@Mokyu, you don't seem to really understand how much Nerevar lowballed the result:

The potential highest value is a big fat *infinite*.

And it is likely, we really have no need to even try to reach it, that is just asking for the antimatter omake made by Firn as a warning, but with the universe paying for it instead of *just* a town.

The best result we can predict out of that is a dead Homura, seriously, let it drop, this story has never been and will never be about how manu biggatons we have, it is about the people.
huh, i suppose you're right about it.
Found the quote by searching for the word supernova in posts by me in this thread:


You don't seem to understand what a low ball calculation is.

The quoted calculation represents an absolute minimum energy density for Grief, and because of some of the blatantly untrue assumptions I baked into it, the actual energy density is guaranteed to be higher than that. And there is no way to know how much higher.

The potential highest value is a big fat *infinite*.

Ok, so my guesstimate is that, like as was shown, whatever we did to the Grief didn't use up any. Which means perpetual motion and breaking conservation of energy.

This means that we didn't annihilate any grief, which means that we can't get its energy conversion.

So we'd have to guess it from how efficient the MG system is. And the answer to that is . . .

4*10^50. That's 400 _quindecillion_ watts. That's 400 undecillion terawatts or 400 billion billion billion billion terawatts.

Split among like . . . Actually, it doesn't really matter. And, even assuming that they get most of their energy from witchouts, the amount in Grief will *still* be absurd. And this is just a guess, involving the *observable* universe. Like, they could have FTL and care about the stuff beyond it.

So, if we *do* figure out how to transmute it, let's wait for a hot second. And only do a plank length's worth. Worst case it makes a micro black hole that'll instantly evaporate. (Tiny, near-massless black holes won't have enough mass to make a proper explosion. Well, that's assuming that a plank length is like a safe amount, which we don't know).

And also an indestructible shield. And a way to sever the area from reality if things get dicey. And a way to absolutely make sure that we don't die.

In short, if we wanted to know then asking Kuybey would be safer, by orders of magnitude.

And we don't particularly need the energy from this. Like, making an enchantment that just spins really fast is already enough to break the energy economy.

Ok, so my guesstimate is that, like as was shown, whatever we did to the Grief didn't use up any. Which means perpetual motion and breaking conservation of energy.

This means that we didn't annihilate any grief, which means that we can't get its energy conversion.

So we'd have to guess it from how efficient the MG system is. And the answer to that is . . .

Split among like . . . Actually, it doesn't really matter. And, even assuming that they get most of their energy from witchouts, the amount in Grief will *still* be absurd. And this is just a guess, involving the *observable* universe. Like, they could have FTL and care about the stuff beyond it.

So, if we *do* figure out how to transmute it, let's wait for a hot second. And only do a plank length's worth. Worst case it makes a micro black hole that'll instantly evaporate. (Tiny, near-massless black holes won't have enough mass to make a proper explosion. Well, that's assuming that a plank length is like a safe amount, which we don't know).

And also an indestructible shield. And a way to sever the area from reality if things get dicey. And a way to absolutely make sure that we don't die.

In short, if we wanted to know then asking Kuybey would be safer, by orders of magnitude.

And we don't particularly need the energy from this. Like, making an enchantment that just spins really fast is already enough to break the energy economy.
i mostly wanted it as a bon sesh between sabrina, niko, and homura
remember that niko can transmutate matter

Grief isn't matter. Sabrina is the only known individual capable of manipulating Grief in any way other than moving it from soul gem to soul gem.

i don't really think so, Homura's shield is less of a weapon, and more of a part of her outfit/stabilized form of her wish

All meguca get a weapon, or so it seems. Homura never manifests anything other than a shield. That shield is capable of telling reality to get bent, which could be interpreted as attacking the universe and winning. Her shield is her weapon, which is why she needs all of those guns for fighting things smaller than time itself.

huh, maybe, maybe not, UKG did manage to stay active in there, so magic probably doesn't get affected by Homura's stasis magic
magic beats magic after all

Witches distort reality within their reach. Sabrina would not be within reach of the marble of Grief you want to put in there, so there's no telling what would happen with it without a will to guide it into manipulating reality.

