I mean if I hadn't read Oriko manga, I would expect canon O&K to be latched onto each other 9/10 of the time.What do you mean by canon, exactly?
You mean PMAS and official posts by Firn, right? Right.
Eh. For me the ship sailed that one time Kirika said ( inexact quote, too lazy to look up, and it's translation from Japanese anyway, what the heck is exact ) she sees absolutely no one beside her other than Oriko.
And Oriko replied, with a shit-eating grin: "Oh, good to know."
And then she runs her hand over Kirika's cheek, I think?
If that isn't Yuri, I don't know what is. Handholding, maybe?
Goddamnit girl! Make up your mind!
Madoka isn't the damning type.
So, in all, how long until Sabrina makes PMAS!Homura start acting like Renascence!Homura?
I will only count that as being done if/when Homura freaks Kyouko out by calling her Kyouko-chan and offering to make her a clock.
What was Sayaka panicking about at first?Omake: Watch
"So... Homura made me this watch."
"It's really fucking cool. Like, all gears and shit, in a housing that's probably worth a couple thousand boxes of pocky."
"But the best part is that all the numbers are done in spears. So, like, one is one spear, five is two spears in a v-shape, ten is two spears crossed..."
"So anyway, now I always know what time it is."
=Screaming is heard in the distance. It gradually gets louder.=
=Kyouko conjures a spear and hefts it.=
=Sayaka comes sprinting over a nearby hill at superhuman speeds, and skids to a halt. Her expression is horrified, and her gaze is locked on the spear in Kyouko's hands.=
"It's spear-fuckin-o'clock!"
=Kyouko runs at Sayaka. Sayaka pulls an about-face and starts sprinting in the opposite direction, screaming incoherently.=
Sir, calm down and put down the top hat and the monocle pleaseHitomi... Hitomi was a yuri counter spy all along!
She pretended to be a Yakuza princess pretending to be a normal girl, just to bamboozle everyone- Nay, she actually became a Yakuza princess, so there would be proof of her being so, so when her double facade of being a normal highschool student was revealed as false, whoever discovered her would think they had got the the root of the issue: Do terrifying, this young girl a cruel Yakuza princess.
Any normal, sane person would stop investigating there. And Hitomi counts on that. That's why none has ever discovered her true identity as the True Yuri Shipper.
Her yelling 'girls can't love girls'? Faked. Her punching lesbian heaven kami in the tummy? An act.
But Hitomi found one force too strong to bamboozle, and was, instead, counterbamboozled... by Homura's hair.
That lustrous, magnificient, captivating mane of hair entranced Hitomi, made her reveal her true nature. Just for once, we got a glimpse at the real Hitomi, the Yuri Shipping Agent she is behind the masks.
It was such a fleeing moment, just one loop... if Homura hadn't been in deep denial about the glory of Yuri, she might have even revealed Hitomi's plots. But no, Homura could not bring herself to accept such a thing, and thus Hitomi remained undercover.
Gentlegucas, I think we have found our greatest ally.
So no one wants to locate Rionna's shades and resoul them in artificial bodies? Temporarily mind control Rionna into helping the shades get new bodies?
Its ironic that Rionna is a serious topic , yet the shades are treated like disposable npcs.
For what reason was Rionna taken down again?
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you haven't been reading the thread in depth. You should reread the update and my comments in the thread. From an out of character perspective, Rionna is being ushered out as fast as possible. It's clear she's not a topic that the thread can handle currently. In character, there is no way Sabrina or her friends would condone that.So no one wants to locate Rionna's shades and resoul them in artificial bodies? Temporarily mind control Rionna into helping the shades get new bodies?
Its ironic that Rionna is a serious topic , yet the shades are treated like disposable npcs.
For what reason was Rionna taken down again?
S n' S: *highfive*Three posts from now
Megcua: So about Rionna
Sabrina: Who?
Sayaka: Never heard of her
Megcua:....... ok then
Say, how much does Sayaka know about Kyoko and Mami's history? Does she know everything, or just a little, or is she completely unaware they knew each other?
Why i'm imagining it Sabrina literally throwing Sayaka at Kyouko?The plan is to throw Sayaka at Kyouko. Theoretically this should work.
Why i'm imagining it Sabrina literally throwing Sayaka at Kyouko?![]()