Also, @TheEyes, you too. You can do without the sniping.
Oh dear, was I being unintentionally mean? I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to be; I was just observing that memes and in-jokes happen, and if something seems to come out of nowhere in one thread it probably has an origin in another thread, especially Discord in this case since so many people here hang out there.

It appears to have been wrong in this case, though, but that doesn't mean that a "shrug and move on" philosophy is a bad idea.
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"Gays are disgusting!" exclaimed the protestor.

"Nope, proof by adorableness," Sabrina brings up a video on her cellphone, where Madoka is feeding Homura, who is blushing bright red.

"They're an affront before the eyes of god!"

"Yeah, no, the pink-haired one is god. You're wrong, Q.E.D. Also, I improved your sign."

The sign now reads 'Yuri shall conquer the earth'

While the protestor is distracted, Sabrina flies away to have platonic gay snuggles with her sorta-girlfriend, and everything was better.

The end.

Thank you :)

Nah, I think that Kai just found a funny picture, but didn't want to post it without attaching at least some text or some relationship to the thread, so came up with some context.

Well, actually, I thought about writing an omake with it then remembered I don't do that in here. So I wrote a couple lines instead. Godwinson wrote the omake for me :D

It... kinda was? @Kaizuki posted it to chat first, but it didn't really get commented on there. (It was pretty out of nowhere there, too.)

Ummmmm... I found it and then basically went to post it in both places. I was either high on chocolate milk or still hadn't gotten out of bed at the time.

Edit: *checks timestamp* ooooooh yeah was 100% high on chocolate milk when I posted that.
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Oh, I forgot to comment on these.
Homuplomancy+Kyouplomancy, while one is reigned in by Madoka and other by Yuma?
That's...interesting picture, but I think Kyouko would expect to see us personally, what with us being almost her friend and all.
So negotiations between Madoka and Yuma?
I don't know if Brina's multitasking is up for that... so we should test it! :V
It is. Also, particles smaller than 2.5 um are invisible.
So negotiations between Madoka and Yuma?
Well, it'd start as tense, glare-filled negotiations between Homura and Kyoko, but then Madoka sees Yuma, says hi, and then five minutes later it's Madoka and Yuma cheerfully chatting away over ice cream sundaes while Homura and Kyoko sit on the sidelines, wondering what the heck just happened. :V

"...and Big Sis met this blue girl, last night, and was totally tsundere for her. Is it okay for a girl to have two Big Sisters?"

"Of course it's okay! Poor Kyouske, though; those two might have been a cute couple, but when True Love calls all you can do is answer!"

"But... but I..."

"Don't even bother, Kyoko. It's too late now; they'll never let it go."
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Kommando could make it successful camouflage.
You never see an army kitted out like that, so it must be dead sneaky.
Eh, maybe, but honestly?

We bring Hope from Despair.

We wield Magic.

We steal, trade in, and manipulate Souls.

We devise machinations and plots of ever increasing complexity, to the point that we must devise yet more to address the inevitable conflicts between our preexisting plans.

We are unpredictable in the extreme, seemingly running off on tangents and getting distracted...because we have so many machinations and conflicting personalities that demand swift changes in mood and behavior, with no easily discernible outside cause.

We have a wings/bird motif.

Our faction's main colors are Blue, Purple, and Yellow.

Oh, and we're an abomination: A foreign and unnatural entity brought into being by the desires of humans in order to change the world and irrevocably distort fate.

We are a manifestation of the will of the one who is and is not Hope.

We are, essentially, a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch.
But Tzeentch doesn't have the Shokk attack gun and its exciting table of crits and critfails And a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch shouldn't do something as obvious and straightforward as playing an army full of Tzeentch daemons. In fact, it's best if we pick a particularly un-Tzeentch army, one that doesn't go much for plans and tricks more complicated than "go over there and charge whoever looks fun to fight," i.e. the Orks. This is sound and excellent logic.
Brina's army should include as many named characters as there are posters, and her basic, disposable units would be an endless amount of guys with red shirts. A Redshirt Army, you could say.

No armor, though. The red shirts need to be visible, after all.

"... A terrible empress," says Homura, watching as Sabrina throws away a hundred lives to take down a single ork.
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No armor, though. The red shirts need to be visible, after all.
Just buy shirts that are a size too big and wear them over the armor. That's what I do.
Adhoc vote count started by The Narrator on May 1, 2017 at 10:20 PM, finished with 115985 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Actually, ask Mami what she thinks of you having "Vee" for a surname. Tell Yuuki to make that so, if Mami agrees.
    [X] Ask Yuuki if she got the message from her sister about tracking down that phone?
    [X] Ask Sayaka if she'd like to show off some powers?
    [X] Respect the Ishinomaki group's decision; tell them about your plan to distribute Seeds to every group you can reach, maybe they'll prefer to have a Clear Seed later on?
    [X] Before you get going, say you'd like to meet up for non-business related issues some time. For fun.
    [X] Go pick up Nadia and go to Sendai, if nobody has anything else to add.
    [X] Actually, ask Mami what she thinks of you having "Vee" for a surname. Tell Yuuki to make that so, if Mami agrees.
    [X] Ask Yuuki about tracing Kuroki's phone. She's a magical girl that might need help.
    [X] Ask Sayaka if she'd like to show off some powers?
    [X] Respect the Ishinomaki group's decision; tell them about your plan to distribute Seeds to every group you can reach, maybe they'll prefer to have a Clear Seed later on?
    [X] Before you get going, say you'd like to meet up for non-business related issues some time. For fun.
    [X] Go pick up Nadia and go to Sendai, if nobody has anything else to add.
    [X] No surname
    [X] Ask Yuuki about tracing Kuroki's phone. She's a magical girl that might need help.
    [X] Ask Sayaka if she'd like to show off some powers?
    [X] Respect the Ishinomaki group's decision; tell them about your plan to distribute Seeds to every group you can reach, maybe they'll prefer to have a Clear Seed later on?
    [X] Before you get going, say you'd like to meet up for non-business related issues some time. For fun.
    [X] Go pick up Nadia and go to Sendai, if nobody has anything else to add.