The best result we can predict out of that is a dead Homura, seriously, let it drop, this story has never been and will never be about how manu biggatons we have, it is about the people.

Oh, I figure they're just bored and picked this to get people talking.

And, even assuming that they get most of their energy from witchouts, the

We don't know how much Grief they're able to extract from Grief Seeds, but the difference between one first collected and one filled and needing to be turned in to Kyuubey is a tiny percentage of the amount of Grief present in even a reshly collected Grief Seed. We, on the other hand, know that we can pull 100% of the Grief from a Grief Seed, meaning we may be collecting substantially more Grief per Witch than the incubators are able to extract. This is one of the reasons I agree with Nerevar that we should talk to Kyuubey about exactly that.
Just leave the shield alone man, we dont want to mess with that thing right now, nobody wants Homura to learn about that stuff.

One day we should be able to tell her, but that isnt soon.
oh no
i meant it more of a post-warpurgis thing
like i'm 90% sure that feathers is hiding on her shield, just like UKG
so we need to defeat all the side obstacles before going to the main mission
oh no
i meant it more of a post-warpurgis thing
like i'm 90% sure that feathers is hiding on her shield, just like UKG
so we need to defeat all the side obstacles before going to the main mission

We really have no reason to believe feathers is in her shield... Cuz we have almost no info on them.

But thankfully we might get something out of this memory looking experiment!

Also ive noticed that you dont leave spaces in your posts, like they look weird, im pretty sure they didnt used to look like that. Whats up with that?
Hazard Course Pt. 32
[x] Check witch names
[x] Drop off the Soul Gems with Niko, go join the session with Umika
-[x] Verify Umika can avoid getting bombed if her book reads an infohazard from one of us. Break if not.
-[x] In a privacy sphere
--[x] Explain to Umika about Oriko's visions of her death and the entity responsible that we think also attacked Sayaka
--[x] See if Umika can recover more info about Oriko's visions
--[x] Have Umika check Sabrina, Mami, Oriko, and Kirika for discrepancies during suspected incidents, including the time between the first and second Barriers.
--[x] Time permitting, try the forgotten memory viewer Griefhax construct

Kazumi blinks at Kyouko's request, then grins.

"Yeah, 'course!" she says. "A friend of Mami's is a friend of mine, anytime, anywhere! Whatcha wanna talk about?"

"... later, please," Kyouko says, looking vaguely pained. Yuma clutches at her hand, giving her a baffled look.

A spark of paranoia has you checking for Witch names, steeling yourself against the graveyard whispers sliding into your mind.

Phytia, Philotes.


Laverna, Alice.

Ophelia. Pistis.


Dedolere, sliding fingernails down your spine.

Everything as it should be, then - everyone as they should be. Especially Kyouko, who... OK, sure, you know she was brought up as a devout pastor's daughter, you know she has to have learned how to actually get along with people. But it's still jarring enough to see her actually try that you had to be sure - and it's a relief, you suppose.

You feel Mami's eyes on you as she takes your free arm, tucking her hand into the crook of your elbow.

You take a deep breath, shooting Mami a quick smile. Musty old cloth and preservative and detergent, the smell of Mirai's museum. You spare another moment to wonder how it really works, with the Pleiades Saints living in here alongside the actual museum, but then again, you doubt that any of the visitors care about the backrooms. And the actual curators, if there are any... well, maybe they just didn't notice or just don't care - after all, what's a few barred off corridors or closed doors? A museum's a huge building, after all.

You let that breath out, and let the thought go with it. Weird, but not worth dwelling over. What is worth dwelling over is that you have a decision to make.

"I'll go with you, Oriko, Kirika," you say. "Well, I figure I'll talk to Miss Kanna first and drop off the Soul Gems?"

