"Nah, I'm not a clone," Kazumi says.

"I will. We will be there!" Nadia says cheerfully, and exits the telepathic call.
The narrative keeps giving us more chances to talk to Nadia. There's clearly something huge that we've missed.
Adhoc vote count started by Firnagzen on Aug 10, 2017 at 10:01 AM, finished with 122433 posts and 3 votes.

  • [x] Beam at Homura for her "making time" joke.
    [x] Graciously accept Hitomi's offer - it's a great help. How long does she think it'll take?
    [x] Telepathy Mami. Sayaka's melee training is scheduled M/W/F. Should you move today's lesson to Wednesday, or accompany Sayaka tonight while she entertains guests?
    -[x] If she wants to reschedule, break to voting. Else, discuss that scheduling with the group and pick a non-conflicting time for the group hunt.
    -[x] Comfort Mami as necessary.
    [x] Dessert? Dessert. Have a great lunch.
    -[x] Ask the Pleiades about the meguca you felt trailing after Nico earlier.
    [x] Unless the apartment will be ready tomorrow, go deal with housing after lunch.
    -[x] Contact O&K, ask if they can get a hotel room ready for tomorrow.
    [x] Tour town and go shopping. Buy Mami a dress.
    -[x] Offer Kazumi a demo of your powers to copy.
    [X] Agree to hunting tonight.
    [X] Dessert? Dessert.
    [X] Beam at Homura for her "make time" joke.
    [X] Graciously accept Hitomi's offer. Give her details.
    -[X] If the housing can't be ready tomorrow morning, we'll use a hotel for now.
    [X] After leaving:
    -[X] If Hitomi already confirmed the housing will take time, telepathy O&K asking to rent that hotel room.
    -[X] Ask Kazumi to help you pick a dress to gift Mami.
    -[X] Since Kazumi can copy power effects, offer to show off your powers at some point.
    [X] Tell the Pleiades about that meguca you felt trailing after Niko earlier.
    [X] Telepathy Mami and Sayaka; share the details of the deal with Kyouko.
    -[X] Tell/remind Sayaka to not ask about Kyouko's powers.
"Do you not?" Oriko sounds faintly surprised. "I see. Kirika does, if you would like to request her help."

"... should I ask why she has one?" you venture.

"She had it before she met me," Oriko says, voice turning fond. "I gather that she found it useful at times."
Kirika was a misanthrope, right? I'm guessing she uses the ID if she needs to stay out of the house for awhile (like ager a bad argument with her family) and stay at a motel or something, having no friends' houses to couchsurf on.
"Yup!" Sayaka says, and digs in her pocket before pulling out a large keychain full of tabs, each one mounted with a power gem. "Each of these is a power I copied!"

"Oh, that's cool," you say, leaning forward to peer at the wheel. "When did you make that?"

"I got papa to help!" Sayaka says, beaming. "It's just sheet plastic, really. See, like this, they're all accessible quickly. And there's enough empty spots if I get more powers, though I might just make another one. Um... I was wondering, Mami, if you could help me enchant it to make it more durable?"
I think that's a really cute scene, Miki-dad helping Sayaka with a DIY project she efficiently use her cosmic magical powers.

Also, we need to make a Megaman joke on Sayaka in the future :V
"Housing issues, Sabrina?" Hitomi enquires. "Anything I can help with?"

"Eh - we've got two more out-of-town magical girls travelling here," you say, scratching at the back of your neck. "Need to figure out where they live, since Mami's spare bedroom is going to be occupied. Um, sorry Kazumi, I should have mentioned this earlier."

"No, not at all," she says, shaking her head.

Hitomi makes a thoughtful noise. "If you do need help, I could probably ask my parents," she says. "Friend of a friend."

You beam at her. "Thanks, Hitomi. I appreciate it."
I feel like this was a momentous occasion. Is this the birth of the meguca support network?

And yeah, we need to have a brainstorming session with Hitomi for long-term solutions on the housing issues. Maybe we could include Madoka too.
Sayaka has copied Kazumi's copying, but can Kazumi copy Sayaka's copy of her copied powers, and can Sayaka copy Kazumi's copying to copy Kazuza's copied copies?
If Kazumi and Sayaka has a combination attack, can I suggest we call it either a.) DMCA or b.) Attacco dei toucani :V
If she copies effects, can she learn cleansing and/or Prima Luce? The first is less likely because it's direct Grief manipulation, but the later is a mundane effect that just happens to have bullshit origins. Although if she can't protect herself from the side effects..
Hm. You did intend to travel to Kasamino with Mami after their visit.

