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##### 3.19
[x] Hmm. Maybe we can keep Kirika's soul gem as extra insurance? We just have to make sure we stay in her control range. Let's offer under the guise of Wait, let me keep your soul gem safe and out of range of enemy fire. You don't want to lose your magic, after all.
No. of votes: 1
Tam Lin
[x] Keep your senses open as you travel to see if there are any witches within range - should things go to hell, pursuit could be lost by entering a witch barrier. (Try to keep options for retreat in mind if teleport ain't an option - always be prepared.)
[x] Ask about the specifics of Kirika's powers. In particular, find out if she can selectively exclude others from being affected by the antimagic, as well as if she can direct the blasts in a specific shape like a cone instead of a radius.
[x] Discuss with Mami where specifically would be a good point in/around Mitakihara to extract the Sendai group to (Train station, maybe? That gets them out of the city quicker. Or any abandoned lot?).
[x] Check with Mami and Kirika as you get closer that they can't feel your grief carpet - stealth mode activated.
[x] Once at city limits organise rendezvous point with Sendai.
[x] Reiterate that you don't want any casualties if there is any other option - i.e. if fighting erupts we can form grief wall to cover retreat - be defensive rather than aggressive.
[x] Use grief senses to check for other Meguca in the area, but do not engage.
[x] If possible, (i.e. if no immediate danger to Sendai group) observe and get a feel for the situation before jumping straight in - E.g. check for potential hostiles/spies in the area; can you see where any fighting has occurred, what is the extent of the damage?
No. of votes: 1
[x] Ask about the specifics of Kirika's powers. In particular, find out if she can selectively exclude others from being affected by the antimagic, as well as if she can direct the blasts in a specific shape like a cone instead of a radius.
[x] Once we reach the city, go loud. Form the wings of corruption and surround the platform with the leftover grief in mist form. Don't even bother keeping a low profile, we want them to notice us.
[x] Contact Rin and Akiko, assuming they don't contact us first. Get their current situation and location, and head towards their location.
[x] Keep an eye out for other megucas with the grief senses, but do not engage them unless it is necessary.
-[x] If combat erupts, be intimidating and flashy, but focus on the defence. Intercept and shut down attacks, but don't seriously harm anyone if you can help it.
-[x] Keep Kirika away from the fighting. She doesn't have a reliable way of subduing hostile megucas without resorting to her antimagic, and we want to keep that ability a secret until it becomes necessary to bust it out.
No. of votes: 4
[x] Ask about the specifics of Kirika's powers. In particular, find out if she can selectively exclude others from being affected by the antimagic, as well as if she can direct the blasts in a specific shape like a cone instead of a radius.
[x]Talk to Mami.
[x]Once we're close enough, land and condense our grief into marbles. Stealth-mode engaged.
[x] Contact Rin and Akiko, assuming they don't contact us first. Get their current situation and location, and head towards their location.
[x] Keep an eye out for other megucas with the grief senses, but do not engage them unless it is necessary.
[x]If we get approached, hail them via telepathy. Say we need to talk about something and it can't wait- their lives are in danger.
-[x]...Take us to your leader?
[x] If combat erupts, go loud, open up with a hail of marbles to buy us enough time to set up griefwings as a defensive barrier. Focus on defense and keep trying to talk them down. We're a neutral party in this war, and their lives are in danger. Intercept and shut down attacks, but don't seriously harm anyone if you can help it.
-[x] Keep Kirika away from the fighting. She doesn't have a reliable way of subduing hostile megucas without resorting to her antimagic, and we want to keep that ability a secret until it becomes necessary to bust it out.
No. of votes: 2
[X] Onmur
No. of votes: 3
[x] Ask about the specifics of Kirika's powers. In particular, find out if she can selectively exclude others from being affected by the antimagic, as well as if she can direct the blasts in a specific shape like a cone instead of a radius. Direct her to
not engage in hostilities unless explicitly requested.
[x] Contact Akiko. Get her current situation and location, and current number of hostiles (particularly whether the local group leader is among them).
[x] Once in the city, be obvious, but not loud. Keep most grief stocked away, but the giant flying carpet should be pretty noticeable.
[x] Land in the area where (presumably) the Ishinomaki group leader is; explicitly ask for an open discussion with said leader.
[x] Discuss..
-[x] Things are getting hot. Word on the grapevine is that a war's brewing, and all kinds of favors are being called in.
-[x] Seeing as how this is going down on either side of my comfortable little home town, I'm not happy. Mami's not happy. None of my friends are happy.
-[x] So I'd appreciate it if you could set down and have a little chat with me, a little tête-à -tête. If you're willing to let things cool down, I have an offer I don't think you'll want to refuse.
--[x] So, you call off the fighting I felt on my way in for a short bit while we talk things over.
--[x] I'll demonstrate the offer, and if you think it's worth it, you can let those girls walk on out of here, and we can talk things over all peaceful-like.
No. of votes: 1
[x] Ask about the specifics of Kirika's powers. In particular, find out if she can selectively exclude others from being affected by the antimagic, as well as if she can direct the blasts in a specific shape like a cone instead of a radius.
[x] Contact Rin and Akiko, assuming they don't contact us first. Get their current situation and location, and head towards their location. Ask them if it would be terribly too inconvenient if we were to make a scene.
-[x]If yes: Ask Mami and Oriko if they can sense the grief carpet with their magical senses. If not: Once we're close enough, land and condense our grief into marbles. Stealth-mode engaged.
If no, or MGs can sense grief: Once we reach the city, go loud. Form the wings of corruption and surround the platform with the leftover grief in mist form. Don't even bother keeping a low profile, we want them to notice us.
[x] Keep an eye out for other megucas with the grief senses, but do not engage them unless it is necessary.
[x]Find Akiko first; she's alone. Telepathy helps. Once she's located, use grief wings and altitude to show our position to Sakura and Rin and regroup. Teleport out, not towards Mitakihara, but to some neutral ground.
[x]If the Ishinomaki girls interrupt, try to peacefully show off our power; present it as a grand opportunity. We're taking the Sendai girls out and contacting them later to offer our services. If they refuse... We won't allow grudge killing in out backyard. We're aware of the conflict that's brewing and how bad it'll end up if we allow it. The earthquakes are only the start.
-[x] If combat erupts, be intimidating and flashy, but focus on the defence. Intercept and shut down attacks, but don't seriously harm anyone if you can help it.
-[x] Keep Kirika away from the fighting. She doesn't have a reliable way of subduing hostile megucas without resorting to her antimagic, and we want to keep that ability a secret until it becomes necessary to bust it out.
[x]Once out with the Sendai girls, make good on our promise to cleanse their gems and seeds. Then, change the deal. Killing is wrong, mkay?
No. of votes: 2