It's weird what things will trip audience reactions and what won't. I feel like usually if someone with Riona's power showed up in a quest or other fiction everybody would shrug their shoulders and go, "Cool power." Maybe just choose to take her at her word about the shades being insensate if it troubled them.

Instead in this case a few people call 'slavery' and then it becomes a huge thing and everybody feels obligated to care.
If someone with Rionna's power-set showed up in any other fiction, they would most likely be a deeply conflicted heroic type who does this because they see no other choice, or they'd be one step down from irredeemably evil.

It's pretty damn clear which one she's closer to.
I have an idea of what I want to do. Main point would be Keep. Talking.

I think there's a very important point we need to focus on, and which will decide our actions after we're done talking: Does Riona really see people as collectibles?

[] Overall (hidden) conversation goal: Question Riona's opinion about her shades, and whether she truly sees people as things to be collected.

[] Reaction: Sad.
-[] You can't help her like this.
--[] It's what you made your Wish for, did she know? To help Magical Girls, free them from the need for Seeds, for territory, even help those who fell and became Witches.
-[] Offer Grief Cleansing, cleanse yourself.

[] Hidden: Text Mami.
-[] Ask her to contact Nadia and ask for tips on how to handle a hardball playing Riona.
-[] Create a signal for her and Homura in case things go south.

[] Keep talking.
-[] Ask Riona if you can get her anything. Hungry?
-[] Ask about the shades, the kind of people she's attacked.
--[] Try to make her think about them. As people.
--[] Try to find how she sees people, and how she decides whether it's 'OK' to 'take' someone.

BTW, no gemsploding if at all possible. If we can't convince Riona with words, at the very least we want Sayaka to copy her powers.

We can sense her Witch.

I like your goal to find more about Riona. What I don't like is how you propose going around to accomplish it.

1. "I can't help you like this" can come out as incredibly arrogant.
2. Asking Nadia? Alright, suppose she answers. How do you propose reading her answer?
3. We won't likely succeed in stalling the conversation with side activities. Riona again and again demonstrated her directness and bluntness, so for any attempt to sidetrack and prolong the conversation, she's probably going to directly and bluntly tell us to go to hell.

I have an idea.

I'll get by the laptop in ten, let's see how it goes.
Well, Rionna's absolutely terrifying. I mean, it's pretty easy to see how she became this way - made a wish that didn't do quite what she wanted, had to fight Witches and then other magical girls to maintain order... Lived for a long time and saw the worst kind of people in the world she lived in, so she used her power on them and became desensitised to the entire thing, becoming less and less discriminate with its use. She probably has so many enemies now that she doesn't believe she can afford to ever give up her power. I wonder if she even has anyone she actually trusts anymore? The fact that she's immediately heading back to her homeland suggests that's not really the case, because she hasn't allowed much time to get her hands on Sabrina's powers, preferring to get back home immediately.

I suspect the reason why Rionna might have killed Sayaka in that future is because she believed Sayaka could copy Sabrina's power. Of course, we know that's not the case - it might be worth actually informing her of this if there's serious concern that she's going to attack people on her way out, though to be honest that seems petty. She might try to steal a Clear Seed, though, she seemed particularly interested in that.
Yeaaaaah, After reading this don't know if we actually can stop Rionna --- hospitality still matters to me but more relevantly here is that if anyone in the world can fight on after being gemmed it's probably her --- but after this I have precious little interest in actually working with her.


I suspect the reason why Rionna might have killed Sayaka in that future is because she believed Sayaka could copy Sabrina's power. Of course, we know that's not the case - it might be worth actually informing her of this if there's serious concern that she's going to attack people on her way out, though to be honest that seems petty. She might try to steal a Clear Seed, though, she seemed particularly interested in that.

As far as Sayaka vs Rionna goes, I'll note that I'd fully expect Sayaka to outright attack her after learning her deal. And then Rionna would Rionna.
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So let's summarize.
"Judge all y' want," Rionna says, shrugging. She caps her flask and sets it aside. "What's done is done is done. I can take Souls. Magical girl, normal people. Leaves 'em brain-dead, and..."
"You don't judge me," Rionna says. "Y' have no right to."
"I control their Souls as shades, allowing me to use their powers," she says, and smiles, razor sharp and satisfied.
"... are they aware?" you ask, swallowing revulsion.