Oriko and Kirika exchange a look.

"We'll accompany you in turn to meet the redoubtable Miss Kanna, if that's alright?" Oriko says. "I admit, I'm curious to meet her as well."

"Oh, redoubtable, is she?" Kazumi says, grinning. "She'll be excited to hear that."

"Sure, though I should warn you that she really is a bit of a mad scientist," you say, ignoring the relief unspooling in your chest. Things would have gotten awkward, given that you'd promised Homura and Sayaka to keep an eye on Oriko and Kirika while you were away from Mitakihara. "Like. Not kidding at all."

"Only a bit of a mad scientist?" Kazumi says. Her grin widens, malicious glee dancing in her eyes. "I'm demoting you on her behalf, O&K move up the rankings."

"Wh- there's rankings?" you demand.

"Sure there are!" Kazumi chirps. "Unfortunately, you're down a rank. But anyway!" She claps her hands. "Let's not keep everyone waiting. Mirai, can you bring 'em to Niko?"

"'course, 'zumi," Mirai says. "I'll come find you afterwards!"

"Hang on, I want to know more about these rankings, what rankings are thes-" Mami takes your elbow and firmly steers you after Mirai, Kazumi waving cheerfully and nudging Kyouko to head off the corridor back the way you'd come from, Yuma sticking close to them. Oriko and Kirika trail after you, Yuki a step behind with her hands tucked under her cloak and an air of faint amusement.

You're real tempted to follow Kyouko with a bit of Grief so you can eavesdrop on them - you've created an entire mechanical eye out of Grief before, eavesdropping through nanofog would be all but trivial if you actually wanted to. But that would be a betrayal of their trust and rude to boot, so instead, you take a moment to nod at Oriko as she pads after you.

"Thanks, Oriko," you mutter to her.

She gives you a blank stare.

"For nothing, I'm sure," she says.

You chuckle softly and leave it at that, following Mirai to an elevator and down to a basement level, stepping out into what could at first glance be the storage deck of a museum - but definitely isn't the storage area of this museum, rows upon rows of shelves squeezed along the walls of the corridor and festooned with also sorts of plastic lumps and broken machinery and electronics and crystals and other, less identifiable objects, most in various states of half-hearted dissection or even seemingly half-melted and resolidified.

Yuki examines the shelves curiously as you pass, leaning in to stare at the various doodads.

"Couple months of junkyard raiding," Mirai supplies the unasked question with a grin. "And then Niko abandoning projects halfway, across. But don't worry, we'll keep her on track for the important stuff."

"I heard that!" A blonde head with a teal green aviator's cap and goggles pulled down over what you know to be blue eyes pokes out of another side door.

"You do keep abandoning projects, dear," Mirai says fondly, stepping forward to hug Niko - and then springing back, her nose wrinkling. "What have you gotten into?"

"Formaldehyde!" Niko says cheerfully, and ugh, now you can definitely smell the acrid fumes wafting out of the room behind her.

"That... doesn't sound safe?" Mami says mildly, raising an eyebrow.

"Safe enough, it's not like we need to breathe much, righ- ow, ow, ow, ow!" Niko's interrupted by Mirai pinching her cheek, Mirai's eyes glinting hard despite her cheerful smile.

"It's safe, right, dear?" Mirai says, her tone and expression perfectly pleasant and yet somehow utterly threatening. "You're not hurting yourself again, right?"

"Y-yes! Definitely! I'll turn up the ventilation asap!" Niko says, flailing. "Anyway, come in! Heard you had a project for me?"

"Yeah," you say, letting Niko lead you into the room, the narrow confines forcing everyone to squeeze single file, Mirai trailing at the rear.

