So it occurs to me that, despite the "names are important" tag, and despite Firn explicitly mentioning Masami having a meaningful name early on (Gaikotsu = Skeleton IIRC), we don't really do much analysis of names here.
So I think I'd like to look at a couple. Though it'll be a bit slapdash, since I don't speak or read Japanese.
Toshimichi Akane: I haven't been able to dig into the name meaning, but Toshimichi is apparently the (given) name of one of the people behind the Meiji restoration. Fitting for someone at the center of Tokyo politics, and implies she may well have brought it into being in the first place if that means anything. Which isn't new, but fits with current theories.
Additionally, there
is someone of that (again, given) name who married an imperial princess a while back. Died under interesting what would be
pretty interesting circumstances in a meguca world: Carbon monoxide poisoning in the same room as his mistress. (Though its worth noting that, yes, his wife did survive him by quite some years.)
Nodoka Hatsumi:
Has a ton of
different ways of being written and resultant meanings but an interesting one in there for a grief controller in her surname is apparently "hope" (Written 望 = "ambition, hope, desire" and 佳 = "beautiful, good, excellent." Google says that's "nozomi," but other sites include it under Nodoka. IDK, Kanji pronunciation rules are obscure to me.)
Notably, however I'm curious as to whether Nodoka might also be a pun: "No Madoka." The question is whether that makes her somehow the opposite of Madoka. Could be that she made an excellent
wish, but she was "no doka" in terms of potential. (Though being No Doka might also imply she made a horribly poor wish... Which also fits with the fate of grief controllers.)
we really need to try to mend things over with hijiri kanna and niko. we could use the fact that we are also an artificial human as something we can bond over, start over and try to have a friendlier rapour with an end goal of reconciliation between the two sisters and perhaps getting niko back into contact with her family,
I want to, but I'm don't know how to get Hijiri to hopeful of Hijiri trusting us enough to do things directly. So much of what we saw of her character revolved around questioning the life she'd been given and who she was, and we kinda messed up understanding that,
badly. Instead when the time came just encouraging her to be happy with her life, like everyone else was doing and she was already rebelling against, instead of giving her ways to figure the answer out for herself.
If there were something I'd like to say to her, I guess it would be something like:
"I don't know what you need, exactly, but I think I might be similar enough to you that maybe I can say things and they'll make some sense to you.
"When I woke up in an alley I had no memories of my own and never found record of any past but I knew everything of magic, and because of that and because of simply what kind of person I was, I made my wish to take a role in the world and aid other magical girls. I didn't have to, but being who I am it couldn't have happened any other way.
"Maybe someone deliberately made me or maybe some witch or something struck and things just happened that way, but I feel like I was given a purpose in life and chose accept it, and because I accepted it so easily, I guess I had a hard time seeing why you wouldn't.
"I guess part of me saw you as something like a sister --- Still does, in a way. But it's still not what I should have said back then.
"You see, I had my purpose in life and my role to fill but for all that I wasn't really
complete until ...well, until Mami. And she taught me, well, what it meant to be
human. What it meant to have friends. She gave me something beyond just being some hero.
"That's why I wish I'd encouraged you to leave, back then. Live abroad, or something. So you could find something that makes you
more than just someone wished into being for some purpose or other, regardless of what you think of that purpose.
"I doubt understanding
humanity is what you need, and I don't know what you do, but I hope you find it.
"And if you think you have a grievance to settle with me, or just want to talk to me, then come to Mitakihara. You're welcome here either way."
Wow, I teared up a little writing that out.