We can't solve her issues right now. Sideline her if we can and deal with the members of Sendai that hopefully aren't batshit insane.
...Yeah, no, this is brain damage-tier. Something's very wrong with Akiko, be it PTSD or something else.

[x]Akiko...I'm sorry, but there's something very wrong with you. You need help. But what you want to do won't make you safe.
[x]Rin, this isn't your fault. Can she explain any of...that?
[x] Tell Sendai what you just heard. Did the rest of you know about this? Akiko...seems obsessed with grief seeds. Not just what you'd expect. Do they agree with her? Is trying to get a "commodity" from girls that you know can't afford it worth losing out on never having to hunt again and having us help the University group against them if need be?
[x] What do the rest of you want out of all this? To try and get thirty seeds to...not attack the University group? Or something less crazy? We can help offset healing costs, we can even help talk down the Fukushima girls. We can and want to help them, but they need to work with us here. Because one way or another, we're not leaving until the extortion racket's over- for everyone.

First two lines are fine, possibly. Maybe ask Rin after this isn't your fault,
[]"Who's second in command. We can't negotiate with her like that."

Rest I'm not sure about.
She's not quite outwardly bonkers enough to just dismiss from the table... I mean we did that already. Metaphorical table.

We should maybe try to ask her team what the fuck is up with her, though. Gauge everybody's reaction to this first.
As I pointed out, problem with that is, as you said, is that she is batshit insane.

Not a problem if making her act batshit insane is preplanned. But it is not like she will just stand there and take it.

She's batshit insane, but we know also that she's capabe of being logical at sometimes. This has a motive, a motive she's refusing to say even when she's about to lose her team because of her big mouth.
While ofc Sabrina doesn't air witchbomb with several teams around(come one, she is us), why is showing her Hildegard suicidial?
If the theory's correct, we have no way of knowing how she'd react, or that she'd take it the way we want her to. If incorrect, we've just given everyone (including Kyubey, who I don't need to say is definitely watching everything as usual) a giant hint at the witchbomb for no real benefit.

We can't get what we want out of showing the seed without saying something and we aren't going to say something, and all this assumes a very specific scenario for Akiko. Far far too much risk for no likely reward.
Yeah, talking to her team and pointing out Akiko's lost it is a vital part of the vote.
Maybe don't start with, effectively, "Akiko, you're nuts." and proceeding to ignore her while we question her team?

Do the second part sure, but telling her she's not all there can wait until we're either prepared to help or to completely write her off.
....We are writing her off. That's a given by pretty much everyone at this point. Akiko is clearly not rational and our current goal is exposing that fact and trying to get someone less insane to handle Sendai's negotiations.
[X] SynchronizedWritersBlock

If she doesn't tell us anything we can use after that, she won't tell us her reasons at all.

Edit: I'm actually kind of amazed that a bandwagon vote was derailed and a new bandwagon was established so quickly, all while I was asleep.

Well, everyone was talking about needing to know her motivations for a while, so the idea was there.
Wait, you mean as a logical participant in the discussion, right? Not as a part of plan "Fix Everything". 'Cause finding out she's actually not all there on this issue kind of makes her more in need of help than before when we just though she was an asshole.
She's batshit insane, but we know also that she's capabe of being logical at sometimes. This has a motive, a motive she's refusing to say even when she's about to lose her team because of her big mouth.
Yeah, but this motive is pretty big motivation - if her team drops her, expecting her to act rational...might be right, and mean her dropping the witchbomb then reaping the seeds.

If the theory's correct, we have no way of knowing how she'd react, or that she'd take it the way we want her to. If incorrect, we've just given everyone (including Kyubey, who I don't need to say is definitely watching everything as usual) a giant hint at the witchbomb for no real benefit.

We can't get what we want out of showing the seed without saying something and we aren't going to say something, and all this assumes a very specific scenario for Akiko. Far far too much risk for no likely reward.
She has been collecting grief seeds for a while. She probably will not snap at someone figuring out why, and showing off new things regarding them. Saying that we give everyone a hint...well, that ignores my post a bit.

But that is a good point about Kyubey, though the question is: how much do we care what he knows?
Wait, you mean as a logical participant in the discussion, right? Not as a part of plan "Fix Everything". 'Cause finding out she's actually not all there on this issue kind of makes her more in need of help than before when we just though she was an asshole.
Oh, yeah, she's going to need help after this. But that's a long-term project. In the short term, we need the crazy girl off the negotiations table.

We can't know for sure what her motivation is, and we simply can't be certain enough about the scenario to go for that option. Too much risk for an uncertain enough reward. Too many "ifs" to go for this option.

We care a lot about what Kyubey knows. Remember what happened to Homura? The last thing we need is him witchbombing Mami or figuring out what we're up to, more than he already might have.
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Hey, remember that plan Kinematics had about setting up a grief seed exchange? They give us all the filled grief seeds they have on hand, and we cleanse them? Maybe now would be a good time to bring it up? I mean, if she really is motivated by a fear of witching out and compulsively hoarding grief seeds in fear of that, that would certainly appeal to her.
While ofc Sabrina doesn't air witchbomb with several teams around(come on, she is us), why is showing her Hildegard suicidial?

