I think someone mentioned once that Homura might have a lot of grief seeds in her shield, that are just shy of hatching witches.
Because of the reasons that she despises Kyuubey and doesn't need him to dump grief seeds in as nothing ages in her shield. But she still needed to use grief seeds before we made our wish.
If we want to study the results of multiple iterations of the same witch, well Homura might have duplicate seeds.
We kind of come back to the question of whether Homu can bring back Seeds in her Shield.
Which I could see for some Witches, but if she, say, brought back an Oktavia, that could very well result in Sayaka being replaced by that Oktavia , just like Homu replaces her own past version.
We kind of come back to the question of whether Homu can bring back Seeds in her Shield.
Which I could see for some Witches, but if she, say, brought back an Oktavia, that could very well result in Sayaka being replaced by that Oktavia , just like Homu replaces her own past version.
So I have this mental image of Sayaka and Sabrina casually strolling through the Witch Barrier (under protection of Sabrina's Grief) while eating some snacks and commenting on the Sayaklones' fighting (and Sayaka sometimes yelling at them).
The two of them maximum chill while the clones are fighting for their lives, but it's OK because they're having fun and they're just clones.
So I have this mental image of Sayaka and Sabrina casually strolling through the Witch Barrier (under protection of Sabrina's Grief) while eating some snacks and commenting on the Sayaklones' fighting (and Sayaka sometimes yelling at them).
The two of them maximum chill while the clones are fighting for their lives, but it's OK because they're having fun and they're just clones.
We should tell Sayaka to be careful not to misplace herself... Actually, experiment suggestion: what happens to a sayaclone if sayagem is out of range of sayaprime?
We should tell Sayaka to be careful not to misplace herself... Actually, experiment suggestion: what happens to a sayaclone if sayagem is out of range of sayaprime?
They're completely fine and not range limited, apparently, judging by how Sayaka sent a Sayaklone flying back to Mitakihara Middle to assist school in her stead while she was with us at Asunaro.
They're completely fine and not range limited, apparently, judging by how Sayaka sent a Sayaklone flying back to Mitakihara Middle to assist school in her stead while she was with us at Asunaro.
I swear, any more talk about the brokenness of Sayaka's powers, and I will write an omake about Sayaka!Prime swearing vengeance on Highlander!Sayaka for killing all Octavias and her clones.
You give Sayaka a worried look. "Can you handle this many clones?"
"I've got a headache," Sayaka says, grinning cheerfully. "Well, uh, my real body does."
You reach the roof just as Kazumi does. Looking up, you spot two Mobile Oppression Fortresses hovering close by, one of them with a rather pale Sayaka seated cross-legged, giving you a grin. The other has Kazumi, Kaoru, Saki, Mirai, and Niko.
But I assume if you knock out the Prime, the clones go puff, if only because anime logic.
So the question is whether we need to do more science...
"Hey Sayaka, quick science!"
*Jabs Sayaka on the back of the neck*
*Catches unconscious Sayaka*
"Thanks for the assist."
"Pfft, what a chump."
"Did you see how she went down?"
"The stupid look on her face?"
"I know, right? It was like 'duuuhhhhhh'."
"Yeah, exactly like that."
"Good impression."
"Heh, I'm a girl of many skills, you know."
"Can I do it again?"
*Sidehugs/restrains Homura*
"Experiment result: Sayaklones become despective and somewhat dumber when Sayaka Prime is offline. Also seem to harbor negative feelings towards the original. Should have a good talk with Sayaka later."
The clones' minds seem to be somewhat separate from the original...
But I assume if you knock out the Prime, the clones go puff, if only because anime logic.
So the question is whether we need to do more science...
"Hey Sayaka, quick science!"
*Jabs Sayaka on the back of the neck*
*Catches unconscious Sayaka*
"Thanks for the assist."
"Pfft, what a chump."
"Did you see how she went down?"
"The stupid look on her face?"
"I know, right? It was like 'duuuhhhhhh'."
"Yeah, exactly like that."
"Good impression."
"Heh, I'm a girl of many skills, you know."
"Can I do it again?"
*Sidehugs/restrains Homura*
"Experiment result: Sayaklones become despective and somewhat dumber when Sayaka Prime is offline. Also seem to harbor negative feelings towards the original. Should have a good talk with Sayaka later."
"Yep, I'll let you know," you say, nodding at Sayaka. "It'd be good practice for you, too. Maybe this evening... we'll see."
During Sayaka's training with Kyouko, you don't say out loud. Ought to be good training for her to face Kyouko and a Witch at the same time... Well, if she can manage it. Or maybe just during school, but you're not sure you want to leave Mami out of it.
You chew thoughtfully on the riceball, letting the savoury filling roll over your tongue and thinking.