It's not that much different from the corridors outside, rows of metal-framed wooden shelves groaning with odds and ends of all sorts, lit from above with flurorescents and stinking of formaldehyde. The source of the latter you find at what you presume is Niko's actual work area: shelves pushed aside, a table scored with scorchmarks, and a small washtub-sized cylinder of glass, open-topped and filled with what seems to be, well, formaldehyde. Niko hurries off to one side with an admonishment to stick around, and you hear the crackle of bare electric wires, a yelp, then a distant rumble of fans.

Niko marches back, smoking slightly and dusting her hands off, and leans in to press a kiss to Mirai's lips before grinning at you, Mirai looking fond even as she tries to pat out Niko's gloves.

"So. Kazumi said something to do with bodies, right?" Niko says, a manic gleam in her eye.

"... yyyyyyes," you say. "But I'm looking for, uh, the opposite of, uh. Of what you've got going on here?"

"Ah? Ah," Niko says, deflating and giving the tank of preserving fluid a disappointed look. "Dammit."

"Yeah," you say, floating the box of Soul Gems over to you, checking over the precious cargo - and while you're at it, checking their Witch names. "We... had an encounter with someone who went around stealing Soul Gems, and, uh. Not their bodies."

"Hoo," Niko says. "OK, you don't dream small, huh?"

She taps her chin thoughtfully, staring at the gleaming Gems. And just out of lingering paranoia, and because you know Hijiri Kanna's still running free, you check Niko's Witch Name too, just to be sure it's really her. The whisper of Hecate at the back of your mind is both reassuring and not, a spectral voice unheard in your ears that nevertheless informs you in no uncertain terms that yes, this is Niko in front of you.

"I've got ideas," Niko says finally. "Heck, I tried at one point, but there wasn't a point to that project. But I... ugh, this ain't gonna be fast. And I think I might..."

She scowls at the ceiling.

"So it's common knowledge that we can regrow extremities, and it comes out looking exactly like the original, right down to scars and tattoos if you had any, yeah?" she says, her hands fluttering in the air as if to shape out a body. "The soul carries that information, and virtually every magical healing process can extract that information. Kaoru's magic can, Umika's can, mine can't, but that's more or less besides the point. The point I wanted to make is that I... every magical girl is unique, and decoding that info in a sort of one-size-fits-all way? Basically impossible. Not saying I'm not willing, it's a worthy cause, but I'm saying it's something that needs to be redone for every Soul Gem you've got there."

"But what of ordinary healers?" Yuki asks, tilting her head. "Are they not a one-size-fits-all solution? After all, most healers don't have to do much more than wave their hand or wand, or perhaps make skin contact to heal - including the restoration of aforementioned tattoos and scars."

"Yyyyeah, but Wish magic is... Wish magic," Niko says. "If you can find a magical girl who can heal from nothing, that's my entire job done and you don't need me. Maybe someone who wished to be, oh, whatshisname, the guy from western comics with the uh-" She makes a fist, miming vaguely at claws.

"Wolverine?" Kirika beats you to answering, grinning and popping out a set of her own claws.

"That's the one!" Niko says, snapping her fingers and pointing at Kirika. "That kind of bullshit is what you need. It probably exists, but most magical girls need something to heal from. Which... actually, find me a strong healer and it'll cut the time to a quarter - figure out what's the minimum she needs and do that instead of trying to grow a whole-ass body."

"... huh, alright, that makes sense," you concede. "I know a couple of strong healers, so I can ask around. Do you have a rough estimate of what you can do?"

Sayaka's collection of powers might help, but then again, she might not have the mastery of them to push them like that. Yuma can certainly heal, and she can certainly heal well, so... maybe. Rin might be able to do it, but you don't really have a good feel for the intricacies of her power. The Murasaki Shrine maidens have two healers, if you recall correctly? It might be worth asking.

"More than a day, less than a week. I think? I'll be honest, I've never tried this before, so I don't know for sure," Niko says, scowling. "Unless you find a really weird healer, it's not as simple as just growing a lump of cloned flesh, you know. I need to figure out a way to instantiate something of them. Of identity."

