how to do it best.
- [ ] Ornsmotek Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer actions and 60 Favour with Kraka Ornsmotek] Hearth Guard will have Monster Tracking even if no Monster Wardens are recruited. A Hearthwarden ought to have the specialty equipment training necessary to track and kill the monsters that lurk in the peninsula.
- [ ] Ravnsvake Expertise [Cost: +1 retainer actions and 40 Favour with Kraka Ravnsvake] Hearth Guard will have Search and Rescue (++ if taken with Drakk Expertise) even if no Raven Cloaked are recruited. A Hearthwarden should know how to survive the snows and wilds of the Far North.
(*Updated*)[ ] Recruitment Drive: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Gain 1d5 +5 bonus dice to Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5). You have retainers, dwarfs who understand what it takes to become part of your Hearthguard, send them out to see if they can lend their expertise more and skill to improve the growth of your retinue.
[ ] Glimmering Steel: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain at least 1 Giant Cave Spider's Venom and +20 Favour with Kraka Krum. Krum produces greater quantities of steel, improves access to and quality of steel across the Far North. Truesteel will manage an expedition by the end of turn 49. Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. Krum is a stout, but rather insular Hold. They are miners through and through, and though they have access to smaller deposits than those at Kraka Drakk or Ornsmotek, they have a key advantage in that one of their constituent Clans, Clan Truesteel, possess a secret recipe that results in a finer, long lasting and altogether sturdier steel than usual. It is a fine material this aptly named Truesteel, though little is produced that ends up leaving the Hold's own stores. Apparently Clan Truesteel has found a new seam of something that will allow them greater production of their signature material, but a horde of giant spiders has built its nest atop the vast majority of it. Slay the beasts, and Truesteel shall be able to increase its exports and have a mind to remember the service rendered by the Gift Giver's own.
[ ] Valaya Calls: [Cost: 2 retainer actions] Gain 60 Favour with the Cult of Valaya. Healers Guilds in Ornsmotek and Kraka Drakk have greater access to more potent ingredients. Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. The Cult will begin by the end of Turn 49. The Cult of Valaya and the Healers Guild have come to agree that if they mean to properly stock the necessary supplies to tend to the wounded of the Far North they require more of the potent herbs needed for their stronger ales and medicines. To that end they have made noises about clearing space necessary to do so. Of course it can't be anywhere with any old dirt, the right soil conditions and gathering spots are remote and laden with monsters. Once established the Cult can get to work and do most of the heavy lifting, but it's that part in particular that's the toughest.
[ ] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. Low to Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. You formed these Hearth Guard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk.
[ ] Retainer Reconfiguring: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken once every variable number of turns. Change some aspect of your retainers. The Hearth Guard are a fine force of Dawi, but much like the defences of a Karak, there is potentially more to be done. It will take some time for these steadfast retainers of yours to adjust to whatever changes you make, but the length of it definitely correlates to the number of changes you want done.
- [ ] Change Appearance: [Cost: +1 turn until change] Simple cosmetic alterations to their symbol, their colour scheme and/or even appearance of their armour, depending on the scale and nature of the change it could be seamless or it could take a bit of work. While there's something to be said about aesthetic continuity, improving or updating their look to fit with deeds done will draw no raised brows. Completely changing it, however, will draw quite a few looks. If for no other reason than the material cost involved in doing so.
- [ ] Change Numbers: [Cost: +1 turn until change] +1/-1 retainer action per every 60 retainers added/removed. Increasing or decreasing the number of Retainers you wish to take on permanently. It signals that you either require more or less of their services. While you will not remove retainers currently in service if you wish to downsize, it means you simply will not replace them in the event one of your loyal followers falls in the line of duty or simply to the vagaries of time.
[ ] Bookhunting: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain Elven books on chosen topic. Can be taken multiple times, one action is one choice. Send out your retainers, scour the docks, markets and contacts of Kraka Ravnsvake and figure out what or if the elves know.
- [ ] The Waystones: See if the Elves know anything about the Stones that Alric requested you and your Retainers guard and watch over. Discreetly of course.