"So... I'll just put it out," you say. "What do you guys think of contacting Rionna before she contacts us? I mean... I think it'd be alright, but people are complicated and all."
"I would think it strange, if someone contacted me ahead of an unannounced arrival," Hitomi says.
"I... would be surprised!" Madoka says. "But... um... if Miss Bennouna says she doesn't have friends, then... she would want one?"
"I would too," Mami agrees. "If I were deliberately trying to conceal my arrival... ah, but she might just be lacking in knowledge of the usual graces."
"Yeaaaah," Sayaka says. "I'm gonna go with being a bit suspicious, but you've got a convenient reason for it, y'know? And the entire point of her coming here is that you are a weirdo, isn't it?"
"Sayaka!" Madoka scolds.
"It's true!" Sayaka says, shrugging. "Homura, what do you think?"
"I would be very suspicious," Homura says. "And I don't know her."
"Ah... you could ask Miss Bennouna for her opinion?" Madoka suggests.
"And that is why you get paid the big bucks," you say, grinning at Madoka. "Yeah, you raise a good point - any communication would need to go through her first, anyway."
"It is a good point," you say firmly. "Homura, tell her."
Conversation lapses onto easier topics after that. For your part, you sit back and let your mind wander. Mami nudges you, and you turn a smile on her. You snuggle closer, wrapping your arm around her waist. She sighs happily.
"What are you thinking about, Sabrina?" she asks curiously.
"A few things, really," you say. "Though... how do you feel about me bringing Sayaka out on a hunt during the afternoon session?"
"I..." Mami looks down, staring at the lunchbox on her lap. "I think it would be a good experience for her."
"Yeah," you agree. "But I'm asking you, Mami."
She's quiet for a moment, nestled up against your side.
"I'm afraid," she whispers. "It's stupid and irrational, but I'm afraid."
"I'm not going to leave you, Mami," you murmur, pulling her closer.
She takes a deep, deep breath, and lets it out before straightening a little. "I think it would be a good experience for Sayaka."
"Alright," you say. You reach up, brushing the hair from her face, and smile at her. "You're awesome, Mami. Don't ever forget it."
"I'm- I'm really not," she whispers. "B-but. I'm thankful, every day, every hour, every minute, every second, that you think I'm worth your time."
"You are," you say warmly. "Of course you are, Mami."
She takes another deep breath, and smiles shakily at you. "I... thank you for telling me in advance, Sabrina," she murmurs. "It helps."
"I'm glad," you say, and hug her. The rest of your friends have not-so-subtly shuffled off to the side, giving you some privacy, but Madoka catches your eye in the lull, and nudges Hitomi and Sayaka.
And the conversation rolls back in, like it never left, Sayaka poking Homura in the side and making her twitch.
"So why don't you have a proper weapon, anyway?" she asks loudly.
"It's my magic," Homura says, shrugging.
"Ahhh, don't be like that, Sayaka!" Madoka protests. "I think Homura is cool!"
Hitomi sighs theatrically. "You all say that, but I've never really seen any of you use your powers in earnest."
You beam at your friends, hugging Mami closer. She nestles into your arms, cuddling close.
"... you know," you say, pulling the DVD out of your bag with Grief - the one you got from Yuki. "I suppose it's kind of self aggrandizing, but I do actually have a recording of a fight I had with an ally from Fukushima."
"It's really not the same," Hitomi says, raising an eyebrow. "Though I'm well aware that your fights can be dangerous, especially for bystanders."
"We coooould invite Hitomi along for my evening lesson with Kyouko?" Sayaka's voice speaks in your head.
"... maybe," you agree. "Up to Hitomi, but I doubt Kyouko would really mind? I guess the bigger issue is not encouraging Madoka..."
"Hrrrrh," Sayaka says. "You and Homura both, huh. I kinda see it, but... We can show her that we're strong and getting stronger."
"That's true," you agree. "It's a good idea, but, uh, lemme think it through properly and I'll let you know?"
"Yeah sure," Sayaka says.
"It can be," Homura murmurs quietly, daintily collecting more rice from her lunchbox and eating it.
"Mmmhm," you say. "Oh, that reminds me. Speaking of Homura's weapons, so... you ever hear the tale of the Yakuza boss and the Mop?"
"... no?" Sayaka says, giving you a suspicious look.
You laugh, and lean back. You relay the story, using the katana itself as a prop, which Hitomi seems to appreciate, taking the sword and examining it with interest. Sayaka's cackling with laughter by the end of the story. Madoka seems torn between dismay and amusement, and Homura just seems faintly exasperated.
Finally, lunch winds to a close, all of you putting your lunchboxes away.
"Sayaka? Have a clone waiting?" you say. "And, uh, Homura, could I have a private word in a moment?"
