Archangel of Nutella.
Perfect. We can use a segue into telling adults about magic.At some point, Hitomi's parents are going to start wondering why so many of her friends are suddenly homeless.
Perfect. We can use a segue into telling adults about magic.At some point, Hitomi's parents are going to start wondering why so many of her friends are suddenly homeless.
At some point, Hitomi's parents are going to start wondering why so many of her friends are suddenly homeless.
Sabrina: "So, in conclusion, it was a mistake to use Prime Luce indoors. But now I've sworn off heavy drinking so it won't happen again!"
No joke, but that's what I was thinking. Hitomi's parents are in the best position to help us out, and their daughter is in the least danger by being linked into the Magical World, by dint of just not being important enough to anybody but Sayaka and Madoka.
You can just check her wiki page. Her mom died when she was young; her dad hanged himself not long ago.
We also have infinite multitasking and a lot of computer skills [We can offer the Shizukis payment for whatever we ask.
Not only can we steal money from Yakuzas, we can also use magic to do practically anything, as far physics as concerned.
I'll laugh if we end up an employee of the Shizukis....
Can we get our Grief manipulation small scale enough that we can separate out isotopes of an element?
I think some radioactive isotopes are sort after but are impractical to separate normally, and would therefore have a good price mark up.
(A quick look up says a gram of Pu-239 is worth about $5000.)
Now, whether producing the components of nuclear weapons in order to buy housing for homeless girls is a good idea or not....
We'd probably be better off selling precisely engraved objects, or registering Sabrina as a power plant with odd operating times.
Hm... I haven't played PoE since beating the game a while back, that might be interesting.So, if anyone's wondering - my free time appears to have suddenly vanished due to Path of Exile's huge expansion finally releasing. Whoops.
We might be able to trap Kyuubey into doing the memory modification.Not unless we're willing to literally buy a ten-thousand-square-meter factory and then relentlessly memory-modify inspectors and corporate executives
Well we could, but my vague recollections of 2011 tell me that right "now" is smack in the middle of the time that China is using monopolistic business practices to flood the market with cheap rare earths and force all other rare earth mining operations out of business already, so it might not be the best time to do it. There's also the problem of regulatory hurdles: if we're registering as a mining company then we need to provide documentation as to where these minerals are coming from. Are we mining somewhere? Where's our mining rights? Have we done the environmental legwork? Claiming that we're filtering from the ocean is even more likely to be scrutinized, because there are a lot of groups that get involved if we're potentially endangering cute dolphins or someone else's fishing enterprise.Someone way upthread suggested purifying silicon. I think that refining rare earths and other minerals that are used in electronics manufacturing would be very useful, myself.
Well we could, but my vague recollections of 2011 tell me that right "now" is smack in the middle of the time that China is using monopolistic business practices to flood the market with cheap rare earths and force all other rare earth mining operations out of business already, so it might not be the best time to do it.
There's also the problem of regulatory hurdles: if we're registering as a mining company then we need to provide documentation as to where these minerals are coming from.
*hangedYou can just check her wiki page. Her mom died when she was young; her dad hung himself not long ago.
The Kures need to be... well, we should try and talk to them, after getting consent from Oriko and Kirika.*hanged
Hanged is used for hanging. Hung is used for the nonlethal variety.
Also, Kirika's parents aren't "losers". We don't know anything about them, other than the fact that they were visibly concerned about Kirika not being back home despite it being rather late out.
Openly state that we're creating them by magic. Demonstrate for anyone who comes to inspect our stuff.![]()
I think Kyuubey would probably mindwipe these folk, assuming they exist in a universe where girls probably have come up and actually obtained those prizes.If you're willing to just cop to having magic, you're trying too hard. There's a lot of low hanging fruit out there.
There's also a delivery/courier service, once we get enough teleporters. Being able to instantly teleport to any point in another city within a given country is impossible to beat with technology. The issue is scale--once the business grows enough, demand would probably exceed the capacity we can transport with what teleporters we have.Mass industrial isn't the way to go, especially for things like silicon wafers for circuit production. For those kinds of things you're making huge industrial contracts that we simply won't be able to handle as a fly-by-night operation. Not unless we're willing to literally buy a ten-thousand-square-meter factory and then relentlessly memory-modify inspectors and corporate executives. No, that's not going to work.
What will work is on-demand exotic fabrication for research labs. Machining crazy custom parts out of special alloys to near-impossible tolerances for high-energy physics labs, delivering milligram or microgram quantities of samples of large molecules that're isotopically pure including exactly one 14C atom in a specific place so a chemistry lab can track that one atom through a reaction, fabricate damn near any kind of wonky physical structure for materials science labs to look at, etc. We could crank out a million-dollar job an hour, or even faster.
Kyubey would absolutely veto any of that, though. It's one thing to establish a secret business relationship with one or two people. It's another to provide publicly verifiable scientific evidence of supernatural phenomena.If you're willing to just cop to having magic, you're trying too hard. There's a lot of low hanging fruit out there.