- [ ] Arcane Fulcrums: Roll for Usefulness. See if the Elves have any information about phenomena similar to the Anvil of the Earth you discovered.
- [ ] Write-in:__ Roll for Usefulness.
[ ] Scouting: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain minor bonus to Waystone rolls. Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Send out your Retainers, scour the Far North to see if there's some of these stones that Master Yorri Missed.
[ ] Waywarding: [Cost: 1 action or retainer action] Gain bonus to Waystone rolls and update on status of Waystones. Can be taken multiple times. There is no set time in which you or your retainers are meant to check on these stone monoliths, but doing so more regularly will mean that you're more likely to keep them safe and know their status.
Requests: Denote which simple request will receive the apprentice action in your plan. Available Requests below. (*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] A Wonderful Endeavour: [Cost: (24 -3) =21 actions] Minimum completion date end of Turn 52. Peerless Production will proc for general actions. You have begun pondering the meaning of legacy more often in your old age. To leave something behind to carry on long after you have entered the Halls of your Forebears. Your apprentices are your most important, yet the most limited in the grand scheme. The Runes and creations you create are less personal, but greater in scope and reach. This. This shall bridge that gap, take the best of both and make something beyond them. A place you can build and cultivate, one whose reach is so vast that the name Snorri Klausson will not merely be one of the Runelords of the Past, but a figure even the common Dwarf shall know many centuries, nay millennia, after you have died. This will define you in a way few other things have; more than the defeating of a great enemy, or the forging of a mighty item of power, it is to build something wondrous and in doing, irreversibly change everything forever.
- [ ] Petition the Hold: [Cost: 15 Kraka Drakk Favour] Gain 1 progress, can only be taken 3 times a turn and without action input. Begin speaking with the King, the various Guilds and Clans in Kraka Drakk to contribute to the Workshop's construction.
- [ ] Use your retainers: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain 1 progress, can be taken multiple times and without action input. You have a very talented group of Dawi whose skill can no doubt contribute to the endeavour of raising Khazagar.
[ ] [Simple] Apprentice work: [Cost: 1 apprentice or heir action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness. Your young charges are now of an age you feel it acceptable for them to do a bit of exploration. Send your apprentices out into the hold and pick up a few tasks from whoever offers it to them. Give them a bit of experience for their upcoming trial as journeymen and let them build a reputation in the hold. You'll of course critique their work and use it as a learning experience as any good master ought to.
[ ] [Simple] Chains for a Dragon: [Cost: 4 actions, 1 Magma Wyrm's Blood]. Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Gromril Chainforger +??? Favour with Kraka Drakk. A Chainforger is certainly quite the prestigious piece of equipment to possess. It would be.... acceptable to make one to hand over to the Hold to be used as King Otrek saw fit. The reality of what it can do is monumental, and a very significant gift to give.
[ ] [Simple] Once more with Smelting: [Cost: 4 actions, 1 Voidstone] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Dragonblood Smelter. It has been around a century since you last made an Adamant Smelter. It's been enough time since that you feel safe about making another one without feeling like you're committing sacrilege.
[ ] [Simple] Re-warding Work: [Cost: 2 actions] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Waystone reroll. There's work to be done, repairing damaged wards and adding new Runes around the monolith and otherwise. Your master most certainly did a bang up job, but there's nothing wrong with contingencies upon contingencies.
[ ] [Simple] The Brotherhood Calls: [Cost: minimum 1 action] Due whenever. Peerless Production will proc. Gain Variable Standing and Favour with The Brotherhood of Dron. The Brotherhood would be greatly interested in a collated and substantial set of notes about your experiences with the recent "Extreme Magical Turbulence and Concentration Event," as well as anything you'd be willing to give regarding your time crafting at the Anvil of the Earth. High energy environments of such a nature naturally attract the attention of your fellow members given the energy costs of generating Adamant.
