To start with:
[x] Serious time. First, this is basically meguca Pinnacle - Empty Quiver. Second, Friends are in trouble, and
you don't fuck with Mitakihara.
Personnel and Capabiltiies:
- Would Homura be willing to pull the Asunarians into timestop? Probably not. So we're not able to do the entire response in timestop. I think that we can ask Homura to timestop so we can build griefhax devices, however.
- Sayaka is asleep in her apartment. She can get a clone out. Waking her up will piss her off, but not waking her up will piss her off more, so we wake her up. She can use the juggernaut power and meguca healing to deal with being awake at 4 AM.
- The Mikunis. If we don't take both of them, who do we leave behind to watch them? Sayaklone?
[x] Get everyone awake, alert, smooth, and focused. Mami can probably make with some enchanting and healing.
[x] Actions, descending priority:
-[x] Start gathering information: Niko status, lab status, timing, history, motives.
--[x] Loop people in as they come online.
--[x] Let Mami take over as you coordinate.
-[x] Telepathy Homura: Asunaro situation is heating up.
-[x] Telepathy Sayaka: Trouble in Asunaro. Leave a clone in bed, grab note-taking tools, stealth out,
fly way high and head for Asunaro.
-[x] To all: You have reason to believe mindfuckery. Load up on protections, keep in contact at all times, Sayaka will stay out of range to handle passwords and overwatch using clones.
-[x] Grab everyone's Witch Names for identification.
-[x] Ask Homura for a private conversation.
Things that I'm uncertain about are marked in blue.
I'd like to assign Sayaka to be master-stranger overwatch, basically. Take down everyone's passwords, spawn clones and use the eagle-eye power to watch people, stay high enough that she can't be fucked with, generally act as our known uncompromised person. Only hiccup is that I don't know if she can strike from passenger-plane cruising altitude; maybe lightning? Additionally, I think that we still think that Sayaka is our most vulnerable meguca, and this keeps her out of trouble while playing to her unique competences (non-aerodynamic flight and super-stable levitation from juggernaut, clones, super eyesight). Big disadvantage is that we wouldn't be able to pull her into the timestop to share situation metaknowledge with her.
I'm not sure about revealing that we have something past what everyone else knows, specifically that there's a mindfuckery threat. I think that we should
absolutely inform metabomb-aware team members, which is what the timestop request is for, but the Asunarians not so much. I'd also like to take that time to make with the griefhax to prepare tools and countermeasures.
edit: whoops, forgot to delete the other votes that I was using for ideas. deleted.