Mirai turns mildly green, clashing with the lavender of her hair.

"... let me know if any of them wake up and panic or anything like that, or if you need to wake them up," you say. "The kidnappers laid some kind of stasis effect on them."

"Yeah, I noticed that. Will do," Niko says, nodding. She kicks the tank of formaldehyde, making some of it slosh over the side. "Now, if that's all, I need to get rid of this, apparently."

"Do not pour it down the drain!" Mirai says. "Also, Miss Mikuni here wanted to meet you?"

"I know, I know, I'll just... there's a tank around here somewhere, I just need to find it," Niko grumbles, before turning to Oriko. "But yes! Hi!"

"A pleasure," Oriko says, smiling and inclining her head. "But I'm afraid that I have no grand project for you or anything of the sort, I just wanted to meet you in person after hearing about you from Sabrina."

"Ah, my reputation precedes me, does it?" Niko says, grinning. "Probably for the better, though, I'm gonna have my hands full with this one. Nice to meetcha, Miss Mikuni."

They exchange a few pleasantries, and you bid Niko farewell and good luck, then Mirai ushers you back upstairs - through a different door out of the lab, a different corridor, and a different set of stairs to take you to a... living room. It's a lovely living room, airy and spacious, provided you can overlook the sense of decor, with teddy-bear embroidered cushions on the sofas, teddy-bear print wallpaper, teddy-bear-head-shaped lamp, teddy-bear-head-shaped table with teddy-bear-head-shaped teapot and teddy-bear-shaped-plates with teddy-bear-shaped mochi.

... the sofa is perfectly comfortable, though. You nod at Umika, exchanging greetings as you all settle in - except for Mirai, who blows a kiss at Umika before hurrying off.

"I must admit, I was surprised to hear that you wanted to meet with me," Umika says, raising an eyebrow at you after serving everyone tea. "What can I help you with, Miss Vee?"

"Not me, per-se," you say. "It's for Oriko here."

"Indeed," Oriko says, and explains her dilemma of losing her precognition magic and the attendant prophecies that she actually foresaw. Umika nods along, eyes narrowing in thought.

"I am uncertain if I can do it," she says finally. "Memory, yes, been there, done that, it's perfect for when I had a good idea to write and then forgot it. Or if we're out shopping and Kazumi left the grocery list at home again. I've... never even thought about something like this."

"But Ori-" Kirika jolts off her sofa, already prepared to argue the point, only for Umika to cut her off.

"However!" Umika declares, pushing her glasses up to glint under the lights. "I'm more than willing to try."

"Oh," Kirika says, subsiding back onto the sofa.

"Will there be anything private, by the by?" Yuki asks, setting her teacup down with a decisive clink. "I am perfectly willing to step outside if so."

"I don't... believe so," Oriko says, glancing sidelong at you.

"Not that you ever told me about, Oriko?" you say. You appreciate the hand-off, that cautious just-in-case. "And maybe it's actively helpful if you stay and listen in, Miss Tsuruya? Less to repeat, if we do dredge up something from Oriko's memories. Still, your memories, so... final say is yours, Oriko."

"Don't worry about privacy issues," Umika adds brightly. "My magic is true writing, it goes exactly as far as you pass around what you wrote. And you can always just scratch over it if you need to hide something in particular."

"In that case, I have no problem with it," Oriko decides after a moment of consideration and a fortifying sip of tea. "If anything... embarrassing should come up, then I will consider that a small price to pay for peace of mind."

"Though on that note, I would still like to put up a privacy field, to ensure that it goes no further than the six of us here - just to be careful about unwanted eavesdroppers or scryers and such," you say. Or Kyuubey, you mentally append. "Though, er, it is going to have that Witchy sensation. So... if that's alright with everyone?"

"I'll let everyone know," Umika decides as a round of general agreement goes around the room.