"Honestly, I think both Mami and I are fine with you staying as long as you like," you say, shrugging. "So... up to you?"

"Maybe... maybe two or three days?" Kazumi suggests. "Then you can come over to Kasamino!"

*Everyone look at each other*

Sabrina: "Sorry, we just had a collective brain damage moment.... days."

"I don't have any ID for it," you say. The warehouse would be a good option, but for the fact that it's way out in the industrial district. The remoteness of the location is in some ways a boon - it'd make comings and goings for them easier, but it is in the old industrial district. For all that Oriko had the warehouse nicely furnished, it isn't the best place.

"Do you not?" Oriko sounds faintly surprised. "I see. Kirika does, if you would like to request her help."

"... should I ask why she has one?" you venture.

"She had it before she met me," Oriko says, voice turning fond. "I gather that she found it useful at times."

"Noooot gonna ask then," you say. "Thanks for the advice and the permission!"

"You are welcome," Oriko says, and ends the call.
If we take Hitomi's offer, we should make sure to tell Oriko we still appreciate hers.

It's nice having friends who want to help.

The school bell rings. Sudden activity explodes from beneath you as class ends, and you can just hear the 'Stand! Bow! Sit!' routines, repeated dozens of times over. And then there's noise and movement, and you can feel Mami's presence, glowing warm and bright as she pelts up the stairs three at a time.
Mmm... Is it still 'stand bow sit' when they're preparing to leave? That sounds counterproductive.

"Maybe you're the clone, Sabrina," Kaoru says.
Shit, they're onto us!

Mami blushes. "Well- it's fun to do, but we haven't really tested it properly yet."
I guess pwning that one jellyfish Witch doesn't count, eh?

We need a bigger target to propoerly test out Cannone Picchio.

Oh hey, I think Walpurgisnacht will make for a good test subject. :p

Oriko does have a point, given Sabrina's tendency to get involved in big situations.
Once we manage and lift the house arrest, we need to involve Oriko and Kirika in lots of things, just as friends, so as to make this 'Sabrina call=problem' disappear.

Hmm. I'm actually sort of tempted to accept Hitomi's offer, since it ties into telling parents about megucas later, which we want, and shows Madoka how non-gucas can tangibly contribute. Plus, ++ to the Hitomi Social Link and all associated yakuza connections. :V

We told Kyouko we'd see her this evening along with Sayaka. We need to either telepathy Mami and Sayaka to plan out how to fit that around the Pleiades, or tell Kyouko about our change of plans.

I wouldn't be against something like:

• You don't know how many magical girls will be coming by with need of housing in the future, since you advertised offering your help to those in need. You'll be very happy with any help you can get on that front. Graciously accept Hitomi's offer. Ask how long that would take.
• After lunch, hang out with the Asunaro girls while setting up the warehouse as a temporary housing measure. Additionally, ask Kirika if she can book a hotel room online ahead of time as well. You'll repay Oriko those funds, of course.
• If you have some spare time, go do some sightseeing with the Pliades while chatting. If you run into any witches, put them down along with them.
• Once school ends, go for a witch hunt as a large group with your visitors. Keep everyone cleansed. Bid your new friends temporarily adieu, go visit Kyouko along with Sayaka, let Mami catch up with her old friend some more on her own.
• Let Sayaka know that Kyouko is touchy about her power, so she doesn't put her foot in her mouth asking to copy it.
• Stay well back and let Kyouko handle the training proper. Don't interfere at all, give them enough room to gripe about you if they want. Just observe at a distance. Keep in touch with Mami if she wants it.
• Go back home, have a proper slumber party with the Pleiades.
Silly Redshirt. We either accept Hitomi's offer, or Oriko's. What are we, back at quest start?

I'd go with Hitomi, I think, for the purposes of inclusion and telling parents about meguca.

But do thank Oriko again for the offer!

