Spot-on, @Redshirt Army - I think conscripts are a no-go, and they will look at such as conscription?

We need to -[X] offer Sendai combat refuge.

Perhaps that is our best response to the threat environment. We should stand ready to have Sakura drag them all here to shelter if invaders attack them.
Sabrina would like to offer this unilaterally, but would want to have Mami make it a public treaty?

Big Idea! The location we plan designate to Yuki... Needs to have a tremendous outdoor human statue! Yuki can get to her highest effectiveness with ready-made Golems?
I think we should ask Mami where the Mitakihara franchise of Big Boy Donuts might be!
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Absolutely not. I've already said this before, and I'll reiterate it now: Volunteering Sendai to fight Walpurgisnacht is no way to earn trust.

We can make a separate arrangement with them at some point, but I don't believe the mutual defense pact is a good start to that whatsoever.
That had occurred to me, but I'm also concerned that shutting them out of the proceedings will come off as disrespectful, like we don't consider them a worthy ally or a power player that needs to be considered.

Maybe if we asked them to mediate or something?
I mean, they've already been out of the proceedings and Rin at least seems fine with it. The two of them have basically just been waiting around to be our transport system.
That had occurred to me, but I'm also concerned that shutting them out of the proceedings will come off as disrespectful, like we don't consider them a worthy ally or a power player that needs to be considered.

Maybe if we asked them to mediate or something?

England doesn't sit in on talks between France and Germany. Insisting on involving unrelated parties in the discussion is disrespectful to Fukushima.
I originally suggested inviting them to the table so they weren't standing around for an hour while we talked to Yuki. If they're not going to have anything to do while we talk, we need to let them head home now. Otherwise they're just going to be bored for another hour before doing another round of teleports. I think that we're likely to give Yuki permission to set up her "lesser nexus", or if not we can fly her and Anri to Fukushima. I'm not particularly interested in letting Rin and Sakura talk to Anri anyway.

[] Have friendly-talk with Rin+Sakura
[] That's probably it for today; you or Yuki can handle things from here.
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Random thought: Should we at some point ask how the Sendai group is doing financially?

I mean, not now, unless things somehow go super well somehow.

Geez, I see votelines I crafted in discussion with other all over the place. I'm still not certain the details of how to go about things.

Okay, I've had no ability to participate for the last couple days but looking at this... I'm not even sure what you're trying to accomplish here or what the end goals are.

All things considered, the vote that's the clearest here is @Racoras


The good thing about that vote is that it leaves the details we can't pick up without seeing what's going on up to Sabrina, so basically Brinapilot social cues.

I dropped it in favour of something more minimalistic because I felt I was tacking in too many vote lines I wasn't sure about.

... I still don't know whether the 'tell them they're a cute couple' thing is a joke or not.
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Apart from emotional support for Rin, do we really need to interact with them after this?
I just dislike offering them an alliance or whatever because how they're acting to Sabrina apart from Rin.
If Sakura and others resent Sabrina, there's no point in getting involve, they got the clear seed.
England doesn't sit in on talks between France and Germany. Insisting on involving unrelated parties in the discussion is disrespectful to Fukushima.
People aren't countries, and I think this is the wrong way to think about it. We're trying to change from meguca being each other's enemies into being... just other meguca, hopefully friends.

I wouldn't bring up letting R&S sit at negotiations right now, but if I did, I would be asking Yuki, Rin and Sakura what they though about it, rather than insist, and if any of them would not like the idea, that'd be that.

We probably should ask everyone else in that case, too, so... let's say we could get home, get ready, then, if Rin and Sakura don't make themselves scarce, check what everyone else feels and maybe invite them some tea and cakes or whatever, since we'd be at the right place for it.

Whether it's a big deal depends on the involved parties.
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England doesn't sit in on talks between France and Germany. Insisting on involving unrelated parties in the discussion is disrespectful to Fukushima.
You remember that time that France withdrew from NATO because de Gaulle was pissy that America and Britain were making decisions without consulting him? When someone's used to being one of the big swinging dicks in the region, they don't take kindly to being left out of the loop. And Sendai was on its way to becoming an empire before we came along.

It's probably fine to not include them if we're not involving any groups besides Mitakihara and Fukushima yet, but if we start to expand this to Asunaro and other friendly groups like some people were suggesting, then Sendai could get antsy if we don't let them get in on the ground floor. This new alliance is going to seriously affect the balance of power in Japan, and people will be watching it nervously.
You remember that time that France withdrew from NATO because de Gaulle was pissy that America and Britain were making decisions without consulting him? When someone's used to being one of the big swinging dicks in the region, they don't take kindly to being left out of the loop. And Sendai was on its way to becoming an empire before we came along.

