You know... We really need to let Mami know about the souls at some point and defuse the witch bomb. Mami has gotten a lot better and I'm afraid if we leave it too long...
Tbh, let's just leave and deal with this later. We're not going to get anything useful out of a dozen captives, particularly not when everyone will start to worry about their own skin first.
the other reason Iowa wanted to go to Japan besides going after us (which Amy clammed up on)
Perhaps Kyubey mentioned that there was also a really powerful contractee in Mitakihara, who would make a really big grief seed if they could just get her to make a wish and then witch out. Seems like a lot of work when they could instead just grab Sabrina though.
How about we do one other interrogation with Miss Miranda Rights? Both for lawyer jokes and for the fact she can't seem to shut up? If they're trying to keep something hidden the chick who can't follow her own advice is the one most likely to spill it.

Like seriously Amy the Weather Girl seems to have a core objective of "ingratiate yourself and downplay your evilness while upselling your power" while every time Power Girl comes up it seems she's spazzing out about what to do. "Ah! I've been caught! I should keep quiet! *continues talking*"
[X] JIMI94

Does that count? Or do I have to actually put x's in the original vote?

As for Mami, I think it might be best to either do it when we have an example of an unwitched girl to show off, so it won't hurt nearly as bad, or until it becomes necessary to include her because we have a good reason to believe she would be the final key In such a dewitching process. Otherwise we might wait for a total of one year since the last bomb. So maybe a week after our one year anniversary.

Also interested in the idea of suffusing our body with grief so we can move faster than even our body allows by basically dragging it around with grief, and to push back and slow attacks that might land on our body. Magical enhancement might be good too.

We should ask Mami how much one can enhance their own body with magic, since we have unlimited amounts of it. Could even tie ones soulgem to a clear seed to prevent needing mid-battle recharges. If we could goose our gems by like twice as much, even if it took fifty times as much magic we could use that to just punk anyone we wanted.
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Anyway. Side note. What the fuck, people. If you're interested in talking about controlling other people or depowering other people, go talk about it in some other PMAS thread that doesn't exist. We don't need or want that, and yes I'm speaking on behalf of past messages from Firn here.

Yeah, I can't speak for anyone else - let alone for Firn - but talk of turning meguca back into muggles has always bothered me.

"But we've gotta do what we've gotta do!" -yeah but that deference to necessity is exactly we're supposed to avert here. And keep in mind we're talking about taking young women and children and stripping them of the last few meager boons they sold their lives and souls for. Because we think it would be more convenient for everyone else - with absolutely no consideration for how complicated and bitter it would be to have to reintegrate these girls into muggle society - and we think we should be able to unilaterally hit that undo button on other people's hopes and dreams.
Yeah that is pretty fucked up when you put it that way. At most we might try to make something that can track an individuals magic so if someone abuses theirs in subtle ways, we will know. That is for the future.

With regards to votes, does anyone think my latest one is any good? @Burned_Cookie is there anything you'd like added? And did my name vote for myself do anything?
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Can we griefhax access to their memories instead of respectfully talking to people who were willing to kill innocents out of spite???

I mean I admire their dedication to Evil, but their uncooperative mentalities are blatantly in the way of our goals.
We haven't even given them a week. When they realize they've got nothing that will get them out, and have nothing to lose but all the cool snacks and stuff buyable in the Mitakihara metropolitan area to gain, they may become more willing to talk.

As for mind reading like that, ask Madoka/Mami or someone when that would be appropriate, if at all. They probably have a good head for ethics, at least for the types of ethics we aspire to.
This is actually starting to ring some alarm bells for me.


Well, eh. Rather, more like I'm starting to get the impression that somebody is doing something to prevent people from snitching, as it were.

... That probably means getting someone to snitch is worth something. Hm. Amy thinks it was grapevine,

Thank you for making me reread that part more closely! And rereading it I realized just how weird it is for her not to name who told them and to do so in a way that doesn't seem like she's lying. I mean this is after she's started trying to ingratiate herself it would be easy to shift the blame onto their source like she did with Parró but she doesn't, shrugs it off. What the fuck? It's not like someone claiming to be able to cleanse soul gems is unheard of but they've all been hoaxes.

So does the Iowa Crew often chase these rumors or were they sure their source was trustworthy? And when exactly did they hear about us? Was it in Mandalay or Thiruvananthapuram? The Mandalay team were rather green, not exactly the type to have breaking news from Japan. If it was from Kyubey then why wouldn't she snitch on it like she was doing on her own group. "An alien made me do it!"
and stripping them of the last few meager boons
That they used to kill innocent people.
they sold their lives and souls for.
That they sold the souls of many innocents to keep (piracy for grief seeds).
Because we think it would be more convenient for everyone else
Because it would be safer for everyone, including themself. Assuming depowering also removes the risk of witching out/imminent death, which is the whole reason they did piracy in the first place.
- with absolutely no consideration for how complicated and bitter it would be to have to reintegrate these girls into muggle society -
We can provide shelter, water, food, therapy, access to online schooling, etc etc, and all they have to do is work a bit. The same work that every normal person does.

