"Nope!" Homura, get off my computer!
Found this randomly looking up nyan cat. If only pmmm existed in Pmmm existed in PMAS so Sabrina could show this to Homura. I'm sure she'd really enjoy it.
[X] While shopping, acquire some/all of the following, leaving the rest for next update:
-[X] A decent smartphone plus data plan.
Then Homu suffers a massive existential crisis after realizing that she and everyone else is a work of fiction.
If only pmmm existed in Pmmm existed in PMAS so Sabrina could show this to Homura. I'm sure she'd really enjoy it.
A thought occurs.
We got a flip phone at Mami's expense not too long ago IC that we rarely use - maybe to call Nagisa once or twice.
Our Homura is canon Homura plus one loop. Yes, both would recognize the other.On a slightly more serious topic, how would our Homura react if she watched her canon self?
Would she even recognize this loner who repeated the same tactic over countless loops, constantly praying that this next one would be the one where she succeeded?
For that matter, would canon Homura recognize our Homura?
That'd be interesting to see. canon!Homura reacting to the changes in personality of PMAS!Homura. Maybe someone would do it as an omake?On a slightly more serious topic, how would our Homura react if she watched her canon self?
Would she even recognize this loner who repeated the same tactic over countless loops, constantly praying that this next one would be the one where she succeeded?
For that matter, would canon Homura recognize our Homura?
Omae wa mō nyan!Nyanhaha!
Fool, it's gonna take way more than that for it to...