Girl: That was my friend she thought it would be cool, and harder to hurt since it was undead - and it was! it was great and then one day it went wrong and and.. she... *starts crying*
Sabrina: *deploys emergency hugs*
Necro-romancer: "What's a little zombie goop between friends you big crybaby, it's basically very crude oil."
Sabrina: "Wait, didn't you... Um. Die?"
Necro-Romancer: "what? No. I just accidentally spilled Sues zombie guts all over Dresdens shiny scales, and this wimp never forgave me for it."
Dragon-Gurl: "I was riding him at the time! I was covered in zombie dinosaur! It got in my mouth! In my nose! I can still smell it in my nightmares!"

If we go out in the streets riding a Grief dinosaur, wearing our coat, would people believe it's cosplay, and thus, KB wouldn't need to mindwipe them?
If we ride what looks like Godzilla (but due to international copy right laws, it's not) we are going to create a disturbance. So we shouldn't.
Dresden Files meets Madoka (or PMAS)

Now picturing Mab talking with QB and debating if it would go over well for QB or not.

As far as I understand, Mother Winter and Mother Summer are somewhere in the league of UKG.
Queens Mab and Titania are substantially weaker.
So it would depend on many things, one of them being whether QBs pissed off
or not, and how much.

Eh, just remembered some unpleasantness on Discord, so I'm gonna sit this one out. Or we could continue our "powermongering edgelording" in PMs...
Point Insertion pt. 8

It's not the same. The situation with you and Mami isn't the same as Homura and Madoka, but... You understand what Homura's trying to say. And you're kind of proud of Homura for even trying to make that argument. Homura, trying to make an emotional appeal to you.

And on second thoughts, you kind of agree with her. Maybe not in the same way, but you do agree with her.

"I get it," you say. "I get where you're coming from, Homura. And I definitely wouldn't ever tell Madoka without your explicit agreement."

Homura nods jerkily.

"I won't tell Madoka," you say quietly. "But there's one thing... I don't... I don't want to lie to my friends. I don't like lying to my friends."

You take a deep breath, letting your cheeks puff out as you exhale slowly, into the dead air of the timestop.

"I told Mami that I had a big secret, one I didn't want to tell her," you say. "I told her that much, and I asked her to... I guess I asked her to let me keep it a secret. If she'd demanded to know... I don't know. But I told her that much. And-" You raise your free hand to placate Homura. "I'm not saying you have to or even should do the same. I don't really know where I'm going with this, but... yeah."

Homura's hand tightens on yours.

"I won't tell Madoka," you say, finally, and smile at her. "You're my friend, and I know what you think of that."

"And Sayaka?" she asks.

"I'm asking you," you say, and smile warmly at her. "If you think the risks are too high, then I won't. I think that she could help. She Wished to be useful, and her power lets her read souls. That's one of the few hard limitations my power has, and she can make artificial Soul Gems. I... don't think that's just a coincidence."

You tug Homura over to the bench as you talk, seating her down beside you. Somehow, the stone is still sun-warm beneath you.

"I don't know," Homura says, closing her eyes as if the admission hurt. "This is- all this- it's new."

"I get that," you say. "I know you haven't encountered something like this before, but... what do you think? I... for my part, I worry that Sayaka might not keep it to herself. She's the type who says what she thinks, though I'd definitely do my very best to impress how dangerous it could be if I told her. It's..." You bite your lip. "It's a definite risk."

"I wouldn't," Homura says. She looks away. "I wouldn't be able to convince her. She'd ruin things."

Homura falls silent, and when you open your mouth to say something, she shakes her head. Your jaw clacks shut with alacrity.

"You're not me," Homura says. "Maybe you could do it."

"I... get where you're coming from," you say. From her perspective, you probably have a bit of a track record of working miracles. Mami, Sayaka, even where you all are now with Madoka. A circle of friends and allies, all bound together by friendship and working together. "But I'm uncertain, myself."

You sigh, drumming the fingers of your free hand on the bench as you think. Miracles are your stock in trade, but it's not like you don't have your regrets. You worry so much about Mami, and you regret how you'd handled the reveal of Kyuubey and the nature of Soul Gems. You regret the times you've disappointed Homura, the stress you've caused her.

The time you slipped up with Walpurgisnacht, in front of Madoka. Homura's words still echo in your mind. Do better, Sabrina.

"I think Sayaka could handle it," you murmur. "Telling her about Witches and my goals would give her a clear goal, an objective to keep her grounded and focused. And it'd give her an enemy... a villain to oppose. Kyuubey. She does well with that kind of contextualization, right?"

Homura hesitates, before nodding.