[ ] [Difficult] Write in, A Matron's Banner Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. You owe Moira a great deal, and while she has left this world for eternal glory and celebration beneath the earth you think it still fitting to make a tribute for her and the institution she dedicated her life to. What better than a banner that heals the injured as she did, that bolsters flagging wills and limbs with renewed vigour and purpose?
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
[ ] [Difficult] Write in, The Valiant Ancestor Golem Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. Since returning from the campaign you've been reflecting on Grimnir and how he fought, twin axes flashing. And now, He is gone. Grimnir's departure will be forever seared into the hearts and minds of the Karaz Ankor, of that you have no doubt. But what about His life? Unlike most, you are one of the honored few to have met Him in person, to have spoken with Him. You shall make a Gronti to remind the world and all future generations of His deeds, of His glorious life. The size of a Bloodthirster, a living altar of Pure Gromril clad in everlasting Adamant, eternally guarding the Everlasting Realm.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
[ ] [Difficult] Write in, War Panoply of The Valiant. Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. Choose 3.The Gronti is done, but your work isn't. While its skin is made in the image of His warplate, such an homage to Grimnir would never be complete without His characteristic mighty axes. Two to wield in melee, one on its back to reach foes beyond the earth, made of the purest Adamant.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
[ ] [Difficult] Write in, Regalia of The Valiant. Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. Choose 2. He is armed and armored, but more than a fighter, Grimnir was the finest general your people have ever, and will ever, have. A leader like no other, He strikes fear into the hearts of His foes, His brilliance unmatched, His presence unmistakable. A banner and a crown you shall create, at last, to tell of His deeds during the Coming of Chaos and remind stout dawi of who fights for them. What matters if the enemy is an army of Greater Daemons, a tide of corruption that blots out the skies and swallows the land? The Ancestors are on our side, and that's all we will ever need.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt. 2 costs will be at the bottom of the post.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
How to vote on Multi-Piece Difficult Requests.
[Y] Difficult Request Pt. 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 2
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 3
Write-in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.
Write-in Adamant Costs, General Guideline:
1 Piece of equipment or hypothetical Rune requiring Adamant - 1 bar
1 Suit of Armour for a Dwarf - 3 bars
1 Suit of Armour for a Human or Elf sized being - 4 bars
1 Piece of Ogre sized Gronti equipment - 2 bars
1 Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour - 6 Bars
Anything larger just ask me, it will also appear in applicable actions or in the FAQ.
Crossbows use Weapon Runes. A Gronti sized Crossbow would use Engineering Runes. Weapons like Axes don't make this distinction. Shields use Armour Runes.
Available Requests:
[ ] [Difficult]: Call of the Heir Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Due before the Underway Completes. Reveal and gain at least 1 Standing and 50 Favour with Karaz a Karak ???. If a Rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional reagent materials here. The Black Mountains, inhospitable though they seem to be these past few decades, shall not thwart your folk. Snorri Whitebeard calls for any to aid his endeavours. To lend their expertise in the extension of the Underway into the Black Mountains proper, with fair compensation of course! Such that this far flung part of the growing Dwarf Realms shall not remain unconnected for long! The rewards and recognition alone would be worth it to many, though obviously the earlier one helps the more likely their recognition increases.
- [ ] Accept
[ ] [Difficult] Staffing Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Due whenever.If a Rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional reagent materials here. Your Hearthwardens have come to you with an odd request. They have been left with the skull of the Greedy Troll they slew for the sake of Ornsmotek. Several of them have been thinking, on account of your own personal history with their sire, that they could turn the foul thing's skull into a topper for a Banner. They have no real preference about what the Banner does though.
- [ ] Accept
So take, for instance, the "[Simple] Armoured Maidens:" request.
[Y] Plan Big Beard 2
- [Y] All other Plan stuff
- [Y] [Simple] Armoured Maidens:
-- [Y] Accept
Research: General: (*New*)[ ] [Difficult] Mysterious Mystery Sword: [Cost: =12 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain ???, possibly progress to Mysterious Mystery Cauldron and Mysterious Mystery Barrel. A sword that cuts through Gromril with an unnerving amount of ease. Studying it will be more about trying to recreate what it does through a Rune, but a bit of material study isn't off the table either given that you have two broken ones to work with as well.
