Hmm. I'm actually sort of tempted to accept Hitomi's offer, since it ties into telling parents about megucas later, which we want, and shows Madoka how non-gucas can tangibly contribute. Plus, ++ to the Hitomi Social Link and all associated yakuza connections.
We told Kyouko we'd see her this evening along with Sayaka. We need to either telepathy Mami and Sayaka to plan out how to fit that around the Pleiades, or tell Kyouko about our change of plans.
I wouldn't be against something like:
• You don't know how many magical girls will be coming by with need of housing in the future, since you advertised offering your help to those in need. You'll be very happy with any help you can get on that front. Graciously accept Hitomi's offer. Ask how long that would take.
• After lunch, hang out with the Asunaro girls while setting up the warehouse as a temporary housing measure. Additionally, ask Kirika if she can book a hotel room online ahead of time as well. You'll repay Oriko those funds, of course.
• If you have some spare time, go do some sightseeing with the Pliades while chatting. If you run into any witches, put them down along with them.
• Once school ends, go for a witch hunt as a large group with your visitors. Keep everyone cleansed. Bid your new friends temporarily adieu, go visit Kyouko along with Sayaka, let Mami catch up with her old friend some more on her own.
• Let Sayaka know that Kyouko is touchy about her power, so she doesn't put her foot in her mouth asking to copy it.
• Stay well back and let Kyouko handle the training proper. Don't interfere at all, give them enough room to gripe about you if they want. Just observe at a distance. Keep in touch with Mami if she wants it.
• Go back home, have a proper slumber party with the Pleiades.