- Location
- The Surface Of A Hostile Planet
You know, I wonder just why it is that Sabrina can sense the name of any witch, hatched or unhatched, nearby. That doesn't seem like something that would necessarily follow from just any sort of "control grief" wish. It can't be simply a way for us to have a name to refer to a witch by, because Firn could've just used witch rune reading for that, and even then, why would it be important enough to make a point of it?
...Fuck, you guys, have we ever tried calling a Witch their name to their face?
-Khhzcht-We've referred to Grief Seeds by name, which never seemed to cause any kind of reaction. That said, I don't think we've ever tried doing so with an "active" witch.
I have to admit, being able to pull a Sasa and control witches would be extremely in line with our Wish...
One thing that might be interesting is trying to forcibly seize control of a Barrier. We know that Hildegarde's Barrier reached an "inert" state when we forcibly separated her from it, so what would happen if we just... plugged ourselves in?
...Fuck, you guys, have we ever tried calling a Witch their name to their face?
You know, I wonder just why it is that Sabrina can sense the name of any witch, hatched or unhatched, nearby. That doesn't seem like something that would necessarily follow from just any sort of "control grief" wish. It can't be simply a way for us to have a name to refer to a witch by, because Firn could've just used witch rune reading for that, and even then, why would it be important enough to make a point of it?
Hm, putting aside the possibility that this just comes as an outgrowth of "All Witches and grief entities seem to inherently know and manifest Witch Runes and also Witch Quest did it"...
...According to Inucurry, Witches would never share their name if they were sane enough to do so. Even Nagisa refuses to call herself 'Charlotte' and lets Mami name her 'Bebe'... because a Witch's True Name gives you power over them.
Going off my old theory that a Witch name is just your 'magical' name, is invoking the name in some way necessary for De-witching?
...Fuck, you guys, have we ever tried calling a Witch their name to their face?
Very interesting! IMHO, you get an Internet. Or 25 points for Mamigold. Something good, in any event.We've referred to Grief Seeds by name, which never seemed to cause any kind of reaction. That said, I don't think we've ever tried doing so with an "active" witch.
I have to admit, being able to pull a Sasa and control witches would be extremely in line with our Wish...
One thing that might be interesting is trying to forcibly seize control of a Barrier. We know that Hildegarde's Barrier reached an "inert" state when we forcibly separated her from it, so what would happen if we just... plugged ourselves in?
Yes! Control as a long-term action isn't interesting to me. Paradoxically, we do need control in the short term, and that might be the requirement. Witches have insanity of every possible flavor, with a typical common feature of pre-verbal expression ability (except for cryptic German text. I blame Kyuubey!) They are worse than raging wild animals. They can't listen to us. They can barely make decisions. We could try softer approaches if civilians weren't being eaten, we had all the time in the world, Madoka didn't want this to get fixed this loop, and we were perfectly invulnerable.Actually.... couldn't you make correlations between how witching out is basically falling into crippling depression turned up to 11 and interfacing directly to your soul? So rather then talking about taking control would it not be better to approach treating it like a person whose well suffering from severe depression?
I feel like thats going to require talking, or someway to show the girls/witches they are not alone. Things with names, etc is just to get us to do that without having our head bitten off.
She hasn't entered IFF range, so no.Talking about true names of witches, refresh my memory. Did we establish whether Walpurgisnacht is the true name of the witch conglomeration now, or is it just a cover name since the actual name is unknown? Because if so, we might get a serious surprise when we meet her face to face.
The stage-constructing witch (alias: Walpurgis Night/real name: unknown)
Sabrina: "This is a jecking!"Now, by taking over an existing barrier instead of creating one from raw grief, that might throw Feathers off.
In regards to the Wallburger name I expect something like Sabrina's own namelist.
"After all, it works for me!"
that makes a disturbing amount of sense in line with the "sabrina is wally from an alternate timeline" theoryUsers Who Are Viewing This Thread (Witches: 1413, Familiars: 8916):
it is well within my understanding that walpurgisnaught isn't the witches name and is instead the name of the phenomena, considering that people keep using phrases like "a walpurgisnaught"Talking about true names of witches, refresh my memory. Did we establish whether Walpurgisnacht is the true name of the witch conglomeration now, or is it just a cover name since the actual name is unknown? Because if so, we might get a serious surprise when we meet her face to face.
most witches paradoxically are manifestations of what they want most and them getting that thing and also them being surrounded by their own suffering and regretYes! Control as a long-term action isn't interesting to me. Paradoxically, we do need control in the short term, and that might be the requirement. Witches have insanity of every possible flavor, with a typical common feature of pre-verbal expression ability (except for cryptic German text. I blame Kyuubey!) They are worse than raging wild animals. They can't listen to us. They can barely make decisions. We could try softer approaches if civilians weren't being eaten, we had all the time in the world, Madoka didn't want this to get fixed this loop, and we were perfectly invulnerable.
But we need to save everyone a bit more decisively, so I don't think a regulated amount of compulsion is wrong. Preventing murder is right, preventing self-harm is right. I'd trust us to use this correctly. The physical form of many Witches is practically self-harm already? That meaning, once we can fab interim human bodies, we can force a Witch to take one so she can experience positive emotion (and hugs) again.
and as for the idea of preforming therapy it would be an interesting idea that, if a barrier is an actualization of a witches mental landscape, then if we use our powers to change the barrier piece by piece would it feed back into the witch?
exactly fingerguns....and now I'm picturing Sabrina and Co doing the plot of Inception.
Mami: "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger Darling."
most witches paradoxically are manifestations of what they want most and them getting that thing and also them being surrounded by their own suffering and regret
....and now I'm picturing Sabrina and Co doing the plot of Inception.
Mami: "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger Darling."