"I don't understand her," Homura says, shaking her head. "She's loud. Annoying. She's weak, and she gets it wrong. It goes bad. It always goes bad with her. But she's not- she's not weak. Not this time."

"Yeah, I admit that's kind of weird," you say. "I've got some thoughts about why she actually has the power for all this this time round, but that's a discussion for another time, and... you don't mean her power, do you?"

You take her silence as agreement.

"But really," you say, and you can't help the smile that quirks your lips. "She's the same Miki Sayaka as you've always known,-" Transfer Student "-Homura. She just has some additional perspective on the nature of how things work in this world of ours. That's all she needed."

Homura nods once more.

"I don't know whether I'll tell her, still," you say. "I guess I'll figure it out."

She looks up, to meet your eyes. "Make sure she doesn't break," Homura whispers. "Make sure she doesn't tell Madoka. Or Mami."

"I will," you say. "I promise. I promised I'd do better, remember?"

Amethyst eyes hold yours, as if trying to weigh your words and intent, before flicking away.

"Now, may I hug you, Homura?" you ask, smiling.

She sighs, and nods. You pull her into a hug, squeezing firmly before letting go.

"Alright. I guess that's it from me, so... yeah," you say. "Ah... do you have anything you want to raise? Concerns?"

"You already know them." Homura shrugs fractionally. She swallows hard. "Thank you."

You smile at her, warm and encouraging. Not the same smile you reserve for Mami, but... this smile is for Homura. Your admiration and respect for her unyielding determination, your belief in her. You differ from her on many aspects, but her will isn't something you can dispute.

And maybe she sees something of that in your smile as she nods again, and shifts to crank her shield. It's a little awkward, since sh'es gripping your hand, but she manages.

Light and life and colour and sound floods back in, the joyful chatter of students reverberating through the school building beneath your feet. Homura steps back, detransforming.

"See you later, Homura," you say, waving.

"See you," she echoes quietly, and heads off back into the school.

You watch her retreating back for a moment, before turning. Sayaka had hopped off to a nearby building. It takes you just a second to form wings and take to the skies, heading in the same general direction she did and finding her perched on the edge of a roof.

You wave at her, hovering idly. She gets the idea quickly, and joins you in the air, delicate, shimmering wings setting her cape aflutter.

"Yo," she calls.

"Yo!" you say, grinning. "Come here much?"

"So what's on the menu today, Sabrina-sempai?" Sayaka says, rolling her eyes. "Technically."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" you ask, reaching out to poke her in the side. She bats your hand away.

"Nothing, nothing," she says, and sticks her tongue out at you.

"To answer your question, oh impertinent kohai of mine, we're going Witch hunting," you say. "As you know, because we already agreed on it before."

"Yeah, yeah," Sayaka says. "So do we just fly around looking for one?"

"Pretty much, yeah," you say. "A spiral pattern works well. You know how to sense Witches, right?"

"Kiiinda?" Sayaka says, making a face. "Feels the same as your stuff, right?"

"... you're not wrong," you allow, and start drifting away, giving Sayaka an expectant look. She takes the hint, and follows.

"Anyway," you continue by telepathy rather than shout over the wind. "You could also use that eyesight power you got, see if you can spot a Witch? You definitely want to use it during the hunt - maybe make a clone dedicated to using it, then you can watch yourself for mistakes to correct?"

"Yeah, good idea," Sayaka says. "Watching myself... I really wonder what kinda Wish that girl had."

"Uh... you got it from Ueda Miyako in Ishinomaki, right?" you say. "I have no idea, honestly. You could ask next time we swing by, I guess?"

Sayaka makes a non-committal noise.

"Also, we need to get you synergetic powers," you say, banking on a thermal rising from the roads below. "Like power boosting - I know there must be some out there. Or some kind of multitasking, so that you don't get headaches."

"Actually, practice seems to improve the clones," Sayaka says, following as you spiral upwards. "Or at least, the main me doesn't seem to be getting much of a headache. Of course, there's just one extra me right now."

"But wouldn't you like to be able to bury your enemies in a pile of clones?" you ask, tilting your head back to grin at her.

"Do I look like an orange brat of a ninja to you?" Sayaka asks.

You snicker cheerfully. "Also, I need to get you to copy Yuma's powers," you say. "Healing is good, healing is great."

"Yeah... you know, I would've Wished for healing if you and Mami and Homura hadn't come along," Sayaka says.

"How's things going with violin-boy, anyway?" you ask.

"He's- he's getting better!" Sayaka says, and you glance back just in time to see her blush a little.

"Mmm," you hum, and let the conversation lapse rather than poke about whether he's actually noticed Sayaka. See, you can do tact. On occasion.

"Hey, Sabrina?" Sayaka asks after a few moments.

"Yep?" you ask, raising your eyes from scanning the streets far below with your senses.

