Nascent Transhuman

The narrative keeps giving us more chances to talk to Nadia. There's clearly something huge that we've missed."I will. We will be there!" Nadia says cheerfully, and exits the telepathic call.
Adhoc vote count started by Firnagzen on Aug 10, 2017 at 10:01 AM, finished with 122433 posts and 3 votes.
[x] Beam at Homura for her "making time" joke.
[x] Graciously accept Hitomi's offer - it's a great help. How long does she think it'll take?
[x] Telepathy Mami. Sayaka's melee training is scheduled M/W/F. Should you move today's lesson to Wednesday, or accompany Sayaka tonight while she entertains guests?
-[x] If she wants to reschedule, break to voting. Else, discuss that scheduling with the group and pick a non-conflicting time for the group hunt.
-[x] Comfort Mami as necessary.
[x] Dessert? Dessert. Have a great lunch.
-[x] Ask the Pleiades about the meguca you felt trailing after Nico earlier.
[x] Unless the apartment will be ready tomorrow, go deal with housing after lunch.
-[x] Contact O&K, ask if they can get a hotel room ready for tomorrow.
[x] Tour town and go shopping. Buy Mami a dress.
-[x] Offer Kazumi a demo of your powers to copy.
[X] Agree to hunting tonight.
[X] Dessert? Dessert.
[X] Beam at Homura for her "make time" joke.
[X] Graciously accept Hitomi's offer. Give her details.
-[X] If the housing can't be ready tomorrow morning, we'll use a hotel for now.
[X] After leaving:
-[X] If Hitomi already confirmed the housing will take time, telepathy O&K asking to rent that hotel room.
-[X] Ask Kazumi to help you pick a dress to gift Mami.
-[X] Since Kazumi can copy power effects, offer to show off your powers at some point.
[X] Tell the Pleiades about that meguca you felt trailing after Niko earlier.
[X] Telepathy Mami and Sayaka; share the details of the deal with Kyouko.
-[X] Tell/remind Sayaka to not ask about Kyouko's powers.