This is what people mean when they say SV can't resist shiny things. Most possible actions are detrimental, especially when they involve telepathically linking someone with an eternally tormented, completely insane soul.

What exactly do you expect to gain from this?
Hey, remember that plan Kinematics had about setting up a grief seed exchange? They give us all the filled grief seeds they have on hand, and we cleanse them? Maybe now would be a good time to bring it up? I mean, if she really is motivated by a fear of witching out and compulsively hoarding grief seeds in fear of that, that would certainly appeal to her.
Good idea, although that may not work if her motivation is saving souls from eternal torment or paying off incubator-like being.

We do need to throw her a bone of some material, though, or risk her deciding that she needs seeds and hey, there are some right in front of her.
This is what people mean when they say SV can't resist shiny things. Most possible actions are detrimental, especially when they involve telepathically linking someone with an eternally tormented, completely insane soul.

What exactly do you expect to gain from this?
I think he meant showing her the progress we'd made with Hildy, not the earlier mind link plan. That was more of a "fuck you, this is what you're doing to people" thing.
It is my opinion that the time for conflict has come. Whether or not we take down ONLY Akiko or Akiko and Everyone Allied With Her, my patience has been at an end for quite some time. I've posted this before, and I've doctored it up a bit. Part of Ugo's vote is also in here.

...It occurs to me that I'm probably going to end up posting this every update but whatever.

[x] To the entire region

In the interests of peace in this region of Japan, I call bullshit.

Reasons for declaration
Hamasaki Akiko, your demands are unreasonable and indicate a complete lack of willingness to negotiate. Your attitude towards this conflict has been one of laissez faire socioeconomic darwinism, at best. You have repeatedly demonstrated a callous disregard of the welfare of other magical girls in and around the the city of Sendai. This is merely the primitive and selfish notion that you are the only person who matters in the world.

You have told us that Grief Seeds are safety. That they are Security. That they are a Commodity. These are insufficient reasons to crush other girls under your heel, to force them to scrabble and grovel for their very existence. Indeed these are reasons to make sure that all magical girls have enough seeds to live and thrive. To have their basic human dignity preserved, something which you seem willing to discard for your own means.

In short, YOU are the first and the last problem. YOU are the disturber of the peace and the burner of souls. Your actions are the cause of all bloodshed and heartbreak, and here, now, Mitakihara stands against you, and will no longer tolerate your behaviour.

You will cease all hostilities against other factions. You will cease your exorbitant taxation of other magical girls in the city of Sendai. You will cease your exorbitant fees for the services of Mori Rin as magical healer. You will withdraw to your local region of the city of Sendai, and there you will remain until such time as We, the magical girls of Mitakihara, decide you are trustworthy.

Chance for Allies to Leave Akiko's Side
You who stand with Hamasaki Akiko. Understand this: Our conflict is with Akiko herself. You have the option of surrendering to us now. Do so, and we will not consider you complicit in her actions. We are only human, and make mistakes. By surrendering, you acknowledge them, and show you are willing to change. Stand against us, however, and we will not hold back.

Hamasaki Akiko, the forces arrayed against you are many, and can crush you with a mere thought. The unconditional surrender of you and those who stand with you is the only surrender we will accept. This is your final warning. Resist, and we will destroy you.
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Things we need to know:
- How many full/'used' grief seeds does everyone have, right now? Will refreshing them all help?
- What exactly happened to Kato Setsuko. "Dead" isn't an acceptable answer - even if it's true, we need to know more, because something is strange about this whole situation. Does Sakura know that Rin was supposedly going to heal her? Does Rin? (I forget, who did we hear that from?)
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Also, something I've been thinking, if she is really a compulsive cleaner like Defenstrator mentioned, perhaps we could show her the empty grief seed as an example of what we can bring to the table if she gets on our good side? I mean, right now, she doesn't really think of our abilities as anything that can be relied upon, but if come up with a seed that will last a girl literally years it would really highlight what she can gain from allying with us in terms she can easily understand.
Good idea, although that may not work if her motivation is saving souls from eternal torment or paying off incubator-like being.
Sure, but we don't know whether or not that's true. If we propose it and she rejects the idea, we still have a better handle on the exact nature of her crazy than we did before asking.
So here's another possible angle on why she's hoarding grief seeds.

She has Kato Setsuko's grief seed.

And the thing about grief seeds is that they continously generate grief. Let it sit too long and it will rehatch. So not only is Akiko providing for her and her team, and keeping a few dozen as contingency payment for merc groups, she's also spending seeds to keep Kato from re-hatching. Maybe until she finds a way to bring her back.

Side question: Can grief seeds actually be hoarded? Don't they accumulate grief whenleft sitting for too long?

Edit: Fuck tablet keypads
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