It's probably fine to not include them if we're not involving any groups besides Mitakihara and Fukushima yet, but if we start to expand this to Asunaro and other friendly groups like some people were suggesting, then Sendai could get antsy if we don't let them get in on the ground floor. This new alliance is going to seriously affect the balance of power in Japan, and people will be watching it nervously.

Sendai was a regional power at best. Ishinomaki fended them off on their own on numerous occasions. That's a far cry from the kind of power that Mitakihara, or even Fukushima, represents. And at the moment Sendai is down a heavy hitter and undergoing restructuring.
Sendai was a regional power at best. Ishinomaki fended them off on their own on numerous occasions. That's a far cry from the kind of power that Mitakihara, or even Fukushima, represents. And at the moment Sendai is down a heavy hitter and undergoing restructuring.
That's kind of my point. They've gone from having at least one client state conquered and paying them tribute to being rendered irrelevant. And anything that rubs their new irrelevance in their face will sting their pride.
We're not yet setting up a large alliance. Right now we're just having talks with a single other group, I'd agree that it's disrespectful if we were having talks with like half a dozen groups and didn't include Sendai, but we aren't on that scale yet.
Yeah, you're probably right that it's fine for now, but it's something we're going to need to take into account going forward. We're staring to organize large groups of people, which means we're entering the realm of politics.
Which means we'll also have to include the Tokyo council... Ugh.
That's inevitable and, frankly, something we need to quit putting off. It's a lot of magical girls that we're leaving out in the cold because we don't want to deal with the council. Also, as the current largest power block around, they're the ones most likely to see the new power block we're forming as a potential threat.
We're kinda waiting on them at the moment, we opened up communication by offering our services, but they're tied up in internal politics right now. Us busting down their door and forcing them to hurry up isn't going to help anything.

The defence pact with fukushima might get them to finally come to a descision... hopefullly? I'm not sure if that'll be a good or bad thing.

Regardless it's out of our hands for now.
Tokyo's indecision, according to the last thing we heard from Noa, is based on old information. They were arguing over who got to use our services first, but they don't know that Clear Seeds have rendered that question moot. There's probably also a lot of people who think we're bogus, and others who think we can be used as a weapon, and others who think we're a potential supervillain. Talking to them could potentially clear a lot of that up and possibly break this deadlock.
Whether they're informed or not, there's a lot of girls in Tokyo that aren't directly participating in their discussions and at some point if their indecision continues we're going to have to cut through their bullshit and just say we're coming over on X date.
Letting them know what happened to the first girl who stole a Clear Seed may help.

And yes, we're basically bringing much needed humanitarian aid. We have the moral high ground if the council tries to stop us.

It's not a matter of whether we go help save the girl starving to eternal suffering, it's a matter of what the council will do to help.

