... How dare Sayaka not come to our gathering so that we could ship friend her with Kyouko.

When will the next opportunity even present itself?

... she knew. Obviously, she did it on purpose.

SAYAKIEL!!!!!! :mad:

I mean, it's probably not fair to you, Godwinson, but I refuse to call her anything good-sounding until she confesses her angelic crimes and tells us what the fucking rules of the cosmic chess game we got punted into are.

Until then, the largest concession I'm willing to make is to call her Sayaquiel.

<A greyed out scene of a hospital room. Sad, muted violin music plays.>

KYOUSUKE: "Sometimes, life can really get you down. It can be hard, when you aren't able to do the things you love."

<ENTER SAYAKA, dressed in a stereotypical doctor's outfit.>

KYOUSUKE: "That's why I was so glad to find Sayaquiel, the revolutionary new drug to help you get back on your feet."

<Camera pans upward, fading to white. Violin music gets faster and more upbeat, and is joined by the rest of the Kaijura backing band.>

<Slow motion scene in full color, with no audio as KYOUSUKE, SAYAKA, and HITOMI run down a hill in a park.>

<Slow motion scene of KYOUSUKE, SAYAKA, and HITOMI laughing in a shopping mall.>

<Music swells, violin solo begins.>

<KYOUSUKE is standing in the background, playing the violin solo, while SAYAKA and HITOMI stand in the foreground.>

HITOMI: Ask your doctor if Sayaquiel is right for you!

SAYAKA: Side effects may include depression, thoughts of being a hero of justice, being a fool, justice, flooding, and uncontrolled chariot wheels.

<Scene fades to black, Sayaquiel logo goes onscreen.>

HOMURA, IN VOICEOVER: Sayaquiel - for a brighter future.
I assume that it's been remarked on before, but it occurs to me that, well, if she started blatantly pulling out the angel powers, like everything short of Armored Battle Mermaid, have we really kept close enough track of her power set that we'd be able to notice and call her out on it? She's been biding her time, building her plausible deniability. Like, she's got all these animal spies, so she could reveal obscure angel knowledge and claim to have heard it from a squirrel somewhere, and we'd have no way of disproving it.
I assume that it's been remarked on before, but it occurs to me that, well, if she started blatantly pulling out the angel powers, like everything short of Armored Battle Mermaid, have we really kept close enough track of her power set that we'd be able to notice and call her out on it? She's been biding her time, building her plausible deniability. Like, she's got all these animal spies, so she could reveal obscure angel knowledge and claim to have heard it from a squirrel somewhere, and we'd have no way of disproving it.

[Q] Accuse Mugin of covering for Sayaka's secret angelic shenanigans
-[Q] When he asks what "an angel" is, explain that it's a very large human-like bird

Since Sayaka can speak bird language, it stands to reason that she is a bird herself, and what is an angel if not a bird in human shape?
Really loved this update. Yuma and Nagisa finally meet! Kyouko bows to cake even when grumpy! Sabrina and Mami continue to be adorable! Homura gradually recovering and growing! And Ballistic Nagisa hugs!
I mean, even if she literally sprouted a bunch of angel wings (has Madokami standardized on any particular wings to angels ratio?) she could just say it's all ribbons. Wheels within wheels? Probably also not a problem, idk. Even the Armored Battle Mermaid is only a problem because Homura would recognize it. All the rest is going to have a Perfectly Reasonable Explanation, and if Sabrina insists otherwise Her Brain Damage is Acting Up Again.
Ding ding ding!

It's Adfligo Report Update Time! Hacking their way into our hearts, it's the Ishinomaki Group!

Leading their group is the Viscerine of Video Games, Inoue Yuuki!

And her sister, the Elegant Earthbender, Inoue Yuuna!

The Determined Duplicator, Koizumi Aki!

Our Lady of Lightning, Sato Kimiko!

The Mesmerizing Mystic, Kagome Ayaka!

The Eagle-Eyed Ueda Miyako!

And the Terrific Telekinetic Tsukada Hoshiko!

"We might want to head to the shopping center first, actually," Mami offers with a smile. "We've already finished eating, after all, and there's no harm in arriving early, right?"

"Sounds good to me," you say. "How about it, Homura? Nagisa?"

"The biiiiiig mall?" Nagisa asks, blinking her oddly coloured eyes at you.

"That's the one," you say, laughing. "We're meeting everyone there."

"Yay!" Nagisa says, jumping to her feet, and hurrying off to the stairs.

"I'll take that as a yes, then," you say. "Homura?"

Your friend nods, giving Nagisa a long look, then you, and Mami.

"What?" you ask.

Homura shakes her head. "... it's nothing. Shall we?"
Homura: "Ah, I see they've adopted a child together."