"So... you and Homura have got a lot of secrets, right?" Sayaka asks.

"... you could say that, yeah," you say.

"And I get the impression they're kind of dangerous secrets," Sayaka says, sounding like she's working through some thoughts as she speaks.

"You're not wrong," you allow.

"Anything I should know?" she asks.

[] Sayaka
- [] How do you respond?
[] Witch hunt
- [] Vote in abeyance
- [] Something to change?
[] Nadia and Riona
- [] Vote in abeyance
[] Write-in (word count limit: 150 words)

[X] Take Sayaka out hunting.
-[X] Be a good senpai and help Sayaka improve.
-[X] Ask her to use one Sayaka solely to watch (with sight powers?). Help point out dangers and mistakes.
-[X] Keep an eye on how your control range in the real world changes as you move into and through the barrier.
[X] Nadia.
-[X] Ask about Riona, and her not informing you all of her arrival.


Because Sayaka notices how you keep pulling Homura aside to discuss stuff, and how the both of you are frequently in accord about weird matters.
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Hmm. Even if we don't give her the full witchbomb right here and now, we should let her know that there is a really big, bad secret at this point.

Maybe the same spiel as we gave Mami? Or similar at least? 'There's a few, they're dangerous to know, they're painful to know, but if you really absolutely want, we'll tell you' sort of deal?
"I don't understand her," Homura says, shaking her head. "She's loud. Annoying. She's weak, and she gets it wrong. It goes bad. It always goes bad with her. But she's not- she's not weak. Not this time."

"Yeah, I admit that's kind of weird," you say.

"But really," you say, and you can't help the smile that quirks your lips. "She's the same Miki Sayaka as you've always known,-" Transfer Student "-Homura. She just has some additional perspective on the nature of how things work in this world of ours. That's all she needed."

And maybe she sees something of that in your smile as she nods again, and shifts to crank her shield. It's a little awkward, since sh'es girpping your hand, but she manages.
She's doing what to our hand? :thonk:
I guess she should know, but maybe she doesn't want know anymore, once she does. We could give her the same deal we gave Mami, but I think Sayaka is far more likely to go through with it.
[ ] *Set down somewhere. This is a serious talk, we should give it our full attention* Well. It's complicated. Straight to the point? We actually talked about that just now. I definitely would like to tell you all of them, not least because you could help with some of them. Just, with how vulnerable Magical Girls are to emotional trauma, you have to realize how incredibly dangerous those secrets are. I'm confident that you could handle them despite how painful they are, but, say, Mami? I've asked her, and she's happier not knowing, not least because some of those secrets could literally kill her. And no offense, but you're not the most subtle person. So you tell me: Could you keep a secret, keep yourself from even alluding to it in a way someone could base a guess on, even if it's an incredibly huge and important and painful one, even from your closest friends? From Madoka? Please think carefully before you answer me.

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[] Of course you should know. Everybody should know before they make the meguca contract.
-[] Being undead is small potatoes compared to becoming a witch when your soul gem fills up with grief.
The conversation with Homura ended surprisingly painless. Also was great not throwing away Homura's agency.

Also, Homura thinks better of Sayaka this loop, that's nice.
[]If you're willing to risk death to learn it, there is something I can share with you. The danger is not people who will kill you for having it. The danger is the knowledge itself. There will be a limited pool of magical girls you can discuss this with and know they will survive the experience because this is some utterly lovecraftian stuff if you ponder the philosophical implications. Normal people who may leak this to other magical girls carelessly shouldn't know this either.
Adhoc vote count started by Firnagzen on Jun 8, 2018 at 4:26 AM, finished with 139130 posts and 24 votes.

