Okay, no buzzwords ( because I don't know that many ), but I thought about it for some time, and here's a follow up on how our corporation/government could work on multinational level.

I think I ought to explain from bottom-up instead of top-down, it just makes sense.

The lowest level of organization is a district. Now, it's a really non-indicative name, meaning actually whatever: a district can be a small town, a part of a bigger one or a town and a few hundred square kilometers surrounding it. The size of the territory doesn't matter, but a number of Gucas does, ideally, we are looking at a team of three to six Magical Girls who are, if not besties, at least can stand each other and work together as a team. Each such team should provide a representative whose formal responsibilities would be greeting new arrivals, helping to arrange their accommodations and assigning someone on the team to follow Kyubey when he contracts someone to explain the situation if we can convince the little shit to cooperate. Ideally, the team could work as a local branch of our organization, earning money by getting contracts from the local companies and officials. Like, healing of terminally ill patients, construction jobs, etc.

The thing I'd want to try here is that the money earned gets split between the Meguca who did the job and the shared fund of the team. Unlike real corporations, our goal isn't turning profit, it's making sure that Megucas' lives are not complete shit. So, depending on accommodations, their shared fund would only need to be dipped into just for the fees to the assigned therapists and social workers, ( or forwarded upstairs, I will discuss it a little later ) the maintenance fees, taxes and a billion other small things, lol. But, the important part is, we are not trying to earn billions, we are trying to get Megucas employment and make it self-sustainable. There are a couple other ideas for the emergency fund, like helping out the newly Contracted or their members to pay for college or some shit, but I have no clue on how that would work aside from generalities.

With me so far?

Okay, the next level is a county. A county is a city with several Guca teams or several small towns relatively close to each other. Depending on the circumstances, a county could be composed of something like twenty to thirty Megucas. Yes, that's right, that's the level we are on at the moment.

Now, every district has a representative, but a county has an elected executive. An elected executive is chosen by all Megucas in the county, and their job is to organize the shared funds and if needed Megucapower on really big shit, basically pulling the resources of districts together on, I dunno, stuff. Hiring a legal team? Paying bills for therapy? Organizing a response taskforce on sudden Witch influx/local government giving them shit/a criminal organization that decided to kidnap one of the members and hold her for ransom? That's the level these things are usually decided on. The executive probably should have an office with a team of non-Meguca members helping her out to run day-to-day operations, but I dunno what would be better: paying the, directly from the pooled funds or sending the money further upstream to formalize it across the country.

Another job of the executive is to sit on the Council. A council runs a state, which is anything from a megalopolis like Tokyo to a small country with its capital. The figure we are looking at here is, again, like Tokyo, a hundred Megucas. Now, a state could act like a larger county with Megucas electing Councilors instead of an executive or it could be a point of contact with the government. Judicial authority, representing Meguca rights, assassinating fuckers would exploit teenage girls suing into the ground fuckers who would exploit teenage girls or dealing with the entire criminal organizations whose local franchise decided to hold a Meguca for ransom, for example, that's what is decided here.

A state is a largely separate autonomous entity with their own authority with an understanding that Councils from the same country should coordinate their responses together and maybe elect someone to serve as point of contact with the government from their number.

If we do get to the level of organizing several states with their councils together, the collective entity could be called a Union of five hundred to two thousand Megucas, depending on the country/several countries in question. The Unions are the entities we, the central organization would interact with on regular basis, and it's more of a directional thing. A South African Union? Organizing relief efforts across the country, maybe lobbying for funding and subsidies on behalf of the countries in the geographical region. The USA Union? Discreetly running the country from behind the curtain, coordinating efforts with other corporations to, I dunno, cure cancer? Help out with improving the ecological situation? Actually turning a profit so that the corporations we work with would have a reason to do it? Maybe.

This is the pre-first draft, feel free to bust my balls about it and suggest ideas.

Why am I doing this right now, or like, at all? While I'm pretty sure our quest won't ever end up on that level ( or at least I would die from old age long before that while someone uploads Firnagzen to continue generating new content about a vintage Magical Girl quest for the twenty third century history buffs ) we still want to present an idea to Hitomi's father to indicate that we thought about that and how funding us would help to better not only the Megucas, but all humanity. And maybe earn him some money.

