Ladies and gentlethings, Sabrina plays da Boyz.
We should make our next Mobile Oppression Fortress red.

Because the red ones go faster. :D

To be fair, she started off figuring out how to make explosives from the internet. She's been around long enough she might have modified their chemistry after figuring out how to take them apart and stick something even more volatile inside.
o_O ...I think you've got that a bit backwards. The stuff Homura learned to make off the internet was probably pretty crude, whereas the stuff used in modern hand grenades is decently advanced. She only used pipe bombs before she'd stolen stolen some proper explosives.

There really isn't anything significantly more powerful per gram than the Composition B used in frag grenades, short of nukes. And I don't think that a middle schooler working in her basement with instructions off the internet was able to outdo two hundred years of weapons development by thousands of trained chemists with the resources of entire nations.

Pretty much the only way Homura's making explosives more powerful than what the military already uses is by enchanting them somehow.

The thing is, a fireball doesn't mean that an explosion is more powerful. Rather the opposite. Hollywood explosions look like they do because they're mostly incendiaries rather than high explosives, to produce a visually impressive fireball with less dangerous shrapnel and overpressure. A real explosion is a lot less flashy, but a lot more destructive. The artists for the series are artists: they drew explosions that looked cool rather than ones that were realistic.
(Actually, given her stated disinterest in being bound by canon, she probably plays da Gurlz. With cute little ribbons on their heads and pony decals on the armor.)
Even better: an entire army built out of Pinkie Pie reality warpers.

Faced with the imminent destruction of their race, enemies at all sides bent on their destruction, Celestia and Luna made a decision that would alter the fate of the Galaxy:

They gave Pinkie Pie full access to the Mirror Pool.

Now, everything has changed. The Imperium of Man has given up removing the paper hats jauntily placed on the Golden Throne. The Necrons remember their birthdays. The Eye of Terror, on occasion, glows Pink.

For They have come, to make their mark on the galaxy, in their legions unending. And they. Have come. To Party.

The horror. The horror.
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All right, gang. We've been neglecting a major issue that was bought up before the last update.

Unless I have been a great big dumb and missed someone's post, all we determined was that our army'd have a My Little Pony aesthetic, not what they'd be mechanically. With Sayaka not only bringing her minis but demonstrating that she's a meming 40K nerd, this ambiguity cannot stand.

Fortunately, I have a solution.

Sabrina must have an army that reflects her. But what is Sabrina? She is the comic relief of a dark and dangerous setting, a fount of bizarre ideas and silly humor while still managing to be an intimidating badass. She produces outlandish devices like MECHA GURREN ZILLA LAGANN that function mainly by the superhuman power of her will. She is an outsize filthy xenos foreigner created by a process nobody is entirely certain about but was probably pretty nonstandard. She speaks, despite all languages generally being rendered in standard English for our convenience, in a mispronunciation-using slang. She understands that there is no such thing as enuff dakka.

Ladies and gentlethings, Sabrina plays da Boyz.

(Actually, given her stated disinterest in being bound by canon, she probably plays da Gurlz. With cute little ribbons on their heads and pony decals on the armor.)
Eh, maybe, but honestly?

We bring Hope from Despair.

We wield Magic.

We steal, trade in, and manipulate Souls.

We devise machinations and plots of ever increasing complexity, to the point that we must devise yet more to address the inevitable conflicts between our preexisting plans.

We are unpredictable in the extreme, seemingly running off on tangents and getting distracted...because we have so many machinations and conflicting personalities that demand swift changes in mood and behavior, with no easily discernible outside cause.

We have a wings/bird motif.

Our faction's main colors are Blue, Purple, and Yellow.

Oh, and we're an abomination: A foreign and unnatural entity brought into being by the desires of humans in order to change the world and irrevocably distort fate.

We are a manifestation of the will of the one who is and is not Hope.

We are, essentially, a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch.
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We could always try dispersing most of it into particulate that's too small to interact with visible light? As a nifty bonus, we could then use that cloud of inert grief as a proprioceptive awareness of everything within a given range of us!
I'd be more than okay with this.
and this particular conversation can just as easily include Mami.
That's kind of what I'm feeling, but I'm not sure about it. We ran into this issue earlier:
You freeze. Your best argument had been to appeal to the fact that if you're all guarding Madoka, then Oriko couldn't harm her. But you can't say that around Mami without explaining why Madoka specifically needed guarding.