That's not very complicated and bitter at all, compared to, say, the situation of their victims we left a few chapters ago.
and we think we should be able to unilaterally hit that undo button on other people's hopes and dreams.
the hopes and dreams... that they used to murder innocents? those hopes and dreams??

If we could retroactively undo their wishes and all the damage caused and lives loss by them we'd do it in a heartbeat. As it stands, it's not like we'll be able to trust them to use their powers for any good anyway, unless we want to risk lives.

And... also, aren't they literally already depowered at this very moment? Wouldn't the only differences between long-term antimagic and depowering be that depowering reduces risk to others (from them) and themselves (from grief) more?

Not advocating for mind control, but like, depowering is an option for a reason. It's not like they need to have magic or be a battleship or a DnD wizard to live or be happy, and we can provide all actual living necessities and more.

Actually, depowering would be more of a boon than any fancy magics- the power to live a peaceful no-risk-of-gem-death life without having to fight witches or other girls (or pirate) for it, and to pursue hobbies and happiness freely.

altho if firn doesn't want to write that then fair enough, it's their quest.
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Not sure if you can put a soul back in it's body, or if that would even get rid of their powers. It isn't necessary yet, and until it is, no need to worry about it.
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Good. It should be possible to stop people from hurting others, without metaphysically crushing the culmination of their hopes and dreams, the manifestation of their inner strength, whether or not they used it for evil. I get super angry at stuff, but it is really upsetting to think that way. I don't feel better about people being punished no matter how bad they were, I just want bad things to not happen to people.

If some chucklefuck actually ends up breaking out, we can just put their ass on ice.
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metaphysically crushing the culmination of their hopes and dreams, the manifestation of their inner strength, whether or not they used it for evil.
I don't think that is apt description of putting a girl's soul back into her body, rendering her unable to perform magic. Undoing magicalness seems more like disarming the enemy.

Crushing the "manifestation of their inner strength" would be breaking their gem. Quite different.

If some chucklefuck actually ends up breaking out, we can just put their ass on ice.
And what damage will they have inflicted during, and after, the breakout? No, if the prisoners start breaking out, that is a catastrophic problem with our entire approach that would require re-thinking basically everything. The chief argument against not chucking them in the freezer or breaking out the rock crusher is that they can be held without risk.
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not sure if the wallowing in fury is referring to me? :thonk:
bc if so, I'm more just really confused on how depowering is The Bad, like letting someone stay a kanmasu for no reason is somehow for-sure the moral/good choice. (and again, we're already depowering them indefinitely, just by different means)
if anything does sound mad it's probably because I was trying to empathize a point.

And the wishes aren't the end all be all of hopes and dreams anyways. Like, sabrina doesn't care about just grief by itself, she cares about people; and regretting wishes is a pretty normal thing, isn't it?
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Ugh I just whipped that up in too much of a hurry and I can't out strikethrough on that or even italicise things dang it. Just assume it was all off the cuff bunk. I edited that one bit out entirely cuz even I realized that was a bit much.

Not gonna lie I just don't really wanna freakin do any law and order stuff really. I really just wanna have dinner and talk about how cool meguca powers would be for making stuff better. Just ignore all my nonsense besides my desire for cool talks and Slice of life.

Not gonna edit my previous posts unless someone asks me to, in which case I will do so if it makes amends. All this has been me sneaking in quick posts with touch keyboard during work. I also end up editing junk in and out after posting until the conversation leaves me behind.

PS does anyone else have issues with selecting formatting options on mobile?
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...yeah the quest has been gazing too long into the abyss on this one. If there's anything we need to do with Iowa at this point, we finish it up this update I reckon and get back to the world we want to protect, rather than dwelling on the beings we want to protect it from. I could take or leave a chat with the captain at this point, might be best to leave it a couple of days even though we've been given indications there's something to chase down here.

Feels like what we may want/need to know is who or what pointed them our way, if it was Tokyo indirectly, we need to know that. Whoever it was mislead them.
I am all for declaring "screw these guys, I've got a dinner meeting to get to that's way more interesting than whatever they tell themselves so they can sleep at night."
I'd say just let Yuki know of our suspicions and hand her some funds to pay for snacks/anything else she considers useful for either bribery or rewards for good behavior and bounce. Don't even need to see the gems.