Now, I'm pretty sure most of the profits on the initial stage would be from cut expenses. Like, Meguca might be not cheap individually, but if we get them proper certification and the city actually accepts that a Meguca who is able to make ideally square granite blocks to pull off kickass attacks with them ( for example ) could be employed as a local contractor, that could save hundreds of thousand of dollars to the company who could manage to snag a contract with her first. We probably need to organize a portfolio with non-specific specifics of what girls in our group could do with proper certifications and education, and what they can do already, like heal people faster and easier than modern medicine. Actually, most of them would probably get snagged on medical contracts.

Whew. I'm a little bit tired atm, maybe I'll continue speculating tomorrow morning when I'm fresh. Now, excuse me, gonna watch SAO Abridged for the twentieth time or have a dinner or some shit. Have a look at this, someone, and tell me if it looks alright.

Also, someone who has actual university education in business management coming up with their own plan would be great, thanks.
Also, someone who has actual university education in business management coming up with their own plan would be great, thanks.
I don't, but I'll chip in anyway.

In the very long run, magic is going to drastically change economic activity throughout the world, and in particular aggregate production will be trivially able to outstrip the requirements to provide absolutely everyone with material goods in excess of what even someone from a wealthy country would think of as necessary to provide a comfortable living. I see it as our responsibility to manage the change so that everyone gets a share of that production in addition to everything else necessary to raise minimum standards for quality of life.

One tendency of the modern global economy which I expect to be further exaggerated by magic is that certain distinct resources can add heaps and heaps of value. If you own a nuclear power plant you can produce gobs of electricity at prices no one else can match. Sabrina can probably transmute elements in quantities large enough to make every element of the periodic table available at 10 kton/yr minimum with small expenditures of time. This represents many billions of USD per year of revenue. It also represents a lot of disruption, so we should be somewhat strategic about which elements in what quantities with what period of ramp-up.

Furthermore, most meguca probably cannot bring in so much revenue. We still want to make sure they, and everyone else in the world as we become able to bring it about, live well, and in particular that they feel empowered to accomplish things. In particular, if our priorities were profitable we wouldn't need to do anything.

So in general it seems to me like we ought to be generally oriented around meguca doing useful things that aren't necessarily worth any money while also maintaining an interest in making heaps of profits for the organization. We need a way to make use of a structure in which most meguca do things that are important but not profitable and a small portion of meguca support the organization with exceptionally profitable schemes. Ideally a way in which everyone involved feels that their interests are well-served by the arrangement.

This is more of a restatement of the problem than a solution, but that's what I've got.
This is the pre-first draft, feel free to bust my balls about it and suggest ideas
Cool, so first things is that the levels are: Meguca, District(Guca Team), County(White Ribbon Alliance), State(Tokyo), Union(Country/Continent), which is 4 levels I think. Which is probably bad cause I don't want to create middle managers and end up with magical pointy hair bosses. See Immoral Mazes from Less Wrong, do tell me if I should/shouldn't be linking that website.
Now, every district has a representative, but a county has an elected executive. An elected executive is chosen by all Megucas in the county, and their job is to organize the shared funds and if needed Megucapower on really big shit, basically pulling the resources of districts together on, I dunno, stuff. Hiring a legal team? Paying bills for therapy? Organizing a response taskforce on sudden Witch influx/local government giving them shit/a criminal organization that decided to kidnap one of the members and hold her for ransom? That's the level these things are usually decided on. The executive probably should have an office with a team of non-Meguca members helping her out to run day-to-day operations, but I dunno what would be better: paying the, directly from the pooled funds or sending the money further upstream to formalize it across the country.