"Yeah, yeah," Sayaka says, grinning. She transforms, splitting off a clone before handing the clone her chain of powers and detransforming. "Oi, I'm trusting you to keep those powers safe, mmkay?"
"... hah!" you say, pointing at Sayaka. "I just realised. You and Homura's magic are similar, only she has to gather guns, but you have to gather powers."
Homura's expression does some rather peculiar twitching before settling back into blank neutrality.
"Yeah, whatever," Sayaka says, waving. "C'mon, Madoka, Hitomi." Her clone leaps into the air, cerulean light steaking behind her as she soars for the next building.
"I'll wait," Homura murmurs, gesturing at the stairwell after the rest of your friends.
And that leaves Mami.
You hold her hands in yours, turning to face her properly with a warm, adoring smile on your face.
"I consider myself lucky every single day, you know?" you murmur. "That I get to be with Tomoe Mami. The bravest, most brilliant, toughest magical girl in all of Japan."
"I'm not any of that," Mami whispers, before cracking a tiny grin. "Maybe the last one."
"That's my girl," you say, beaming at her.
"You make me believe I could be better," Mami whispers, leaning into your hug.
"You keep me grounded. Keep me sane, keep me on the right path," you say.
You relax into the hug for a few moments, before Mami makes an effort to pull away. "I'll... see you after school?"
"You will," you affirm, smiling, and plant a kiss on her forehead. Mami blushes, forcing herself to step back.
Step by step, Mami forces herself to back away, smile on her face. You smile right back, waving as she finally disappears down the stairs, and Homura emerges, already transformed.
You clasp her offered hand in yours, bracing for the shuddering jolt-
-of transition into her timestop. The silence is all but deafening, but you're well familiar with it by this point.
"What's happening?" Homura murmurs.
"Thanks for taking the time," you say, beaming at Homura.
She looks faintly exasperated, but nods.
"Well. So... I've been working on de-Witching," you say, and pull Aurora from your pocket.
"Is that Grief?" she asks, staring at the Clear Seed.
"Yeah," you say. "I've been pouring... well, I don't know what to call it. Happiness-flavoured magic? It's possible to channel emotions into magic, it seems, and Clear Seeds seem to soak it up."
Homura frowns at the Clear Seed.
"Also, the Grief has my enchantment applied to it," you say. "I'm not sure why, but instead of just absorbing the Grief like it does with normal Grief, the Clear Seed seems to want to build a shell?"
"I... see," Homura says. She looks kind of perturbed, staring at the Clear Seed.
"Yeah," you say. "Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of it, either. It's progress, definitely, but I'm figuring out progress towards what."
Homura looks up at you, almost pinning you in place with her gaze. "Be careful."
"I..." you almost flinch from the intensity of her glare. "I will. I... I'm actually planning on trying to make contact, or build a body next?"
Homura jabs a finger at the Clear Seed. "You don't know what that is," she says. "Be careful."
"I will," you affirm. "I will. I promise, Homura. I... you're right. If I don't know what I've woken up in there... I shouldn't just willy-nilly give it a body without being sure first, yeah."
Homura nods, amethyst eyes never breaking contact with yours.
You smile at Homura. "Hey. Thanks for looking out for me," you say. "I really appreciate it, Homura."
She nods again.
"So... speaking of looking out for me," you say slowly. "There's something I want to ask your opinion on."
"Yes?" Homura asks.
"I'm wondering about reading Sayaka in on the whole Witch thing. I- wait, wait-" You hold up your hand placatingly. "Let me make my case, and if you disagree or if I've missed anything I'll listen to you?"
Homura subsides, frowning.
"So..." you look up at the sky, frowning at the greyed out clouds. "Sayaka wants to help. With her powers, I believe she can, and I think... I think that if I bring it up and frame it in the context of helping girls who have fallen, it would help her through things. And the thing is... she's actually shown sympathy for Witches, too. I think the notion of doing good for them could work to drive her and... stabilise things, I guess."
You hold your hand out, tipping it from side to side as if balancing something.
"That's the pros, as it were. The cons..." You grimace, exhaling slowly. "Or, well, the risks. I'm worried she'll be hurt by the knowledge, and be isolated by it. Granted, that would be three of us in the know, but then there's Mami, Hitomi and Madoka who aren't in the loop, and I know what you think of that."
"Don't drag Madoka into this," Homura says, her jaw tightening. "I don't-" She breaks off, and shakes her head.
"I don't..." Homura squeezes her eyes shut. "I don't understand Sayaka. Not this time."
"I..." you exhale. "She's the same person, the same as she's always been. The only thing that's different is that we've managed to give her a different impression this time. And yeah - I say we, because you played a part, too."