... And apologize to Kirika for not enabling her delinquency. :V

I see someone shipping Mamibrina!
Everyone does. :p

It strikes me as odd that Oriko just assumes we had an ID.
Even though she knows about 'amnesia'.
Now watch, Sabrina had ID sitting in the pocket of the clothes she woke up in, but she hasn't checked them, and they're sitting in the "to-be-folded" laundry pile.
... You're so right. Oriko must think we existed before the alley? I... It seems the ID she's talking about is a fake of-age ID ("Kirika found it useful...") but... @Redshirt Army @Godwinson thoughts? This seems at least mildly important. Anything that surprises Oriko probably is but still.
What if Kirika really is Sabrina's best buddy and just hasn't said anything because she doesn't want to cause stress by trying to force our memories to return before we're ready? And the reason Oriko thinks that we have an ID is because Sabrina and Kirika used to be delinquents together.
[] Graciously accept Hitomi's offer. There'll likely be more refugees coming, so it's a great help. How long does she think it'll take?

[] Telepathy Sayaka and Mami. Sayaka's melee training ended up being scheduled M/W/F. Should you push the first lesson to Wednesday, or accompany Sayaka tonight? Mami could catch up with Kazumi at home while you do.
-[] You should be able to fit in a hunt all together either way. Settle on a time, and let the visitors know the plan.

[] Eat dessert, have a great lunch.

[] Go deal with housing after lunch.
-[] Contact Kirika and Oriko, ask if they can get a hotel room ready for tomorrow online.
-[] Go set up Oriko's warehouse to be ready to use anyway, in case of unexpected arrivals.
-[] Let the Pleiades in on your plans with Nadia. If you finish before school ends, offer a tour of town.

147 words.
Speaking of Kasamino, we really need to set up lunch with Michiru and Kyouko. At an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Sure, we'll get thrown out of the establishment in under an hour because we're literally eating them out of business, but it'll be worth it.
Silly Redshirt. We either accept Hitomi's offer, or Oriko's. What are we, back at quest start?

I don't actually think that's accurate. Hitomi can get a lot done, but I dunno that she can get an apartment ready for tomorrow, so we still need a temporary solution.

A hotel is higher quality, and thus keeping our guests there for a bit while we get permanent housing is a better option than warehouse-hime*, but there's no reason not to prepare - these aren't going to be the last refugees we take, but rather the start of an incoming flood.

* warehouse-hime = opulent housing warehouse; warehouse-kun = science testing warehouse; OTP OTP
I don't actually think that's accurate. Hitomi can get a lot done, but I dunno that she can get an apartment ready for tomorrow, so we still need a temporary solution.

A hotel is higher quality, and thus keeping our guests there for a bit while we get permanent housing is a better option than warehouse-hime*, but there's no reason not to prepare - these aren't going to be the last refugees we take, but rather the start of an incoming flood.

* warehouse-hime = opulent housing warehouse; warehouse-kun = science testing warehouse; OTP OTP
Let's ask Hitomi before deciding anything.

Otherwise we may end up renting a hotel room... and not occupying it. I don't know you, but that's weird to me.

Renting hotel rooms shouldn't take long, so we can do it as we need.
Let's ask Hitomi before deciding anything.

Otherwise we may end up renting a hotel room... and not occupying it. I don't know you, but that's weird to me.

I kinda figured that would happen automatically, but fair enough. I already included asking Hitomi how long it takes, so making the renting explicitly conditional won't take much. I'll edit my vote draft once I get a few more comments on it, to keep the number of revisions reasonable.
She probably assumed that we would have the sense to have gotten a fake ID by now. :p
Maybe she see how well Sabrina and Kirika get along and assumed if Kirika had an ID, Sabrina should, too.

Or she assumed we're a delinquent because of the hair colour. She would know.

Also, she's totally hiding that she does have a fake ID, and is using Kirika as a distraction.
So if we take Hitomi's offer, we don't actually have anything to do regarding housing unless she immediately tells us it won't be ready for tomorrow. We should give her the details, that the two Shiogama girls are arriving tomorrow morning, 10 AM, and that we can rent an hotel room if that's too son.

We'll likely have to wait on an actual answer until after she gets home from school.

So we have three hours' free time.

What to do?

We should telepathy Mami and ask what she wants to do after school, so we know what to not do while we have the Pleiades to ourselves.

Oh, we should tell Kazumi, Kaoru and Umika about the meguca tailing Niko earlier today.

So hey, let's ask Kazumi to help us pick a dress to gift Mami! :p
Reminder we need to contact the Tokyogucas (and Yukariguca in particular), and Grief check Kuroki's phone.

EDIT: And ask Homu for timestop SCIENCE!. We can practice being an aware Soul Gem, for example.
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At some point, Hitomi's parents are going to start wondering why so many of her friends are suddenly homeless.

The Asunaro girls would probably enjoy doing some SCIENCE! with us to kill time.