Another job of the executive is to sit on the Council. A council runs a state, which is anything from a megalopolis like Tokyo to a small country with its capital. The figure we are looking at here is, again, like Tokyo, a hundred Megucas. Now, a state could act like a larger county with Megucas electing Councilors instead of an executive or it could be a point of contact with the government. Judicial authority, representing Meguca rights, assassinating fuckers would exploit teenage girls suing into the ground fuckers who would exploit teenage girls or dealing with the entire criminal organizations whose local franchise decided to hold a Meguca for ransom, for example, that's what is decided here.
Ok, so I think this should be flattened? I think Tokyo runs on having only a two level system with Districts and States, rather than three levels with Districts, Counties and States, so I would go with Tokyo's system, and push the responsibilities of Counties onto States. Either simultaneously or alternatively...
The lowest level of organization is a district. Now, it's a really non-indicative name, meaning actually whatever: a district can be a small town, a part of a bigger one or a town and a few hundred square kilometers surrounding it. The size of the territory doesn't matter, but a number of Gucas does, ideally, we are looking at a team of three to six Magical Girls who are, if not besties, at least can stand each other and work together as a team. Each such team should provide a representative whose formal responsibilities would be greeting new arrivals, helping to arrange their accommodations and assigning someone on the team to follow Kyubey when he contracts someone to explain the situation if we can convince the little shit to cooperate. Ideally, the team could work as a local branch of our organization, earning money by getting contracts from the local companies and officials. Like, healing of terminally ill patients, construction jobs, etc.

The thing I'd want to try here is that the money earned gets split between the Meguca who did the job and the shared fund of the team. Unlike real corporations, our goal isn't turning profit, it's making sure that Megucas' lives are not complete shit. So, depending on accommodations, their shared fund would only need to be dipped into just for the fees to the assigned therapists and social workers, ( or forwarded upstairs, I will discuss it a little later ) the maintenance fees, taxes and a billion other small things, lol. But, the important part is, we are not trying to earn billions, we are trying to get Megucas employment and make it self-sustainable. There are a couple other ideas for the emergency fund, like helping out the newly Contracted or their members to pay for college or some shit, but I have no clue on how that would work aside from generalities.
Make the district larger? Either up to a team of 7 minimum, or maybe to the size of the Alliance. With free cleansing, much larger team sizes can be supported, I would think. Leave the District size to combat teams I think. For this I am much less certain about, since this level is probably best kept the size of a group of friends, or the size of a school interest group. I would want to look at Tokyo's system and in particular, the group size distribution, before I commit to changes to this level.

Combined with the suggestion about merging Counties into States, this would result in a county sized district directly underneath a State-sized County+State.

Anyway, I think we should see Nagisa as soon as possible, since I feel very uncomfortable just ditching her, while we were picking names, as important as that probably is to long term optics.
I don't, but I'll chip in anyway.

In the very long run, magic is going to drastically change economic activity throughout the world, and in particular aggregate production will be trivially able to outstrip the requirements to provide absolutely everyone with material goods in excess of what even someone from a wealthy country would think of as necessary to provide a comfortable living. I see it as our responsibility to manage the change so that everyone gets a share of that production in addition to everything else necessary to raise minimum standards for quality of life.

One tendency of the modern global economy which I expect to be further exaggerated by magic is that certain distinct resources can add heaps and heaps of value. If you own a nuclear power plant you can produce gobs of electricity at prices no one else can match. Sabrina can probably transmute elements in quantities large enough to make every element of the periodic table available at 10 kton/yr minimum with small expenditures of time. This represents many billions of USD per year of revenue. It also represents a lot of disruption, so we should be somewhat strategic about which elements in what quantities with what period of ramp-up.

Furthermore, most meguca probably cannot bring in so much revenue. We still want to make sure they, and everyone else in the world as we become able to bring it about, live well, and in particular that they feel empowered to accomplish things. In particular, if our priorities were profitable we wouldn't need to do anything.

So in general it seems to me like we ought to be generally oriented around meguca doing useful things that aren't necessarily worth any money while also maintaining an interest in making heaps of profits for the organization. We need a way to make use of a structure in which most meguca do things that are important but not profitable and a small portion of meguca support the organization with exceptionally profitable schemes. Ideally a way in which everyone involved feels that their interests are well-served by the arrangement.

This is more of a restatement of the problem than a solution, but that's what I've got.

Well, I guess my problem is that I cannot decide whether we are running a very large union, a corporation or a sovereign state, but to be fair, neither does Sabrina.

I would say that the model is actionable and relevant for ten to fifteen years at most as we bring the world around in a glorious revolution to overthrow the tyranny of capitalism and erase the borders, but I don't actually plan on that, so.

