Class: Ruler
True Name: Snorri Klausson
Alignment: Lawful Good
Atribbute: Star
Alternate Class: Caster, Avenger
Description: A taller than average dawi that hails from an alien, yet strangely familiar, World. His armor obscures much of his body, the only thing exposed being his eyes, mouth and prodigious beard, the latter of which has to be looped around his belt as to not drag on the floor. In his right hip rests a smith's hammer made out of the same silver metal as his armor. Embers and tongues of flame regularly sprout from the head, and seem to rise in frequency and intensity according to it's user's mood. Runes shine on both armor and hammer constantly, teal and orange light heralding his passing.
Strength: B
Endurance: A+ (Increased stamina and damage threshold when defending)
Agility: E-
Magic: D-
Luck: B
NP: B++
Class Skills:
Item Creation [Rank C]: The ability to create items of power. Normally a skill only seem in Casters, Snorri's legend is tied to his great works and thus possesses this skills in all incarnations. Normally Rank B, but suffered a rank down upon his Magic stat being reduced in power due to being summoned as a Ruler. This was offset slightly by him still possessing Zharrgal, allowing his works to last well beyond what they should.
Independent Action [Rank C]: The ability to operate without a Master's supply of Mana. This skill is normally Rank B, but suffered a rank down due to Snorri's Magic stat being degraded upon being summoned as a Ruler. At this rank, Snorri can go one day without a connection to a Master.
Oblivion Correction (Dawi) [Rank EX]: The ability to remember the wrongdoings received upon the self, even when the World itself forgets it, striking down those that made into the Book of Grudges. Normally a skill reserved for Avengers, Snorri possesses this skill due to his race being incapable of forgetting the wrongdoings that their enemies unleash upon them, not resting until the Grudge is cleared by equal retribution. At this rank, all Grudges that Snorri or the dawi lay upon the enemy strengthens the former in relation of the severity of it, no matter the era, region, or world that it was written in. This skill does not stack with multiple Grudges, picking only the most severe. Grudges that are struck down only become unviable to the skill's activation when Snorri is present in the period that it was stuck, or when the latter is dematerialized.
Personal Skills:
Soul of Stone [Rank A+]: A combination of Valor and Magic Resistance, this skills protects Snorri from all but the strongest mental and magical attacks or abilities. Formed by his race's natural magic resistance and willpower, and Snorri's own deeds. This effect is heightened against magic that can be considered 'chaotic' or originates from a being with a Chaotic aligment.
This Far... [Rank B++]: The ability to continue fighting even after sustaining grievous wounds. During his life Snorri found himself face to face against opponents that brought him to the brink of death, and despite their best efforts he survived time and again, often laying low his oppenent just moments before losing counciousness. At this rank the skill allows Snorri to last beyond his body's Endurance, surviving multiple mortal wounds. This skill gains power when defending someone else or a fortified position.
Pioneer of The Stars [Rank ???]: The ability to achieve the 'impossible'. A skill awarded to those that bring about a 'turning point', the moment when something that was considered 'impossible' becomes 'possible'. It is unkown why the skill's rank is obscured, or what Great Achievement rewarded Snorri with this skill. Regardless of it's origin, it's a skill that is present in every single of his Incarnations.
Noble Phantasms:
Ancestral Aegis [Rank C+], Anti-Army (Self): A Dragonhide banner, with a shaft made out of an unkown type of silver bark reinforced by an equaly silver metal. Upon the banner is an image of a Dawi King slaying what appears to be a type of Ice Dragon. The Noble Phantasm isn't the banner itself, merely radiating from it. Upon activation of the Ancestral Aegis a golden shield of energy will form around an area determined by Snorri and the amount of mana put into it. All magical attacks that make contact have their energies drained and added to the shield to both strenghthen it and fuel it. The amount of energy drained and effectiviness of the shield is increased when against attacks of Chaotic origins.
Zharrgal, The Smith's Flaming Hammer [Rank B+], Anti-Gate: As previosly mentioned, a hammer made out of a unkown type of silver metal, with the handle being made of the unknown silver bark with a grip of hide from a unkown type of Dragon. On the head are depictions of two unknown Dawi that Snorri claims to be "Ancestor Gods" with unknown runes on their helms. The Noble Phantam has two 'states', one offensive and one supportive.
The offensive state allows for the hammer to act as both crowd control and elite killer, the former being achieved with it summoning molten spikes from the earth, boiling magma from the depths or shooting out waves of fire when it's wielder swings it in the air. It's 'elite killer' status comes from the fact that when in this state the hammer begins to heat up and shatter it's foe's gear, each strike lowering the integrity of the armament that it stuck. This effect does not take hold against armor Noble Phantasm. While in this state it can charge up it's attacks, increasing the power of the aforementioned effects. At the strongest charge that Snorri can muster the blow can destroy even the heaviest of gates and walls, which seems to be from where the hammer gained it's classification.
The Supportive state is 'simpler' than it's counterpart, being only an aide when Snorri is creating an Item, runed or not, or when repairing a damaged item, war machine or building. Of course this aid is coming from a Noble Phantasm, so it's well beyond what one would consider normal.
This Noble Phantasm's offensive state grows in power when facing Chaotic foes.
Barak Azamar, The Eternal Bastion [Rank B++], Anti-Unit (Self): The armor that Snorri constantly wears, made out of the same silver metal as his hammer. The same hide from an unknown type of Dragon is present as an undersuit, of note is a chainmail shirt that is made out of the silver metal. On the breast plate in an image of mountains carved into it, with a trifecta of runes in the heart of the central mountain. This Noble Phantasm is one dedicated solely to defense. Upon activation Snorri's skin turns to stone, his blood to magma and his bones to the 'silver metal'. All attacks that aren't of similar rank or above the Np or that doesn't possess the Anti-Fortress or above classification have their power cut by 50%. Snorri's body gains even greater levels of Endurance, and when his skin is breached magma shoots out towards the attacker. This Noble Phantasm's power is increased when defensing a fortified position or someone else, and increase even further if the foe is of a Chaotic aligment. The mana requirements for this Noble Phatasm is steep, and should not be used idly lest the Master run out of Mana in the middle of a fight.
Eldest Runelord Of The North [Rank C], Constant: Snorri's legend as the Runelord of Kraka Drakk crystalized as a passive Noble Phantasm. This power grants Snorri increased effectiviness when fulfilling that role, blessing some his defensive capabilities when in the defense of another or a fortified position, allowing him to use a vaster array of Runes than he had access to while alive, giving him a sixth sense of sorts for detecting hostile actions and allowing him to detect Chaotic forces nearby.
Gifts From The Ancestors [Rank ???]: The effect, form and classification of this NP is unkown. It's name suggests some form of connection to the figures depicted on the hammer.
Sherlock's note: I haven't beem able to find out why he is summonable in the first place, and my Inherent Insight refuses to work on him. Coupled with the tales from his world that he shared with you, a troubling picture is forming. I'll report back when I have something more concrete.
A/N: Have a shitty omake and my first contribution to the thread.
Edit #1 : Added Eldest Runelord Of The Lord to the NP list and tried to tone down Zhargall and Barak Azamar, not sure if I succeded or just made things worse. Also added the Magic stat and the requirements for the bonus to the skills to proc.