Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Not a joyful end. But a victorious one. Now all that's left is the rebuilding.

Even with the essence of that foul servant of the Changer and the infusion of so many other willing sacrifices, the losses incurred are too much for Hogrimm to overcome with even his prodigious arcane might
This makes me wonder. What exactly was that Tzeentchian Daemon's plan?
Very very very nice update. And it looks like hitting the ritual was the right choice, otherwise Ankgor would likely have been double-teamed.

In regards to the rune from Gazul? I'd have to say "Ties". Out of the three it's the one that has the most potential to allow us to create a network between items. It's the most conceptual of the three, and the one with the most versatility in my opinion.

As for aid? We're the Gift Giver. All in is our MO, every time.
Oh wow that was amazing! Gazul gave us his Rune to add to the collection now all we need is Smednir! And jeez that fight with the sorcerer wasn't even fair! Which is great cause he didn't deserve a fair fight! And just wow the new increase in standing for us and our guards the perk upgrades for us and the new traits for our guard there's just a lot to go through so I'll stop there.

And I'm all down for helping the Dwarfs of Karak Dum earn a new home even if it hurts us action wise after what they went through they deserve no less. And on another note I am still against us training anymore apprentices after our current two. Both because we probably be giving up time for the Karak Dum dwarfs and because 5 is enough in my opinion that and after a current point us constantly getting new apprentices demean the point of it and causes character bloat.
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Four years passed between Snorri deciding to disrupt the Ritual and actually disrupting it?

That seems like, a lot.
Time warp potentially, marking the time *outside* Dum.

The force of the blow is nothing Barak Azamar cannot endure, and with your current state, you feel no pain from the impact either.

Yet here you are, once more embedded into a wall with a single contemptuous swipe. Even when bereft of its weapons, crippled and otherwise on the verge of death, the Bloodthirster's sheer combat prowess has seen you thrown, tossed and outright chucked at all manner of things, from the usual wall, pillar or statue to the novel experience of being used as an impromptu shot fired at the titanic mammoth you fought alongside.
Ah new experiences with getting thrown! Adds zest to life!

The Bloodthirster dodges out of the way of the mammoth's charge and grabs it by the neck. With a show of strength you didn't expect from one so ruinously injured, it lifts the mammoth up with one arm and throws it.

You stare at the airborne creature, trumpeting angrily, and realize far too late that you stand squarely in the center of its shadow.

You only have enough time to give a scathing glare at the roaring daemon


Annnnnd nailed up to his eyebrows in the stone.

"And that's what happens when you turn me into an Ancestors damned railway spike," you grumble, kicking the Bloodthirster's, already disintegrating, severed head. Beside you, the massive mammoth stands idle, eyes scanning the ritual chamber with inscrutable intent.

"Your pace could do with some improvement boy, but a none too terrible effort nevertheless" a voice rumbles from behind you.
I like you too you surly uncle.

In those few fleeting moments, just before the light blinds you, you gaze upon Zharrvengryn and the Runes upon its surface. They are beyond you, and likely forever shall be in your humble opinion, but you were not the man who stared upon Grimnir's armour in befuddlement. You are wiser, older, more hardened, or perhaps Gazul has simply deigned to set up events so that you receive some fragment of insight. Regardless, before your vision is turned to nothing but whiteness, you see-
Shadow meets Shard, and renders it onto oblivion
[ ] Zharrvengryn: Ties
[ ] Zharrvengryn: Fire
[ ] Zharrvengryn: Cutting
Gonna also lean on Ties like others are, it feels the most in theme for Snorri's actions and the Hearthguard.

Also! The Shard is gone completely! Woooohoooo!

Your odd mammoth companion, now freed of his bondage and vengeance sated, disappeared into the wastes. Staying only long enough to stare at the Ancestor before being swallowed up in a flurry of snow so thick that not even the Brana could see through it. Any attempts to find him by your avian allies proving equally fruitless, lending credence to the possibility that he was capable of some innate magic.
Byeeeeee Angkor!

I hope we see you again in better times!

Had Gazul not intervened.

