If we're being realistic, probably crying and blubbering.
Either that, or she forgets to turn on her liver, and now we have an increasingly confused Homura drinking everyone under the table.
I wonder what Drunk!Sabrina is like.
Urobuchi is not lacking? Then his antagonist was way ahead of this!
A body modified for greater combat ability is only the truth that is says... Would the Incubator want to allow his livestock to avoid harvest for years? Next, ask yourself if a Magical Girl might be physically unable to experience alcohol intoxication? After all, it is a poison. Chiaki would be a crash course in the horrors of magi under the influence.
Suggestions. Highlights on re-ordered and added text.
The intent is to ramp the stress level smoothly.
If the tea time works, very good idea. If the effect does not get Homura centered and able to do information tasks, we may need to truncate data-heavy topics?
Think on that as a conditional. It seems we made plenty of good emotional contact, and that comes with a cost for her. Maybe hang out and let her nap a bit? We can enchant some Grief, or some other low-narrative action at that time?
The intent is to show her the actions of proper care. Tea is a great start. If we may afford it as here, I think that is the will of a friend.
[] Cleanse as needed.
[] Homura has kettle of boiling water in her inventory, tea would be nice -- tea-timestop?
-[] You're going to keep making Homura proper food to put into her inventory, for herself and for others.
[] Continue to be thorough and patient. With infinite cleansing, you've given Homura time to process and relax.
[] About Homura
-[] We're friends and partners in this. Mami is your-- well, yours, but Homura is your best friend.
--[] Addressing Homura's self-esteem issues regarding our successes compared to her failures: having an additional perspective helps. To that end, you're going to start fully detailing other things like that to Homura in the future, so that you can get her perspective.
[] conditional, if Homura has recovered
--[] Information asymmetries: There are things your metaknowledge covers that Homura doesn't know, and things that Homura knows that you don't, information that can be vital.
---[ ] For example, you've been investigating soul gems and grief seeds, but while you know that a soul gem can move between loops, you don't know if a grief seed can -- a difference or a similarity can be important to know.
--[] Improved coordination: Too often you've just improvised, when you know Homura prefers planning. Indicate willingness to plan contingencies. Multitasking, hammerspace (Homura's inventory is hammertime?), timestop, grief(hax) all allow for extensive planning and safe documentation.
---[] Specifically, once you've arranged for the key allies Homura suggested, you'd like to start working on detailed plans for Walpurgisnacht.
---[] Arrange for non-telepathic
signal(s) for time-stop in case of tense situations -- you'll could use grief to take hold of her right hand?
(More than one type of emergency signal is needed! Just as a start, what about Homura needing to cue us?)
-[] Expand upon your explanation of Sayaka from this morning -- most of Sayaka's weaknesses normally become strengths when she decides to trust someone, when the cruelty of the Incubator's system is held at bay.
-[] This is a good thing here and now. Sayaka trusts you and Homura, knows that you know what's going on, and trusts both of you to have Madoka's best interests at heart. More than that, she's willing to help us keep Madoka well out of harms way.
-[] "Sayaka always is insightful about the weirdest stuff." Bring up her 'past life' joke from Homura's first day at school this/last loop.
-[] Bring up Sayaka figuring out Homura caring specifically about Madoka, as well as her trusting Homura. Explain what you told Sayaka.
--[] When we trust, we are no longer isolated. Not isolating Sayaka let her survive.
--[] This is likely why Kyuubey keeps magic a secret, deliberately shaping events and his pitch to make it seem like a magical girl anime, because it's encouraging traits that lead to witch-outs.
[] Bring up how we're going about witchbombing Sayaka, how you can give her the motive for Kyuubey being so horrible. Point out her improved thoughtfulness this time around. If Sayaka decides to learn, it will give her even more reason to trust Homura's judgement -- she was trying to save them from a horrible fate, after all.
[] Remain in timestop to continue conversation onto other topics.
The intent is to foreshadow the topic of isolation also being dangerous to Madoka.
A few songs to have in the background while working hard?
Deep purple - Mistreated
Deepest Blue