(*New*)[ ] [Difficult] Mysterious Mystery Barrel and Horn: [Cost: =8 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain ???, progress to Mysterious Mystery Cauldron and possibly Mysterious Mystery Sword. Magical drinks, utter hogwash and a perversion of the fine art of brewing is what it is! Still, their creation isn't completely unheard of. You have the Rune of Hearty Soup, but these, you are forced to admit, have a wider variety and efficacy than what you possess.
(*New*)[ ] [Difficult] Mysterious Mystery Cauldron: [Cost: =8 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain ???, progress to Mysterious Mystery Barrel and Horn and possibly Mysterious Mystery Sword. Magical soups, you've had a form of it before. From the Rune of Hearty Soup actually, but you must say that the taste of the broth from these fragments is a fine bit better than that Rune. If you could make a better Rune…well you won't complain!
(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] Mysterious Mystery Stones Pt. 3: [Cost: =18 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You know now that the Stones serve as part of a massive, continent-spanning, network of nodes that transfer energy somewhere for purposes you can't even begin to fathom. What interests you however, is figuring out how to tap into, or at least manipulate that power a little. It's highly unlikely you'll actually manage it quickly, at least not without risking daemons or a stroke of absolutely insane luck like the founder of Clan Diamondback had apparently. After that? Well maybe you can begin to think about fixing them, never mind the pie in the sky goal of recreating your own version of the Stones.
(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] Akazit: [Cost: (10 -3) =7 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Manipulating the fundamental essence of a material is one not taken lightly. Runes will be necessary, but this was uncharted territory for you. It will be long, laborious and likely rife with dead-ends, but the results? Your mind sees great machines like your Adamant Smelter, churning out materials with desired esoteric qualities, and with a level of consistency among them matched only by the Runes used to make them. A lofty dream, one you may possibly dedicate your whole life to and still fall short of, but the rewards… Well, nothing worth doing is done quickly.
Material Research: (*New*)[ ] [Simple] Frostbird's Feather: [Cost: =2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Cold to the touch, supposedly they're from older phoenixes according to Menlinwen. Time to see what use they have to you.
(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] Fimir Eye: [Cost: 2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You are led to believe that Fimir Eyes have some potential use in Runecraft. From Elven texts you know that they too can see the Winds of Magic, or only some of them at the very least. And unlike the Elves, you have less qualms about ripping out their eyes to use for Runecraft.
Rune Research: (*New*)[-] [Difficult] The Fixing of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: =14 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Locked until Turn 49 The Rune of Repair is as good as it'll get. You need to make an entirely new Rune if you want something better. It seems likely that the Rune of Repair's maker purposefully developed it in such a way that refinement became unwieldy, and given who gave you that Basket, it feels perfectly in character given the many, many, stories told of the Ancestor Queen. Well, you shant disappoint Valaya Herself! A better Rune of Repair, but one you made from the ground up? By Valaya it shall be done!
(*New*)[ ] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 6, new totals: [Cost: (16 -5) =11 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Siphoning is incomplete, you wish it to not be so. Finding a way to make it mobile can wait you reckon. If you know anything about Runes you know that it'll lose efficiency and power to do it, so you might as well make the stationary version actually worth the effort of making mobile.
(*New*)[-] [Difficult] The Secrets of Storage Pt. 2: [Cost: (14 -1) =13 actions] Master of the Odd will proc.Locked until Turn 49 Of course! Of course Valaya would do as she seems to have. The Rune of Storage is a proof, a showcase, an inspiration for curious minds. No, if you want to build something better it will be built from the ground up and not off Her back. Such is the implied order of the Ancestor, and so you shall abide!
(*New*) [ ] [Difficult] Understand the Master Rune of Thungni [Engineering]: [Cost: 16 actions] Snerra gave you an item bearing this Rune. It is...by all that is good this is something you must understand before you die, when not if.