But yes, this is an intermediary solution mostly revolving around teaching Meguca how to organize and work together, with a more cohesive entity to be created with input of other people from around the world. Like, compartmentalization by geographical/economical regions is not a bug, it's a feature. A Union is meant to coordinate with the central organization as well as other Unions to fine tune their responses to local problems and bring everyone up to speed, so to speak. The underlying implication being, since they all are Megucas, it doesn't matter where they live or what color their soul gems are, the most important thing is helping each other out.

( and also muggles, but, meh )

Nevertheless, this is a good point, this model doesn't have any specific mechanisms to transition into a post-scarcity utopia. Mostly because I'm not sure how we would go about that, and I think nobody on Earth would have that much of an idea even if we had unlimited magic. So, it's a brave new world out there.

i don't think that smaller groups of meguca need to be a separate layer of organization. rather, those individuals and small teams are combined geographically, and then those combinations would send representatives to engage with higher levels of organization (assuming we don't figure out a way to make fully direct democracy work).
What we think will happen:
"And so we united everyone under one banner via bribery, diplomacy and some violence in the most dire cases!"

What will actually happen:
"So no one was listening to reason so I took power through cleverly misused trade agreement negotiations and now everything runs smoothly and everyones happy.

Or at least they are smiling."
i don't think that smaller groups of meguca need to be a separate layer of organization. rather, those individuals and small teams are combined geographically, and then those combinations would send representatives to engage with higher levels of organization (assuming we don't figure out a way to make fully direct democracy work).

These groups are mostly so that there could be an organized response in local area, i.e. a city. Also to foster a community so that even if Megucas are not formally a part of a group they could at least help each other and shit. Like what we did to Animators. Mitakihara would be a small county in this system only because we keep inviting more Meguca in our city, else it'd be a district, and there should be mechanisms in play to provide help on a local level so that the same situation doesn't happen.

Like, you know, Megucas telling us how exactly to help them instead of blowing us off, accusing us of terminal idealism, hiding their injuries, going on a berserk rampage and not using any Grief Seeds, that sort of thing.

Besides, a town or a part of a not really big town as an organizational entity is something I feel should be created just because it's them the city and local companies would forward their job contracts to. I feel like it should be resolved with them instead of forwarding the requests to a higher level and waiting for a response.

The political part though is working mostly as you described, because a representative is a local leader, like Mami, while an executive is actually elected to deal with stuff and things.

Though I don't know how feasible this all is, really.
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These groups are mostly so that there could be an organized response in local area, i.e. a city. Also to foster a community so that even if Megucas are not formally a part of a group they could at least help each other and shit. Like what we did to Animators. Mitakihara would be a small county in this system only because we keep inviting more Meguca in our city, else it'd be a district, and there should be mechanisms in play to provide help on a local level so that the same situation doesn't happen.

Like, you know, Megucas telling us how exactly to help them instead of blowing us off, accusing us of terminal idealism, hiding their injuries, going on a berserk rampage and not using any Grief Seeds, that sort of thing.

Besides, a town or a part of a not really big town as an organizational entity is something I feel should be created just because it's them the city and local companies would forward their job contracts to. I feel like it should be resolved with them instead of forwarding the requests to a higher level and waiting for a response.

The political part though is working mostly as you described, because a representative is a local leader, like Mami, while an executive is actually elected to deal with stuff and things.

Though I don't know how feasible this all is, really.
Ah, so you want to try to match the normal population with our org divisions, right? Cause if you don't, there is going to be a lot of disconnect between the magical and mundane world, which we don't want cause that results in disconnects between us and the world. At least that's my rationale. Don't want a Harry Potter society with it's magical elitism over muggles.
I'd also like to support the goal of keeping the 'formal' organisation of The Constellation fairly loose for now (while being open to future changes as circumstances demand) - as noted, we don't want to create a legion of pointy-haired Middle-Manager-Meguca, and there may well be individuals who want to be part of The Constellation but retain a degree of independance - like (hypothetically) Nadia, or Kyouko and Yuma.