"The news will spread one way or another. I will not force you to hold your tongue of what happened, only remind you to truly consider the fortitude and worthiness of those you wish to speak to. The shame is not yours to bear regardless," he lectures.
Thank fuck he did, that'd have been an awful vote.

As for the other vote choice I'm like, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhghaghghghg but on the other it is pretty important. It'd take one turn to finish with the Hold Founding, via Productivity and apprentice actions.
Four years passed between Snorri deciding to disrupt the Ritual and actually disrupting it? That seems like, a lot.
Remember how time is kind of a ball of taffy at the moment around the Karak ruins? The ritual probably warped things, so what seemed like a short time inside the Karak was four years to the rest of the world.
Four years passed between Snorri deciding to disrupt the Ritual and actually disrupting it? That seems like, a lot.

Edit: Is that in years? Because A.P. is After Pillars right?
the magic of idon'twannafigureoutthenewdatingsystemandsnorri'sage futzed about with time. A final perfidious spell by Hogrimm, how dastardly, how foul!

He denied you several years worth of Beard Growth! The bastard!
[ ] Aid: All that you are able to.
A large commitment of material and time towards helping the Dawi of Dum recover. [Cost: 1 action and 1 retainer action] Locked in for 8 turns. Take on [Simple] Hold Founding: [Cost: 6 actions].

Think we should do this in the hope that they will chose the North as the place to make a new Karak
That was a ride, a great conclusion to Karag Dum.

For the votes I'm thinking:
[ ] Zharrvengryn: Ties
[ ] Zharrvengryn: Fire
[ ] Zharrvengryn: Cutting
Ties seems like the most interesting option here, cutting could be good too but given we just made zharrgal fire seems like the worst.

[ ] Aid: Some of what you're capable of.
You cannot devote everything, but you can devote some or much of what resources you do have available to you. Pick as many as you want.
[ ] Hearth Guard aid. [Cost: 1 retainer action] Locked in for 8 turns.
[ ] Material support. take on [Simple] Hold Founding: [Cost: 6 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
[ ] Political support. [Cost: 1 action] Locked in for 8 turns.
I'm tempted to say all three here. Hearth Guard support is an easy yes to me, material support is a bit harder but still very doable, Political support seems the most awkward at a cost of a full 8 actions.
[ ] Zharrvengryn: Ties
This to me screams bonds, and if so is in fitting with the type of runelord we are and what we are doing with the hearthguard.

[ ] Aid: All that you are able to.
A large commitment of material and time towards helping the Dawi of Dum recover. [Cost: 1 action and 1 retainer action] Locked in for 8 turns. Take on [Simple] Hold Founding: [Cost: 6 actions].
My poor research but hold founding we get productivity so we can get that done quickly. And they deserve a good home. Also no grabbing apprentices since we will already have an action locked for 8 turns.
Is there any OTHER option than giving all aid we are able to?

Ancestors, it would be shameful to do anything else.

There is a duty of the Elders, to take care of the beardlings when they get knocked down, especially by foul treachery and Krut.

We'd be a poor example for the other Longbeards if not doing that! Can't have that. Not with Gazul having come over.
[ ] Zharrvengryn: Ties
This is probably the rune of fate or better brotherhood which we want. Don't really need a better cutting or fire rune since MCurrents and MConductions have been good enough
[ ] Aid: Some of what you're capable of.
You cannot devote everything, but you can devote some or much of what resources you do have available to you. Pick as many as you want.
[ ] Hearth Guard aid. [Cost: 1 retainer action] Locked in for 8 turns.
[ ] Material support. take on [Simple] Hold Founding: [Cost: 6 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
[ ] Political support. [Cost: 1 action] Locked in for 8 turns.
I'd just do the simple action. I want to focus on Rune Metal hard for a few turns and just get some major research progress done.
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I think we should definetly go with ties and giving all the aid we can. I mean Snorri is the Gift Giver. I also think for the next several turns we should focus on cranking out all the equipment requests we have been putting off. I mean i think it would be okay to dedicate one action to research but that's it.
Our apprentices won't be sticking around for much longer, just 1 or 2 more turns.
Taking on the 8-turn action investment will reduce us to 3 actions per turn only for a turn or two until our apprentices leave, then we'll be back at the normal 4.