(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] Diction Direction Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You have a few ideas about where to take this Rune. A universal translator for one, rather than just Khazalid. Not entirely sure how such a thing could be done, but it's definitely possible. Master Yorri's Rune of Sound gives you a few ideas at the very least. Now that Yorri's given you a Rune that restores hearing, you wonder if examining it will provide further insights or hopefully ideas about where to go next.
(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 5b: [Cost: (14 -8) =6 actions] Master of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. Examining...the Construct, has given you ideas. It is not a Gronti, not truly, but it acts like one and is arguably even more versatile. It makes you wonder if perhaps there is a way to create Gronti of a similar shape and function.
(*Updated*)[ ] [Difficult] The Mind of Things Pt. 5: [Cost: (16-14) =2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The transfer of sensation, taste, touch, smell, sight and sound. Yorri has made it clear that at its core all of these senses are simply the transfer of information from your body to your mind. And just as he no doubt intended, it's gotten you thinking. Thinking about perhaps using your newfound knowledge and applying it in a more general fashion. Like perhaps sharing memory or thoughts without any chance of miscommunication. You doubt it will be that easy of course, but you have to start from somewhere.
*Its all updated/new*
Material Research:
[ ] [Simple] Merwyrm Autopsy: [Cost: 4 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Large serpentine bodies, fins and general fishy scent aside, this is most certainly a Dragon, and Dragons are quite the bounty of reagents. Though from the tales told of Merwyrms, just what this creature's body parts could be reagents for you aren't too sure of.
[ ] [Simple] Chimaera Autopsy: [Cost: (4 -1) =3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Damn things are odd monstrosities, three heads, two hearts, four brains. Neither one is entirely alike. A part of you wonders how much of this is usable and how much more is tainted krut. You'll have to wear some protective gear when dealing with these bodies, that's for sure.
Rune Research:
[ ] [Difficult] Wardstones: [Cost: (5 -2) =3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. These Wardstones, the last creations of the Runesmiths of Karag Dum before they were wiped out, are capable of concealing the presence of a Dawi from the scrying of enemy magic. From Valka's testimony it wasn't perfect, but it made survival possible instead of impossible. That, and given the state of their resources, is a testament to their skill and canniness. A bit too quick to put to use in any other circumstance, uncovering the secrets of this Rune shouldn't be too difficult. Your epiphany after seeing the Rune of Valaya has given you ideas.
[ ] [Difficult] The Happening of Things: [Cost: 8 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The vision gnaws at you, a flame to the parchment of your mind. There is a theory, a hypothesis you wish to test and the faintest inklings of a Rune in your mind's eye. But there's a good deal of preparatory work to be done. One doesn't futz about with what you think you saw in that vision after all!
[ ] [Difficult] The Rune Metal Pt. 5: [Cost: (12 -7) =5 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. You've done it. Adamant is now, slowly, being made from your forge! It is an achievement of your lifetime by the reckoning of most dwarfs, but yet the glittering white, purer than the freshest snow on the most isolated Mountaintop, stays in your mind. There is more still.
- [ ] Brotherhood Expertise: [Cost 10 Favour from Brotherhood of Dron] Gain 1d2 progress, can be taken multiple times and without actions. Call upon the expertise of the Brotherhood to aid in your research.
[ ] [Difficult] The Rune Metal Pt. 3b: [Cost: (18 -4) =14 actions] Master of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. There is more, one last step before you can say this mine is truly tapped out. The work needed to make the process accessible to the Metalsmiths Guild in a form that wouldn't beggar most of them would be long, arduous, but you refused to stop where you were. If it meant taking on the labour of reducing a Master Rune down to its constituent parts so be it! Your will would not be denied, your Runesmith's pride and personal satisfaction demand you do so! Bah!
- [ ] Brotherhood Expertise: [Cost 10 Favour from Brotherhood of Dron] Gain 1 progress, can be taken multiple times and without actions. Call upon the expertise of the Brotherhood to aid in your research.