I think that (inadvertantly) we've actually got a fairly good system rolling in Mitakihara right now as a template - our 'local group/chapter' - the Mitakihara/Kazamino Constellation, is actually itself a kind of informal alliance of small groups like White Ribbon, Third Eye, The Animators and the Shiogama Refugees, plus a few independant operators, but no-one is contractually obligated to participate or obey the others so long as they maintain a basic standard of behaviour. We're instead mostly just looking to one another for support while working within the groups that feel the most comfortable to the individiuals involved - but we can all be considered part of the 'Mitakihara Constellation' so long as we agree to basically be there for one another and adopt the basic tenets of "be kind to one another" and "don't feed people to familiars!"*. And by chatting and debating, we actually have arrived at a kind of consensus that we can present to the larger Constellation as being the will/desire of those Meguca operating within Mitahihara/Kazamino.

In short, let Meguca self-organise on a local-level and maintain a degree of autonomy - if we start trying to enforce or dictate a more formal system, we're going to seem less like a mutual-aid co-operative and more like we're laying the foundations for the Supreme Soviet**. Outside eyes are likely to also regard us with more suspicion if it seems we've establishing a hierarchy or formalised power-structure, no matter what our intentions actually are.

* It's worth noting that the basic precept of Sabrina's Revolution is just to excise the infighting that exists between Magical Girls, by eliminating Grief Seeds as a finite resource - all we ask of participants is to not be awful to one another or other people, and that's ALL we should actually be empowered to demand/enforce (with associated policing and negociating powers/responsibilities for mediating conflict and putting down rogue operators whose actions cause harm). If some of the participating Magical Girls want to go the extra mile and collaborate on grand projects to optimise the world for humanity, then awesome, but participation in the bigger-picture scheme/dream should not be mandatory or compulsory. Meguca are already having to deal with enough pressures in their lives without feeling beholden to larger organisational policies.


** Fundamentally, we want to be a Co-operative, not a Corporation. Now yes, we're going to be nominating local representatives to attend the bigger Constellation strategy meets/delightful tea parties, but those meets should be structured as a forum for discussion, and not some kind of executive branch or board of directors - sanctions or unilateral action against a hostile group (as demonstrated with Iowa) should be the limits of our 'executive' power at this current time, and if this sounds all very wishy-washy, it's because we're still putting in the hard work of outreach and relationship-building that are fundamental to establishing a new institution/society/scouting-organisation/tea-club/what-have-you. We want this to be a genuinely beneficial movement of bottom-up participation, not some top-down exertion of dominance, and thus cannot/should-not be making long-term structural or organisational plans as if we were working in a vacuum - if this is a participation-based body, then its the participants as a whole that should determine its structure. And if we do someday evolve into a psuedo-government then that can only be with the consent and contributions of the governed, and not what we in isolation believe to be the 'ideal' form such a government should take.

For now, we've planted a seed of hope - let's just let it grow and see what shape it naturally wants to assume before we bring out the landscaping tools.
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Ah, so you want to try to match the normal population with our org divisions, right? Cause if you don't, there is going to be a lot of disconnect between the magical and mundane world, which we don't want cause that results in disconnects between us and the world. At least that's my rationale. Don't want a Harry Potter society with it's magical elitism over muggles.

Of course I do, my shitposting aside.
Like, this is all working on an assumption that we break the masquerade soon(ish).

Eh, I'm running out of gas, see you guys seven hours or so.
I'd also like to support the goal of keeping the 'formal' organisation of The Constellation fairly loose for now (while being open to future changes as circumstances demand) - as noted, we don't want to create a legion of pointy-haired Middle-Manager-Meguca, and there may well be individuals who want to be part of The Constellation but retain a degree of independance - like (hypothetically) Nadia, or Kyouko and Yuma.

I think that (inadvertantly) we've actually got a fairly good system rolling in Mitakihara right now as a template - our 'local group/chapter' - the Mitakihara/Kazamino Constellation, is actually itself a kind of informal alliance of small groups like White Ribbon, Third Eye, The Animators and the Shiogama Refugees, plus a few independant operators, but no-one is contractually obligated to participate or obey the others so long as they maintain a basic standard of behaviour. We're instead mostly just looking to one another for support while working within the groups that feel the most comfortable to the individiuals involved - but we can all be considered part of the 'Mitakihara Constellation' so long as we agree to basically be there for one another and adopt the basic tenets of "be kind to one another" and "don't feed people to familiars!"*. And by chatting and debating, we actually have arrived at a kind of consensus that we can present to the larger Constellation as being the will/desire of those Meguca operating within Mitahihara/Kazamino.

