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Rhunrikki Strollar (Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf Runelord Quest)
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You play as a Snorri Klausson, Runelord of Kraka Drakk, in the earliest days of the Karaz Ankor, and through the Highs and Lows of the Canonical Golden Age.
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Stop: Rule 3: Chill
Dude, you are just hurting your arguments with how insanely unreasonable you are. You talk about compromise but you absolutely refuse to do so. Further not helped in that you pretty much refuse to listen and see things from other perspectives. You refuse to accept the simple fact that people are just not really wanting to heavily focus on politics since that is not what this quest is about and your obsession with it just feels like chores/work for people which kind of defeats the reason people go on quests which is to have fun.

You are acting like a massive hypocrite complaining about about compromise and yet complaining about people not doing everything the way you want. Everyone else may disagree on things but at least most everyone here is trying to come up with a compromise unlike you.

rule 3: chill
I understand that you are frustrated with the vote and this argument, however the complaints about the vote and the tone of this argument are not acceptable. Please chill.
Stop: Rule 3: Be Civil
First of all, prove that we skipped a significant amount of research with the creation of Barak Azamar. soulcake confirmed that Pt.3 was about determining we needed to manipulate Deep Magic to improve the gronti, and narrowing down which part of the Rune manipulates Deep Magic. We finished Pt.3 without putting in actions because Snorri saw enough permutations of the Master Rune of Waking that he could see which part he needed to fiddle with. He did not say that Barak Azamar affected it at all. The only affect that it can be proved to have had is that it caused Valma to try to Rune Trade with us.

Take note of the fact that Snorri noted that it was brazen of Valma to ask to trade and didn't think of the fact that he didn't know what Deep Magic is. He already knows that it is related to gronti, because Thungni's children managed to wheedle that knowledge out of him millennia before Snorri was born.

The point I made about Barak Azamar already providing a connection to Deep Magic is that it does not provide inherent knowledge of what strikes on a Rune cause it do what. Zharrgal pushes Snorri to strike the rune perfectly. Barak Azamar does not do that.

It is absolutely hilarious that you still can't cite any evidence that backs up your position and yet you claim that I don't have any reading comprehension.

I would think most holds would have less Runesmiths than Kraka Drakk. Did you mean major holds? I mean, hell it has six Runelords.

Holy fuck man. Get. Some. Reading. Comprehension. I said Able to skip, not Have skipped and used Rune Metal part b. as an example of unique advantages allowing accelerated progress.

And you know what? I am officially done with this conversation. Think what you want, I'm past caring. I'll just sit back and wait for the update to drop and then we'll know.

And for the record? As I have said multiple times I never said Yorri couldn't know how to improve/ manipulate the Deep Magic portion, only that I severely doubted it because of the immensity of the task and him, as far as we know, lacking any advantage like Barak Azamar.

rule 3: be civil
Hey, I get that you're frustrated but this and your previous post were unacceptable escalations of the argument. You have been infracted under Rule 3, and I really recommend that you tune this down.

What the fuck.

Did you even read the fact that @soulcake specifically said that not making Barak Azamar would not have locked out progress along The Movement of Things?

Barak Azamar is not a unique advantage when it comes out determining which part of the Rune manipulates Deep Magic. It makes it so that every rune we make with it channels deep magic. If, during the process of testing, Snorri made a variant of the Master Rune of Waking and broke the part that channels deep magic, it will still channel deep magic because Barak Azamar alters the metaphysical Rune, not the strikes.

Prove it. Prove that we need Barak Azamar to alter Runes. Mind you, you can't because soulcake has said that we did not need to, but I suppose what ever response you come up with will be amusing if nothing else.

While I don't think this is rule breaking, I think this post escalated the argument to a degree that didn't need to happen. Being less heated and not accusing other posters of not reading posts is generally a good idea in quests as it makes the argument personal instead of about the issues at vote.
Stop: no more of this
no more of this
Peace is NEVER an options when dealing with greenskins, they did not attack Dawi because they cared about how oppressed other greenskins were or had been (empaty for them is so rare to be almost non existant) they litteraly live to figth and kill and beat stuff, without chaos corrupting them.

We are speaking of a race that reproduce whilst being killed.

The ONLY solutions to greenskins is absolute massacre that has to be repeated evry so often.

I have studied their so called culture quite a whyle and belive me they never assaulted a Karak because they feared the dawi inside because they migth enslave them.
This is a Dawi quest, even suggesting grenies should not be treated like the dirt they are and always will be is pointless anyway, since we are already killing them like pests.
While advocating for violence against a fictional group is not inherently against the rules, calling for repeated massacres while declaring that a species should be "treated like the dirt they are and always will be" is a violation of Rule 2: Don't Be Hateful. As such, @Franksson has received the standard 25-point infraction and 3 day threadban.

Everyone else, carry on.