[ ] [Difficult] The Secrets of Light Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -5) =3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Refraction has proven you can at the very least manipulate the power of light. Versatility is no longer an issue, but power, useability and overall purpose remain unclear to you. With a Rune to restore sight now in your repertoire, you can only think of simply increasing the amount of light generated, but maybe examining the Rune Yorri taught you will get the old muse running.
[ ] [Difficult] The Weight of Things: [Cost: 10 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Dolgi's Rune has given you ideas, though there are questions as to whether any developments should be shared and threaten to overshadow your apprentice's work, you can at the very least try and figure out the intricacies of it.
[ ] [Difficult] Understand a Master Rune: [Cost: Variable with a max of 16 actions] Master of the Odd and/or Soul of the Earth may proc. The same idea as studying any rune in theory, in practice it takes a lot longer and there's often a large chance of explosions. The action cost is dependent on a variety of factors, but the amount of similar Master Runes you know, your specialties, and even if you made the Rune being worked on can reduce the cost
From a Max. 16 actions you can theoretically reduce it
-6 (personally made or compressed from combo)
-3 (Savant Specialty)
-2 (Mastered Specialty)
-1 (Exceptional Specialty)
-1 (Runelord)
-1 (per every variant of the Rune made or known + original combo it was derived from) max. 6
-1 (per 4 similar Master Runes as decided by QM)
To a Min. 4 actions.
[ ] [Difficult] Understand the Master Rune of Purification [Banner]: [Cost: 16 -11 =5 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The long journey to Mastery has begun. Your notes have been collected, waiting for you to get to work.
[ ] [Difficult] Compress a Combo: [Cost: Variable with a max of 10 actions] Master of the Odd, Mind for Constructs and/or Soul of the Earth may proc. A Master Rune is in essence a series of Runes condensed down into a greater, more powerful, and compact form. Having such an option is particularly valuable to many a Runesmith most obviously because it effectively opens up two new Runes to be used on an item. Master Rune will be for the equipment type of the Combo.
You can only Order 1 new item a turn freely, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want.Khazi A Karazhazkali (*Updated*)Elf Market:
- x3 Firebird's Feather available: one feather equals 1 order, Cost 5 Favour for Kingly Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x3 White Lion Corpses available: one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 5 Favour for Kingly Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x2 Merwyrm Corpses available: one corpse equal 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for King Expedite and Authority purposes.
- x1 Frostbird's Feather available: one feather equals 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for Kingly Expedite and Authority purposes.
[ ] ORDER: Write-in
- [ ] Kingly Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process.
[ ] Kingly Authority: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold depending on tier] +1 Order. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to order something for your use.
- [ ] Kingly Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process.
[ ] Princely Hunting: [Cost: 10 Favour from Kraka Drakk] Prince Gimli will go out and slay [Write-in] monster.Gain mats. It would be ridiculous for you to ask your King to go gallivanting around the North to find something for you to make a Rune out of, but a Prince or Princess? Well, that's just you helping them build their legend through the slaying of monsters and aiding their elders. The rarer the monster the greater the reward, but it may take longer to find. Monsters slain by Gimli provide more material by virtue of being the entire beast rather than just ordering a singular organ.
[ ] Dreng Them: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Additional actions add bonus modifier.The Hearth Guard will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats, reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. While your Hearth Guard were also meant to clear all the ills that assailed dwarfkind, you must admit there are many a mundane foe to slay. Send these brave dawi out on a quest to slay beasties on your behalf, earn glory and give you materials to make ever more wonders.
━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━
Khaz - Hall
Khazid - Town
Hekesdrazh - Witchning Night or Hexensnacht, the night before the new year.
Ar-Uzkul - Geheimnistag, also known as Geheimnisnacht Eve, the Day of Mystery, when Morrslieb reaches its perigree and is closest to the earth.
━<><><><==><><><>━ Remember to vote by plan. There will be a twenty-four hour moratorium for discussion.