In short, let Meguca self-organise on a local-level and maintain a degree of autonomy - if we start trying to enforce or dictate a more formal system, we're going to seem less like a mutual-aid co-operative and more like we're laying the foundations for the Supreme Soviet. Outside eyes are likely to also regard us with more suspicion if it seems we've establishing a hierarchy or formalised power-structure, no matter what our intentions actually are.

* It's worth noting that the basic precept of Sabrina's Revolution is just to excise the infighting that exists between Magical Girls, by eliminating Grief Seeds as a finite resource - all we ask of participants is to not be awful to one another or other people, and that's ALL we should actually be empowered to demand/enforce (with associated policing and negociating powers/responsibilities for mediating conflict and putting down rogue operators whose actions cause harm). If some of the participating Magical Girls want to go the extra mile and collaborate on grand projects to optimise the world for humanity, then awesome, but participation in the bigger-picture scheme/dream should not be mandatory or compulsory. Meguca are already having to deal with enough pressures in their lives without feeling beholden to larger organisational policies.

I'll read it more carefully when I wake up, TB3
I like Redshirt Army's logos, although I'm not sure about using differing logos. They would work for now, but there are too many cities to give every one of them their own logo. Maybe we could use them only for the founders, but I don't know how new members would see it. Which is a shame because I want to have a Pleiades* version for Asunaro. Although if we don't use them for cities, but rather for various subdivisions they could work well. The infinity logo could be used for our R&D department, the shield and arrow could be for our security forces, and the Pleiades one could be for our automotive industry.

Unfortunately long term plans and organizing our organization is way over my head to comment on it, but it made me curious. Has Firn ever said anything about how the quest will work in the long term? I guess we are going to fight Wally then probably Feathers, but then what? Will the quest end there? If not how will it work? With the current pace it would take literally centuries to go anywhere, so I assume timeskips or voting for longer time frames or something would be necessary.

*Apparently Pleiades is recognized by my browser's spellcheck. I didn't expect that.
Unfortunately long term plans and organizing our organization is way over my head to comment on it, but it made me curious. Has Firn ever said anything about how the quest will work in the long term? I guess we are going to fight Wally then probably Feathers, but then what? Will the quest end there? If not how will it work? With the current pace it would take literally centuries to go anywhere, so I assume timeskips or voting for longer time frames or something would be necessary.
While I'm pretty sure our quest won't ever end up on that level ( or at least I would die from old age long before that while someone uploads Firnagzen to continue generating new content about a vintage Magical Girl quest for the twenty third century history buffs )
I like Redshirt Army's logos, although I'm not sure about using differing logos. They would work for now, but there are too many cities to give every one of them their own logo. Maybe we could use them only for the founders, but I don't know how new members would see it. Which is a shame because I want to have a Pleiades* version for Asunaro. Although if we don't use them for cities, but rather for various subdivisions they could work well. The infinity logo could be used for our R&D department, the shield and arrow could be for our security forces, and the Pleiades one could be for our automotive industry.

Right now we're small enough that every group can have its own logo - and that's kind of fun - it's like a bonus reward for participating in this experiment! :D Let's not worry about the logistical challenge of designing unique logos for every city/magical-girl group in Japan/Za Worldo when our number of constituent cities can be counted on both hands. Odds are that by the time we reach the stage where such logos become obselete, The Constellation will have evolved into something totally new, or even been superceded by another body. Alternatively, local groups might design their own logos that take the common Constellation imagery (mage-ery?) and does something new with it.

Are there any established Magical Girls with artistic ability that we can attribute Redshirt's designs to? Maybe they can suddenly be presented at our next meet as a "Surprise! Do you like them?!" moment :)
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I like Redshirt Army's logos, although I'm not sure about using differing logos. They would work for now, but there are too many cities to give every one of them their own logo.

I don't really see the issue? Every city in the world already has its own flag, after all - if any given magical girl group wants to put their own spin on the group logo, I've got no issues with it, and if they don't then they can just default to the basic logo with their location subheading.