"Alright, then... let me know when," you say, reaching sideways into hammerspace to pull out a blob of enchanted Grief, moulding it lightly between your hands.

Umika takes just a moment to confirm that the rest of the Saints are fine with it, which is your cue. All it takes now is a moment of concentration, of focus to impress your will upon the world, the magic-saturated Grief flowing into the familiar shape of a circlet set upon a pedestal, the sensation of Witch, Witch, Witch beating a familiar pressure against your senses and the world beyond hazing to blurry darkness.

Yuki looks the most unsettled by far, leaning back in the sofa as if to try and get away from it even as she fixes it with a curious stare. Umika seems fascinated, craning her head to examine your construct, while Oriko and Kirika both give it a look before settling back. Mami, nestled into your side, lifts her head as you set the construct down on the table, then smiles and takes your now-free hand.

"And we are secure?" Umika asks, glancing around at the hazed darkness surrounding you.

"Yeah," you say. "You can walk through the field, but no sound, no light, not magic, nothing gets through to the outside. Um. Sorry, Miss Tsuruya."

"It's merely something I have to get used to," she says, shaking her head. "It just feels... unusual, to be sitting at ease while my instincts are screaming at me that there's a Witch nearby."

"It is something that one can get used to," Mami offers. "There's a distinct note of Sabrina in there that distinguishes it from ordinary Witch barriers - not something that's easily picked out, unfortunately, but it's somehow reassuring, I've found."

Yuki nods slowly, a frown stealing across her forehead.

"... mind if I test something, Miss Vee?" Umika asks after a moment.

"By all means?" you say.

Umika flicks her hands, a leather-bound book appearing between them in a burst of cobalt light, and flips it open to a blank page. Another flash of light is a feather quill, lavish with magic that all but blazes in your mind's eye, shimmering a rich azure under the light. Umika holds it over the page, and... hesitates, her brow knitting in confusion and strain even as the magic writhes within the quill.

"... impressive," she allows after a moment, her hand unmoving. "Nothing at all. Alright."

She nods, makes that book vanish in a sparkle of light, and then produces a much plainer and slimmer volume which she tosses at Oriko, Kirika catching it for her. Another flick of Umika's wrist launches the quill at Kirika, who snatches it out of the air without hesitation.

"Alright. That's just an empty book," she says. "I'll vanish it when we finish up here, so there'll be no records left but what's in our heads. Now, Miss Mikuni - focus on what you want to know, and let your hand write. I'd also recommend closing your eyes, it can feel pretty weird."

Oriko nods hesitantly, retrieving both from Kirika and flipping the book open on her lap. Her gaze flickers over to Kirika, then you.

"Don't let me fall into the same trap I did before," she murmurs, and sets the quill to the page, shutting her eyes firmly.

A moment of silence, then a scrape of quill on paper. Another. Oriko's lips thin as she begins to write in earnest, the sound of the quill scratching over the page the only sound in the bubble of privacy, everyone seeming to hold their breath in anticipation.

Seconds pass, then a minute, then two - and Oriko's hand slows down and stops, a frown spreading across her forehead.

"I... there is a... certain amount of resistance, though it's ignorable," she says, her eyes still shut. She hesitates, then shuts the book with a snap that seems to echo through the confines of your privacy. She holds it out to you. "But let us take this as a start."

Mami hums, shifting off your shoulder and pointedly looking away at the ceiling so you can read in privacy.

"Resistance, huh?" Umika says, adjusting her glasses again. "I can't say I've ever encountered that before, but I suppose we're talking about the interaction between Wishes, so I suppose it's not unreasonable?"

Of course, that barely impinges. Written on the page in Oriko's neat handwriting are just two sentences.

The Law is broken. She searches for the missing fragment.

[] Write-in (word count limit: 150 words)


It didn't fit in the text properly, but Hestia and Pistis are Yuki and Yuma's Witches respectively, since I don't believe that's come up before.

... and because I've been bad about updating my own damn notes about these things, if they have come up before, then that's my bad.