AN: God this took a long time to write. Its been a year plus/minus change since an actual turn (oh god), and because it was requested, I'm giving you a day to really think and remember the plans you had in place. AS for the content, surprise! Dragon Eggs require investment, and I should note that in regards to the Clanless discussion if it feels jarring it should sorta be? Not all Clanless Dawi are exiles but all exiles are Clanless, despite an ideal world wishing it wasn't the case. Orphans are sometimes never adopted, and Clan exiles are not always just. As Snorri said there's a bit of mythologizing and exxageration going on there, but it does accurately capture Dwarf thought on the matter. Exile is a punishment, Clans and bonds therein are incredibly important so for someone to try and, in the eyes of the Dwarfs, "on neat trick" their way out of the punishment while also disrespecting the concept of Clan is a big faux pas. Of course it should be said but not everyone in that tale was guilty of anything. By that point the nameless founder is ancient and kids have been born if that wasn't clear. Also, I'm sure there's a high likelihood that I forgot something or there's an error, so feel free to remind me and I can add it into the turn. As always, hope you enjoy and don't forget to C&C. :^)
"Well enough Lord," your grandnephew says, "Norgrim, Ylva and I agree that it's probably easiest to attempt it with the Rangers though. Less chance of any issues we may encounter."
[ ] [Social:] Bara revealing a new suit of armour to be worn by the champion of a tournament.
[ ] [Social:] Dwalin delivering a banner to King Gloin meant for the front.
If ever there was a type of dragon that could make peace with the dwarfs it is one invested with the holy power of Runes and we can do that, we can make a rune dragon, or more properly a Glimmering Dragon or a Deep Dragon. Either way dragons are literal immortals so they would eventually come to be respected by the dwarfs for their age and wisdom.
All in all that is worth a hell of a lot more than some T4 ingredients.
Well, this is the plan I had prepped for this turn.
[] Plan: Grumbling Over Magic, Bah!
-[] Glimmering Steel [1 Retainer]
-[] Valaya Calls [1 Retainer]
-[] Waywarding [1 Retainer]
-[] [Simple] A Wonderful Endeavour [0 AP]
--[] Petition the Hold [45 Kraka Drakk Favour]
-[] The Road to Anoqeyån Pt. 2 [2 AP]
-[] [Difficult] Akazit [3 AP]
-[] [Simple] Fimir Eyes [1 Research + 1 Heir]
-[] Order: Elder Magma Wyrm's Brain
-[] Order 2 - Kingly Authority: Elder Magma Wyrm's Brain [15 Kraka Drakk Favour]
-[] Order 3 - Kingly Authority: Elder Magma Wyrm's Heart [15 Kraka Grom Favour]
-[] Order 4 - Kingly Authority: Elder Wyrm's Gas Sac [15 Kraka Grom Favour]
-[] Order 5 - Kingly Authority: Flawless Solar Ruby [10 Kraka Grom Favour]
Rationale: We should continue improving our Anoqeyån, because I believe being able to read those texts on Transmutation and the like will help with all our work ahead in terms of Akazit and further intersections of our research with magic. And the transformations undoubtedly required in the process of advancing Rune Metal. As for Yorri's lessons, well, that's what Prod for Prods are for! As for Akazit, I suspect that Fimir Eyes and Frostbird Feather will add +1 progress each, so that in total will provide all the progress we need to unlock by the end of the next turn!
If ever there was a type of dragon that could make peace with the dwarfs it is one invested with the holy power of Runes and we can do that, we can make a rune dragon, or more properly a Glimmering Dragon or a Deep Dragon. Either way dragons are literal immortals so they would eventually come to be respected by the dwarfs for their age and wisdom.
All in all that is worth a hell of a lot more than some T4 ingredients.
most dwarves are familiar with dragons and hate them. they are rivals for what dwarves want. Would probably need the Ancestor Gods themselves saying draks good to even begin changing that view.
(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] Fimir Eye: [Cost: 2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You are led to believe that Fimir Eyes have some potential use in Runecraft. From Elven texts you know that they too can see the Winds of Magic, or only some of them at the very least. And unlike the Elves, you have less qualms about ripping out their eyes to use for Runecraft.