Which is a shame because I want to have a Pleiades* version for Asunaro.

I... already made one?

It (roughly) matches the actual Pleiades constellation.

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Are there any established Magical Girls with artistic ability that we can attribute Redshirt's designs to?
Hiroko wants to do animation, Madoka designed her own outfit, Mami is good at everything, and Sabrina can just say she did the logos herself we don't have to launder everything through other people.
What's stopped the incubators from pulling a goa'uld? In order to harvest grief seeds you only need 1 familiar and a human population. If suffering human souls were the only thing holding the universe together I'd make sure to have multiple human farms running. They have the means, motive, and ability.
What's stopped the incubators from pulling a goa'uld? In order to harvest grief seeds you only need 1 familiar and a human population. If suffering human souls were the only thing holding the universe together I'd make sure to have multiple human farms running. They have the means, motive, and ability.

I think they consider themselves 'above' such practices - they genuinely see their relationship with humanity as beneficial to both parties, horrifically one-sided the power dynamics may be. Remember Kuybey's assertation to Madoka that humans would probably still be living in cages without the Incubators' involvement.

On a practical level, while familar+prey will eventually produce Grief Seeds, actually harvesting those Seeds seems to be difficult for the Incubators without the participation of Magical Girls as hunter-killers - in matters such as this, affairs of pure magic, the Incubators appear impotent.

Alternatively, they see the current setup as producing a greater yield for their 'investment' - in that context, the system they've imposed on the Magical Girl paradigm is deviously ingenious. They set up their contractees as both livestock and hunter - using the flock itself to cull those members that have reached maturity, the exertion/trauma of the deed further accelerating the 'development/maturitation' of the hunter.
What's stopped the incubators from pulling a goa'uld? In order to harvest grief seeds you only need 1 familiar and a human population. If suffering human souls were the only thing holding the universe together I'd make sure to have multiple human farms running. They have the means, motive, and ability.
They may already do that. I don't know if was mentioned, it's been a while since I've seen PMMM and I didn't read the side stories. It might be why Kyubey wasn't too concerned about Kriemhild Gretchen destroying the world.
I think they consider themselves 'above' such practices - they genuinely see their relationship with humanity as beneficial to both parties, horrifically one-sided the power dynamics may be. Remember Kuybey's assertation to Madoka that humans would probably still be living in cages without the Incubators' involvement.

On a practical level, while familar+prey will eventually produce Grief Seeds, actually harvesting those Seeds seems to be difficult for the Incubators without the participation of Magical Girls as hunter-killers - in matters such as this, affairs of pure magic, the Incubators appear impotent.

Alternatively, they see the current setup as producing a greater yield for their 'investment' - in that context, the system they've imposed on the Magical Girl paradigm is deviously ingenious. They set up their contractees as both livestock and hunter - using the flock itself to cull those members that have reached maturity, the exertion/trauma of the deed further accelerating the 'development/maturitation' of the hunter.

Also there are almost definitely other emotional aliens out there. QB straight up says there are other aliens out there (I think? I really need to rewatch the original series soon.) and I can't imagine that humans are the only 'insane' species out there. They just don't really show up because space is really big and empty and more aliens might complicate things from a story point of view.
In general, the thing that fuels magic seems to be "potential", so it's entirely possible that the reason Kyuubey doesn't interfere further is that if the Incubators didn't allow humans the freedom to develop "naturally", they wouldn't have any "potential" to change the future, and thus they would be worthless as an energy source.
In general, the thing that fuels magic seems to be "potential", so it's entirely possible that the reason Kyuubey doesn't interfere further is that if the Incubators didn't allow humans the freedom to develop "naturally", they wouldn't have any "potential" to change the future, and thus they would be worthless as an energy source.

The Laws of Thermodymagics are complex indeed...
I don't think it really changes their potential. The incubators has already been interfering Earthlings' civilization. If they don't interfere with whatever changes the potentials can cause I don't think it matters where they came from.

Also I have a random thought I don't know if it has been already discussed because I don't know which chapter mentioned it. Mami said that the idol industry has changed to be less exploitative. Did some idol wish for it? Is there meguca idol group? How about the fact that there are more cities in Japan because of the better agriculture? How many things are different because of a wish?