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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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How do you know that Yorri will show up next turn?
It's just a guess based on our actions with the Forged Limb. Yorri's Supreme Sniffer probably had him on the way while Snorri was speaking to Rudil about sending the letters.
On the set of the Lord of the Rings:

The world is changed.

I feel it in the water.

I feel it in the earth.

I smell it in the air.
Sniff. Sniff. SNIFF.

Yorri jumps off the stilts he's standing on, and discards the blond wig.

"What is that beardling up to now?" he grumbles.


Peter Jackson: CUUUUUT!!!
Everyone on the set: :o what the fuck just happened.

I really don't know why I wrote this:jackiechan:
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Now you're making me imagine a Galadriel doing the anime pig nose sniffing sound, before throwing off the garb, stilts and wigs and all to reveal a disgruntled Yorri.
I know that dwarfs will never use speers or pikes, but halberds and bills would at least partially negate most of the disadvantages dwarfs have, provide tactical diversity, incorporate axes and hooks and are still in line with the unofficial rule to double as a tool.

Is there a way to start using them?
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On the note of tool-weapons, here's a fun fact: Nunchucks would be a valid choice for Rangers.

No, seriously, pretty much those are what you use to thresh wheat, we KNOW that Dawi have wheat from Stonebread, and if anything Rangers and Farmers probably have a decent enough overlap due to plant knowledge.

Ergo, Dwarf Ninja are a 100% fluff valid thing to have show up.
are we going to research all those corpses we have i hate the fact we just added another
If we can manage to not take apprentices for a century or so? Probably. The corpse research is most valuable as a fifth action if we're dumping four actions into researching something.

And on another note, I wonder who is the Thane of Clan Winterhearth. It's not Snorri.
are we going to research all those corpses we have i hate the fact we just added another
Probably after Turn 42. Corpses are mostly in that annoying area where putting lots of actions into them produces no real advantages. On the other hand they fit really well as something to round out research turns. 3 actions into say Wardstones or Eltharin, or Rune Metal, and then 2 actions into one of the corpses, or something else cheap.
Probably after Turn 42. Corpses are mostly in that annoying area where putting lots of actions into them produces no real advantages. On the other hand they fit really well as something to round out research turns. 3 actions into say Wardstones or Eltharin, or Rune Metal, and then 2 actions into one of the corpses, or something else cheap.

what about sun eaters brain thats been a while
Question? What the difference between yorling and basket?

I Realy can not tell.
Yorriing puts all its actions into the Valaya commission and basket puts all its actions into researching Valaya's Runes.

If you want a breakdown on what that means feel free to ask.

Edit: I think we're free as of turn 43 so for bodies that's the earliest they could be done but people really want to do Eltharin so that'll probably get done with like Odd Places being finished up alongside it first.
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Well yes, because that is a unique item. It is something that won't get researched until there is something that we want to see if the suneater's brain is likely to be good for.
that is completely arse backwards. if we don't research it, we don't actually know what it can be used for.
that is completely arse backwards. if we don't research it, we don't actually know what it can be used for.
The thing is that there are only five actions per turn maximum and usually only four actions per turn in the game. There are a lot of things that can be researched now that will immediately have some return on investment. Rune Metal eats actions, Eltharin/Alchemy is going to chomp actions, and there are all sorts of renewable resources we have yet to research. All of that makes it incredibly difficult to make a compelling case to research Suneater's Brain, rather than pumping actions into things with a more clear benefit.
Hey QM.

Do Dwarves ever take time off? I mean do they ever just go on a vaccation?

I would love it if that was an option we could pick for Snorri. Just have him spend an action or two on not frantically researching and producing and just have him travel the Karaz Ankor and see the sights. The grand works of the ancestors. Meet and talk to dwarves from across the realms. Maybe even be inspired?

I feel our boy has definitely earned it.
Hey QM.

Do Dwarves ever take time off? I mean do they ever just go on a vaccation?

I would love it if that was an option we could pick for Snorri. Just have him spend an action or two on not frantically researching and producing and just have him travel the Karaz Ankor and see the sights. The grand works of the ancestors. Meet and talk to dwarves from across the realms. Maybe even be inspired?

I feel our boy has definitely earned it.
You'll pry my research turns from my cold dead hands!

But seriously, I suspect that vacations exist, but they are probably rare. Snorri isn't the type of guy to go on vacations imo. He genuinely enjoys his craft and he voluntarily chooses to not really socialize or take time off. He's been characterized as a loner by our peers in the Brotherhood, for instance.

Dolgi does take vacations, mostly to spend time with his family after spending a while crafting. I suspect that Snorri is an extreme outlier in terms of dedication to the craft.