...Yea, and the way you fix those social problems is by being the person that normal Meguca can't afford to be: An idealist.
....yes and no.
Yes, you have your ideals.
Yes, you stick to them, and you don't ever let the universe make your compromise. (Other people, evidence to the contrary, maybe. But never physics. Never entropy.)
Yes, you save everyone, all people, the whole world, save the whole world and every world without limit without exception without fail. Yes, you acknowledge no limits, let not one thing stand in your way.
... But you can't - being Sayaka doesn't work. You can't just throw your ideals at the world and expect the world to change.
Yes, we have power. How do we turn "power over Grief" into "solving myriad systemic problems?" We can remove scarcity - all scarcity, eventually - but we can't stop people being dicks. Not without outright mind control or something equally horrible. How do we
actually save the world, given the power we have? How do we get people not to hold grudges when we take away their power? How do we keep people sane as the truth spreads about the witches? (Which it well, whether we like it or not, eventually.) How do we build a society out of hidden magical girls, create a safety net for magical girls who can't or won't hunt? How do we take this power to the
mundane world, the world where someone dies every one point eight seconds of almost-always completely preventable causes?
"Be an idealist" is only the first step. It doesn't tell you how to reach victory. Not if we want to save everyone.