I'm afraid I don't understand how the last line could be misconstrued as being patronizing, if you'll allow me to say so.
And I dont see how its not sounds not patronizing. Though if you ask me to explain my reasoning I would draw a blank so I'll leave it at "its just me"
Moreover, I don't believe that restraining Mami will be necessary or, indeed, wise.
As I said previously, I am that guy that have absolutely zero hope in things ever going right and constantly looks into worst-case scenario. I am not telling we
should do that but I do hope that people understand
we might have no choice regardless of our wishes.
until recently, we haven't even begun to consider how to tell Mami about witches, despite her asking us to do exactly that
If you allow me to be a bit... brash I guess, I call bullshit on that one. Compared to the length of this quest I've been here incredibly small amount of time and even then question about telling Mami about witches is constantly debated. Not every vote may be but its always
"ah, so it's bad for a number of reasons"
I... dont think I said its bad, IIRC I just said I disagree with analysis of the situation but did agree to go through if people actually ready to handle the fallout.
Ok, so I did say I try to answer fully if I have time and I do now. So.
Sabrina talks about how wonderful and amazing and kind and smart Mami is, but all the ways in which we've talked about the Witchbomb in her have been... a little patronizing?
It would be patronizing if we
thought we knew what would happen based on nothing but our own assumptions. We however were/are
cautious precisely because we know for a fact a possible outcome. There is a fine line between the two. "We know whats best for you" vs "I am really afraid that it might break you".
She asked us to think about how to tell her, and to do so when the time was right. We responded by refusing to think about it at all for hundreds of pages. That's hardly a relationship between equals, or just... doing the bare-bones of what our partner asked us to do.
That's a little... okay, no, thats a very big leap here. This is exactly ONE issue we have with our communications with Mami. Hell, after confirming Madokami and Akumura thingy Mami would the person who knows the most secrets out of everyone aside from may be Kirika and Oriko (but they cheated so it doesnt really counts). Framing our handling of incredibly dangerous infohazard as Sabrina being a complete dick and ignoring everything else positive in her relationship with Mami is just... I dont think I even have words. Wrong I guess.
And we've been keeping her at arm's length, on this. Disconnected from what her friends all know.
See, you doing the exact same thing here again. Mami knows THE MOST secrets out of everyone (who not cheats). Madoka doesnt know shit, Kyoko doesnt know shit, etc, etc. Homura and Sayaka are the only ones who come even close. We do anything but "disconnecting her from all her friends". Or I guess we do. On account of her knowing more than them.
No. If we're gonna tell her, then the idea that she probably already has it 99% figured out should be something we consider, but... it shouldn't be the reason why. We should be telling her because we have faith in our Mumi, just like she has faith in us, and because it's the right thing to do.
I'll skip my obligatory villain™ speech about how hope and faith are for naive fools.
This entire reasoning is kind of flawed because we are now considering to tell her precisely because she might have already figured everything out and just needs final piece. We can make Sabrina
say that we decided to tell Mami because we have faith in her.
But that would be a blatant lie. Mami might never learn this,
but Sabrina sure as hell will know. I'll vote either way really, but personally I wouldn't lie on this one and pretend to be some sort of saint. We have enough of that from Twins anyway.