Oriko takes a shuddering breath, closing her eyes before looking at you again. "She's making things worse," she says in a low voice. "Kyuubey already knows, and if he tells her that, she will despair. You have to stop that from happening."
Unrelated, do remember that Oriko gave an explicitwarning not to let Homura know.
I have to get into this conversation, and it's not Mami. Sad catgirl.
So, fair point of warning, I'm going to use some contentious terms at points in this, and so I'm just going to ask that you first read in detail the entire thing before you start replying.
The issue at hand here is that we
must never let Homura know she is "making things worse" with each loop.
We must also not allow Kyubey to
tell convince her of that.
There are only so many ways we could
possibly fulfill the second requirement. As Aranfan notes, Kyubey appears not to need permission to telepathy somebody, as per ep. 1 of PMMM where he telepathies Madoka. Trying to cut communications with Kyubey is a possibility, then, but one which would require magic.
Ugolino has famously contested that the quest should be entirely winnable with only social actions if these are carried out properly. Frankly, that is an argument that makes
some, and I want to stress,
some, amount of
sense: Firnagzen has had an overall quest premise since before we wished in the opening pages, and has shown us possible non-cleansing wishes, even
combat-oriented (the "durability" wish snip) wishes. Two things carry over between powersets: "social", and regular magic.
I want to interject at this point -- I'm not making one of those goddamn archaic anti-science posts here. Science is useful for social is useful for science, these are intertwined, just don't even.
At any rate, the point I want to raise is this: Oriko's warning came on
page 210, long before we got even
remotely into the depths of our powerset or started looking into enchantment. Furthermore, Homura's vulnerability to the truth of her making things worse through the loops has been an existant factoid since
2011 when PMMM aired. What I mean to suggest here is that this problem is an integral one to the quest; a problem Firn had conceived well before we made our wish -- and therefore also a problem there were already conceived solutions to, ignoring our powerset.
So, I think those number two at most: a communication-severing enchantment, or a social solution, and either way
Kyubey must be prevented from convincing Homura that the loops have been making things worse.
The mechanism of the enchantment is obvious in how it achieves its goal.
A social action, however, must by some means prevent Kyubey from convincing Homura of something that is, apparently, objectively true, despite Kyubey's known inability to lie by commission. This appears impossible at first glance.
However, I do not feel that it is in fact objectively true that Homura has been, quote, "making things worse", and one
must note that this is separate from "Homura's loops have been increasing Madoka's potential", and that it is
the former that Oriko warned of. In PMAS, existing theory dictates that Homura raised Madoka's potential to a point where Madoka was able to interfere with the next loop, which created
us, and objectively speaking, this loop is undeniably going "better" from Homura's POV than, hell, probably any other loop ever, as a result of our existence.
Given that Kyubey cannot lie by commission, and cannot be "naturally" prevented from communicating with Homura, the only way to prevent Kyubey from convincing Homura of something which is objectively true, without preventing communication, is for that thing to be objectively false. Interestingly, the only person who would have any hope whatsoever of making this argument (that, in fact, this loop is better, and
Homura's actions lead to it) and convincing Homura of it is the same person who is immune to Oriko's precog -- Sabrina.
In terms of actually dealing with this, then, this is how I would handle this conversation.
[] Hesitate.
[] Tell Homura that Kyubey has an infohazard on her, which is
not harmful to
anyone except to her and then
only if she is exposed to it.
-[] You have three possible ideas. You can just tell her not to listen to Kyubey, which is probably obvious. You can look in to how to prevent Kyubey from communicating with someone. You can try to "defuse" the infohazard.
One thing I have noticed people lacking in their votes -- without extra input Homura will compare an infohazard to witch/lichbombs. This is not a good thing because both of those concern meguca as a whole and threaten her
friends (including
Madoka), not just her, and
crucially the witchbomb and lichbomb are actually threats whether or not you are aware of them. If you don't know the lichbomb that won't save you from a grief spiral. If you don't know the witchbomb that won't save you from a Tetris or just a girl witching next to you and subsequently killing you.
If Homura doesn't know the potentialbomb, then there are no such consequences, and I think that needs to be communicated to prevent her from thinking "this is something I
have to know."