  • [X] There is something you should discuss, yes. Fair warning: It's gonna be heavy.
    -[X] Stop searching. Sit down. Use Grief Fog to make sure KB isn't around. Full serious mode.
    [X] There is a secret. It's an infohazard. It remains a secret to puella society, because almost every magical girl who learns it shortly thereafter dies from their soul filling with despair. It's that bad.
    -[x] If you share this with Sayaka, you're putting Mami's life in her hands. It would almost certainly kill her.
    [X] Learning this will affect Sayaka:
    -[X] It will change her outlook in life, like it changed Homura's and Niko's.
    -[X] She would need to keep it secret 24/7, never let it slip in anger, not talk about it with anyone, and generally do everything she can to not let it get out. Or else many people, including her friends, could die.
    [X] So it's not about whether she should know, but rather about whether she wants to risk knowing.
    -[X] You told Mami there was a secret, and Niko told Kazumi. They both decided to not know.
    -[X] Both Homura and you are scared of sharing even this much, but you are making her the same offer.
    -[X] Ask her to not decide just yet. Think about it.
    [X] Reassure Sayaka.
    -[X] If she decides to know, you'll trust her. You'll get her main body in a Privacy Sphere or timestop and tell her everything.
    -[X] She doesn't have to know. If she decides not to, you won't think any less of her.
    -[X] Witch Hunt? Cool down hugs?
    [X] Cut this vote at any time Author pleases.
    [X] Funny she should ask. We just asked Homura about sharing with her.
    [X] Stop searching. This is more important. Make sure KB isn't around.
    [X] Sayaka should make sure her other self doesn't telegraph anything. You're in no hurry, and you can pause at any time that's necessary.
    -[X] Nothing you're going to discuss here gets related to anyone, which also means no telepathy. You'll elaborate as you go.
    [X] Broadly explain the concept of an infohazard. It's a little bit like Heresy, except a lot worse.
    [X] Mami and, you're told, six of seven Pleiades have declined this information.
    -[X] This discussion is about whether Sayaka wants this information, not whether she should be told it. And you're going to make her take until at least tomorrow to think about it.
    [X] Hammer on these lines at length and in variation until Sayaka is appropriately cognizant:
    -[X] Infohazards are, obviously, a responsibility. You don't talk about them, slip up with them, confide in your best friend about them: that kills people. That is a permanent burden, and it's not a fun one: it's working a job 24/7. No alcohol.
    -[X] Infohazards hurt. She's low risk and in special circumstances: it'd probably only permanently change her outlook on life for the worse. Normal consequences of exposure include psychoses, insanity, horrible death, sudden homicidal actions: no matter what, it will make her world a darker place.
    [X] Stress that she doesn't need this information to be incredibly helpful: also stress that you're not just saying this to try to dissuade her. There are upsides and downsides to both options, but it's an infohazard: you can't truly discuss the upsides to knowing without exposing her. You will say that none of them are fun... But if there weren't significant benefits you'd just suppress this completely.
    [X] If she decides she wants to know, you'll explain everything and then you won't let her go anywhere alone for a short while -- probably buy her ice cream. Basic observation period that'll double as Q&A. Don't want her leaving and then going crazy.
    -[X] This will be a permanently standing offer. You should also note that there is some -- very small -- chance of exposure in the course of everyday life. If it happens, she'll know -- she should ask for help immediately.
    -[X] Hug the stuffing out of her. She's a good friend, has a great heart, and you're glad to have her on the team.
    [x] Funny you should ask. We were just discussing that.
    [x] Have Sayaka give us her full attention. This is Serious Business.
    [x] When we told Mami the truth about Soul Gems and how Kyubey was manipulating her, the emotional trauma almost killed her. And this secret is even worse.
    [x] We gave a Mami a choice whether or not to know this, and she chose not to. Which was a relief, because magical girls that learn this have been known to take their own life or go insane.
    [x] If we tell you this, you have to keep the secret. You can't tell your friends. You can't let it slip in a moment of anger. You can't even talk about it with other people in the know unless we take measures to ensure secrecy, like Homura's timestop or our privacy sphere.
    [x] With all that said, think about whether or not you really want to know this. We won't be able to tell you until after school when we can meet with your real body inside a privacy sphere. Use that time to think about whether or not this is a burden you want to put on yourself.
    [x] Funny, you and Homura were just talking about that.
    -[x] Homura thinks that telling Sayaka is too dangerous. She thinks it'll destroy Sayaka and that Sayaka will take everyone with her.
    -[x] You think that Sayaka's Wish to be Useful will give her the strength she needs.
    [x] Tell Sayaka to take a bathroom break or something.
    -[x] Bet her a bucket of ice cream that she has to claim food poisoning and take the rest of the day off.
    -[x] Implement privacy sphere if Sayaka thinks it'll work. If it'd cut her off, just take security measures - no coobs allowed.
    [x] Explain the stakes. Pull no punches.
    -[x] If Sayaka tells Mami, she'll probably try to commit suicide.
    -[x] If Sayaka tells Madoka, Makoda Wishes then commits suicide, Homura possibly kills Sayaka in grief-stricken revenge and then commits suicide, and then everyone probably dies.
    -[x] Sayaka will have to keep this from everyone, especially her friends. You, Homura, Oriko, Nadia, and Niko are it. She will have some of the same secrets that you've been laboring under so long. Can she handle that?
    -[x] Does Sayaka understand how serious this is?
    [x] Explain why you're taking this risk: It's worth it. Sayaka Wished to be useful. This is the best thing she could possibly do. The responsibility of holding this secret is what she wanted to bear.
    [x] Give Sayaka the last chance to back out, same offer you give everyone else.
    [x] Legion of the scarlet tabard
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