If they don't, they're gonna lose any legitimacy they might have once the Grief Seed starvation issue is ended and every other meguca is out of reasons to put up with their shit.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by defenestrator on Mar 7, 2018 at 1:01 PM, finished with 133920 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Rin, Sakura.
    -[X] Thank them for their help.
    -[X] Ask Rin how she's doing. Show concern.
    -[X] Provide any advice or support that she needs.
    -[X] Potentially:
    --[X] Apologize for dropping the fallout on Rin's shoulders, back then.
    --[X] Thank her trying to do the right thing.
    --[X] Share the UG are doing much better.
    [X] Rin, Sakura.
    -[X] Objectives:
    --[X] Find what's bothering them.
    --[X] Don't make things worse.
    -[X] Conditional objectives?:
    --[X] Apologize to Rin.
    --[X] Give Rin the acknowledgement/support she needs.
    -[X] Possible specifics:
    --[X] Ask how's Rin/Sakura doing, personally.
    --[X] Comment how they make a nice couple.
    --[X] Ask what's bothering/wrong.
    --[X] Say you'd like to maintain cordial relations?
    ---[X] You could agree to help each other in some way, or even hang out some times, so you can get to know each other outside a battlefield, or a 'formal' meeting.
    --[X] Let Rin know the UG are doing better.
    [X] Rin, Sakura.
    -[X] Thank them for their help.
    -[X] Ask Rin how she's doing. Show concern.
    -[X] Potentially:
    --[X] Apologize for dropping the fallout on Rin's shoulders, back then.
    --[X] Thank her trying to do the right thing.
    --[X] Share the UG are doing much better.
    [X] Rin, Sakura.
    -[X] Be brief. Promise emotional support.
    -[X] Acknowledge how Rin stood up for her friends, and helped Akiko. ###Big Change###
    -[X] Ask Rin how she is doing. Take her answer at face value.
    -[X] Talk about the importance of understanding that a Wish is never over, and her girls need help to get up and pursue each of theirs.
    -[X] Get hit by Sakura, take it well. Give her an invitation to come back and spar sometime.
    --[X] Curse back at her. (conditional, done to express fondness)
    [X] Let's make it a summit! Share threat info freely.
    -[X] Ask Kazumi if she wants in on the mutual defense pact.
    --[X] It's kind of understood that we have one, but it might be fun to make it official.
    [X] Rin, Sakura.
    -[X] Be brief.
    -[X] Acknowledge how Rin stood up to her friends, to do the right thing by the UG.
    --[X] Let her know the UG are doing much better.
    -[X] Ask Rin how she is doing. Take her answer at face value.
    [X] Back home.
    [X] Update O&K, let them listen in.
    [X] Mumihugs.
    [X] Madoka and Hitomi.
    -[X] Paint a hopeful, yet reserved impression of the Fukushima. It's safer they don't attend this meeting.
    [X] Defense pact.
    -[X] Small pact. Make sure everybody orders first; you're paying.
    -[X] Light touch for now, keep things in a positive track.
    [X] Redshirt Army
    [X] Show concern. Ask Rin how she's doing.
I'm feeling a slight weariness (from lack of sleep probably) that kind of makes me want to do something like... just ask R&S to sit down, cut the bullshit for a moment and just lay all the cards on the table.

Fuck the animosity and the half heartedness and just address everything.

[ ] Ask to sit down
[ ] Be completely honest, and patient.
[ ] Lay all the cards on the table. Share:
-[ ] The stress you're seeing in R&S, the feeling you might be responsible for it, at least partially.
-[ ] Where you feel Sakura's animosity comes from:
--[ ] A bad first impression.
--[ ] Our forcing Rin to face realities she wanted to protect her from.
--[ ] Our messing with the order their group have managed to make for themselves, for better or worse.
--[ ] Being the drop that broke Akiko's mind.
-[ ] Your reasons for your actions.
--[ ] Your Wish. The current life of Magical Girls everywhere, and your wish to improve it, for all of them.
--[ ] The UG being extorted onto the brink of death back then.
--[ ] Their group's refusal to cooperate and their abusive conduct.
--[ ] What would've happened had you not acted.
-[ ] Your regrets, and what you hope for, moving forward.
--[ ] For Akiko to recover.
--[ ] No more protection rackets; abuse; winners and losers. Everybody can win now.
--[ ] To be friends, or at least to cooperate where necessary.

[ ] Sit down. Talk.
[ ] Lay all the cards on the table.
-[ ] The stress you're seeing in them. Your part of the responsibility.
-[ ] Sakura's animosity: How you took control of everything she held dear.
-[ ] Your own reasons: Your Wish; the Magical Girl lot in life and improvement thereof; their group's abusive conducts.
-[ ] Your regrets: Not what you did, but that you couldn't do better.
-[ ] Your hopes: Recovery; quality of life improvemets; friendship.

I don't know, it might be the wrong approach, or the wrong time, or the wrong something or everything, but I would like to actually address the whole of the everything at some point.
I'm feeling a slight weariness (from lack of sleep probably) that kind of makes me want to do something like... just ask R&S to sit down, cut the bullshit for a moment and just lay all the cards on the table.
I... don't actually think that that's such a bad idea? The impression that I get from Sakura is that she doesn't really understand why we did what we did, she just thinks that we're interfering for the sake of interference. I'm still on board with trying to give Rin a boost. I think that this would do both and more.

Do we have time to do that right now? I feel like Yuki's waiting on us a bit.

Hmm. Other possible solution to Rin+Sakura being bored while we talk to Yuki: If we're actually serious about them being a couple, tell them about some good date spots around Mitakihara, drop them some cash, grab them on our way out, and use the flight back to fill them in on the bigger picture.

I assume we're going to be giving Yuki the "I Wished to make the world a better place" speech? Do we want to try to double that up so Rin+Sakura get it too? That might be a reason to ask them to stick around just for the first couple minutes of the meeting, even if not the rest.