Also! I'll be taking a break until the new year. I've got some thinking and some plotting to do, in any case, so I reckon this is a good point to call it for the year. So, until 2024 - see you all! I'll be back, never fear.
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The Law is broken. She searches for the missing fragment.

I can't remember the precise update, but there was that first time we heard Found you in a Witch's Barrier, right? We took it as a sign of Feathers' handiwork?

...is Feathers Madokami? Searching for Sabrina, a "fragment" of Herself spun off by Her Wish? Or perhaps we are Walpurgisnacht in truth, and our Wishborn existence, that everything might be fixed, contradicts the other wish Madoka made, to kill all witches at the moment of their birth?
Thanks for the chapter!

The Law is broken. She searches for the missing fragment.

Ah, the Law of Cycles. A broken god. Hmmmm

So, what color *were* the feathers? Because if we have a color, then we can determine who has them.

On a similar note, can we have her check our memories as well? Specifically for timeline inconsistencies and Feathers.

Also . . . To properly explain and expand on this, we might need to go into far more meta knowledge shenanigans.
...is Feathers Madokami? Searching for Sabrina, a "fragment" of Herself spun off by Her Wish? Or perhaps we are Walpurgisnacht in truth, and our Wishborn existence, that everything might be fixed, contradicts the other wish Madoka made, to kill all witches at the moment of their birth?
Does Madokami exist? I thought we were before that loop, what with the continued existence of Wishes and Mortdoka.
The Law is broken. She searches for the missing fragment.
There's at least 2 ways to read this pair of sentences.
1. The Law is broken (This person is broken). She (the same person) searches for the missing fragment.
-> therefore She = Law of Cycles = Madokami
2. The Law is broken (The object of obsession is broken). She (the person obsessing over that object) searches for the missing fragment.
-> therefore She = lost-between-time Homura / her witch

I'm partial to the latter interpretation because the feathers were black and the theming fits Homucifer.

Broken Law could be remnants of the subverted timeline, or the lost potential, or a version of last-timeline Madoka lingering around half-alive, or a lot of other things.

Cough Cough

It takes you a moment to place the disturbance - two magical presences, now having clambered into the room next door, presumably via the window. You take a deep breath, and check.

Ophelia. Airmed.

The names speak themselves into the depths of your mind, primal resonances you recognise, bone-deep and unmistakable. A relief, then, despite the rather morbid source. Kyouko and Yuma are fine, and they've returned from their hunt unharmed and with two more Grief Seeds.

I'm not really surprised Yuki's Hestia if you made me guess that's the witch name I would've picked for her.

Also I wonder if witch names will work for Niko's identity thing.

The Law is broken. She searches for the missing fragment.

We should try and find out who she is so that we can figure out the end game.

I'm not really shocked by this reveal (It's a classic twist for PMMM quests.) but I'm excited to see Firn's take on it because I've always liked it.

Have a happy holidays Firn! Hope you enjoyed writing this update and knowing you'd get us stew on it for a while.
If we're imminently going to be talking about the goddess and the devil let's review who can be told about what
  • Oriko and Kirika can be told everything and are definitely trustworthy
  • Mami cannot be told about the goddess without first telling her about witches which we have not yet figured how to do safely
  • Sayaka cannot be told about the goddess without first telling her about Homura's loops which Homura herself has yet to consent to
  • Madoka cannot be told about the goddess without first telling her about witches, about the loops, etc all of which Homura has gone to great lengths to protect her from
  • Kyouko cannot be told about the goddess without first telling her about witches, loops, etc
  • Homura herself cannot be told about the goddess without first telling her about the nature of Madoka's potential. Telling her this is dangerous but navigable. However if the devil is on the table we need to at the very least consider whether it's safe to talk about all of this with her
  • Other magical girls from outside Mitakihara can be told in theory if first told about witches and loops but have no personal connection to these events and probably don't have a good reason to know