Homura sighs, eyes sliding off to the side. You're tempted to start explaining more about Sayaka, but you can see she has something on her mind, too, so you give her a moment to let her work it out.
"Don't drag Madoka into this," Homura says again, this time at nearly a whisper. "I- what about Mami?"
"Hm?" you ask.
"T-telling Madoka," Homura whispers. "Telling Mami. You don't want to tell her. It's the same."
It's not. It's not the same, not really. But here's Homura, trying to resolve things with an emotional appeal, an attempt to find common ground.
[] Homura
- [] How do you respond?
[] Sayaka
- [X] Bring Sayaklone out for a Witch hunt
-- [] As per vote in abeyance
-- [] Something different?
- [] Discuss bringing Hitomi along for the evening training
-- [] Write-in?
- [] Witchbomb
-- [] With what approach?
[] Rionna
- [] Contact Nadia about her
[] Write-in (word count limit: 150 words)
[X] Take Sayaka out hunting.
-[X] Be a good senpai and help Sayaka improve.
-[X] Ask her to use one Sayaka solely to watch (with sight powers?). Help point out dangers and mistakes.
-[X] Muse about getting her synergetic powers, like multitasking and boosting. Remind her to ask to copy Yuma's powers.
-[X] Keep an eye on how your control range in the real world changes as you move into and through the barrier.
Ugh, updated later than I'd hoped, but here you go!
wait... what? Since when was Sayaka in on the "do not let Madoka to become a Magical Girl" conspiracy? Especially when dealing with comments phrased about not wanting to encourage her best friend.
wait... what? Since when was Sayaka in on the "do not let Madoka to become a Magical Girl" conspiracy? Especially when dealing with comments phrased about not wanting to encourage her best friend.
wait... what? Since when was Sayaka in on the "do not let Madoka to become a Magical Girl" conspiracy? Especially when dealing with comments phrased about not wanting to encourage her best friend.
"Also, the Grief has my enchantment applied to it," you say. "I'm not sure why, but instead of just absorbing the Grief like it does with normal Grief, the Clear Seed seems to want to build a shell?"
"I... see," Homura says. She looks kind of perturbed, staring at the Clear Seed.
You see, that right there would have been a perfect place to ask her about looking into making a varient of it that had a magic based shell, rather then a Grief one, that we would be able to ask her to use her forcefield enchentment to help along, so that we could have had a wider spectrum of samples to work with.
Should we actually tell her? It would be painful, but, we are working on making things better; it might not exactly make the bad things less bad, but, at the same time, it doesn't mean that the bad things make the good things less good, and we're doing...Something very good here. Even if we couldn't let her in on a hopeless situation when she couldn't do anything to improve it, that isn't exactly the case any more is it? The situation isn't hopelss at all, and, in this situation, there is something that she can do to help; her power is all about reaching out to others. Everything about her is about reaching out to others. She can help.
I just had the mental image of some bundled up Witch Eggs (which is what Witch Seeds that wrap themselves up in stuff are now called) in a nest made out of ribbons, and it was cute. Chibi Witches hatching like baby chicks! It's cute!
We're not telling Mami, yet, for several reasons. She doesn't feel ready to hear it now, despite us offering. She's still recovering from the last revelations, and it would help if she were on a more stable footing. Preparing a broader support base by, for instance, bringing Sayaka in should help when it's time to tell Mami. Being further along in the de-witching process might help as well as something to point to.
But. She's going to find out at some point. Kyubey is running around, probably looking for ways to fuck things up. We're interacting with more and more magical girls who know the secret and could spill the beans. It's a ticking time bomb, and we can't really ever defuse it, but if we can contain the damage and have support ready for her, it should go a lot better than if someone else does it.
"Also, the Grief has my enchantment applied to it," you say. "I'm not sure why, but instead of just absorbing the Grief like it does with normal Grief, the Clear Seed seems to want to build a shell?"
Take Sayaka on that Witch Hunt, keep Sayaka Prime around to observe with us while Sayaklones fight, point out mistakes... and record it all so Hitomi can see it later!
Did we succeed on that resist hugs roll?! Damn you, RNGsus! *Shakes fist*
About Homura, right now, I think we should do something like:
- Reassure her. Tell her she doesn't need to convince us; we're not Witchbombing Madoka.
- Once that temporary band-aid is on, mention how fragile Mami is, and how knowledge of the Witchbomb would not only utterly destroy her as a person, but would turn every good she did, every reason she justifies living, on its head. Rather than a hero, she'd see herself as a Evil.
- That said, we judged in the past that Mami would be able to deal with the Lichbomb and we were wrong. We're not gonna throw around these hazardous secrets willy-nilly. We're not gonna Witchbomb Madoka, nor Sayaka if Homura is against it.