I also refuse to accept the lack of hugs in this update.

But more seriously, hugs are soothing when you're down, if they're from the right source. And with hugs being Sabrina's "thing", I doubt it really could backfire seriously, not without Sayaka having a bit of a freakout which would be weird.
As far as flow goes, I don't think it's that weird. Sayaka kinda cut the line of conversation with her "I guess." which is incredibly non-committal and means that we either restart the conversation, or just drop the issue. The latters not an option, so...
I'll go with too flippant, although it's not meant to be a word-for-word construction of 'Brina's argument. Basically what I was saying is that Sayaka's perfectly poised, personality wise, to get through the prickles of Kyouko's personality and actually help her be a better person.
Take this from a paladin-type myself: there is
No better way, period, to motivate a Paladin than to tell them they have the opportunity to redeem somebody. It's what we
do. If we hint to Sayaka that Kyouko has a dark past and she has the opportunity to drag her out of it, and she turns that down, I'll delete my account and become a denizen of /pol/. It ain't gonna happen.
This is direction. More-over, it's trust, explicitly, and without any room for lying. We're directly telling her that we trust her enough to let her do her own thing, and let her handle a mission on her own.
Micromanaging her is going to have the opposite effect. Micromanaging means you don't trust your generals, governors, or other subordinates to properly do their job. You don't trust them to do the very thing you asked them to do. I'm fine with letting Sayaka ask us questions if she needs to, but let's not be helicoptering around shouting "HEY, LISTEN!" because that'll send the wrong message.
I'll modify it to make that more clear.
[X] Hug Sayaka. We believe in her, whether she does or not.
-[X] If she wants to be useful, how about she handles something for us? It's not really our secret to specify, but suffice to say Kyouko's done some bad things in the past, and recent famine in Kasaimono might push her back to doing said bad things. We'd prefer she didn't, and we think she would too - but she's got problems doing otherwise.
--[X] Because of some trauma that's unrelated but we also can't get into, Kyouko and Mami had a falling out. That means that now that all the witches are gathering in Mitakihara, Kyouko's not willing to move into our territory and trust us. As a hint, we'd rather her not ask Mami right now - it's fresh in her mind because of some of our own fuck-ups.
--[X] We'd like Sayaka to get closer to Kyouko and see if she can't coax her into being a bit more trusting - it's a prickly, fiddly situation, and one she'll have to make
absolutely sure Kyouko never finds out we put her up to, but if she wants to be useful, she's in a better position to do so, because we have reason to believe her just being herself might be enough to do it.
--[X] Emphasize both that Kyouko cannot find out she's doing this on purpose, and that both Kyouko and Mami have issues regarding the topic - we'll help as much as we can, but in the end it's up to her to discover and navigate all the obstacles in her way before Kyouko turns into a tragic villainess.
-[X] Also, if she's looking for something to work while sore from training, you'd suggest clones. Manpower... er, Megucapower? is valuable.
[X] Transform stress into happiness through mumihugs.
[X] Karaoke!
-[X] Have a duet with Mami.
So the plan, from Sayaka's perspective, should be something similar to this:
1: Gather intel from Koko
1a) Figure out why they had a falling out
1b) Identify closet skeletons without getting stabbed
2: Prevent resurgence of Skeletons through application of charm
2a) Kyouko note: Charm in this case might mean fighting
3: Fix Kyouko's trust issues and bring her to Mitakihara for friendshipping.
4: Absolutely don't get caught.
4a) Note to self: Buy cyanide pills in case I'm captured by OpFor.
This should motivate Sayaka to spend more time with Kyouko and maybe Mami, which would be nice. It shows that we have trust in her to make the right choices to proceed the mission without handholding. Honestly, it's probably a better briefing than the AF would have given me had I been sent on a similar mission, so I doubt she'll have many questions. It also explains why we're being vague: we can't tell other people's secrets, but we can tell her who can.
I dunno. Just my thoughts.