What the fuck.
Did you even read the fact that
@soulcake specifically said that not making Barak Azamar would not have locked out progress along The Movement of Things?
Barak Azamar is not a unique advantage when it comes out determining which part of the Rune manipulates Deep Magic. It makes it so that every rune we make with it channels deep magic. If, during the process of testing, Snorri made a variant of the Master Rune of Waking and broke the part that channels deep magic, it will still channel deep magic because Barak Azamar alters the metaphysical Rune, not the strikes.
Prove it. Prove that we need Barak Azamar to alter Runes. Mind you, you can't because soulcake has said that we did not need to, but I suppose what ever response you come up with will be amusing if nothing else.