"I'unno," Rionna says with a shrug. "They can think and problemsolve, suchlike. But not really aware. 's more like they're asleep and sleep-walking under my control."
You exhale slowly, forcing your heart to slow even as Rionna's lips twitch into a faint smile.

"Y' don't like that, do you?" she says. "Not too many do."
"Whisht," Rionna snaps, and smirks. It's not a nice smirk. "I rip people's Souls out, screaming and kicking. It's not pretty and it's not nice. Who knows, maybe I've done it to some 'good people'. Wouldn't know for sure, I wouldn't. But here's how it is: You don't tell me how to do things, and I don't finish a fight neither of us want."
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People don't usually let other people know what they're made of after talking for a few minutes As long as we can keep talking, we shouldn't yet judge Riona for what she's said. She's got very dangerous powers and seemingly a very dangerous personality, but we don't know.

We need to try and see past her shell.

1. "I can't help you like this" can come out as incredibly arrogant.
2. Asking Nadia? Alright, suppose she answers. How do you propose reading her answer?
3. We won't likely succeed in stalling the conversation with side activities. Riona again and again demonstrated her directness and bluntness, so for any attempt to sidetrack and prolong the conversation, she's probably going to directly and bluntly tell us to go to hell.
To get answers back from Mami, if she doesn't handle that herself, we can use Grief: Something as simple as making a Grief keyboard and feeling which keys Mami presses would let her speak to us from outside the sphere.

I don't want to come across as arrogant, but I do want to put it out there that we made our wish to help people, and try to mention de-Witching while we're at it. Make it so our point in the conversation is about helping... while our actual goal should be to find Riona's true opinion about 'collecting' souls.

If she really sees people as collectible things, I don't think we will be working with her. Gemming and Sayaka copying her, most likely.
Man this is crazy difficult. If they really are sub sentient then, but ugh. I feel like whatever we do is going to doom us.

[] Reaction: Reserved.
-[] Quesrion her motives in coming to Mitakihara
--[] She's a veteran Magical Girl flying around the globe searching for a Grief Cleanser who doesn't displace Grief into other people, by all accounts a fool's errand, when she'd clearly demonstrated her capabilities to get by without. Why?
---[] Is she really willing to leave after finding one without even attempting to see whether you can work together?
[] Ask about the shades
-[] The kind of people she's attacked
-[] Is she sure they're sub-sapient?
--[] Can she prove it? Not to us, even, but to herself?
[] Hidden: Text Mami.
-[] Ask her to contact Nadia and ask for tips on how to handle a hardball playing Riona.
-[] Create a signal for her and Homura in case things go south.
-[] Use Grief to allow her to speak back to you.

Sorry about point 2, Onmur, haven't seen your edit. Also, stole it from you! :p
It's weird what things will trip audience reactions and what won't. I feel like usually if someone with Riona's power showed up in a quest or other fiction everybody would shrug their shoulders and go, "Cool power." Maybe just choose to take her at her word about the shades being insensate if it troubled them.

Instead in this case a few people call 'slavery' and then it becomes a huge thing and everybody feels obligated to care.
Maybe so, in another story. You're free to disagree. But here's the thing:

Showing up and sniping at other people, passive-aggressively or not, is not acceptable. Cut it out.

Sabrina's an idealistic character who cares about people. There's disagreement over what to do here, and that's honestly expected. Redeem her? Is she redeemable? Take her down? Is that something to stain Sabrina's decision? Can she do it reliably?

Disagree all you want. Speak civilly - and passive-aggressive isn't civil, either. I'll be (trying) to keep a closer eye on the thread.
It might be worth it to remind Rionna that she walked into a lion's den uninvited, and she didn't bring an army of shades. She shouldnt be so cavalier about the prospect of a fight.