"How-" you say, picking your words very carefully even as the necessity of talking around Mami burns in the pit of your stomach. "-much trouble can Oriko really get up to while we're at Madoka's?"
And I don't want to do that to Sabrina again. I think that we can get away with it this time, because we the question of her presence on the cleansing trip as an excuse to focus on her and keeping everybody safe is our domain, but it's still pretty close to revealing that Homura cares about Madoka specifically.
I think the big problem there was explaining why Oriko would be specifically targeting Madoka, not why Homura would be specifically protecting her.
No? Why Homura is specifically protecting her ties into all the time travel stuff that we've resolved not to tell anyone without Homura's permission - why Oriko was targeting her only requires "if you make a wish the universe will be destroyed, and she went full Batman 'if there's even a 1% chance we have to treat it as an absolute certainty' dumb logic... But still don't make a wish because seriously bad stuff will happen, even if you think it won't."
Anybody have any ideas about why Homura went out and got in a tree to keep watch, instead of staying with everybody?
Right, I'm going to edit The Vote. Mami will probably realize that Homura's protecting Madoka specially, but no Oriko involvement should mean no implications and she can pass it off as crush or metaknowledge or both.

[x] Having Madoka and Homura along to meet with Bennouna sounds great, if they want to come.
[x] But the cleansing trip... maybe once peace has settled in and these trips are routine, but right now we're not quite sure what these girls are like or how it'll go.
[x] You actually wanted to ask Homura and Madoka if they could hold the fort while the rest of the team was off doing that.

[x] Bennouna or Enchanting is probably first, though, so... everybody meet back up in an hour?
-[x] Thank the Madoparents for having you over!
-[x] Offer Sayaka and Homura rides home.

[x] Before you leave, pull Madoka aside and thank her for the sleepover. Not only was it nice on its own, the sheer normalcy of it is important. Inviting Sayaka was a particularly good idea; Madoka's a Good Friend.
-[x] Speaking of which, ask Madoka to point the friendship cannons at Homura. It'd be good for her, and you're sure she'd appreciate it.

[x] Drop Sayaka off first, then discuss the keeping-Madoka-safe plan with Homura and Mami while flying to Homura's apartment.
-[x] You agree with keeping Madoka away from danger, but she'll always want to help and she's too brave to be simply scared away, so you're giving her other - safer - ways to feel and be included.
-[x] You also want to keep her in the loop, particularly about the current situation and your plans for keeping it under control, so she doesn't worry and feel like she needs to do something.
-[x] For example, you want to bring up the Tokyo situation at some point today and get everybody's input on it.

[x] Fly home with Mami.
-[x] Does she want to try the ribbon-wings again? ^_^
No, like... Non-witchy grief. If we have a cloud of grief can we infinitely divide it into smaller clouds, or is there a limit?
On that note: Can we enchant a microscope to work by bouncing increasingly smaller points of grief off the experiment and making a picture out of the data?
We could always try dispersing most of it into particulate that's too small to interact with visible light? As a nifty bonus, we could then use that cloud of inert grief as a proprioceptive awareness of everything within a given range of us!
Oh, and make sure Mami doesn't actualyl breathe in any of it. That might be strange.
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Anybody have any ideas about why Homura went out and got in a tree to keep watch, instead of staying with everybody?
Maybe being so near to a sleeping Madoka brought up too many temptations painful memories?

No, like... Non-witchy grief. If we have a cloud of grief can we infinitely divide it into smaller clouds, or is there a limit?
Depends on what exactly grief is made of. Does grief have atoms and molecules? Grief photons? A Planck constant's worth of grief?
Idea: find an area far away from civilization.

Make Grief shield/cocoon.

Compress a Grief sphere as much as we can stand.

Then hit it with a high speed bullet of compressed grief.

Might we see Grief fission?
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Idea: find an area far away from civilization.

Make Grief shield/cocoon.

Compress a Grief sphere as much as we can stand.

Then hit it with a high speed bullet of compressed grief.

Might we see Grief fission?
Allow me to direct your attention to the semi-canon omakes section, and the "accidentally kill everyone with antimatter" bit.
We don't know the upper limits of the pure-physics energy we can get out of griefhax, so I don't think that there's a far enough away from civilization to make it safe. Doing anything "as hard as we can" is liable to outright end the universe.

Besides, I'm not sure that that's the kind of science we need right now. We can already produce as much energy as we want. What we need are conceptual abilities that'll be useful against targets with conceptual hax and stuff that'll help us with social. For example, the experiment we were thinking of doing today to see if Mami's ribbons can transmit our grief manipulation or cleansing. Another one that I want to do is to use Mami's conceptual "connection" magic to figure out some non-QB telepathy. That one would actually be hilariously useful, now that I think about it; more than a few of the problems we're having with this vote would be trivially eliminated by having private telepathy.

Really, calling back to the post I put up about doing everything with friends and about social being everything, the right thing to do is to do science to support social and social to support science. Social means we need to do some stuff to include Sayaka, so we use that to support some research into power copying. Science gives us telepathy, which we use to make social easier. Synergy!
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